Play Games With English 2-1

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AN ENTERTAINING WAYTO IMPROVE. YoUR ENGLISH- LN ote ciel av el This book.contains Tete mene Chea iP pees oe eaters rel is fee see momy other a mS “s eT Sec i ae C2, ‘¢ a! Om, at irda ee ae See Stes oe ean] Dd ald COO eas eae) Heinemann Educational Books Lid ‘72 Bedford Square, Landon WC1B SHH, {© Colin Granger and John Piurb 1961 First published Reprinted 1982. 1383, 1985, 1986 (twice), 1947 Play Games With English 2\s published togetherwith an accompanying Teachers‘ Book (ISBN 0 435 28063 5) ‘Gritiah Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Granger, Goiin iy garnen with Enola, hai language - Taxt-books for foreigners. Tin amas PEN28 ISBN 0-435-28062.7 Copyriant ‘These games are copyright. They should not be reproduced In any form without prior written consent from the publisher, Cover design and illustrations ty John Plumb, ‘Typeset by Ardok Phiotosettars, St. Leonords-on-Soa, Sussox Printed in Great Britain by J. W, Arrowamith Lea, Bristol 8S3 2NT trie book at hore, here is some eee of tena et gn dro Poe ey ame Read the instructions. 2 Rea ‘anawers on a piece of paper: 3 ‘Book if there Is room, ee at tre back of the book. 4 ee tthe Se soutien. the Poo of the game page|_-——~ 1) Sa, for sees wernt BFC) moro) book are. oe teoms sropeean mi Wiiout areartne back e fun! anew and Jenn Plume: on pot the Differ We woul like to thank Davi belp in the pei ing of the Davies's Schoo! in Brighton for his * = ng book eon a os fee iat Look at this picture of busy hospital to find someone - Spotthe Difference! | CATEGORIES 1 Compare the pictures. Write what is different in picture B. Far aeanple rane &, Putas nonin thecenrokt cattuory, There is Some fruit salad. There aren't any chips tf = 7 There are six more differences between picture A and picture B Try to find tham, Use thesa forms in your onswers Therois $22: There are some There atany... There aren't any | ell ce comes avon Ef reat? races GP niin Solutionon page 58 Solutian an page 59 3 ‘What do these people do? Where do these people Who wears what for their work? work? outa ES inna corer bos are Forerampe: 1 earpeos — a a 10. A chambermaid 6 A chef. teen cars. 1) oe works IN a Pee oy retel. 10. achambermaid 2. Dockers 11. atypist build ships: 12. alecturer halp in hosphais, 13. an actor 14, a sales assistant 15, a machinist 2. Taitors make clothes. look after animal ‘a policeman ‘asurgeon drive targa lorries, aminer achet anairhostess 8 soldier ‘What do they use for their work? How many of these people mates 3% : ie dled ntion 4A ee mechanic uses a ey 7 ma aed i rtmieel oO es Wrickigye, ‘this box, —- — "cep tign, an accountant |e i nist Naenad 8 dressmaker Buy’ bral aaaeae farmer Lala a gardener word’ by a decorator "cian print! et vate Bey a sewing machine \emist (2 0ein Garon wd dan Phare l Solution onpage 59 SconcurgesnemPue —§ e Difference 2 is things — he likes everything to be in the right thing iswhare it should be, in picture B some things 0 Where can you sae these b signs? Write the letter next to the correct place: Ey Forexample & Fro abus stop (gi Put these pictures into the GEES) ae isnt” Last night Frank eke up. () Ba He heard a noise. Ci STORY ‘NO Please Don't ee Aa WAITING | | Feed The Animals ] [S FASTEN SEAT BELTS K = = = el inazoo | GM inabus ona railway Greve’ SS} inwpark C1 ge station C1 platform ina street once *onadoor [} BE sacsinicy F[Honeton FB inotnin CEE Sonaplone 2 Solution on page 60 HE} on agate 8 Can Ganges De diverataie Tata atthe woo ‘grout of ea paren are bn Pare ‘Solution on page 60 5 LY WROM? Write a sentence about each picture. For example: |. Yesterday? was sung bythe Beatles EE, ‘Can you tell what these people are going to-do? I For exaniple |. She's going to play the piano. & 3. St Paul's Cathedral Alexander Flaming ‘The Beatios mest Hemingway George Gershwin Alfred Hitchcock King Camp Gillene Sir Christopher Wren Use these verbs: sing make discover invent write design compose play pickup sticken open switchon doup dial sew on 10 Cet any Solution on page 61 Solution an poge 6Y COMPARATIVE QUIZ Putthese words in the correct order. Foraxample: 588, ocean, lake (large! ’ Oceat,, Sea, lake. An cceatis the largest. A sea is larger than a lake. captain, sergeant. major limportant) Major, captain, sergeant. A major is the mast Ivportamt: A captain is mare important than 4 Sergeant. 1. city, village, town (big) ny Lae 2. foot, inch, yard (lang) 3. gold, platinum, silver (precious) 4. motorway, lane, road (wide) 5. puddle, rivar, stream (deep! 6. nurse, matran, surgeon (senior) 7. bush, shrub, tree (tail) ®. ay, tanger att youre ae? an 00 Pus Solution on page 6? spotthe Difference 3 Frank does the housework every Saturday moming, In picture & Frank is just starting to tidy up the kitchen, Picture B shows Frank stil hard at work one hour later. What jobs has Frank done and what jobs hasn’the done yet in picture 8? For example: He has washed the tea towels. He hasn't done the washing up yet: Find four more jobs Frank has done and four more jobs he hasn't done yet. Use the verbs in the box below, putaway do hangup sweep clear clean empty vacuum (DCain Grange and Jone Puns 13 Solutian on page 61 How much do you know about Great Britain? Decide whether these statements about Great in are true or faise, How do you think these sentences are said? Connect the santances with the most appropriate adverb, For example. 1, youhiroacarin i ‘ Stab up, she said angrily. GroatBritain you will [i havato drive on the left around Wales: ic dietion= ADORE WWE PRED MY 5 = 'eeh Cree} {Seamer TRUE [] FALSE [] FALSE [J S S, WON'T: S sigh Ae ane ae 2. Iftyougoonasight. 6. Ityougo ona boattrip seeingtourafLondon ‘awnthe River Thames you avian e youmtl beable tosee will pass Dover. , luickingham Palace. FA TRUE {FALSE (] TRUE 1 Wse 0 . /' sho sald wadly. 3. HyougotStratford-on-Avon 7. you will be ableta visi toScatland you will have William Shakespeare toshow your passports at birthplace, the airport, TRUE [] FALSE [] TRUE [] FALSE 1] ityou fly from London rcnentntinetinnel $8 8840 Kindly. ently. ! she said p: ./ she said strictly, x 2 cee es # she said passionately. - 6 = oa 6°... wove’ $he said excitedly, 4. Ifyou go shopping in §. if you take the ferry to Edinburgh you will have Northern Ireland you will 2 , . she seid stubbornly. techanga yaurEnglish cross overthe Eng z enn Roundsis Scottish pounds. Channel. hoe Saaucsuy RUE [] FALSE [) TRUE (] FALSE [] oe Solution on pege 62 @Coin Gargerand John Pe. 15 14 eam Groeten tn Pum, Solution on page 62 Kate has been doing a lot of workin her garden this afternoon. Far exampte: She. has been pruning the tree. & Find six more jabs she has buon doing this afternoon. Use these verbs: paint water clean mend = burn cut 15 1G Gewrger ont Jone Pants Solution on page 62 Look at this picture of a ctassroom ina Language School. You have two minutes to try to memorize the situation. Spelling Quiz Endings Make an adjective from these words by adding an ending, Take care when you do this as sometimes you will have to change the spelling. Forexample: excite + able = excitable coured® Sénse agree truth oxpensé fame goiso” attract excite pgsce8S care terror horror beauty comfort Write the plural of these words: ob 2 eS child a potato 7 @ tooth =a sheep 18 Con Grange ard en Pure Double letters Six of the verbs in the list below have double letters. Use these verbs to about the pictures. For example: Differences These word pairs have the same sound but different meanings. Match the correct ward in the pair with the pictu Forexample: Ps ae voe\(ow ) 4 1. senvscent “ye }, 2. pouripoor ‘pea knit hate 824°) Lop >. melee ies 4, coreal’ser fe 6. heel heat 7. peace/piece oot? le write EB stationary! 2. breskbrake ef Solution on page 63 (© Coin Granger ire Jon Pare 13 CONNECTIONS 2 Put the sentences below in pairs, Qe Which instructor is giving which instruction? Write Ses? ‘ the number in the box hax! tothe correct instruction. (“ Forexamale: Ad we HY vr } | Ce 3 “tape 2 Geese kee pring oe % i § driving 7. cookery @, language | instructor teacher teacher HOLIDAY, a OPEN TILL NINE. 62 a F 4 THATE COLD) Eieteg 4? Epo tg’ FUL Solution on page 63 Solution on page 63 Everyone in the affice thought their boss was out for the day when suddenly he opened the doar. . Look atthe picture of the office. You have two minutes to try to memorize what everyone is doing, mm. fete mone | "a x yer el a 5. judo 6, basketball [F] Eschteam may have upto A eleven players, only sevenof whom are allowed to play at the same time. Ono team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players mustnotsplash water into an opponent'stace. The two contestants must bow to eachotherat the start of thecontest. Theyshould woarwhiteclothing, Contestants must only attack the arms.and legs of their ‘opponent. They should not getover-excited, [1] The game can be played by two © orfour players. The players should not wear white. The players must change positions aftereach game. The ball must touch the table on both of theneteach timaitis (1 Competitors should weara B crash hat. They must natstop another competitor fram ‘overtaking, Competitors are notallowed to help each ‘other. They may eatand drink during the event. Solutionon page 63 7, waterpolo 8. soccer [] Eachteam may have uptoten E players, only five of whom may play atthoeame time. Players are not allowed to leave the courtwithout permission. The bail may be thrown but itmust not be carried ar kickod. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball (1) Eachteam may have upto F seventeen players only six ot whom are allowed to playat the same time. Players must ‘war skates and numbered shirts. (D] Contestants are weighed G boforathe contest, The contestants’ assistants must leave thering batore the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an ‘opponent behind the neck. Each team must haveeleven Hi players. The two teams should ‘wear different eclours. Only the goalkaoperis allowed to ploy the ball with his hands or arms. @ConGungranasom Pum, 23 You have four minutes; For example: Word Bluff Which isthe tight definition? Put a [vf “next t6 the correct answer, 1, Ateetotaller is someone who never drinks alcohol. b is somone who only drinks tea a is someone who cannot count c 8 place where clothes are sold. 8 [J 8 place where poor people ive. b [ is.a place where goods are stored. ¢ | 2. Awarehouse is 3 100! which you use to cut wood or metal. a Asaw is a tool which you use to undo nuts. b iss tool which you use to pull outnails, — ¢ C] is 8 woman whose husband isdead. a [] 4, Awidower is a man whose wite is dead, yal achildwhose parentsaredead. ¢ [J is somothing which is put on the garden to make 5, Seasoning he Plants arom, ag is something which is put on clothes to make them look pretty. b) is something which is puton food to make |ttastegood. —¢ ‘are people who wear glasses. ag Spectators are people who watch a play or a film, b are people who watch an event, for example: a football match, eO ise room where you keep food a 2 roam where you play games, b 6 8 roam where you store old unwanted things, © 7, Apant is somaone who looks aftercows on afarm, a 8. Acoward is somaone who runs away fram danger. b [7 is someone who helps in a hospital. co Solution onpage 64 Solution on page 64 nGrorgerana. orn Pure 25 | ealeeaiesa ook. at these time words and expressions. Some of th a for’ and Far example ve bean itt fortwo dags Can you tell what these \\ Forexampie: 1. It could be a watch. . ast night woul fivemonthy _juinelrsirn vesterday 208 tho Second World War a into Contin, actqw min oot 12:30 an ever a moment Inst spring alongtim® i965 six hours for since two days lastnight atep —alightbulb atelephone acoin radio ewinegless abiro apenknife awateh 28 . Solution on page 64 Solutianon page 64 2 WHEN, How many years ago did people start doing these things? You don’t have ta know the exact number of years — just guess and see how close you can get. For example: People started watchivig SE, 1 Whetadpeople television ahowk 45 years ago. start watching television? mal ae 2. Whendid people 3. Whendid peop starttravellingin start readin cars? printed books? er Se 5. Whendidpeople 6. Whendid people startusing atomic start going to power? the cinema? wa When did people Whendid people starttaking start listening photographs? torecords? 2B coi Deange and ihn Pure

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