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What is the correlation between poverty and poor health, and in what ways can it
be solved in the 21st century?
Areas of focus:
1. Poverty
2. Educational component
3. Community healthcare (poor health within the United States)
How we are going to solve our issue:
1. Conduct research about the at-risk groups that are affected most by poor health
a. Women
b. Old people
c. Children
**Focus on the cycle and how they all are entwined**
2. Research what factors cause some individuals to be prone to poorer health
a. Environmental components
b. Education
c. Violence
d. Diseases
e. Economic differences
3. Look at and compare solutions to community healthcare issues, setbacks, and offer
a. Solutions:
i. More community healthcare centers (Health Leads)
ii. Implementing my 3 part-strategy
b. Setbacks:
i. Plans that do not offer care to individuals because of preexisting
conditions, or other deterring factorsBriefly go over this and how ACA
has offered less discrimination throughout the healthcare agencies
c. Offer insight about what we can do now!!

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