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Nisha The Helpful Girl

Hello there, greeted Angel to Nisha. Hi, Angel,

replied Nisha. My father bought me a brand new dress
for our class party. Im excited to wear it. What are you
going to wear for the party? asked Angel. Keeping
quiet, Nisha wonder what shes going to wear since she
belongs to a poor family. Im just going to wear what I
had already have. Im thankful for what I already have,
said Nisha.
Once Nisha reached home, she saw her Grandma was
preparing lunch. She gave some helping hands for her
Grandma.. Then, she saw her father painting the gate
under the hot sun. Nisha asked her fathers permission
to help him and he was grateful about that. At night,
Nisha remembered that she need to prepare her dress
for the class party.
She took out her dress from the cupboard and found
out that her dress was torn. While she was sewing her
dress, her mom asked whether she could help her with
that. Immediately, Nisha felt happy and thanked her
mom for helping her sewing the dress. Later, Nisha felt
very tired and went to sleep. Suddenly, a fairy
appeared. The fairy mend her torn dress to a beautiful

dress since Nisha was a very helpful girl. The next day,

Nisha The Helpful Girl

Hello there, greeted Angel to Nisha. Hi, Angel,
replied Nisha. My father bought me a brand new dress
for our class party. Im excited to wear it. What are you
going to wear for the party? asked Angel. Keeping
quiet, Nisha wonder what shes going to wear since she
belongs to a poor family. Im just going to wear what I
had already have. Im thankful for what I already have,
said Nisha.
Once Nisha reached home, she saw her Grandma was
preparing lunch. She gave some helping hands for her
Grandma.. Then, she saw her father painting the gate
under the hot sun. Nisha asked her fathers permission
to help him and he was grateful about that. At night,
Nisha remembered that she need to prepare her dress
for the class party.
She took out her dress from the cupboard and found
out that her dress was torn. While she was sewing her
dress, her mom asked whether she could help her with
that. Immediately, Nisha felt happy and thanked her
mom for helping her sewing the dress. Later, Nisha felt
very tired and went to sleep. Suddenly, a fairy

appeared. The fairy mend her torn dress to a beautiful

dress since Nisha was a very helpful girl. The next day,

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