Formative Assessment 11-12-14

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INTERNSHIP SKILL FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Fortnative Evaluation of Student's Progress Summative Student's Name: ___Lori Netty _Cohort UEN Group B Date: L112-14 Pas Print Please complete the following evaluation and be prepared to discuss with UNI Faculty Field Supervisor atthe end of each semester. ‘The following instrument is to be completed by the mentor to assess student's knowledge and experience in each of the following 35 ISSL criteria. IF the student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge or experience ina particular skill area, please check (None) in the appropriate circle valuation Seles ND high spre) SD Geomedegree) LD (low deptee) Nowe (Chock appropriate circle) uD SD LD None Standard 1: Visionary Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or uerstanding of Uses Data for Establishment of Achievement Goals {Uses best practico in Program Improvement Articulates Promotes high Expectations for tetching/eaming ‘Aligns educational prograns wi Distriet Vision and Goals Provides leadership for Major Itiatves.& Change Efforts Communicates effectively w/Various Stakeholders on progress >ppagp Mee Standard 2: Instructional Leadership The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Provides leadership for Assesing/Developngoypoving ClimeteCalture X Systematically Fail Recognizng/Celebrating taffst. Accomplishment X Encourages design of more efectve leaning experiences for studens Monitors/valuaes Elective Criculun/nsiauction/ Assessment Evaluates Stuff & Provides ongoing coaching for improvement Ensures professionel development tht enhances teaching/leaming Uses oscarchitheory ta developtevise profesional growth plan Promtes collaboration with al stakeholders ‘Accessible approachable all stakeholders Vise & engaged inthe commanity -Atcults & roinfores desired school culture, showing evidence persorrgos HM Standard 3: Organizational Leadership ‘The student fas demonstrated Knowledge or understanding of CComlies with state & federal mandates & loca! board poicies Recruiting, selection, induction, & retention of staff for quality instruction ‘Addresses curent & potential issues ins timely manct Effetivelyfficiontly manages fiscal & physical resources Protetsinstuetional ime Uses effective communication wintemal & extemal audiences about selio! operations Mum =mpos> x HD SD LD None Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Engages families & community and promotes shared responsibilty for student learning & education apie tL ig diittto B._Promotes/support structure for family/eommunity involvement x eo 8 C. Facilitates connections of studens/failics to heathsoctal services that support focus on learning x ee ° D. Collaboratively establishes culture that welcomes & hanors Families & ‘community & seeks ways to engage them in student learning —X 6 8 6 Standard $: Ethical Leadership ‘The student has knowiedge or understanding ofthe need to act with integrity, faimess and in an ethical manner a related to: ‘A. Demonstrates ethical & professional behavior Eee HHH B. Demonstrates values, belief, & atitudes that will inspite others to higher levels of performance Mee eae C. Fosters & maintains eating professional relationships with staff NCE asta HLL) D. Demonstrates appreciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school community ee tierce Demonstrates rospect for divergent opinions x oe 8 Standard 6: Political Leadership The student has knowledge and understanding of ‘A. Collaborates wih service provders/decison-makers to improve teaching & leaming 8 oe B. Advocates forthe welfare of all members of the learning community Xo ° C. Designs & implements appropriate strategies to reach desired goals. = Xo ° UNI Educational Leadership Contextual Framework “To what degree this semester has the student engaged in leadership experiences allowing hier to function asa Leader of Learning xe Bi ie Leader of Service x6 ° Leader of Change Ho 5 ° Summary ‘A. What leadership experiences were especially successful fr the student this semester? Lor has taken on leadership roles with our building PBIS team and has been a great mentor to m ile alent teachers in the past. Lori has also besn very active with building morale and the social committee. We have just gone through a pretty extensive fie and evacuation here at our building and Lori was willing and able to step up acl asis with the reunification Process as our students were picked up from our alternate site. Lori has also been working with our athletic director on equipment and uniform purchases. Most recently Ms, Netty worked to assist in a * have really seen Loc step upto different roles this fall and it has been nice to see B, What leadership experiences filed to meet expectations forthe student this semester? None CC. What has been the main focus or topic of reflections and conversations withthe student this semester? angerous Intruder" training and dril, 1 ‘The leadership conversations this semester have been focused primal on evaluation and operating agreements, more of| the school business management rea of focus D. How many summaries & reflections has the student logged on the Student Management System this semester? E, How many hours of feld-based intomship did your student complete this semester? 86 Overall Evaluation: Please rate the quality ap your student's internship performance for this semester using a seal of 1-10 (low to high) 10 Mento (Ane vue ate: 7B. 22 J4/ pate:l/-l1-14

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