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Writing #4

1st Essay

Brianda Moncada Gonzlez
ID #: 27400,

Mexicali, BC, November 12, 2014

Impact of media on society

Social media is changing the way we are perceived, both positively and
negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing











As Amy Martin said media is changing the world, it has become so essential for our
daily basics that we had become in a completely new type of society. Its very
important to know, what media has done to us, is it good or does it affect us?
In the past few years media has expand, becoming a massive need to all of
us. But we havent thought about the consequences. First, lets think how does
media affects us academically. I think media has improved the quality of education,
people can search for any school doubt they have and the internet will just solve it
instantly. But it also has some cons, one of the is that internet made students lazier
because before media exists they used to look up for information in books, so they
used to read a lot and now information is just a click away from us.
Media also affected the way information travels, it revolutionized the way the
whole world communicates. News travel around the world just in seconds, you can
be notified of any relevant event at any place in the world. I think this helped to
unify the world, and also many social areas. But the information traveling so fast
can confuse people, many news that are in the internet may not be completely
true, so passing fake information someday would cause a problem.
But one of the most shocking consequences for me, that media has provoke
is in our social life. People nowadays dont interact with others, they just
communicate through their devices, there is no more social interacting. Even kids
are stuck the whole day in their ipods, ipads, etc., being that less than 10 years
ago kids went out to play an coexist with the world and others. Young parents are
teaching their children to depend in technology. Im concern if coexisting with
others will disappear one day.

To summarize, I think that media has given us so much comparing to what it

has taken. In my opinion, I consider society will adapt to this new type of living,
maybe we wont coexist as much as we used to, but human is naturally social so
interacting with others would never stop existing.

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