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Por Jairo Gaviria Coral


The Internet plays an important role in the world today. It is the fastest way to communicate and to find information. In recent years
this powerful toolthe Internet has been integrated in the language classroom with outstanding results in the students academic
performance. This is one of the reasons why this grammar directory was designed.
Websites related to grammar provides English learners, not only explanations and examples, but also the exercises to practice.
Students can have access to any grammatical topic. It can be simple topics like articles or complex structures like passive voice. Students
can practice grammar through pictures, games, or songs. This is definitely a tool that an ESL teacher should use in the ESL classroom to
teach grammar.
The following is a grammar directory that contains ten websites to practice grammar through worksheets, games, and quizzes. This
directory was designed for teachers, tutors or students committed to improve their grammar skills. It is a useful resource to find easily
different kinds of grammar activities for ESL, EFL or native speakers. The main objective of these websites is to review, learn and practice
grammar topics.
This directory is not classified according to grade levels or age, but according to the type of activity that the learner, teacher or tutor
wants to learn or practice. For example, if a teacher, tutor or student is interesting in reinforcing or reviewing a specific grammatical topic
seen in class, he or she can go to, where he or she would find different worksheets.

Each website has

the following information, the website address for a quick access; a picture of the website; the author, a short summary of what the website
consists of, and a personal annotation about why I find this useful. This is a valuable and interesting way to learn and have fun at the same
Author: Unknown
This is a complete grammar website that offer students, teachers or tutors a variety of worksheets that can be used as
follow-up discussion, assistance, or reading aloud activities. It is also helpful for lesson review, reinforcement or even
homework. This websites makes emphasis in parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms and analogies. Probably this website
is not very attractive for young learners who want to practice grammar skills through games. However, this is very useful
for teachers who want to print worksheets and use them as review or reinforcement activities. Worksheets are tools that
can be used to work individually or in groups, and it is not necessary to have a computer at hand. This is something to
have in mind, when teaching in a classroom where there are no computers.
Author: The BBC, a public broadcasting organisation that informs, educates, and entertains. is a website that contains factsheets, worksheets, quizzes and games to help improve the
students grammar skills. These activities are for intermediate or advance students rather than for kids. Some of
the exercises are based on putting sentences together, using commas, etc. This is a very useful website for
learners who want to improve their writing skills through grammar. Learner who access to this website will find
explanations, exercises, games and quizzes. Students have the opportunity to print the material for further
practice. I think this is a very complete website. Although it is presentation is not very attractive, its content is
very interesting and useful.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt School publishers
Grammar practice park is a website specifically for third graders. Here they can play games and practice grammar skills.
This is a really fun website which let students to practice and play at the same time. Some of the topics are types of
sentences: statements, questions, commands, exclamations; nouns: proper, common, plural, possessives; verbs:
contractions, present, past and future; pronouns; adverbs; and punctuation: commas. This is a very useful website
because the activities are easy and fun to do. Students are going to see the activities like games rather than classwork or
Author: Unknown
Although this web site is designed for ESL learners, it is also useful for EFL students. Ages are not specified. This web
site contains not only grammar activities, but also songs, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and reading activities; slang
and proverbs vocabulary. Students can take quizzes and see their points immediately. This is a very valuable website
because it has a variety of grammar activities to practice. It allows students to test their knowledge and skills and get
feedback immediately.
Author: Internet TESL Journal
This website provides quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help students learn English as a Second Language.
Grammar is presented in levels of complexity, easy, medium and difficult. The activities let students to evaluate their
grammar skills using multiple choices or short answers exercises. I think this website is very useful for ESL or EFL
teachers and students, because it has a variety of topics: articles, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, question words,
sentence structure, tag questions, verbs, and word order.
Author: Uknown
This is like a master website. This website let teachers, tutors or students to get a grammatical activity directly from the
site, or access to another website to practice different grammar topics. This is really a useful website, because it contains
a variety of grammatical topics that cannot be found in other websites. For example, use of apostrophes, conditional
sentences, conjunctions, prepositional phrases, etc.
Author: Heike Pahlow, Translator, Mario Mller, Programmer. Stefanie Czapla, Illustrator
This website let students read detailed explanations about English tenses, conditional and subjunctive, and other grammar
topics. Students also can practice these topics doing exercises and taking quizzes. This is also a very useful website
because it is very completed. Students are able to see a short explanation, the form, exceptions, short forms, use, key words,
and a summary. Once students have learned the topic, they have the chance to do exercises. These exercises are checked
immediately, in this way students can see their mistakes, If any, and go back to the explanation section to clarify any doubt.

Author: Brad Sheppard provides a variety of games for different grade levels: elementary, middle and high school. This web
site let students review parts of speech, basic punctuation and other common grammar concepts. This is a web site that
students will love it because it provides a variety of challenging and fun games. This is a very useful website because these
kinds of games and puzzles will exercise the students minds as they have fun, and if they practice daily, for sure they will
improve their grammar skills quickly.

Author: Oxford University Press is a website to practice grammar exercises, listening and speaking, reading and writing activities. The topics
are presented according to three levels of complexity: basic, intermediate, or advance. Once the student chooses the
level, he or she can decide on practicing exercises, listening and speaking, or reading and writing. This is a useful web
site because it helps practice grammar through listening, reading, and writing activities.

Author: Unknown
This website contains detailed explanations of grammar topics and interesting examples, and exercises. Learning English
Grammar contains a full list of grammar lessons. It includes tense usage, structures, parts of speech, appositives,
embedded questions, parallelism, etc. It is a really useful website because it takes the students to learn and practice
grammar skills step by step. It starts with a complete explanation of the topic, then some examples and exercises. Finally,
a reading passage where the grammar topic is found in a real context.

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