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THe Crry of San Dieco November 29, 2011 TR 321, 351 R-Slip 08-1110-0510 Tommie Camarillo PO Box12524 San Diego, CA 92112 Dear Ms, Camarillo: This is in response to your request to Councilmember David Alvarez’ office to install YIELD ‘TO PEDESTRIANS signs at the intersection of Cesar E, Chavez Parkway and Logan Avenue. During our investigation, we reviewed the SDPD’s accident records for the past five years and did not note a pattern or problem with accidents involving pedestrians. Our field visit did show that there are many pedestrians crossing at this intersection, There are bus stops nearby and this contributes to the pedestrian activity in the area, However, during our site visits, we observed motorists yielding to pedestrians crossing at the intersection. Therefore, we do not recommend the installation of YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS. Note that there are existing LEFT TURN ‘YIELD signs facing traffie on Logan Avenue, Our evaluation also included a review of the signal timing, signal hardware and striping/markings at the intersection. During a site visit, we increased the yellow time and pedestrian time at the intersection to meet our standards. We also noticed that the marked crosswalks have faded. Therefore, we recommend re-installing all marked crosswalks at the intersection. In addition, we recommend upgrading the existing pedestrian indications to pedestrian “countdown” indications in order to provide additional information to pedestrians and enhance safoty at the intersection, We will place this location on our needs’ list where it will compete with other similar locations for funding. Please note that the re-installation of the marked crosswalks is expected to be completed within 60 days, Since we have approximately 1,600 signalized intersections within the City of San Diego we cannot be aware of issues at all of them so we rely on citizens like you to help us identify any potential problems, ‘Thank you for bringing this intersection to our attention. If you have any ‘questions regarding this matter, please contact Edgar Monroy of the Traffic Signal Management, section at (619) 533-3096, Sincerely, eer Dunean Hughes Senior Traffic Engineer EMLisg Transportation and Storm Water Department TOO Scot tn, Sute 80 Sn Bigs, CA, 92101 ‘opens (619) 5333126 Fax (615) S33181 ® ‘Originating OM Citizens’ Assistance Route Slip Number: 08-11-10-0810 Date Routed: 10/11/2011 : comets RouteSlip fax ei eet nia Cine (619) 236-6688, cose mate YQ 22 ’™sS CITIZEN'S NAME/ADDRESS MAKING COMPLAINT OR INQUIRY, Tommie Camillo PO Box 12524 San Diego, CA 921 12-3524 AL WORK TELEPHONE: HOME TELEPHONE: ‘SUBJECT OF COMPLAINT OR INQUIRY: ‘Steeet Sign: Request or Yield to Pedestrian street sign, LOCATION OF COMPLAINT OR INQUIRY: Logan Avenue San Diceo. A923 “Type of response! Cisendeleironic copy with atiachment of your reply to Citizens Assistance for forwarding to the originating ofice Mail department cer drety ta citizen, and send an eletrnie oopy to Gitzany Assistance fr forvarding to the originating ofc. Detalls of complaint or inquiry: ‘Email from resident in Barco Logan: ‘As i have been observing people walk from the pedestri ‘nd trying to cross Logan Avenue towards Chicano Pat mn bridge at chicano park ok/se Cars speeding to get on I-5 south (coming from Cesar Chavez Pkwy) do not slow down for pedestrians... especially during rush hous. Tere should be some kind of slow dovin sign before the cross lines. and something from the other side ofthe street coming from the east, (the cactus garden) ‘Yesterday | saw both a senlor citizen try to walk across, with along wait and much difficulties, as well as a woman with a baby carriage... again trying to run across the street {hope the right authorities can check this out,.before a terrible accident happens here DEPARTMENTS wscee CD0_@ Co}> Interim Due Date: 10/26/2011 | Final Due Date: Extension: Route Slip Coordinator (619) 236-5536, 1C Ana! Ma THe Crry oF San Dieco October 21, 2011 TR 321,351 R-Slip 08-1110-0510 Tommie Camarillo P.O. Box 12524 San Diego, CA 92112-3524 Dear Mg, Camarillo: ‘Thank you for contacting the City of San Diego. The concer you submitted on October 21, 2011 was routed to the Transportation Engineering Operations Division for follow up. We will be investigating your concems and will let you know the results of our investigation by December 5, 2011 If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this concern, please call Monica Firsht, Associate Engineer — Traffic, at (619) 533-3094. Sincerely, pais rine) Sonia M, Graciano Transportation Storm Water 1010 Second Avenue, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 ce: Sheryl Cyprian, Route Slip Coordinator, City of San Diego Transportation and Storm Water Department O10 See, Soy 0 San, 92101 bh (1) 50812 Fx 19 589181 «

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