Sony SLV660HF Manual

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SONY. .00-788.8 (9) Video Cassette Recorder Operating Instructions Owner's record ‘The model number i located at the rar serial mom Spaces prov {pon your Sony Model No. Serial No, VHS) fori SLV-660HF SLV-L6HF CS SLV-L6HF MX SLV-L6HF PA SLV-L6HF PL ©1995 by Sony Corporation ‘To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or ‘moisture. ‘This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of ‘uninsuleted "dangerous voltage” within the product's cenloware that may be of ‘sufficient magnitude to constitute risk of lectric shock to persons. “This symbol sintered to alert the user to the presence of Important operating and maintenance servicing) instructions in he iterate ‘sccompanying the appliance CAUTION (Stv-660HF) ‘Toprevent electric shock donot use this polarized AC plug withan extension cord, feceptacle or other outlet unless the Blades can ‘ely inserted to prevent blade expose. Precautions Safety 1 For SLV.44014F/LSHF MX/LAHE PA, ‘operate the unit only on 120 V AC, 60 Hz ForSUV-LSHF C5/LSHF PL, operate the tion 100240 V AC, 50/60 He anything falls into the cabinet, unplug the tunitand have lt checked by qualified personne before operating it any furter ISLV-6A08F One blade ofthe plugs wider than the other forthe purpose of safety and Iwill it into the power elle only one way. If you are unable fo inset the plug fly ato the outlet conta! your Sony dele. {SLY.46041F) Unpling the unit from the wall ‘outlet if you do not ntend to use i or an ‘extended perio of time. To disconnect the ‘ord, pl tout by the plug, never bythe cond Installing + Allow adequate air circulation to prevent internal het buildup, + Donot place the unit on surfaces (rugs, blankets, ete) or neat materials (curtains draperies that may block the ventilation slot, + Do not instal the unit nea heat sources suchas radiator o alr duct, orn a place Subject to direct sunlight excessive dust, ‘mechanical vibration or shock + Donot install the ont in am inclined postion Its designed tobe operated in a Forizontal position only. + Keep the unit and casetes away fom juipment with strong magnet such as fhicrowave ovens or large loudspeakers, ‘Bo not place heavy objcts onthe unit. the unit is brought irety from acd to 2 warm loeation, moisture may condense Inside the VCR and cause damage tothe ‘ideo head and tape. When yo frst natal the unit or when you move froma cold Swarm location, wait for bout one hour before operating the unit, Information For customers in the USA (StV-660HF) This equipment hasbeen tested and found 10 comply with the limits fora Clas B digtal Aeviee pursuant to Pat T5 ofthe FOC Rules ‘These limits ae designed to provide reasonable protection again! harmfol Interference ina residential installation. This ‘equipment generates, ses, and can radiate ‘adi frequency energy and, nt installed find usedn accordance with the instructions, ‘nay case harmful interference Fadl ‘ommuestions However, there sno ffunrance tht interference will not occur ina fotcular installation i this equipment docs Exuse harm interference to radio or television reception, which an be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user ‘encouraged to ty to correc the interference by one or more ofthe flowing measures: + Reorent or relocate the receiving antenna {Increase the separation Between the vf th quent into on oui. SSreuitilfernt fom that t which the receiver is connected + Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ ‘Technician for help, ‘You ate cautioned that any changes oF modifications not expresly approved inthis mania cold void your athonty to operate this equipment Caution ‘Television programs, films, videotapes and other maternal may be copyrighted Unauthorized recording of such material may becontary tothe provisions ofthe copyright lane, Also, use of this recorder with cable {clevision transmission may requ Suthorizaton from the cable television transmission and/or program owner. Table of contents 2 24 27 30 ” 32 33 35 36 37 38 Getting Started Step 1: Unpacking Step 2: Setting up the remote commander Step 3: Hookups Step 4: Setting the clock Selecting a language Presetting channels Basic Operations Playing a tape Recording TV programs Recording TV programs using the timer Additional Operations Playing /searching at various speeds Recording TV programs using the quick timer (Checking /changing /cancelling timer settings Recording stereo and bilingual programs : Adjusting the picture Changing menu options Editing with another VCR Controlling other TVs with the remote commander (SLV-660HF only) Additional Information 39 General setup information 41. Troubleshooting 43. Specifications 44 Index to parts and controls. 47 Index back cover ‘Quick reference to using the VCR invodution | 3 | Getting Started —k_=_ Unpacking ‘Check that you have received the following items with the VCR: + Remote commander + AC power cord + Size AA (R6) batteries eee (sever snr my) + Plug adaptor (SLV-L6HE CS/ + Audio /video cable (3-phono to 3 L6HE PL) figo \sthe plug supplied with your VCR does not + 75-ohm coaxial cable with Fype fit your power outlet atlach the supplied Lo ‘connectors daptorto the pg A) Getting Started Setting up the remote commander Inserting the batteries Insert two size AA (R6) batteries by matching, the + and ~on the batteries to the diagram inside the battery compartment. Using the remote commander “You can use this remote commander to operate this VCR and a Sony TV. Buttons on the remote commander marked with dot (+) can be used to operate your Sony TV. Jeoperate __Set[ TWAVTR]t0 the VOR TVR ana post atthe remote sensor onthe VCR | aSonyT [and point a the remote sensor on the TV + With normal use, the batteries should lst about three to six months : + Ifyou do not use the remote commander foran extended period of time, remove the bateres to avoid possible damage from Batery leakage + Do not se anew battery with an old one + Da not use differnt types of batteries Getting Started | 5 Hookups Selecting the best hookup option ‘There are many ways in which your VCR can be hooked up. To hook up your VCR so that it works best for you, first scan through the table below. Then use the accompanying diagrams and procedures on the following, pages to set up your VCR Use Referto TV that has audio/video input ‘Audio/video (A/V) hookup, then Page 7 follow one ofthe hookups below. ‘Antenna only, ao cable TV Hookup 1 Pages to9 Cable ho with many scrambled Hookup 2 Pages 10 t011 channels No cable box orcable box with only» Hookup 3 Pages 12 t0 13 fer scrambled channels Cable box with onlya few scramblat Hookup & Pages 14 t0 15 channels using an A/B switch ‘After you've completed the connections, follow the instructions for setup. During setup, if you need more details on the procedure described, page numbers are provided where you can find complete, step-by-step instructions, After you've completed the setup, you're ready to use your VCR Procedures differ depending on the hookup you used, For an overview, refer to “Quick reference to using the VCR* on the back cover. Before you get started + Turn off the power to all equipment, + Donot connect the AC power cords until all ofthe connections are completed, + Be sure you make connections firmly: Loose connections may cause picture distortion, + If your TV doesn’t match any of the examples provided, see your neatest ‘Sony dealer or qualified technician, caution Connections between the VCR's VHE/UHE connector and the antenna teminals of the TV receiver should be male only as shove inthe following instrctions. Faire to ‘doo may result in operation that violates the rogultions ofthe Federal ‘Communications Commission egarding the use and operation of RF devices, Never ‘cnnec the output of the VCR toan antenna or make smultaneass(paralleD antenna Sn VCR connections a the antenna terminals of yer receiver 6 | Getting stares rrercure If your TV has audio/video (A/V) input jacks, you will gota better picture and sound if you hook up your VCR using these connections. In addition, fora true “home theater” expetience, you should connes ‘tthe audio outputs of your VCR or TV to your stereo system. ff your TV doesn’t have A/V inputs, see the following pages for antenna or cable hoo okups. If you're not planning to use your VCR to record programs, you'te finished selting up the VCR after you've made the connections s If you want to record affair oF off your cable TV system shown on page 7 n, complete these connections first, and then go to the following pages for antenna or cable hookups. IBY Use this hookup if your TV has stereo jacks w Se te ‘Audio/video cable (supplied) Note Toplay a tape in stereo, you must use the A/V connection Note to CATV system installer This minder iy provides to cll the CATV system installers, Wo the NEC that provides guidelines for proper ground Ey Use this hookup if your TV doesn't have stereo jacks Stereo receiver attention to Article 820 and in particu “Specities thatthe cable ground shall be conected tothe grounding system of the building as clase ta the point of cable entry as practical Getting Started 7 ‘Step 3: Hookups (continued) oo Pree EZ Antenna hookup ‘Make the following connections if you're using an antenna (if you don't have cable TV). | BS Use this hookup if you're using: ‘+ VHE/UHF antenna (you get channels 2-13 and channels 14 and higher) ‘+ UHF-only antenna (you get channels 14 and higher) + Separate VHF and UHF antennas Rear of TV VHF/UHF =f] A Match the type of Vi TEAB.orc. Use this hookup if you're using a VHF-only antenna (you get channels 2-13 only) i Rear of TV VHFIUNE Mateh the type of +6] A connector on your TWA Bore ind C, no UHF required {you cannot connect your antenna cable to the VCR directly It your antenna cable sa At cable (300-ohm tin lad cable) attach an external antenna cannector (not supplied) so you can connect the cable o the VHF/UHF IN Conmector- I you have separate cables for VHF and UH antennas, you should use a U/V'band miner (not supplied) For details, see page 40 8| Getting started | PRSIEEA ver setup 1 Set the RF UNIT switch to CH3 or CH 4, whichever ‘channel is not used in your area. Ifboth are used, set the switch to either channel RF UNIT = ors, Sens For details, see page 29. If you made A/V connections (page 7), you can skip this step. Change the on-screen display language if desired. For details, see page 17. (© Press MENU and select LANGUAGE. os Select the language, and press EXECUTE, ela ‘Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET. Set [Gane oe ANTENNA/CABLE to ANT: Fordetails, see | ranoma cane saer cae page 18. MEE” sco use Preset the channels into the VCR. Select Ten oe AUTO PRESET and press EXECUTE mapounscaae nr cat Getting Started | 9 eee Tne | SE ‘Step 3: Hookups (continued) Cees Eo 1 Cable box with many scrambled channels Recommended use Use this hookup if your cable system scrambles all or most channels, ‘What you can do with this hookup * Record any channel by selecting the channel on the cable box ‘What you can't do ‘+ Record one channel while watching another channel Cable box ee ees eae fe) “Bl wears var © 8 For connector fo} types Band C, no LUHF connection is required. o your TV: A, Bor | 10) Getting started 1 Set the RF UNIT switch to CH3 or CH 4, whichever channel is not used in your area. Ifboth are used, set ‘the switch to either channel For details, see page 39. I you made A/V connections (page 7), you can skip this step ‘Turn on your cable box. Change the on-screen display language if desired. For details, see page 17. (© Press MENU and select LANGUAGE. Select the language, and press EXECUTE, Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET. Set ANTENNA/CABLE to ANT. For details, see page 18, Preset the channels into the VCR. Select AUTO PRESET and press EXECUTE. RFUNIT Fe cha oe Getting Started Pere ery " ——__——_———_——— Step 3: Hookups (continued) rr Cee) No cable box, or cable box with only a few scrambled channels Recommended use Use this hookup if you do not have a cable box. Also use this hookup if your cable system scrambles only a few channels What you can do with this hookup ‘+ Record any unscrambled channel by selecting the channel on the VCR ‘What you can't do + Record scrambled channels that require a cable box ver Rear of TV VHFIUHE re fo] & Matenthe ype of connector fon your TV: A, Borc. For connector types Band C, no UHE connection Connect this cable —f or is required. directly to your TVit jou don’t have a Zable box. F cable box walt 12) Getting Started [EEE ver stun 1 Set the RF UNIT switch to CH3 or CH 4, whichever: RF UNIT Cannel isnot sed in your — capes eer sas) page theswiteh toether A channel Es For details, see page 39. If you made A/V connections (page 7), you can fil Sup this step. P CL i 3 Change theon-screen display language if desired, For details see pamel? O Press MENU and stat LANGUAGE os @ Select the language, and press EXECUTE. esol Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET. Set [inenpacser oe ANTENNA/CABLEW CABLE Fordetalsy[ovtewe ance ‘see page 18. MOROTSET sano enace 5 Preset the channels into the VCR. Select Tae poe on IRUTO PRESET and press EXECUTE eat cies Getting Started | 13 SS EEE EEE EEE Step 3: Hookups (continued) Come eo Cable box with only a few scrambled channels, using an AIB switch Recommended use By using an A/B switch (not supplied), this hookup allows you to record both scrambled and unscrambled channels conveniently What you can do with this hookup + Record any unscrambled channel by selecting the channel directly on the VCR (the A/B switch is et to A) + Record any scrambled channel by selecting the channel on the cable box (the A/B switch is set to BY What you can't do + Record one scrambled channel while watching another channel (the A/B. switch is set to B) Cable box. Rear of 1V uaF ‘Match the type of, connector on your { TV:A, Bor : For connector types 8 and C. no UNF connection is required 14 J Getting startes PEE vcr setup 7 ‘Set the RF UNIT switch to CH 3 or CH 4, whichever channel is not used in RF UNIT yourrea iibatvare | ‘Sedemtheswichto tee! ces Rou either channel For details, se page 39. If you made A/V connections (page 7), you can skip this step. Set the A/B switch to “A.” (Change the on-screen display language if desired. For details, see page I7. (© Press MENU and select LANGUAGE, ee © Select the language, and press EXECUTE. rea Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET. Set [carat on ANTENNA/CABLE to CABLE. For details, | rou cane anrecane see page I8. StoKSeY” ago ese Preset the unscrambled channels into the Tene om VCR. Select AUTO PRESET and press serena cane wr cae EXECUTE foronS"oxa0 enue Preset the cable box output channel (usually 2,3 0r4). For details, see age 20. Cable box output channel (© Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET, n anne eB] © Lente he cable bo ouput chan cones woe (© Set MANUAL SET to ADD and press EXECUTE Getting Startes per ines) 15 Setting the clock Set the time and date to use the timer feature for recording programs, Before you start... ‘Tum on the VCR and the TV. + Set the TV to the VCR channel (channel 3 or 4). If your TV is ‘connected to the VCR using A/V connections, set the TV to video input + Press TV/VTR to display the VTR indicator in the VCR's display window, 1 em Press MENU, then press CURSOR $/4 to rove the cursor (b) to CLOCK SET and press EXECUTE a ag Press CURSOR /# to set the month. cor 2 Qe Aerie rw seven 3 GD __ Press CURSOR = to flash the day and aa + To preset cable TV channels: Press CURSOR #/= to set ANTENNA/ CABLE to CABLE, ‘To preset VHF and UHF channels: ress CURSOR 4/6 to set ANTENNA/ CABLE to ANT. Press CURSOR tt/# to select AUTO PRESET, then press EXECUTE, All receivable channels are preset in ‘numerical sequence. When no more receivable channels can be found, presetting stops and the picture from the lowest numbered channel is displayed on the TY screen continued Getting started | 19 resetting channels (continued) Presetting/disabling channels manually eo ooo Joe p: 3 cxccure *| Getting Started Press MENU and select TUNER PRESET, then press EXECUTE, + To preset a channel: 1 Press the number buttons to enter the channel number, then press ENTER, 2 Press CURSOR #=/=@ to set MANUAL SET to ADD. ‘To disable a channel: 1 Press CH +/~to select the channel number. 2 Press CURSOR #*/=@ to set MANUAL SET to ERASE MENU cursor EXECUTE Number buttons, ENTER ce Channel tbe preset TRE 26 Channel tobe disabled 26 Repeat step 2 to preset or disable channels as required, then press EXECUTE, If the picture is not clear ‘Normally the Auto Fine Tuning (AFT) function automatically tunes in channels leary. however, the picture of a channel is not clear, you can also use the manual tuning fanction 1 sew ress MENU and select TUNER PRESET, thenpress EXECUTE. Press the number buttons to select the channel you want to fine-tune, then press ENTER. Press CURSOR 74 to Setect FINE aBe TUNING ‘The fine tuning meter appears. ress CURSOR 44/6 to adjust toa clearer piture then press EXECUTE Note that the AFT setting switches to OFF MENU ‘cuRsOR EXECUTE Number buttons, ENTER Selected channs Getting Started Perr sry an Basic Operations — Playing a tape eect counter RESET 2 SEARCH SEARCH DispLay pause ead ray stor < PLAY. ‘When the tape reaches the end, it will rewind automaticaly, ‘Additional tasks we Stop play Pause ply _ Resume play ater pause M PAUSE or & PLAY Search for D> For 6 SEARCH during playback Search backward “4 REW or © SEARCH during playback Fastforward thetape > FF during stop __ [Rewind the tape 4 REW during st0p _ ‘To use the time counter At the point on the tape that you want to find later, press COUNTER RESET. The counter in the display window resets to “OHOOMO0S.” Search for the point afterwards by referring to the counter. nono Le UI Ly Lt Le To display the counter on the TV screen, press DISPLAY. Notes + Tapes recorded in the LP mole on her VCRs can be played back on this VCR but the picture quality cannot be guaranteed + The counter resets to "OHOUMOOS" whenever a tape i reinserted + The counter stops counting when i comes ta portion with no recording. Basic Operations Recording TV programs J 1 ‘Tur on your TV and set i tothe video channel ‘orecord from acable box, turn ton 2 Insert a tape with ts safety ta in place. 24| asic Operations JS, Press TAPE SPEED to solect the tape speed, SP or EP. TF) EP provides recording time three times as long as SP, however, SP prowluces better picture andl audio quali a 3] eI . o CH I | hag ee - a PR Perens nthe a ‘To stop recording Press m STOP. To check the remaining tape length ress DISPLAY during playback or recording, The white bar indicates the approximate length of tape remaining [SET — Remaining tape length [Zaz — Time counter To watch another TV program while recording 1 Press TV/VTR to turn off the VTR indicator inthe dsplay window. 2. tthe TV is connected tothe VCR's LINE OUT jacks, set the TV toTV input if not, skip his sep. B Select another channel onthe TV continued Basic Operations | 25, Recording TV programs (continued) To save a recording To prevent accidental erasure, break off the safety tab as illustrated. To record on a tape again, cover the tab hale with adhesive tape, %) Safety tab Tips *+ To select a channel, you can use the number buttons on the remote commander Enter the channel number then press ENTER, + You can select a video source frm the LINE IN jacks using CH +/~. When you use C1147", "L" inthe display window appears Between the lowest program postin nd the highest one + The display appears on the TV sercen indicating information about the tape, but the Information wont be recorded onthe tape. + If you don’t want to watch TV while rec a cable box, make sure to leave iton. Notes +The remaining tape length may nat be indicated accurately for short tapes such as ‘T200r E30, oF tapes recorded in the LP mode + The display does not appear ding still (pause) made, search mode or slow-motion playback + Teeny take up to one minute fr the VCR to calculate and display the remaining tape length ater you press DISPLAY ing, you can turnoff the TV. When using. 26} basic Operations Recording TV programs using the timer ‘You can preset up to eight programs at a time. Before you start... + Check that the VCR clock is set tothe correct time. ‘+ Tum on your TV and sett to the video channel. When using a cable box, turn iton. «Insert Tape with its safety tab in place. Make sure the tape is longer than the total recording time. Vstem Press MENU and sclect TIMER SET/ (C9 CHECK, then press EXECUTE. a a5 POWER MENU ‘cursor EXECUTE suopeiedo >ysea. continued Basic Operations | 27 Recording TV programs using the timer (continued) 2 Set the date start and stop times, channel aagsaro number and tape speed Bees oe CH 1 Press CURSOR = to lash each item in tum. 2 Press CURSOR #/4 to set each item. ‘To.correct a seting, press CURSOR 4 to return to that setting and reset ‘To record the same program every day or the same day every week, press CURSOR + while the date i lashing, For details, see “Daily/ ‘weekly recording” on page 29, To record from a source connected to the LINE IN jacks, press CURSOR /4 to display “L” inthe “CH” position Bars CASON conn te seting <}<253:(B> The cursor (®) appears at the top ofthe line. To enter another setting, move the cursor to the next line and repeat step 2 SS ress EXECUTE. ress POWER to turnoff the VCR ‘The TIMER indicator on the VCR lights up and the VCR stands by for recording. When using a cable box, eave it on. To stop recording To stop the VCR while recording, press il STOP. To use the VCR after setting the timer ‘Touse the VCR before a timer recording begins, just press POWER. The TIMER indicator turns off and the VCR switches on, Remember to press POWER to reset the VCR after using the VCR. You can also do the following tasks while the VCR is recording: + Reset the counter. * Display tape information on the TV screen, ‘ Check the timer settings. ‘+ Watch another TV program, 28} Basic Operations Daily/weekly recording In step 2 above, press CURSOR + to select the recording pattern. Bach time ‘you press CURSOR # the indication changes as shown below. the current date —+ SU-SA —+ MO-SA —+ MO-FR—» EVERY SA =... EVERY MO ~+ EVERY SU —+ 1 month later —» (cycles backward) —» the current date Tips + Toset the channel, you can also use the CHs/~ or number buttons + Tosset the tape speed, you can also use TAPE SPEED. Basic Operations |'29 ‘Additional Operations Playing/searching at various speeds vie FRAME re'stow se SEARCH FF During forward or rewind rewind, keep pressing 4 REW. Play at high speed During playback or pause, press © SEARCH or © SEARCH. To change direction, press i> FRAME or “SUFRAME, Play in slow motion During playback or pause, press B= SLOW. To change lie FRAME or ll FRAME, Pay frame by frame During pause, press ll FRAME or <2 FRAME. Hold the button dow to play one frame each second. To resume normal playback ross & PLAY. Tp ‘+ Adjust the picture using the TRACKING ¥/A (STILL ADJUST) buttons om the VER i Steaks appear while playing in slow motion. ~The picture shakes while pausing Notes +The sound is muted during these operations + Tapes recorded in the LP mode on ather VCRs can be played back on this WCR but the picture quality cannot be guaranteed +The picture may have snow ~ when playing at high speed in everse when playing in reverse slow motion when playing in reverse 30 | Adeitional Operations Recording TV programs using the quick timer After starting recording in the normal way, you can have the VCR stop recording automatically after a specified duration, quick TIMER 4. white recording, press QUICK TIMER once 2 Press QUICK TIMER repeatedly to set the duration. Each press advances the time in increments of 30 minutes [ecco 1090-5 11:00 ‘The duration decreases minute by minute to 0:00, then the VCR stops recording and turns off automatically To extend the duration Press QUICK TIMER repeatedly to set to the new duration, ‘To stop the VCR while recording ross Ml STOP. + You can also set the quick timer and star recording during stop mode, Additional Operations | 31 Checking/ changing/ cancelling timer settings PowER MENU ‘CURSOR Before you start. EXECUTE + Tum on your TV and set it to the video channel 1 Press POWER to turn on the VCR. 2 Press MENU and select TIMER SET /CHECK: + Ifyou want to change a setting, go on to the next step. + If you do not need to change the settings, press EXECUTE, then turn off the VCR to return to recording standby. TIMER CLEAR 3 Press CURSOR 4/4 to select the setting you want to change or cancel * To change the setting, press CURSOR 4/6 to flash the item you ‘want to change, and press CURSOR /4 to reset it, Then, press CURSOR “> repeatedly until the cursor (>) appears atthe top of the line, + To cancel the setting, press TIMER CLEAR. 4 Press EXECUTE, If any settings remain, turn off the VCR to return to recording standby. When the timer settings overlap ‘The program that starts frst has priority and the second program starts recording only after the first program has finished. Ifthe programs start at the same time, the program listed first in the menu has priority. Program 1 == “2 —— ‘Will be cut off 32 | Additional Operations Recording stereo and bilingual programs Recording stereo programs ‘This VCR automaticaly receives and records stereo programs. When a stereo program is received, the STEREO indicator lights up. If there is noise in the Stereo program, set AUTO STEREO in the ADVANCED OPTIONS menu to (OFF The sound will be recorded in monaural (on both hi-fi and normal audio tracks) but with ess noise. For details, se page 36, Recording bilingual programs Normally, this VCR records only the main sound on both hi-fi and normal audio tracks. To record SAP (Second Audio Program) sound on the normal audio track, set NORMAL AUDIO in the ADVANCED OPTIONS men to SAP. For details, see page 36 Selecting the sound while recording/playing Press AUDIO MONITOR to select the desired sound. (The sound being recorded will not change) Stereo program {olisten to (when playbacd Indicator on the TV screen Stereo STEREO Lett channel t Right channel ‘Monatral sound on the normal audio tack _No indicator appears Sound offend right channels Bilingual program Tndicatorin the display window No indicator appears SAP continued Additional Operations | 33, Recording stereo and bilingual programs (continued) 1 How sound is recorded on a video tape ‘The VCR records sound onto two separate tracks, Hii audio is recorded conto the main track along with the picture. Monaural sound is recorded onto the normal audio track along the edge of the tape Stereo Bilingual ‘Main or SAP sound ‘Monaural sound (monaural) Normal audio track Hifi audio track (main track) ‘Main sound Stereo sound ' ofvright channels) Notes + To playa tape in stereo, you must use the A/V connections. + When you play a tape recorded in monaural, the sound is heard in monaural regardless ofthe AUDIO MONITOR setting, Set NORMAL AUDIO to MAIN when not recording SAP sound, oF no sound i Hy recorded on the normal audio track Ino sound is recorded on the normal audio i tack and you play the tape on a mono VCR, you wil see only video no audio. will be heard 34 | Additional Operations nents Adjus Adjusting the tracking “Although the VCR automatically adjusts the tracking when playing a tape (the AUTO TRACKING indicator flashes in the display window, then lights steadily), distortion may occur if the tape was recorded in poor condition. In this case; manually adjust the tracking, Press the TRACKING ¥/A (STILL ADJUST) buttons on the VCR to display the tracking meter. ‘The distortion should disappear as you press one of the two buttons. To resume automatic tracking adjustment, eject the tape. ing the picture ~ ‘Tracking meter About Adaptive Picture Control (APC) Adaptive Picture Control (APC) automaticaly improves recording and playback quality by adjusting the VCR to the condition of the video heads and tape. To maintain better picture quality, we recommend that you set ‘APC to ON in the ADVANCED OPTIONS menu (with the APC indicator in the display window lit). ‘APC playback ‘The APC function automatically works on all types of tapes, including rental tapes and tapes that were not recorded with APC. APC recording Whenever you insert a tape and first start recording, the VCR adjusts to the tape using the APC function (the APC indicator lashes rapidly). This adjustment is retained until the tape is ejected. Note + Thereisa delay of afew seconde before the VCR actualy starts recording while the VCR analyzes the tape. To avoid the delay, first set the VCR to recording pause (the [APC indicator flashes slowly) and press @ REC to have the VCR analyze the tape ‘ter the APC indicator stops flashing, pess I PAUSE to stat recording immediately- If you press If PAUSE before the APC indicator stops flashing, the APC function is cancelled. ‘Additonal Operations | 35 1 Press MENU and select ADVANCED reianSTB Or OPTIONS, swrosrena son oop 2 Press CURSOR t/$ to select the option to change, then press CURSOR #/> to change the setting. Press EXECUTE to return to the original screen. = { Menu choices Initial settings are indicated in bold print. ‘Menu option ‘Set this option to ‘AUTO STEREO ON to receive stereo programs, OFF to reduce nose. The \ sound changes to monaural NORMAL AUDIO. MAIN to record the main sound on both find normal audio tracks. SAP to record the SAP (Second Audio Program) sound on the normal audio track. The main sound is reconted onthe his audio track, APC, ‘ON to witch on the APC (Adaptive Picture Contro function and improve picture quality, OFF to switch off APC. [36 | Additional Operations Editing with another VCR How to hook up to record on this VCR wv This VCR (Recorder) INE IN Signal flow ‘VIC-810 audio/video cable Operation (when recording on this VCR) Before you start editing _———— a * Tam on your TV and set it to the video channel. + Press CH +/~1o display “L” in the display window. + Press TAPE SPEED on the remote commander to select the tape speed, SP or EP. 1. tose source tape with ts ney tab removed int the ater (playbac VER Search forthe pint ar playbeck and sti to Hajek pause 2 Insert tape with ts safety tab in place into this ecording) VCR Search fr the point to star recording and pres Hf PAUSE 3 Press @ REC on this VCR and set it to recording pause. 4 Tostart editing, press the Ht PAUSE buttons on bath VCR& atthe sme ‘To stop editing Press the ll STOP buttons on both VCRs. Notes *+ Make sure you connect the plugs to jacks ofthe same color, + Ifthe other VCR is a monaural type, use a connecting cable, such as VMC-9I0MS, + Ifyou connected this VCR to both the LINE IN and LINE OUT jacks ofthe other ‘VCR, select the input correctly to prevent a humming noise + Ifyou start recording following the procedure above, the VCR won't start recording swith the APC. function. To record a tape with the APC function, press @ REC again ‘during recording pause instep 3 so that the VCR analyzes the tape. Then whe you Sart recording in tep 4, press HH PAUSE immediately after the APC indicator stops flashing If you press I PAUSE belore the APC indicator stops flashing, the APC” function is canotled, \37 Con: trolling other TVs with the remote commander (siv-66oHF only) Manufacturer General E Gold Star Hitachi JCPenny 38 | Additional | The remote commander is preprogrammed to contol non-Sony TVs. If your “TV is listed in the table below, st the appropriate manufacturer's code umber. 1. Set{TVIAVERat the top of the remote commander to[ TV] 2. Hold down POWER, and enter your TV's code numbers) using the number buttons. Then release POWER [Now you can use the POWER, VOL +/-, CH +/~ and TV/VTR buttons to control your TV. You can also se the buttons marked with a dot) to control a Sony TV. To control the VCR, reset [TV /|VTR]to [VIR] Code numbers of controllable TVs If more than one code number is listed, try entering them one at atime until you find the one that works with your TV. Code Wanufacturer Code Manufacturer Code ‘umber umber umber = mr eae Mc @ Magnavox 0 Marantz MGA/Mitsubishi_ 08,12,13,17 Nec iaeaaeatocia Panasonic 06,19 Sylvania Philco 08 Teknika i Philips 8 “Tshiba w etic 06,10 Pioneer 16 Wards 030412 Portland 08 Yrs 2 Quart 6 Radio Shack Notes + Ifthe TV uses different remote control system from the one programmed to work with the VCR, you cannot control your TV with the remote commander Ifyou enter a new code number, the code number previously entered willbe erased When you replace the batteries ofthe remote commander, the code number automatically resets to 1 Sony). Reset the appropriate code nuimber Operations Additional information General setup information Setting the RF ui When connecting the VCR to the TV using only the antenna cable, you must set the RF UNIT switch on the ear ofthe ‘VCR so that the TV can receive the correct signal from the VCR Power (CHANNEL 4/- “A set the RF UNIT switch on the rear of the VCR to CHS or CH4, whichever channel isnot used in your area If both are used, st the switch to either channel Press POWER to turn on the VCR Press TV/VTR on the remote commander to turn on the VTR indicator in the VCR's display window. Press CHANNEL + /~ to display a channel number in the display ‘window. Select an active channel number in your area, wu Ro WN ‘Turn on your TV and setit to the channel you selected in step 1 (channel 3 or), ‘The selected TV channel broadcast appears on the TV screen. IFthe channels change when you press CHANNEL +/-, you have made the correct setting. Whenever you use the VCR, set the TV to the channel selected in step . continued Additional Information | 39 40 General setup information (continued) Attaching the external antenna connector When using a 300-ohm twin lead cable for VHF/UHF antenna, use the EAC-32 antenna connector (not supplied) to ‘connect the antenna to the VCR. 300-0hm twin lead cable £A¢32 Antenna connector ict supplies 1 Loosen the screws on the antenna connector, 2. Wind the twin lads around theserews onthe antenna connector. 3 Retghton the screws Attaching a UHF/VHF band 300-ohm twin. iar lead cable When using both 75-ohm coaxial cable and 300-ohm twin lead cable for VHF/ Acs UH antenna, use the EAC-66 UHE/ Tl uneivie VHE band separator/mixer (not band supplied) to connect the antenna to the separator! VCR. mixer (not tweed) 75-0hm coaxial cable Loosen the screws on the mixer. Wind the twin leads around the screws on the mixer: Retighten the screws, ‘Connect the 75-ohm coaxial cable to the mixer. RWNo Additional information Troubleshooting Ifyou have any questions or problems not covered below, please consult your nearest Sony dealer Symptom Remedy ‘The POWER switch docs not + Connect the AC power cord securely 5 furetion 3 The poweristumed on but the + Moisture condensation occurs. Tur the power of © VCR doesnot operate "unplug the AC power cord and leave the VCR to dry foroveran hour “y_Thedock has stopped and» The lock stopsifthe VCR is disconnected from the % ‘e~"lighsin the doplay wall outlet for more than three hours (one hou fo & window SLV-LOHF C5/LAFIP MX/L6TIFPA/USHE PU). Rest the clock (and timer. “The playback picture does not» Make sure the TV i set othe channel forthe VCR. I penton the TV sereen you are using a monitor seit veo input “The picture isnot clea. * Adjust the tacking with the TRACKING ¥/A buttons. + The video heads ae ditty (se below)-Clean the video theads using the Sony T-25CL video head cleaning cassette I this cleaning cassette fs not available in your * ‘are, have th heads cleaned at your nearest Sony 3 Service facility (a standard servic charge will be 3 required). Do not use a commercially available wet- z {ype cleaning cassette ast may damage the video heads + The video heads may have to be replaced. Consult your local Sony dealer for more information, ‘The picture rolls vercally + Adjust the vertical hold control on the TV or monitor. during picture search, ‘The picture has no sound: + The tape is defective. Use a new tape ‘Symptoms caused by contaminated video heads ‘Normal picture Rough picture. + Unclear picture + No picture (or black & white screen appears) terminal continued Additional formation | 41 a2 a Troubleshooting (continued) Symptom "AT program doesnot appear ‘onthe T screen ‘TV reception is poor ‘The tape starts playing as soon asitisinerted ‘The tape eects when you press EC Recording Nothing happens when you press @ REC. [No sound is recorded on the ‘normal audio track, ‘The timer does not operate Timer recording ‘A tape cannot be inserted ‘The remote commander does not funtion. others ‘The tacking indicator does not appear on the screen “The VCR new to be cleaned. Additional Information Remedy * Make sure the TV is set tothe channel forthe VCR. If yeu are using a monitor, set ito video inp. * Adjust the TV antenna, ‘+ The safety tab has been removed. To record on this tape cover the tab hole ‘+ Check that the safety tab has not been removed, “+ Make sure the tape is nota its end, Select the correct source with the CH +/~ buttons Selecta channel number when recording TV programs; _sclet“L” when recording from other equipment. *+ When not recording SAP sound, make sute the NORMAL AUDIO option in the ADVANCED OPTIONS mens is st to MAIN, “Check that the clock is set ‘+ Make surea tape has been inserted. ‘Check that the safety tab has not been removed. {+ Make sure the tape isnot at its end ‘+ Make sure program has been sot for timer recording + Make sure your timer setings have not already passed. the current ie. + Check tht the cable box is turmed on, + The clock stops ifthe VCR is disconnected from the wall outlet fer more than three hours (one hour for SLV-LSHE C5/LSHF MX/LOHF PA/USHE PL), Reset the clock and timer “ Check that a tape ist already in the tape compartinent ‘+ Make sure you are pointing the remote commander at the remote sensor on the VER + Replace all the batteries in the remote commander with cea cpa eae + Make sure the [71/7] emote conto switch ist coy +The recording condition ofthe tape is very poor and tracking cannot be adjusted, *+ Clean the cabinet, panel and conteols witha dy, soft cloth, ora soft cloth slightly moistened sth a mild etergent solution. Do not use any typeof solvent, Ssichas alcohol or benvine LL Specifications system "VHSNTSC standart Video eording sytem Rotary hea Rell caning PM system Video heads ‘Double amt our heads ‘ideo igal NISC colo, EIA standards ‘apespeed “5.3835 mm/s (1/sinches/®) EPIL mun/sC/uinches/=) LP-2667 mm/s("/uinche/s playtack ony Mannan econting/ playback tine {hrs in EP mode with F260 ape) Fastorrasnd rewind eine ‘Appron. 3s, (vith 120 tape) Tuner section Channel coverage UHE toe? CATV ASt0 Ad, AoW, Wel Watt "Sahm antenna emia for VHE/UE inputs and outputs UNEIN VIDEOIN, phono ck Inputsigal 1 pp, ches unbalance, syne negative ‘RUDIOIN, phono ck 2) Input eve 27 mis Input impedance more than 47 ions uxeour 'VIDEOOUT, phono ck Outpt signs pp. 75 chs, unblarged, Sone negatve ‘RUDIO.OUT, phon ack) Standard utp 327 mire Load impedance: hoki ‘Output impedance es tha 1s Timer section tock (Qasr locked “Taner indication Thou ele “Ter sting ‘programs per month ax Power backup Bulan self hargingcapactor Bickp duration p to hours aa time SLV.GCHF, upto her at ne (SLV-LeRE CS/Lette MEX LAM PA LUE PL General Power roquiements 120 AG 6 He SLV-6HF LAH OX? Testes} HOW AC to240 VAC 50/40 He GW.LSHE CS/LAHETD. Power consumption 126 W tran) GLV-8QHF) 2 W Gra) SLVLSHE C8/LSHE MX Len PA/LoHFPL) Operating temperate SCwATC (Fo 10) Storage temperature SPC IEICE to 10" Dimensions “Apron 25 12 278m o/h (pp 134 1 inch nln ropelng parts end cont “AppIOW 40 kg (81 13.08) ‘Supplied accessories Remote commander (0) Sion A (R)batleres@) 7S cosa cle with Fypecomnetrs (0) [AC power ord) ‘Adio video cable phone to 3 phono) (1) Pg adaptor) LV LSHF S/USHPL) Design and spefetion ar subjet to change we notice Adaitional information | 43 Index to parts and controls Refer to the pages indicated in parentheses ( ) for details Front panel aaa POWER switch indicator D msror bution 29) [2] Tape compartment (8) BPPAUSE button (23) 1B) <4 REW button 3,30) (3) CHANNEL +/-/TRACKING ¥/a (STILL ADJUST) buttons (24, 35) {1 Remote sensor (5) {9 4 FECT button 23) @ & PLay button 23) Bl >> & FF button 23, 30) [B) @ REC button 25) 44 | Additional information Display window OT) RECArecording) indicator 7] AUTO TRACKING indicator (35) 2) TIMER indicator 25) (8) vim indicator 25) ] SAP indicator 3) @ Time counter/clock/tine/ channel [STEREO indicator (33) eee {B] Tape speed indicator 25) F Arcindicator 35) {Tape indicator Rear panel 1 ACIN connector {@] RFUNIT switch (2) LINE OUT AUDIO L/R/VIDEO (5) VHF/UHF IN/OUT connectors (8, jncks 10,12,19) LUNE IN AUDIO L/R/VIDEO jacks o continued Additional information | AS rity Index to parts and controls (continued) Remote commander i) # FIECT ution >) [2] TV/VTR button 25) 3] TIMER CLEAR button 2) @) QUICK TIMER button 0) B] AUDIO MONITOR button (99 (5) COUNTER RESET button 2 [7] SLOW button (30) a ‘TAPE SPEED button 25) @ REC button 25) PAUSE button (23) b> FF button (23,30) Saeasaun [> PLAY button @3) STOP button 23) BS 46 | Additional information Index AB Accessories supplied Adjusting Picture 35 tracking 35 AFT (Auto Fine Tuning) 21 ‘Antenna hookup APC (Adaptive Picture Control) 35 Audio track 34 ‘Audio /video (A/V) hookup 7 c Cable hookup 10 Cancelling timer setings 32 (Changing timer settings 32 Cleaning the video heads al Clock setting 16 Connecting cableTV 10 ‘external antenna ‘connector 40 UHE/VHF band mixer 40 Counter 23 D Disabling channels 20 Dubbing, Ser Editing EEG editing 37 EP mode HL K Hifi audio tack 34 L LLangunge selecting 17 LP mode 23,30 Monitoring audio 38 N,O Normal audio track 3 Pp Picture adjustment. See Adjusting, Playback 22 at various speeds 30 frame-by-frame 30 slow motion 30 Prosetting channels 18, Q Quick timer 31 R Recording 24 bilingual programs 33 SAP broadcasts 33 saving 26 stereo broadcasts 33 while watching another program 25 s Safety ub 26 SAP (Second Audio Progeam) 33 Searching at various speeds 30 SP mode 25 TU,V, W,X, ¥, 2 Timer recording 27 ‘cancelling timer setings 32 changing timer settings "32 checking timer Settings 32 dally/woekly recording 29 coerlapping timer recordings 32 “Tracking adjustment. Ser Adjusting ‘Additional information | 47 uick reference to using the VCR Cs CE CCE To play a tape To play a tape To play a tape TsettheTV tochannel3or 1 Setthe TViochannel Jor 1 Ifyoumade A/V Tlortovideoinputsiiyou " 4tortovidcomnput i you connection, et the TV to mnadeA/Veomectons) made a/Veanecions) ideo anpa 2 insertatapeand pres’ 2 Inset tape and press Ifyou dit ase A/V TRAY Iitere'sno petite” PLAY ittheresno picture hookup bn you T, press the fon your TV pres the + Turmon the cable box Vee WATT buton VERT Tbation —— Serthecableboxte tn the VIR incator tithe VIR indcator channel or Comeroninthedisplay meson inthe spy Seethe TV tothe output window. peer channel of the cable box To record a program To record a program {usually 2,3 0r 4. 1 Press MENU and select 1 Turnonthecablebox. 2 Iertatapeand press TIMERSET/CHECK 2 Setthecable box tothe 2 Sethe datetime and tope channel you wantto To record a program speed record 1 Prose MENU and select, 2 Pres EXECUTE 2 ree MENUandsciet —* TIMERSET/CHECK 4 Inert a tape TIMERSET/CHECK. 2 setae datetime and tape 5S Press POWER otumoff 4 Setthedatetime,and tape > Speed heveR speed 3 Pres EXECUTE. Towatch TV Ah neni : inser ape 5 Pree POWER totum of 1 Tum off the VCR, of press 7 Press POWER to turn off the VCR, MeVeRSTVViR bation 7 BES LO Luni the WTR indicator in the display window goes To watch 1V 1 Tom off your VCR, oF Leave the eable box on. off. ‘Towatch TV press the VCR's TV/VTR, 2 Setthe TV tothechannel 1 Turnoffyour VCR, or Eotton unt the VIR you want to watch pressthe VCR's TV/VTR —— indicntor nthe dap Ertton unt he VT window goes of indlatorinthedisplay 2 Select the channel with window goes ft your cable box if you have 2 Tar on your cable box Se) oF with your TV 3 Set the TV tothe cable box ‘output channel Casually 2 Sora) 4 Set the cable box tothe channel you want to watch {you have any questions about this product, you may cal: Sony Customer tnformation Center 11300-222 SONY (40) or write to: Sony Customer Information Center Sony Drive, Mail Drop ATI-I1, Patk Ridge, NJ O7686 Sy Corporation Pre in Malaysia

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