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Children shouldnt be forced into

such violence
Children are forced into army militias in countries all over the
world. The children being forced dont get to choose what they
want to do like we can. We get to wake up every day and choose
what were going to wear, eat, and do in life. Some people dont
even know this is going on in the world.

The law on enlistment, conscription or use of

children under 15 cant shouldnt be used in
war addressed in the special court for sierra
leore and in the international criminal court
(Child soldiers and the parameters of
international criminal law).
Where are

Child soldier are in Burundi,

Columbia, Congo, Liberia, Myanmar,
and Uganda with no one to help
them. There are organizations
helping such as the international
criminal court who tries to limit the

Child Soldiers International,

formerly the Coalition to Stop the
Use of Child Soldiers is a UK-based
non-governmental organization
that was formed to prevent the
recruitment and exploitation of
children (CSI).

Kaplan, Eben. "Child Soldiers around the World." Council on Foreign Relations.
Council on Foreign Relations, 02 Dec. 2005. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.

Jorgenson, Nina H.B Child Soldiers and the parameters of international criminal law.
Chinese journal of international law. 1.4 (2012) 657-688 Academic Search Premier Web. 25 Jan.

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