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Creation (1)

[1] In the beginning, there was nothing. [2] There was no life, death, time or space; only the
nothing. [3] Nothing would ever be, nor ever was, and life as we know it today was impossible.
[4] Peace and war were both meaningless to the nothing, as were art, politics, religion, culture
and philosophy. [5] The nothing did not give a shit about your stance on abortion rights, whether
or not murder is just and most importantly; [6] What size your dick is. [7] Like seriously, who the
fuck cares? [8] But then the impossible happened. The nothing became something. A great
schism occurred and a being came into being. [9] A single figure hung in the void, immense
and unaging. [10] Her gaze black holes of astral energy, her fur the elements of the universe
and her power; unlimited.

Creation (2)
[1] Her name was Ta;Aluh La the Cosmic Sloth; and she would be the architect of the Cosmos.
[2] She slowly scratched her awesome nose and, with a mighty yawn, [3] the Cosmos were
formed. [4] A colossal wave sprung forth, spilling into all corners of the void and creating space
and time. [5] Matter emerged, smashing and crashing and making fucking insane explosions
and shit. [6] Ta;Aluh La smiled at her Cosmos. It was cool. [7] She closed her eyes and, with a
mighty explosion, [8] left nature to take its course.

Creation (3)
[1] Matter formed into other matter, eons passed and [2] time and space kept on expanding and
adapting. [3] Infinities passed like seconds on a rollercoaster and [4] space expanded beyond
rationality. [5] Matter formed pairs, groups, armies and finally; stars. [6] Each star burned with
the glorious love of Ta;Aluh La. [7] Stars died and her love was reborn simultaneously as new
stars. [8] The Sloth-Fire would burn eternal in the stars of the Cosmos.

Creation (4)
[1] Eventually, time grew ripe for change. [2] Matter came together around these Sloth-Fire stars
and encased some of them. [3] A great cocoon was formed as impenetrable as Ta;Aluh Las
love for the Cosmos. [4] It hardened and grew in size until finally they were born anew as
planets. [5] A single paw emerged into the Cosmos from the void, a slow swipe and [6] the
second mighty wave washed over the Cosmos. [6] The Sloth-Fire encircled these planets,
scorching their surface and testing their worth. [7] Those which survived the trial of Sloth-Fire
would become recipients of [8] the Gift of Life; hosting Ta;Aluh Las children forevermore.

Creation (5)
[1] Finally, it happened. [2] From the fresh seas of the chosen planets, life emerged. [3] These
were the chosen children, the ultimate beings. [3] Each race of children were unaware of each
others existence. [4] As they evolved, they tried to work out their origin. [5] They attributed it to
the sky, the earth, the seas and volcanoes. [5] Ta;Aluh La looked down upon her beautiful
children and the Sloth Mother wept. [6] They would never know the truth of the universe; of the

impossibility of life that Ta;Aluh La had defied for them. [7] Ta;Aluh La intervened in nature one
last time. [8] Ta;Aluh La licked the souls of her children, from planet to planet. With each lick, [9]
A prophecy was born. [10] A single soul would emerge from each race, chosen by Ta;Aluh La
herself. [11] They would hear the word of Ta;Aluh La and spread her truth across their planet;
[12] The Blind Prophet would come.

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