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Gone Girl- Magazine cover


The positioning of the

actors here is very clever
as the fact that they are
centre of the cover
places emphasise on
The woman is dressed in
white symbolising her
supposed innocence and
purity, whilst the man is
dressed in dark coloured
sinister clothing. The fact
he has his leg over
suggests he is trapping
her in his dark world and
manipulating her to do
what he so pleases.
Overall it is a very
abnormal looking image,
creating obscurity.

The titling here is

bold and clear to
read. It doesnt look
like the type of text
that would be
promoting a horror
film, however this
makes it all the
more fearful as it
enhances a persons
curiosity to want to
read on.
Due to the name of
the film GONE GIRL
being placed to the
side of the magazine
creates a feeling of
discoordination .

The colours used are all dark and gloomy colours, creating
the image of an eerie frightful film, which is the exact way in
which we would want our film to be advertised.

Entertainment Weekly as a magazine

Although Entertainment Weekly looks into major film
releases, it also promotes independent films. This
would be ideal for us, as our film is of the independent
film market, and so therefore if this magazine over
promotes a few independent films, it will help to make
our film stand out. It will also give it an important level
of status as such a popular magazine is advertising it.
However, independent film viewers may be unaware
to this and so we feel it will be more suited to us to
pick a magazine that focuses on the niche market of
independent films.

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