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“What do you thin! Hooked carefully at the wri 1g and the paper. I wanted to be as nk that the writer is rich,” I said. “The paper is unusual. It is expensive and very strong.” “Yes, it unusual,” said Holmes. “And it is not English paper. Hold it up to the light.” es, x married a few months ag very often. He stayed al ter I got married, I did not see jouse on Baker Street, He was 1s often solves mysteries ters Gt, Pand Eg. Holmes. “That means decided to visit Holmes. I saw he was happy to see me. ‘Papier’ ~ paper. So this paper is \d he offered me a cigar. Then he stood in front of the looked at me, well. Married life is good for you,’ o know that you went to have a careless servant | “you are very clever, ILis true that I went hhursday. I came home very dirty. But I from a German-speaking coun Holmes took an encyclopedia from a shelf and opened it. ‘ook. The Eg is for ‘Egria’ That is in Bohemia, What do you think said. ‘We must discover what this man and showed me a sheet of wri this. Read it aloud.” er did not have a date, and there was no signature or address on it. The letter said: Dear sar Holoes, A genctlemare will comme to see you tonight. He weeds ar help ith somthing vey ierious, The aan ll ‘wear a task, s0 do not be surprised. I kuow that I can. trust you. We heard stow, heavy steps on the stairs. Then there was a loud knock at the door. “Come in,” said Holmes, Aman entered, He was tall and wore expensive clothes. There was a white mask on his face, “Did you receive my letter?" he asked, He had a German accent, “Yes,” said Holmes. “Please sit down. This is my friend and colleague, Dr John Watson, Who ar 1 got up to go, but Holmes stopped me. “You can trust my friend,” he said to the count. “You must both promise to keep my secret,” said the count said Holmes. ‘Lam sorry about this mask.” our strange visitor continued. “Count von Kramm is not my real name. I am here to see you because I want to prevent a scandal “I know," said Holmes, “You are Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Falstein, and King of Bohemia, Your Majesty, please tell me how T-can help you.” AYVi ‘The man was shocked. He pulled the mask off ls face and thre Then he said, “I don't know how you Know my identity, but I am sure to Irene 1 visited Warsaw. 1 famous opera singer Irene Adler there.” The man pulled the mask off his face. “watson, please find the notes I have about her,” said Holmes, |. “Hmm! She was bom in New Jersey. She sang at La Scala and at the Imperial Opera of Warsaw, but she doesn’t sing in operas now, Ah ~ now she is living in London! I believe Your Majesty fell in love with this young woman. You wrote her some love letters. And now you want those letters.” the king, “But hovw do you know?" is did not answer the question, He continued, “You think she 's to show the letters to someone — but can she prove that you fe them?” fs. The writing paper is min id the king. " Holmes suggested. tograph of me with her,” said the king. That is very bad. Your Majesty was very careless,” said ‘king replied. “I was only Crown Prince then and is photograph,” sald Holmes, ty serious for me,” said the king. want the photograph?” Holmes asked, ed soon,” explained the ki en, She is the daughter of the King of they will stop the marriage. Irene will not let me many another mn. She loves Are you staying in London?” Holmes asked, am staying at the Langham Hotel. Ask for Count von ‘you arrive,” the king answered. iss Adler’s address?” Holmes asked. at Briony Lodge in St John’s Wood,” the king replied. te the address on a piece of paper. “Good night, Your }ope we will have good news for you soon. And good PI at Baker Street at three o'clock the next day. Holmes was home, so I sat down by the fire to wait for him. Al four o'clock the door opened. An untidy man walked into the room. His clot Holmes came out of the bedroom. He was clean ly and he wore a suit. He sat down in a chair by the fire and omething very surprising happened this morning,” he replied. “What?” I asked again, the clothes of a groom. 1 spoke to the carriage drivers there, and they told me about “What did they tell you?” I asked. “ very beautiful. She lives every day. She returns at exactly seven o'clock for dinner. She rarely goes out at other times, Only one man visits her ~ Mr Godfrey Norton. He visits her every day and the carriage drivers often take hhim home. They told me all about him. “Then, [walked up and down the road near the house and thought about Godfrey Norton. Hes a lawyer. Does Miss Adler need his help? Are they friends? Has he got the photograph? “Suddenly, a cartiage arrived at Briony Lodge. A man jumped out. He was very handsome. I was sure that he was Mr Norton, He shouted (0 the driver to wait, Then he ran into the house. “I saw him in the sitting-toom with Miss Adler. He walked quickly up and down, He talked a lot and she listened. When he left the hhouse, he was in a hurry. He looked at his watch anxiously. He got into the carriage. “ ‘Drive to St Monica's church, he shouted to the ‘and hurry!” I Write the words under the correct pictures. suit bell countryside pipe stairs y 2 Write the letters in the correct order to make words. Then complete the sentences below with the words. The first letter is bold. | ~~ a, He needs @ D, Last night, there was a loud «a. The room was dirty and enous in the church on Saturday. to defend him in court. at the door, cc 3 Tick (/) the sentences about the King of Bohemia true (T) or false (F). 1. He wants to start a scandal. 2. He doesn’ 3. He wants to return something to Irene. 4, Adler's address. oocooog - COO = 5. He is going to get married soon. £ Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. Watson had a careless servant? Watson was working as a doctor again? How did Holmes know that the paper was from Bohemia? What did the King of Bohemia ask Holmes to do? Holmes when he Kingdom of Bohemia (the Czech Republic today) began in 212. People used the word "Bohemian" to refer to the people @ nd the language of their country. Today, people use the word to | describe someone unconventional and artistic. [iow nbooks.esiactresa Sherlock Holmes continued his story. “The handsome man drove ment, another carriage arrived at Briony Lodge. Tonly saw her for a ‘St Monica’s church, John!’ she said to the driver, and the carriage drove away. nw them, At that moment, another carriage came umped in. ‘St Monica's church,” I said. ‘Please drive as fast as you can.’ “We drove very fast, There were only three far. 1 signed some papers. It was very quick. Then Miss Adler thanked me and Mr ‘Then he said, “I have a plan to find the Photograph, but I need your help.” ‘Of course," I replied. “There is a risk,” Holmes explained. that can 1 do?” ‘um home from her drive at seven o'clock Holmes. near the window. You in the room, You must atch me.” “And then what?" | asked. “1 willl wave to you and you then throw this small smoke rocket into the room.” Holmes ten minutes Do you understand?” ss. You can trust me," I said, Now I must get He returned a few He was dressed as a priest. Holmes retuned a few minutes later, He was dressed os a priest. Look! She is coming,” H ie house. A man oj to protect Miss Adler. One of the men hit him, Holm He haul blood o ice. rene Adler looked down at him, she said, said a woman. “We can’t leave him in the street, sitting-room.” inutes and watched. I had. fa. He pointed 10 oor priest! He's hurt.” Irene said The Prom “Well done, Watson,” Holmes said, “It went very well.” “Hlave you got the photograph?” | asked. fo, but I know where it is,” he replied, “Thad red paint in my hand,” continued Holmes. “I fell and put my hand on my face, It looked like blood, it isan old trick. They took ime inside and I asked for some fresh air, so the servant opened the oe ‘But how did the smoke help you find the photograph?" I asked. “lrene Adler thought that her house was on fi Holmes. “She \en I shouted, “There is no fire. It arm.” She quickly returned the picture and went out of the there were other people “What are you going to do now?” I asked, “am going to tell the king. We will visit Briony Lodge again tomorrow. ‘king will come with us. The servant will ask us to mm. Then we will take the photograph. We will der arrives.” We returned to Baker Street. A young man was standing in the street. “Good night, Mr Holmes.” he called, and walked on, ink 1 know that voice,” said Holmes. “Who was that man?” 1 slept at Holmes’ house that night. In the morning, we sat down to have breakfast. Suddenly, the King of Bohemia arrived. “Have you got the photograph?” he asked. “Good night, Mr Holmes,” said a young man. “Not yet.” replied Holmes. “But can you get it?” asked the king, ; “Yes. I believe I can,” said Holmes, “but you must come with us “then let’s go,” replied the king impatiently. “My cartiage is waiting.” We left again for Briony Lodge. “I have for you,” said Holmes on the way. “Iren “An English lawyer called Norton,” answered Holmes. ‘The king was surprised. “But she cannot love him,” he said. “Well, Lope she does,” answered Holmes. The king was confused. “Why?” he asked. Because then she will not love ye \d you can marty another womas When A servant stood on the steps, “Are you Mr Sherlock Holmes’ Irene Adler wi Lodge, the door | surprised, lady of the house left this morning with her husband, They left Holmes took the picture off the wail, ne Pr Dear Mr Holmes, You were vey clever in my house ise you. The smoke filed the ror and 1 went to get serday. 1 did not | the photograph. tt was exactly as you plarmed. But then T sundestood that it was a trick. You are very femous, I followed cand I said good night 10 you outside your door. ‘The King of Bohemia does not have to worry. 1 will not use the photograph. 1am kexp in love with a better aan thas hi t to your house. Ewore a | | man's Here is another picture ~ tis agit from ne to him. Yours truly, ‘Irene Norton (Adier) iF e King of Bohemia. “What a wonderful womant” said “she thing more to do. Goodbye, Your Majesty.” Holmes 1g and we went home. how Sherlock Holmes saved the kingdom of Bohemia from a scandal. But Holmes never forgot Irene Adler because she ruined his plans, Irene Adler was cleverer than the great Sherlock Holmes. 1 Match each word to the correct definition, {3 Circle the INCORRECT answer. 1, Sherlock Holmes .. a, drove Irene Adler to the church b, was a witness at a wedding . dressed up as a priest A B |... injured 2. The men in the street started a fight | seme b. present a. to help Holmes get into the house [oS danger b. because Sherlock Holmes gave them money ~~, not frightened ¢. because Miss Adler told them to | «destroy 3, Irene Adler's letter ... a, was addressed to the king, . was behind the picture in the ¢. was addressed to Sherlock Holmes to be anxious about something 2 Circle the correct answer. 1, Theard bis ... on the phone, 4. Trene Adler. i a. voice b. blood a, dressed as a man 2. Open the window for some .., . gave the king the photograph D. fresh air followed Sherlock Holmes to his house 3. He tried to... her from danger. a. follow |. Answer the questions. Write the 4. The ... married them. answers in your notebook. a. priest 1. Why did Godfrey Norton and Irene Adler 4g0 fo St Monica's church? 2. What did Watson do when Holmes was in Irene Adler's sitting-toom? 3. How did Holmes know where the photograph was? 4, Why couldn't Holmes take the photograph? 5. What did Holmes discover when he arrived at Briony Lodge the next morning? 6. How did Irene Adler ruin Holmes’ plans? 5. Don't... . We can solve this peacefully, a. fight b. address: lt became obligatory for the Christian cl m clergy to wear a sloshing The Durpose was to make clerics noticeable to 'e public. Today in Rome, Roman Catholic clergy can wear yor blue shirts, eect | Match each definition to the correct word. 1. talk very quietly ch each word to the correct picture. twins 3. pocket 4. roof 5. candle 3 Tick (/) the items that frighten you. “eB a wb nl ae Imes usually slept until Jate, but one ‘morning, he woke me up at quarter past seven, “WI SAO Holmes replied. “A young lady is waiting in the sting-oom, Shes very worried. 1 think she’s got something interesting to say. Do I said, Tquickly got dressed. Then I went to the sitting-room with Holmes, ‘The lady stood up when we entered. She wore a dress and had a ve re a dress and had a veil “Good morning, madam,” said Holmes. “My name is Sherlock Holmes. This is my friend and colleague, Dr John Watson. You are trembling. Are you cold? I can ask my servant, Mrs woman, quietly. “Then why are you tuembling?” asked Holmes. “I am frightened,” she said. “T am terrified.” woman lifted her saw the look of fe: har face. She was about 30 years old, but she looked older. “Don't be frighten ‘We saw the look of fear on her face. ie “I see you travelled by train this morning,” he oked at her. do you know?" asked the woman, surprised. we got half a return train ticket in your left hand. I also w that you walked to my house ftom the train station, and it was journey,” explained Holmes. ‘oman stared at Holmes. She was very surprised. Imes smiled, “It is easy to see, madam,” he said, “There is mud. i left side of your dress. The marks are wet. You walked for a I cannot return to my house! L cannot pay you, Mr Holmes. ory. But in two months, Tam going to get married. Then I will Ip you, madam,” said Holmes. “You do not need y me now. Please tell me everything about this case.” am in danger,” said the woman. “My name is Helen Stoner. 1 live with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott.” “know the name,” said Holmes. “tic is the last of the Roylott family. The Roylotts were very rich in the past. They owned land in many parts of England. fut the men lost all the money. Then they sold the land to pay their debts. “My stepfather studied medicine. Then he went to India to work as, a doctor. There, he married my mother, Mrs Stoner. She was young and she was a widow. She had twins ~ my sister Julia and me. My mother was very tich. She gave all her money to Dr Roylott on one Julia and me when we get married. “While we were living in India, there were several robberies in our house. My stepfather was very angry. He said that one of the servants, was the robber and he killed the servant. He went on for ‘many years. His prison sentence finished and then we all returned to England. My stepfathcr is an angry, disillusioned man. “Soon afier our return, my mother died in a train accident. Our stepfather took us to live in an old house at Stoke Moran, in Surrey. It belongs to his family. “Now, my stepfather rarely goes out of the house. He doesn't have any friends and he doesn’t talk to people. “Julia and I were terribly unbappy at very lonely there. We have only Harrow, near London, We son met a man in Hartow. They fel marriage andl my sister was very happy. en something terrible happened two years ago." oke Moran, We were 1g." answered Mrs Stoner, Sherlock Holmes sat down and closed his eyes. Then he opened them again and looked at Miss Stoner. “Please tell me exactly what happened,” he said, “The night my sister died, my stepfather went to his room early. Julia and I talked about her wedding plans in my room, Then she go! lup to go to her room. It was between my room and my stepfather’s. She stopped at the door and looked at me. “ ‘Tell me, Helen,’ she said. ‘Did you hear someone whistle last while you were in your room?” ‘No, why?’ I said. the morning, I hear a replied my sister. “Did you always lock your doors at night?” asked Holmes, “Yes, always,” replied Miss Stoner. “Why? asked Holmes, and the monkey. My stepfather loves Indian e gardens at Stoke Moran, We were frightened ns are very close and It jeard a whistle, and a ‘As you know, iervous, Suddenly, 1 heard a sere passage. Then ments later, a bang. It was something met ‘She opened the door, Her face was white with ‘around her. She fell to the ground in terrible pain and shouted jelent Tt was the band! The speckled band!” he pointed towards Dr Roylott’s room. Lran to call my stepfather. servant to the “Ab, she lit a match,” said Holmes, “so she saw something when she shouted. That is important. What was the cause of death?” “The doctor did not find any cause,” answered Miss Stoner, “Was she potsoned2” asked Holmes. “He didn’t find any poison. My sister was alone in the room. Her «door and windows were locked. The doctor did not find any marke on her,” explained Miss Ston “Was there anybody near the house when she died? Was the gardener there?” asked Holmes, “Yes, the gardener was there. He is there most of the time, He lives in a house in the garden,” replied Miss Stoner. “Your sister was frightened of a speckled band. Do you know what that is?” asked Holmes. ‘No. I've got no idea,” answered Miss Stoner, Holmes shook his head. “This is a mystery.” he said. “Please continue.” “A month ago, a dear friend proposed marriage to me, His name 's Percy Armitage. My stepfather agreed to the martiage. Two days ago, my stepfather decided to do some repair work at the house andl builders started to work in my bedroom, Now I sleep in the same room and bed where my sister died. Last night, I heard a whistle. tt tle I heard on the night Jul “There Is Something else you didn't mention,” said Holmes, He | took Miss Stoner’s hand. The marks of four fingers and a thumb were on her wrist. “Is your stepfather cruel to you?" he asked | “He is a strong man,” she replied, “and he is often violent, the i People in the village are frightened of him.” Holmes looked into the fire. | “Can we look at the house today?” he asked “Yes. My stepfather is in London today. He will arrive home late this evening.” replied Miss Stoner, “Bxcellent. Do you want to come, Watson?” asked Holmes. jernoon,” Holmes said. Stoner said, She put her door suddenly opened. An He had a big face and small, he asked. " Dr Roylott shouted, angri | followed her. What did she say to you s smiled, calmly. “Please go, sir. And close the door behind said. ied the angry visitor. “Do not neat my stepdaughter or Moran. Iam a dangerous, ‘when I am angry.” picked up. the ker from next to the © and broke it with enormous hands. hhe threw the the fire and left the room. “1 will decide the time 10 leave,” shouted the ‘angry visitor. Find ten words in the puzzle and write them below. Blelolainiale he Be af

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