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Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Photo Scavenger Hunt

Team Name:


Team Members:

Take a picture of all of the following animals, plants, or situations. As you take each
picture, have somebody check off the box next to it in order to keep track of what
you have completed.
When you are finished, you will compile your photos as a team onto a simple
PowerPoint presentation. The teams that finish with the most objectives completed
will be eligible for a prize!

If you are having trouble with an objective, ASK FOR HELP! Mr. Sweeney, other
teachers, and the docents (volunteers) at the museum are all available as resources.

Part 1:
Photo Objective

A team member learning something from a docent or volunteer

An animal that is NOT in an enclosure, but wild outside in the museum grounds
(Which species did you pick? __________________________)

A mammal that lives in a riparian environment

(Which species did you pick? _________________________)

An animal that is really great at climbing rocks

(Which species did you pick? __________________________)

A bird that is definitely a male

(Which species did you pick? _________________________)

An endangered or threatened animal species

(Which species did you pick? __________________________)

A carnivorous mammal
(Which species did you pick? __________________________)

Something really good at defending itself.

A team member near a lizard (not a snake!) that is venomous

(Hint, there is only one type of lizard that is venomous)


A team member touching a stalagmite.


A team member touching a male jojoba bush and a different team member
touching a female jojoba bush


A team member beside either a

(Dont touch the cactus)


A non-native or invasive plant or animal species

(Hint: These may be harder to find, as they arent meant to be here.)
(Which species did you pick? __________________________)

boojum tree

and/or a biznaga cactus

Part 2:
RECREATE the following photos.
The Desert Museum is filled with intricate statues of various animal species. Find
each of these statues, and take a picture with a member of your team beside it.

Javelinas at an entrance

Heron at a riparian overlook

Frogs on a bridge

Owl perched at a ramada

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