Mini Lesson Plan 5

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Mini Lesson Plan 5 (44-Graphic Organizers)

Lesson Plan Title: Parts of a Flower

Name: Amanda Forbes
Grade Level: K

Date: 2/12/15

ELD Objectives: What do you want students to be able to do as

a result of this lesson? Include academic language and vocabulary
objectives. Objectives must be measurable.

ELD Language Objective:

Students will represent text structures with graphic
organizers including the simple parts of a flower including
the flower, stem, leaves and roots.
ELD Content Objective:
Students will learn select parts of a flower and complete a
graphic organizer using the vocabulary terms.

Science Standards
Life Sciences
2. Different types of plants and animals inhabit the earth.
As a basis for understanding this concept:
c. Students know how to identify major structures of
common plants
and animals (e.g., stems, leaves, roots, arms, wings,
ELA Language Standards for Grade Level
Decoding and Word Recognition
1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.17 Identify and sort common words in basic categories.
Listening and Speaking Strategies
1.1 Understand and follow one- and two-step oral directions.

Cog. Taxonomy
Remember, apply, analyze
DOK Levels
Level 1 Recall, label
Level 2 Display

ELD Standards (2014) that apply

1. Exchanging information and ideas.
Contribute to conversations and express ideas by asking and
answering yes-no and why- questions and responding using
gestures, words, and simple phrases.
Contribute to class, group and partner discussions by listening
attentively, following turning-taking rules, and asking and
answering questions.
Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by listening
attentively, following turn-taking rules, and asking and answering

Parts of a Flower Chart
Parts of a Flower Graphic Organizer
Parts of a Flower Cut & Paste Organizer
practice sheet
Computer and speakers for YouTube video

Key Academic Vocabulary


Research Based Learning Strategies

(provide text chapters/reference)

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine

prior knowledge?

Motivation Strategy: How will you catch

attention of students and focus their minds
on the learning goals?

Real World Connection: How are learning

goals relevant to students lives?

The teacher will ask students which parts of

a flower they know the names of and as
students answer the teacher will write them
on the board.

The teacher will catch students attention

by playing a video with a song about the
parts of a flower.

All strategies will be research based and from one of

the texts. Please provide reference for each.
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities (Strategy
(includes language and content objectives, comprehensible

Providing Graphic Organizers

-Diaz-Rico pg. 177
-Horwitz pg. 86 (Ausebels advance

This lesson is relevant to students lives and

language goals because the vocabulary is
based on parts of plants. Students must
know the parts of plants in order to
understand the world around them and as a
beginning for science instruction.

Students: Practice and Application

Note meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice
and application, feedback in each of the three areas below.
Collaborative (engagement with others)
Students will be able to engage verbally in class discussion
about parts of the flower at the lesson open, and work in

input, strategies , interaction, feedback. Use bullet points in

each of the three areas below.

pairs to complete the cut and paste worksheet at the end of

the lesson during the practice with graphic organizers.

The teacher will begin by displaying a flower and telling the

students what each part of the flower is called. The teacher
will write these vocabulary words on the board for the
students to review.

Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of

written and spoken texts)
Students will listen to the teachers oral presentation of
vocabulary terms, read the spelling of the vocabulary terms
and recall them when writing them on their graphic

Identify the Teaching Purposes

This lesson will introduce new vocabulary terms including
the basic parts of a plant or flower. For vocabulary
development, I chose to use a word cluster graphic
Explain the Purpose
Students, today we are going to use a graphic organizer
called a word cluster to learn about the parts of a flower!
The teacher will display a graphic organizer on the board or
on the overhead projector and explain that they will
complete one of these by labeling the parts of a flower.

Productive (creation of oral presentations and

written texts)
Students will produce written text on their graphic
organizers when labeling the parts of a flower using the
lesson vocabulary.

Involve Students in Constructing a Graphic

At this point the teacher will display the blank graphic
organizer of the parts of a flower. The teacher will point to
each of the blank spaces and ask students what part of the
flower should be filled in. Students should raise their hand
in order to be chosen to answer.
Discuss the Connections
Provide Additional Practice in Using Graphic
At the end of the lesson, the students will be allowed to pair
up and complete the cut and paste graphic organizer
worksheet on which they will collaborate with their partners
to label the parts of the flower correctly.
Review and Assessment: What specific assessment tools
are being used?

Student Reflection: How will you provide for student

reflection on learning?

An assessment rubric is being used to grade students

completion of the graphic organizer.

T-P-S (Think, Pair, Share)

The teacher will have students break into pairs. The teacher
will ask students, Think, about what you have learned
about flowers today. With your partner, explain what you
learned to your partner. Allow students to share in pairs for
a few minutes, then the teacher will have students share in
a whole-class discussion.

Teacher Reflection
What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific

Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps for future

ELD Objective
Some students may struggle to complete the graphic
organizer if they do not have proper word recognition of the

The next steps for this lesson are for the teacher to expand
on what each part of a flower is responsible for, leading into
a science lesson about flowers.

Content Objective
Students may struggle to learn the new vocabulary and
may need to have them taught with the words in their
native tongue.
What would likely go well? Why?
Students will likely enjoy the topic of parts of a flower
because it is something that each of them has experienced.
I think the students will enjoy the graphic organizers

because they are a new concept and require hands-on

interaction with the learning which is good for EL students.
In what area(s) would you like to develop more
I would like to develop more proficiency in creating lessons
that incorporate all of the language modes, reading, writing,
listening and speaking.
What theory or theorists would most strongly
support use of this strategy?
Ausebel - Advance Organizer
Horwitz pg. 86

Attach copy of student work

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