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General Atlantic Funds plans to channel one-fourth of its $2 billion-a-year glob

al investments into India

Via The Economic Times | Mar 09, 2015
Global private equity fund General Atlantic, which invests $2 billion worldwide
every year, is planning to channel as much as a fourth of that into India, said
Chief Executive Officer Bill Ford, adding that six sectors have been identified
as investment targets
financial services, retail, healthcare, data-driven busine
ss process outsourcing, Internet advertising and mobile Internet. "Our portfolio
is valued at $13 billion in total of existing companies. I would love to have t
he Indian portfolio represent 20-25 percent of what we are doing," said Ford, an
investor in Indian data analytics provider Mu Sigma. He's cautious about ecomme
rce, into which global investors have been pumping vast amounts of cash. These c
ompanies will have to pass the test of profitability, he suggested.Global privat
e equity fund General Atlantic, which invests $2 billion worldwide every year, i
s planning to channel as much as a fourth of that into India, said Chief Executi
ve Officer Bill Ford, adding that six sectors have been identified as investment
targets financial services, retail, healthcare, data-driven business process ou
tsourcing, Internet advertising and mobile Internet. "Our portfolio is valued at
$13 billion in total of existing companies. I would love to have the Indian por
tfolio represent 20-25 percent of what we are doing," said Ford, an investor in
Indian data analytics provider Mu Sigma. He's cautious about ecommerce, into whi
ch global investors have been pumping vast amounts of cash. These companies will
have to pass the test of profitability, he suggested.

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