Arianna Hill Final Draft

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Arianna Hill

Mrs. Bimonte
Bell 4
Children Are Suffering
Children in poverty are suffering,
they need a better life. In 14 states at
least 30 percent of residents are living in
poverty areas. (Chokshi)
Education Life in Poverty
How does education relate? First
the core of the issue begins with our
education system which has struggled to
provide a quality education that would
prepare our youth for the needs of our
economy. Many people do not know the
law and do not exercise their right due to
poverty- related lack of education and
ignorance. (Poverty, Lack of Resources
Hinder Access to Justice). An amount of
children understands how to do the basic
things in life like, read, write, draw etc. But
many children do not know how to do
things like write a check- book or fill out a
paper to get a credit card. We need to
have more classrooms like this so our
economy can grow. We should have
options that young children can learn how
to do the simple things in life. As life goes
on how are our youth going to know how
to do those adult things? We should
have more subjects taught and options
that will help them learn.
Poverty Impacting the
How does poverty impact the
country? Nigerias unemployment rate

has continued to rise and currently

estimated at a staggering 27%, with youth
unemployment hovering around 55%.
There is much that we can do to alleviate
the stresses caused by population growth
and unemployment. (Putting People First;
Eradicating Poverty in Nigeria). Nigeria
still doesnt have the best employments to
get the job done right. Some areas, that
are in deep poverty has an advantage of
having things getting taking from them
and has to go take more time in jail.
Theyre trying their hardest to get their
economy up and they need to have better
jobs and education. They are this way
because of the economy that they live in.
They cant help it that there in deep
poverty all they can probably do is hope
for the best.
Children in Other
How are children in other
countries? Deep poverty also has severe
consequences for children. Children in
deep poverty are more frequently
hospitalized, do less well in school, and
are less likely to be employed later in life,
said Mariana Chilton, a national expert of
Public Health. (Philas deep poverty rate
highest of nations 10 most populous
cities) In this article it was researched that
children in very low poverty areas were
more likely to go to the hospital their
grades were not up to par and will not
always get the best of jobs. These
children cant get their grades up because
they most likely do not have books or
computers at their house to help them
study or try to do their homework. Also,

they most likely wont get the best of jobs

because, they do not understand what the
their lives in the future are really going to
be, cause when they go to school, the
teachers that are teaching them might not
have that much education as they need to
help other students learn. Their education
is really lacking and they need better
homes, teachers, books, and computers
to help them learn more.
U.S. Poorest Places
Where in U.S. are poorest places?
The World Bank recently released its
annual report on poverty where the world
body highlights report about countries and
the impact on poverty which is done
painstakingly to avoid ambiguity and lack
of depth. Our country Nigeria was
identified as one of the least successful
countries not addressing poverty

alleviation in its entirety since the

introduction or establishment of the
Millennium Development Goals Fourteen
years ago. (Putting People First
Eradicating Poverty in Nigeria) In this
article it is talking about Africa Global
media and how the country Nigeria didnt
really address the poverty situation
fourteen years ago in the millennium
development. And it also let us know that
five countries, Bangladesh, China, DR
Congo, India and Nigeria are some of the
poorest countries.
The Childrens Defense Fund will release
a groundbreaking report that for the first
time details how to end 60 percent of child
poverty in America right now. (Press
Briefing for Childrens Defense Funds
Groundbreaking Poverty Report)

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