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CJ 265 Internship

Criminal Justice Department

Cayuga Community College
Briefing Report

Name: Christin Palumbo

Day: Tuesday
Date: February 3rd 2015
First day of the internship and I reported at 11:30. I went in and talked to
Chief Christler, who had me sign the documents he needed. I then met Officer
Kuhn, as well as, Officer Salerno and Investigator VerStraete. Kuhn then told me
I was riding with him for the day and we went to go out and patrol. I was shown
how their computers worked and what all is done with them. The village of
Newark is a small area, and when patrolling, it is basically one big circle. He told
me what he himself looks for when he is out and about such as, cell phones and
speeders. During this time, Kuhn taught me how dispatch calls all of the officers,
and that is with their badge numbers. Officer Kuhn is 216 and Officer Salerno is
14:14 An unidentified male was unconscious at the Tractor Supply. When
arriving, 219 was already on scene and preparing the AED. When getting into the
store, an witness was performing CPR. 219 was getting his AED ready and 216
was standing back. I was getting ready to get over to the head of the man when
216 asked if I had seen anything like this before. I responded yes and said I was
licensed by NYS as an aide. I then went over to the male sub. and observed from
CJ 265 Internship in CJ
Spring 2015

Professor: T. Misiaszek

there. 219 placed the AED and shocked him. The ambulance crew arrived and
the male was taken to the ER. 219 stayed to try and identify the male, as well as,
taking care of the males property, ie. Vehicle. 216 followed the ambulance to the
hospital where we walked in and gave the staff as much information as we knew
about the sub. Clear of the call at 14:36
14:49- Disturbance Call- A female customer was unhappy and irritated at the
customer service she received at a local bargain store. When arriving on scene, I
was instructed to stay in the car. 216 exited and spoke with the female. He then
came back into the car and ran her license in the computer. She then was
cleared and did not want anything else to be done. Call cleared at 15:00
15:11- Special Investigation- A call was made from the Newark Middle School
about students had sold and ingested marijuana brownies. A total of 8 students
ate them and 6 went to the nurses. 216 took down the necessary information to
do an evidence log, as well as, chain of custody. After the evidence was
documented, the principal asked 216 if he would go and speak with the male that
was selling them. We went into the room and the principal was giving the male a
lecture. Then 216 explained to the male that this was no laughing matter and
could be turned into a serious matter. Left the scene at 16:47 and went back to
the station. The evidence was documented and 216 showed me the process that
needs to take place with situations like this. He recorded the amount and what it
was, then placed it into the evidence locker.

CJ 265 Internship in CJ
Spring 2015

Professor: T. Misiaszek

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