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Rules, Guidelines, and Consequences for Miss Richards Class

R: Respect yourself and others

U: Understand its okay to fail
L: Listen carefully
E: Exercise self-control
S: Surprise yourself
These rules are only to get us started this school year, we will add rules as we
need to or if these are all that we need then we will keep them as they are. In this
classroom we will understand that there is only positive actions and speaking going on. If
we find that this is a problem then the consequences will go as follows:
1. Verbal communication between you and I.
2. Written communication between you and I with a signature included by both you
and myself.
3. Written communication between your parent and myself with a signature
4. Phone call home with you present as I am speaking with your parent.
5. Referral to the principal
There will be no time in my classroom that the consequences will skip a step
unless the action requires me to do so, and if that is the case we will discuss that then. I
am hoping that this year we will not have to use the consequence list at all, but we must
agree to this list before a problem arises. If you have read through and understood these
rules and consequences I would like for you and your parent to sign the bottom of this
Thank You,
Miss Richards
Student Signature

Parent Signature

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