Murteza Convergence Chart

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Standards: (PA)

S6.A.1.1.2: Use evidence to support inferences

and claims about an investigation or relationship
3.4.6.B4: Demonstrate how new technologies are
developed based on peoples needs, wants, values,
and/ or interests.
3.4.6.B3: Interpret how societal and cultural
priorities are reflected in technological devices.
Standard - 3.3.6.B1: Compare and contrast the
size, composition, and surface features of the
planets that comprise the solar system as well as
the objects orbiting them. Recognize the role of
gravity as a force that pulls all things on or near
the earth toward the center of the earth and in the
formation of the solar system and the motions of
objects in the solar system. Explain why the
planets orbit the sun in nearly circular paths.
Describe how the planets change their position
relative to the background of the stars Explain how
the tilt of the earth and its revolution around the
sun cause an uneven heating of the earth which in
turn causes the seasons and weather patterns.

Knowledge of Students and Context:

Curriculum Materials:
Textbook (Holt Science and
Technology: Astronomy)
PowerPoint slides
Online videos and simulations/
Images and footage from space
Mural of solar system
Chart Paper and white board
Computers with internet access for
student research
Construction paper and



This unit is part of the schools 6th grade

curriculum. I have been teaching the students for
the past month the units leading up to this one.
They seem to have a good grasp of the main
principles of gravity, stars and galaxies.
There are two 6th grade classes. They are
somewhat similar in their levels, although one
class (6A) shows more aptitude for understanding
concepts quickly compared the other class (6B).
Both classes have students who are astronomy
enthusiasts and so have more knowledge than
their classmates.
There are several students in each class (more in
6B) with IEPs that need modified assignments and
assessments. They also need more time and
attention during class to fully understand the



Teaching Methods:
Discussion based. Drawing heavily on students
prior knowledge and peer-to-peer
Students will also be asked to conduct individual
and group investigations into assigned topics (e.g.
a particular planet or moon, NASA missionetc.)
A portion of the lessons will be lecture based
where the teacher will deliver the information
(the basics needed for students to be able to work
independently later on) from slides.
Relevant footage from space telescopes will be
viewed. Along with videos of real Scientists
talking about it.

Educational Philosophy and Beliefs

All students have the ability to learn, although they

might do it in different ways. {Gardner}
Education should not only be geared towards doing
well on a test, education should also serve a higher
purpose- learning for learnings sake. [Dewey]
Classwork should be made relevant to students real
lives (science does not happen in a figurative
Students learn from good teachers- they also learn
from each other. [Vygotsky] Teachers should utilize the
funds of knowledge available in their own classroomsin the form of background knowledge.
All students deserve an education- lack of apparent
ability does not equal lack of potential. No one knows
it all; no one is ignorant of everything.- Freire

Theories of Teaching and Learning:

It is my job as a teacher to attempt to cater to

all types and levels of intelligence in my
lesson design. Intelligence is a
psychobiological potential to solve problems
or to fashion products that are valued in at
least one cultural context. [Gardner]
Class time should also be about teaching life
skills- cooperation, sharing, mutual respect.
Students learn better when they are allowed
to explore and construct on their own.
Variety in activities and modes ensures that
all students are receiving and understanding
content. Meet students at their level and
gradually move upwards in Blooms
There is value in making students partners
in learning. Allowing them to know the big
ideas of a unit. (objectives) Enables students
to become better assessors of their own
understanding and progress. [Tomlinson &
Assessment can take a variety of shapes-not
necessarily a test or written paper. Can be a
modifiable combination that works for a
range of students. Purpose is to assess
student understanding not to test.

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