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Week 23

Miss. Easterly
7th grade

Tuesday, Feb. 17th

Please take a Weekly
Planner and title it Week 23
L.G- Cause & Effect
H.B 1 & 2
Homework: Week #22 due
Vocabulary due Thursday

Learning Goal
Students will investigate the
cause and effects of
geography on the
development of early
European kingdoms

History Brief

Which country is this?


History Brief
1. What country is this?
D. Italy

History Brief
2. Which country is this?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Ireland
D. Germany

History Brief
2. Which country is this?
B. Spain

Wednesday, February 18
Please have out your Weekly
Planner and a pencil
Have out Week #22 to turn in
L.G- collaborative groups
No H.B
Homework: Vocabulary due


Learning Goal
Students will participate in
group work and will
collaborate on main themes
in the early middle ages.

Thursday, Feb. 19


Please have out your weekly

planner and a pencil
Please have your vocabulary
out on your desk
L.G- Impact of the Vikings
H.B 3 & 4
Homework: Week 23 due 2/24

Learning Goal
Students will investigate
identifying features of the
Vikings and will analyze the
impact the Vikings had on
Europen Feudalism.

History Brief
3. Charlemagne believed in
A. Civil Service Examinations
B. Equal rights for peasants
C. Education
D.Equality for women

3. Charlemagne believed in
C. Education

History Brief
4. The geography of Europe
A.An increase in fishing
B.Opportunities for trade
C.Natural borders for
independent societies to form
D.All of the above

History Brief
4. The geography of Europe
Answer (D. all of the above)
Please fully write.

An increase in fishing,
opportunities for trade, natural
borders for independent
societies to form

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