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The River Prophecy

This story is about Streamclan and Stormclan, how Stormclan saved

Streamclan by the great flood and it takes place in Moonclan on a
normal prophecy making.
(Moonclan= Ancient dead cats) (Prophecy= When they dream of a
warning in the future as a rhyme) (Omen= seeing something thats
warning of the future) (Cats that are known as deputy are next in
charge of leader and will be leader when the leader dies)
Chapter One {The Prophecy Telling}
Fire (Old leader of Stormclan) lashed his tail in annoyance, as Blue
(Old leader of Stormclan before fire) didnt think of the prophecy his
way. No! It means that Jay (Stormclan medicine cat apprentice) will
then save the Streamclan apprentice and then no one will die! Blue
shook her head No the Streamclan apprentice will have to die in
this prophecy. Streamclan any way has 3 other apprentices.
(Thistle, Tunnel and Flare) Fire narrowed his eyes Fine do it your
way His eyes had the glint of hostility and he padded away lashing
his tail.
Fire woke up in his chosen den in Moonclan. Fire was the one to tell
Willow (Streamclans medicine cat apprentice) about this prophecy;
he kept saying the prophecy over and over again in his head. The
water will come, the birds will fly, and only Storm will come to save
the Stream. (< The prophecy) Fire closed his eyes and made
himself go to Willows den in the crispy leaf-bare snow. He padded to
Willow seeing Moth (medicine cat of Streamclan also willows
mentor) lying still like a rock and he tapped Willow on the back with
his paw.
Willow was awake and stared at Fire, she wondered why the
Stormclan leader had come to tell her this prophecy, and does it
have anything to do with Stormclan? She listened to him as he
spoke the words of a prophecy The water will come, the birds will
fly, and only Storm will come to save the Stream Willow stared at
him in shock as he disappeared No wait! What does this mean?
she yowled, but he disappeared only his stale scent stayed there.
Willow lashed her tail Why go! I need to know what this means,
she muttered. She padded in circles and then lay down in her mossy
nest and drifted into a dark sleep. It felt like a heart beat later the
sun was shining through the cave into the medicine cat den and
Moth her mentor was shorting out herbs.

Finally your awake! she her mentor meowed Willow sat up shaking
the clumps of moss in her pelt. I had a prophecy last night she
told Moth.
When Willow had told her everything when the Stormclan leader Fire
came, she looked at Moth wondering if the cat would tell the leader.
I will go tell Misty (leader of Streamclan) this prophecy maybe she
knows, but Im worried it has to do with Stormclan since Fire said it
and it has the word Thunder in it Moth meowed. Soon Moth came
back and nodded to Willow She thinks that somethings bad going
to happen and Stormclan can save us she meowed wearily.

Chapter 2 {The Stinging Rain}

Two days after Willow had told the prophecy to Moth she had been
checking everything around the territory if there were foxes,
badgers, adders or anything that could kill a cat. She came across a
foxs den and she looked in side it sniffing it was stale but about a
few days old. She looked around hoping that the fox wouldnt come
back she herd a rustling in the bushes and she yowled in alarm but
it was only the dawn patrol. Reed (Deputy of Streamclan) leading
the patrol with Stick, (<Streamclan apprentices >) Thistle and
splash (normal warrior) behind him Why are you here next to a
foxs den Willow! The deputy meowed strictly. I was looking for
any omens! And dont talk to your medicine cat like that! she
demanded. Reed narrowed his eyes Just get away from the den so
the fox doesnt come he meowed a bit calmer.
Later the patrol had come back to camp and told Misty what
happened Moonclan will send you omens when its time she
meowed to Willow. Willow dipped her head slightly Ok, but they
must be soon she meowed.
Misty padded back into her den fading into the darkness and Willow
headed back to her den as well. Willow told Moth what happened
So that fox den isnt part of it because its meant to do will flowing
water or even over flowing water! she meowed quickly. Well we
cats never now when its going to happen we will have to wait for
it to happen she looked at Willow so she would be listening.
The next day the Streamclan warriors saw thick dark clouds coming
from were the mountains were the tribe lives they were moving
slowly, but they would be there at the camp the next day. Let all
Cats old enough to swim through the rivers join me beneath the
high-rock for a clan meeting! Misty stars yowl rang through the
camp as the warriors gathered below the rock. Streamclan has
spotted some dark clouds heading for the forest from the mountains
we must be ready for the worst! she yowled above the thunder
they could already hear from the clouds rolling into Pineclans

territory. Warriors go into patrols gather brambles and vines

anything you can find to block dens fully! she yowled as the
warriors ran around into groups to find brambles and moss.
When the warriors had finished placing more then they needed on
the dens they scrambled inside and two warriors were in the nursery
guarding the 2 moon old four kits there were. Two warriors must be
in each den then the others in the warriors den I will have my
deputy in my den! Misty yowled against the rain pouring down
flattening their glossy pelts. Willow saw two warriors run into the
apprentices den when two were heading for her and Moths den.
Inside Willow! One of the warriors Sun yowled as Birch ran inside
the den. All the drying herbs are inside in the split rock were we
supply our herbs Moth meowed. Good we should survive this
Birch meowed lashing his tail peaking outside seeing glittering eyes
from the other dens.
Chapter 3 {The Flood}
Misty shivered the breeze was coming into her den and Reed was
next to her shivering too. What if theres lighting or even worse
a flood or those wind tunnels that connect to the clouds she
thought as she panicked. Will Streamclan survive? She heard the
faint mewling from the nursery and the apprentices yowling from
the thunder. Soon a bolt of lighting strike she saw the flash outside
and then her den got plummeted with river water washing her and
Reed out of the den. He-Help! her head went under the water as
the water pushed her away.
She managed to pull her head up from the water and saw she was
pulled into Stormclan territory already. She tried swimming like she
always did but the current was too strong but she could keep her
head above the water. Wait! Stay there! Misty heard a cat and she
turned her head but got dunked under again. She put her head up
again and saw stick (apprentice) handing onto a floating tree
branch; he was trying to swim to me faster then the current Misty!
Quick hold the log! he yowled. She tried pushing her legs forward
getting closer to the log and she outstretched a paw to grab it and
she dug her claws in. She then pulled herself above her so she was
crouching on top of it her claws dug in but there was no sign of
Stick yowled as he plummeted into the water again as Misty pulled
herself up onto the log. He didnt have time to wail as he went
under and he pushed his hind legs on the muddy riverbed but his
hind paws got stuck in the mud. He tried wailing but bubbles just
came out of his mouth. He tried jamming his hind paws free but the
mud kept sucking him in more. His lungs were screaming for air but
he couldnt get to the surface. He saw a dark shape above him and
saw the log with a cat shadow falling on the water. At least Misty is
safe He thought but that moment Misty leaped into the water diving

down and grabbed him on the scruff, and pulled him to the surface
he gasped and vomited out water the log was still there getting
washed toward them.
Misty Pulled him above the surface and the log came at them like a
fox running for its first cat. Quick go under! Misty yowls but Stick
didnt have time and he got hit on the head from the log and his fur
got snagged in the sticks of the log and the log pulled him away.
No! Stick! There was no wail he got winded by the force of the log.
The log was going away but Misty clawed at it managing to force
two paws on the log as she and Stick got pulled away into the lake,
She pulled herself to the other side of the log since the water was
calmer here and she saw that there was no sign of Stick.
She heard a yowl and saw Jay, The Stormclan Medicine cat
swimming towards her. Whats happened In Streamclan? Jay
wearily meows. Flood She rasps out. Jay then took her by the
scruff and pulled her to the shore and placed her down. A patrol of
Stormclan cats came Grey at the lead with Rain, Sorrel (Stormclan
warriors) and Cherry (Stormclan apprentice) heading towards them
Why is Misty in our territory? The old deputy demanded. Jay
looked back at Grey. Theres been a flood let her tell us what really
happened. He meowed firmly.
Chapter 4 {After The Flood}
After Misty had finished telling them to story she remembered Stick.
Stick must be dead now Grey mutters. I have to get back to my
clan! she yowls worriedly Jay nods and looks back at Grey and he
nodded to. The Stormclan patrol and Jay followed Misty into the
soggy brambles of Streamclan camp there were sticks some
longpaws (people) stuff too but no cats. We have to find my clan!
She whimpers she looked at were the nursery was, no kits no
queens were had they gone? She padded too were the nursery
was only a few bramble bushes stayed there and she saw torn out
fur from one of the queens Dawn (Queen with kits) We are
going to look around the lake! she meowed stiffly to the other
Stormclan cats.
Misty struggled to pad through the forest of thorny brambles as she
went to look for her lost clan mates. Reed! Dont die! She yowls as
she struggled on her wobbly legs but she kept going on. She heard a
yowl and she started running and she heard the Stormclan patrol
running after her as well. She stopped looking down at Dawn lying
down in elder bushes Dawn! Misty gasps. Dawn opens her eyes
glaring up at her leader will fear in her eyes. Misty. find my
kits. She rasps and then closed her eyes going limp forever. No!
Dawn please! she begged Moonclan not to take her but she was

already dead. The Stormclan patrol watched sadly too Come on we

need to go before anyone else dies. Grey meows.
Before long they herd mewling somewhere and Misty quickly trotted
of ahead and came back with one of Dawn kits Fern (kitten of
dawns) she thought she placed it down in front of Sorrel to carry.
Sorrel picked the kit up and nods and pads after Misty. Misty
strained her ears for any more of the Ferns two brothers but there
was no sign of them. She bent down sniffing at every tree and
bramble bushes she went past she did see some tufts of fur caught
on sticks. She kept passing on the Stormclan cats following with
Fern she soon herd rustling in the bushes and Reed came limping
out Misty! he meows faintly.
Misty ran up to him Your not dead! she wails Offcourse Im not!
He meows happily. Have you seen anyone else? She meows
worriedly. He shook his head Sorry but I have seen tufts of fur. He
sadly meows. She droops her tail and drags it alone with Reed
padding the same pace as her and the Stormclan cats following. She
kept on padding till she came to Pineclan territory and the
Monsterpath (Road) in front of her. She stopped and looked around
and saw that Ferns brother Steel (Ferns brother still kittens) under a
sleeping monster (car). Steel looked at her with fear in his eyes and
Fern starts wailing. Then another Monster started coming to sleep
next to that monster Steel! Misty Yowls as the Monster turned and
started moving back (parking beside the other monster)
Chapter 5 {the survivors}
Fern Wailed loudly watching Steel leap from under the monster and
just dodged the paw (wheel) of one of the still moving monsters.
Steel Quick! Misty yowls, Steel came running forward and the
monster behind him stopped and two Longpaws came out one with
a long stick and cobweb at the end (Net) Steel finally came and
looked back seeing the two Longpaws yowling with there stumpy
front paws in the air. Quick! They must not catch us! She yowls as
Rain picked up Steel quickly and started running deep into
Streamclans territory. Soon they arrived at Streamclans camp and
looked around but all the dens were soaking and ruined. Medicine
cat den quick! She yowled and the cats rushed to the stone den
witch was the biggest den. They crowded in the medicine cat den
and they scented another cat, two cats now.
Two cats walked out from the shadows in the den, light creamy and
dark grey Moth and Willow! she suddenly remembered Moth
Willow how did you survive? She asked quickly. The flood didnt
reach that far in the medicine cat den Moth responds. Then
wheres Sun and Birch? She meows looking around quickly. Oh,
They got washed away they were guarding the den they didnt
expect the current to be that strong. She whimpers. Misty drooped

her head sadly We should go start finding them, leave the kits here
moth you can stay and guard these kits she meows. Misty
beckoned the other cats to follow her leaving the two kits with moth
in the den.
As Misty padded through the forest every now and then she yowled
the names Sun! Birch! there was no luck till she heard her name
answering her Misty! Is t you? Sun yowls from somewhere. Misty
ran toward his voice and found him drying his fur on a rock too tied
to get up Sun! Im so glad to find you! She meowed to the warrior.
Yes I also found flare He meowed, Misty looked around wh- Flare
came rushing in with a black bird in his jaws and dropped it Misty!
The apprentice yowled happily. Misty ran towards him "Im so glad
your alive!" She purred happily. "Have you found stick? I thought he
went on a log, last time i saw him he was..." Misty flattened her
hears drooping her tail low. "He...

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