Sampler of Polygraff

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We hope you enjoy this Sampler of our Anthology of Short Fiction.

It covers such popular genres as Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror,

Pulp, Cyberpunk, and many other imaginative expressions.

This Sampler gives you a taste of the kinds of fiction you will get from
issue to issue. We hope that you enjoy it.

Polygraff can be found at newsstands, bookstores, and other fine

retailers or you can order it directly from us. Just send an email to and we will set you up with the next issue.

Nothing helps you relax and escape from the world of everyday stress
like a fantastic story. Being a connoisseur of fine fiction you know
what you like and you know what you want. You know there is more
out there and that there are millions of stories just waiting to be told.
Spun into stories by talented writers and authors and waiting to be
discovered by you.

Polygraff offers you a look at tomorrow’s masters of speculative

fiction, today. This quarterly journal is packed with a variety of short
stories by the very best undiscovered writers out there right now.

So lose yourself in another world. Read and discover what’s new on

the horizon in fantasy, scifi, horror, and much more. Lose yourself in

We welcome your questions, opinions, and comments about Polygraff.

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 Volume 1, Issue #2

Anne Michaud         

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K aren Gallant         

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Volume 1, Issue #2

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Volume 1, Issue #2

Wes Weston         
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Volume 1, Issue #2

This issue of Polygraff™ is unique

for containing a lengthy interview
with controversial science fiction
author John Norman. His Gor series
of novels have attained cult status,
but they have been shunned by
the commercial mainstream and
by the science fiction and fantasy
community at large.

This is the first, and only,

interview, that John Norman has
done since 1972, and it is only
available in Polygraff!

This is a very small sample of the

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Polygraff Staff 

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  Volume 1, Issue #2

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Do you think you can write for us?
Polygraff is looking for talented, creative
writers whose work could be featured in
future issues. If you write original science
fiction, fantasy, horror, technothriller,
or in other genres of imaginative
and speculative fiction, then we
might be interested in considering
your work.

Send an e-mail to and ask
for our guidelines. Please do not
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inquiries only, please. Other
opportunities for writers are

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