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INTERNSHIP SKILL FORMATIVE /SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Formative Evaluation of Student's Progress ‘Summative, Student's Name: Lori Netty Cohort UEN Group B. Date: 1030/13 Please complete the following evaluation and be prepared to discuss with UNI Faculty Field Supervisor atthe end of ‘each semester. ‘The following instrument is to be completed by the mentor to assess student’s knowledge and experience in each of the following 35 ISSL criteria. Ifthe student has not lnad the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge or experience in & particular skill area, please check (None) in the appropriate circle, valuation Seale: UND (high degre) SD (some dogree) LD lw degre) None (Check appropriate cizele) HD SD) LD None Standard 1: Visionary Leadership “The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Uses Data for Establishment of Achievement Goals x B. Uses bes practice in Program Improvement e x ° C. —Anticulates/Promotes high Expecations fr feachin/eaming zeae D. _Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals pees. ° E, Provides leadership for Majr Initiatives & Change Efors| aa ° F. Communicates effectively w/Various Stakeholers on progress x ‘ Standard 2: Instructional Leadership The student has domonsrated knowledge or understanding of Provides leadership for Assessing/Developin/Improving Climate/Culture Xo > SystematicallyFanly RecognizingyCclebratng Saft. Accomplishment © X Encourages design of more effective learmng experiences for stents x MonitorsEvaluaies Effective Curciculunylasiuetion/ssessment A 8 c D. E, Evaluates Steff & Provides ongoing coaching for improvement F, Ensues professional development that enhances taching/leatning G. Uses rescarchtheory to developitevise professional owt plan ° 1H, Promotes collaboration with all stakeholders 0° "Accessible & approachable o all stakeholders J, Visible & engaged inthe community x K. _Aniculates& reinforces desired school culture, showing evidence ° Standard 3: Organizational Leadership The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Complies with state & federal mandates & loca! board policies ee 2 B Recruiting selection, mdction, & retention of staff for quality instrction > Kotte C.__ Addresses current & potential sues in x tmely manner x ° D. Effectivelyefficintly manages Fiscal & physical resanrees| > See: E.—Protects instuetional vine ° F. Uses effective communication wrintemal & external audiences about school operations . Xx HD SD LD None Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of |A. Engages families & community and promotes shared responsibility for student learning & educator ° x B._Promotes/supports structure for family/community involvement ° x C._Facilitates connections of students/fanilis 1 health/socal services that support focus on learning ae! D. Collaboratively establishes culture that welcomes & honors families & ‘community & seeks ways to engage them in stxient learning x Standard 5: Ethical Leadership “The student has knowledge or understanding ofthe need to act with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner as related to: ‘A. Demonstrates ethical & professional behavior x ° ° B. Demonstrates values, beliefs, & atitudes that wil inspire others to higher levels of performance x 0 CC. Fosters & maintains caring, professional relationships with staff % ° 1D. Demonstrates appreciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school community xX 6 E, Demonstrates respect for divergent opinions xX 6 ° ° Standard 6: Political Leadership The student has knowledge and understanding of ‘A. Collaborates with service providers/decision-makers to improve teaching & learning SHAH RHC 1B, Advoeates forthe welfire of all members of he learning community x CC. Designs & implements appropriate strategies to reach desied goals « x ° UNI Educational Leadership Contextual Framework Leader of Learning ox ° Leader ofService reece reset Leader of Chane tere Summary ‘A What leadership experiences were especially successful forthe student this semester? Lor has taken on leadership rles with our building PBIS team and has been a great mentor toa student teacher this past semester. Lori will continue to evaluate the area that she needs more experience and then ine those opportunities up. 1 ‘am sure Loti has a plan in mind and as she is exposed to more leadership opportunities she will gain confidence and a better understanding of what i is she would like her internship to look like. 1B, What leadership experiences failed to meet expectations forthe student this semester? None CC. What has heen the main focus or topic of reflections and conversations with the student this semester? ‘The main focus has been on different opportunites and areas that Lori might be able to expand her understanding of

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