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The HENLEY College

Types of Research
1. Quantitative -


2. Qualitative -


Methods of Research

3. Secondary
4. Primary
5. Data Gathering agencies -


6. Self-generated
Purpose of Research
7. Audience Research

8. Market Research -


9. Production Research


Quantitative research
For quantitative research there are surveys and questionnaires
sent to large numbers of a certain group (whether its age, sex
etc.). This is a quicker way of asking people questions and its
also more organised. Quantitative research can help create
accurate statistics, which can help contribute towards the
music video youre planning on producing.
You can use surveys to collect data for comparing; for example,
by using survey monkey
Reliability can be a slight issue as people who complete surveys
might decide to mess about and put down false information,
theres no way of telling if what they say in the survey is what
they actually think. But other than that, its a decent and fairly
quick way of gathering realistic statistics.
Larger samples means theres
more variety of different
opinions, which is what the
whole population is like.
However, answers received are
pretty straightforward and since
its a survey, theres no way of
asking Why? and expanding on
the answer. This means some
answers may be hard to

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a great way to get inside the minds of

music video viewers, this can be in the form of an interview, or
even as a focus group. People are more likely to be open about
their opinions and this can provide more depth in what a viewer
like and what they dont like. Its also a useful way of getting
feedback that will help when it comes to making and producing
the music video.
However, smaller samples means
that the group of people youre
interviewing may have similar
preferences to each other. If this is
the case, then they wont be an
accurate representation of a larger
population since therell be a wider
variety of preferences.
You can explore the type of music
videos that influence people more and why they influence
them. Is it the style? Is it what the artist is wearing? Or is it
maybe the camera angles.


Secondary research is when you go research information from a
source that someone else has provided; this means books,
textbooks, newspapers, the Internet etc. A good way of
collecting secondary data is by watching other music videos
and comparing them to one another, what do they have in
common? Why are they successful? And so on. This can help
you (the producer) pick out certain styles that you can use to
your advantage.
Looking at newspaper/magazines/books also counts as
secondary research, since you arent the person who collected
the information. Obtaining secondary research is fairly easy
and you wont have to waste any time organizing meet-ups
with interviewees.
However, not all information is 100% reliable, there may be
some biased information or information that comes from
someone elses opinion. And theres also the risk of plagiarism
and using someone elses notes incorrectly.
Reading through all those magazines, textbooks and newspaper
can be time consuming as well as searching for information on
the Internet.

Primary research is information that youve collected yourself,
this can easily be done by using surveys or questionnaires and
it helps to have a large group. This adds more variety to your

collected statistics. Interviewing is also a form of primary

research, since youre asking people face-to-face on their views
on things.
Surveys are easy to distribute, you can do this via email,
Facebook and other social
websites, this makes it a lot
easier to get a lot of results
from different people.
Filming a selected focus
group is another way of
obtaining primary
information, not only does it let the focus group explain their
opinions out loud, but it also provides proof that you went and
got yourself a focus group consisting of real people.
The negative thing about primary research is that sometimes is
difficult to find a good enough number of survey participants
and this may affect the overall data collected. If there arent
enough participants, the data wont be reliable enough to
represent whatever group theyre representing.

Data Gathering agencies (RAJAR)

Data gathering agencies such as RAJAR are useful as they cover

a wider population than if you were to interview a small group.
This makes the data more accurate as it represents a larger
percentage of the population.
The method that they use to collect measurements is based on
a paper diary which is filled on a quarter-hour basis over a one
week period (By the selected sample).There have been some
speculation that the collection method (using the diary) under
reports station audiences.
RAJAR also conducts tests on electronic devices and pick up
encoded signals within station transmissions. Measurements
they capture are for both conscious and unconscious
listening. RAJAR has now joined with BARB to improve
measurement collection. They now have the aid of electronic
measurement panels with the further testing of The Portable
People Meter to capture radio listening and TV viewing.

This is research that isnt from any external sources.
Forms of self-generated research could be:

A video that you have made and produced. This

becomes research once youve looked into the
elements of filming techniques, shot types and its
only self-generated if you look back at your own
Your own photography work This can be in a
binder and this becomes research if you consider
yourself a photographer or artist and have looked
at different elements of photography.
A music piece Just like the photography work, it
becomes research once you research into different
elements of music and you constantly refer back to
your own work.
Basically, self-generated research is work that youve
thoroughly researched about, and you always look back
at it for information.

Audience Research

Kantar Media installs people meters within households, this

measures the types of television content is being watched and
by who.
The people meter is placed near the TV and measures what is
being watched. Theres also a handset that identifies which
family member is sitting in front of the TV and watching the
content. The people meter recognises what the content being
watched is by the audio, rather than the actual footage.
Since technology around the world constantly evolves, Kantar
Media also includes a virtual meter; this is another version of
the people meter thats downloadable for other devices such as
Tablets, smart phones and laptops. And just like the TV people
meter it recognises TV content by audio matching.

Market Research
Market research is when you thoroughly explore and look into
the market that your music video will compete with others for
attracting a bigger fan base as well as money.

Here are a few example of what you should be looking at when

market research:
Statistical data about the viewers/audience This means
WHO views WHAT and WHEN. It can help give a clearer
picture of the group youre aiming to entertain/attract.
How aware the audience are of your type of product/music
video Is it fairly popular already? Or is it something new
that people may find intriguing?
Attitudes towards products (music videos) and services
(YouTube or Vevo) and what are their behaviours towards
them? How do the viewers react to similar music videos?
Would your music video attract good or bad attention?
Based on reactions towards similar products, should you
do the same or play it safe?
Competition! How can you be unique without being too
over the top? What can you do to make your product
stand out from the rest in a positive way?

Production Research
For the production research youll have to research what you
want the content to be. Planning the production is really
important, so if you get something wrong that would mean
money being wasted and more having to be spent. Careful
planning can help minimise the cost of preparation.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the

Staff People youll need to help with the production. Or
maybe even act.
Equipment Youll equipment for filming and things like
green screens, props and extra stuff e.g. make-up,
Locations There are free available locations, but its more
impressive to take things into your hands and hire out a
building or set. The prices can vary, but money is money.
Advertising Creating ads on the Internet can help your
product get noticed.
Distribution How do you want your product to get to
people? You can pay a radio station to air your music or
stream on the Internet.
Copyright! You dont want to get fined for using someone
elses material, so youll have to be wise and avoid calling
someone elses work yours. (Referencing can help a lot).
You should also consider your income How many DVDs, CDs
have been sold? How many times has the song been
downloaded? How many subscribers do you have (YouTube)?
Are you going to be contributing a brand into your videos? (Like
Beats has in many mainstream music videos).

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