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10 lessons

1. Dont do drugs. After the lieutenant had gone, we began singing the
national anthem, high we exalt theeand marching, smoking and
sniffing the cocaine and brown brown that was in abundance at bauya.
We chatted all night, mostly about how good the drugs were. You
should never do drugs because it can make you go insane, it can also
cause injuries or even death and addiction depending on what kind of
2. Dont shoot guns. I lay on my back in the tent with my ak-47 on my
chest and the g3 I had brought with me leaning on the peg of the tent
(beah120). You shouldnt shoot guns because it can hurt people or kill
them. Kids should not be doing this especially because they can hurt or
kill themselves.
3. You should not live in a bad environment. Bodies, furniture, cloths,
and all kinds of property were scattered all over (beah27). Living in a
bad environment can cause emotional problems and can affect your
life. Kids should be put in a good environment where they can learn
and not see dead bodies lying around in their village.
4. Making a child kill someone is wrong. The corporal gave the signal
with a pistol shot and I grabbed the mans head and slit his throat in
one fluid motion (beah125). Making a child kill someone can cause the
child to go crazy and especially a brutal kill like slicing someones
throat. That can affect a Childs life forever.
5. You should never shoot a child. I was filling my backpack with
ammunition from a hut when bullets began to rain on the village again.
I was hit three times on my left foot(beah156 157). A child should
never be around gunshots and especially should never feel the pain of
a gunshot.
6. Children should never be around a war. During the dry season of my
years, we were low on food and ammunition. So as usual, we decided
to attack another village(beah155). A child should never have to fight
and kill people just for food and supplies. First of all they should never
have to kill people. Second of all they shouldnt have to steel food.
7. Children should never have to witness someone dying. The corporal
gave the signal with a pistol shot and I grabbed the mans head and
slit his throat in one fluid motion you should never have to wittiness

10 lessons
someone dying and you should kill someone. Watching someone dying
can affect your life dramatically.
8. Children should live with fun not war. Our job is a serious one and we
have the most capable soldiers who will do anything to defend this
country (beah123). Their job is not war it is to have fun. They do not
need to worry about protecting their country they need to leave that to
the adults.

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