Topic 10 Solutions Packet 2

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‘bo expressions given aroused to india the concentration or strength of solution. A solution consists {two componenis:the slut, or disolved substance, and the solvent, orth dissolving substance, The et common solvent i water. Inthe pats por milion equation, the grams of solution is the total mass ‘he solute and the solvent, ‘eampie- parts per elon: i ‘An aqueous solution has 0,04 gram of oxygen dlasolved in 1000. grams of water. Calculate the SRL herrea ec stomee Cae a aa of ake coneve tus's emacs; SR ya val ea 5.. How much solid KaCr207 (moler mass = 294.2 g) must be weighed out to ‘make 2.00 1 of an equsobs 0.200 M solution? inthe ater cannot conisin more than 5 x, 10-4 rag of mercury am of samples What wld St be pe aa ee bed ‘The Dead Sea contains 4.64 la of bromide fon in 1000. kg of weer. Colcuiats the bromiddfon concentaios ta pam” 5 8 HeSee ne n 5o pe of sotim patie, 9. What is the vohime of a 1.5 M NaCl solution made wah 174 g of sek? Qt Answer these questions about slutty 8) Givea definition of solbity. 1) What factor can affect the solubility ofa substance? STE ae: Q2 What's the molarity of a salt solution with 0.5 moles aes re ean 008 — Untdacedinvae wim bmn retrain > ekassretetene| = 404 Tiras Q3_ Find the molarlty of the following solutions: 8) 40 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) dissolved in water to form 500 mL. of solution. 1) 202 g of potassium nitrate (KNO,, dissolved in water to form 1500.0 mt. of solution, 12 3655 g of hydrogen chloride ga dissolved in water to form 1000 mi of sokutton. QA Find the percent by valume concentration ofthe following solutions: ') 25 ml. of LIOH dissolved in water to make 3.0 Irs of soltion, 1) 4.65 ml of CuC, dissolved to make 35.0 ml. of soltion. (© 50.00 ml. ofa 50% (by volume) NaCI solution added to more solvent to ‘make 120,00 ml of solution. B __ Find the percent by mass concentration ofthe following solutions: £8) 800.0 g of solution containing 23.00 g of NaOH, 1) 7.500 g ofS, dlssolved to form 178.0 g of oktion. QS Find the pets per milion concentration of the fllawing solutions: 8) 78 g of MgO dissolved to frm 2.0 of solution. 1) 675 g of KI olution containing 90.0 g of KI, Y Using the Reference Tables, decide whether each ofthe following solutions is unsatrated, waturaed, or supersaturated, 9) 100g of NaNO, dissolved in 100 g of water at 40°C 1) 10.gof NH,Cl dissolved n 20 g of water at 40 °C 12 200 g of NaCl dissolved in 500 g of water at 95 °C 100 g of KCI dissolved in 1000 g of water at 25 °C B10 goF« nonvolatile solute are added to a beaker of wate. «@) Explain whats meant by a nonvolatile soit, 1) What effet wil this have on the melting and boiling pot ofthe water? The boiling point was changed by 2.5 °C by the addition ofthe solute Molarity Practice N 2: Noles » Find the moles ins (ations be 250 mk of 4M ole 2 Goo mL of = AM sein 3 AL of a 5M soln 4B. SL of o «03M soln 3. Find tha Molarity of: SY males off Solute. in G5 moles of Hel in 400 mb. of, Soln QL of soln 7 o TOV male sin. $000 wb $. 1a.P moles f KCl an | & volution 3.2L of soln 7+ Find the (quers|in Ye GL of 3M NH; Solution 10. 62250 L of 5M N03 G5) NTL of AM Hele a. L506 of 7M we oluctron e.) 0) 1008, @ 2635, ©) Bae © 07g 2, Whatia the total uber of mals of sats contin a 050 er of3 OM HHT 10 30 @is was ‘3. What athe molarity of solution cunning 20, gama of ‘Net in 050 ther of chi? re: 10 @) 0.30 @ 20 oo ‘4 The molaty 9 of won qu tthe © sunt gu at alee © umber of mame of alte, ter of roition o, of prof solvent 0. ier of sahution ‘5. Whats omnentration of solution wish costo 1 taal af CaCl doled in 200 sli felon? @ iM 0) osm @ aM @ 025 6, Wha he malay of en 1,50, olen 0.25 Mar of hasan cone 0.75 msl of H,60,? @ 05M @) 30M" 075 © oom +7. Wat ia ha molar of slo ht cx 4 game ot “NaOH i 50 militias of aos? {Pocmala mam ofNeOH= 40) @oam @ 02m @ 2M osm 1. How sary moles of ENO, argue oaks 0.50 her fn 20M econ cFENO,T 10 @) 030 @ 20 40 9, How many gras of KOH we oda o pepe 290, ‘nlite of 200 M ston of KOE, 105, ©) 2808 ® 2005 @ ie 10, How my lites of 12.04 HC) mat be ted, wh te to mks ec 300, 030034 Joc eid? @) © m.nL ® tas. © 20m 1, Win be moar oF somon at coxming 40. gas of NOH in 0.50 er of ota? @ 10m ©) oom @ 20M © 025m 12, What tha wal suber af olen of etn 2.0 ts of ‘30M NAOH ) Lome ©) 300k @ 20m © 60m Ea) + —21-The number of fue seed teh epee af 0 guna af wae foe °C 97C a da ‘> a aw 4 160 2.What athe rm Sm mae of F00,? D oie 3) 2 ise 408 ap Wale my equa to 29 game of LPT Lomas 3) 00mele 2) 20meles ® sein AW sao mt conor? Dl mole foie doled in 400 ote 2) Omak fate doled i300 fsairet 3) 03 mal of we mote 200ml fare 4) 4 maa of salts dno in 100 lof lest —$:t0.025 pam of PUNO) ected 10, ge BLO, wht te cone the eng an, Dastio'ms 3) 250m 3 25pm 9 sotto ow may pun of KNO, soul be cre in Tres tome S000 gam of 20 pm gn? Dorie toon ios 17 Show a comet samara fer etelaag how my Ile fs 12 Meokaion xb prepare wih 00 ale of Bae 4. Base you svar th flowing gun on th fe fio. Aston sented mak 0.250 er 20.200 M ‘toeom wlulon of NO ‘Show acest mamaria fr ting ttt ‘muner mols of (NO) andd to rma 0.250 of. 1800200 clon it elion 9. Anagueom sition coins 300 pars perm of KOH, Deen th ber of ras cf KOH pret a 100, gam the ‘elas 10, Base our never the lowing quo nthe lion blow. ‘Teeth of i depends on he avant of exypn lve I the ate, A nave expe (D0) enceiton betwee (pts pr lion d8 prs pelo lbs i Sh belt. ADO conto re a pat pe malin ‘ony for ah rv. Piha lo uct by weer mpersi andconcettons of svedsmmani yop li lerde compound late compounds, Man esa fh sen weer ith betwom 65 ead 83. ‘Actus ah lcm Nh, rec plans ed 3000 prema of ack ater wih 27+ 102 pam of alved ‘oxy Php rs clare nd resol bn anal ea wer ete the DO consti heh nc sali or fk, our opens met dee rec meri stp els he DO ocesios nih we i prsprilcn fs clad reat ret ning yor cucu ea hat el yt DO consenron i the water or thay fh ‘Topic 10: Solutions Colligative Properties ‘Why do we put salt on the sidewalks when it snows? (© When nonvolatile of Woven Se Sa = Adding salt = Lmole of. siecinedcet = Seo Te eee ee * Molecular vs, Zonie What happens when we put a molecular (covalent) substance into water? * When See ‘What happens when we add an ionic substance into water? = When J + 1mole = + will OTE os eee + Ctl What happens to the boiling point when you add something to water? = One. + 1 mole of * Lmole of. Ey * Bolling Point 00K Sf. When \aper preseure =a Suro SE sa. Vatsies e ei * Liquid becomes a aie Whee Cad eee nee ene oT a Sa uy Neremel boing petit Ses eee emcee oe Sond] o Hef pani oe a eee a © Normal boiling point of water= Regents Questions * ‘The heat energy to change one mole of liquid into a vapor at the boiling point is called the (1) Heat of vaporization (2)Heat of formation * Water boils at 90°C when the pressure exerted on the liquid equals (1) 82 Pa (2)90 kPa (3)101.3 kPa (4)120 kPa + The vapor pressure of water is 50 kPa. The temperature of this sample of water is as7°c * Four flasks ore prepared, each containing 100mL of aqueous solutions of equal concentration, Flask A contains KCI(aq), flask B contains CHsOH(aq), flask C contains Ba(OH)e(aq) and flask D contains CHsCOOH(oq). Which solution has the lowest freezing point? Explain your answer. ws) ‘Vapor Pressure (kPe) ‘liquid inthe form of matter that hus definite volume but no finite shape. A liquid takes the shape of 2 container itis in. Above the surfice of «liquid, ther is always found-the gaseous form ofthat liquid, alled vapor. The trim vapor refers to the gas phase of a mbstance thet is ordinarily a sali or liquid that temperatre. This vapor above the surface of lignid exets a characteristic proarure called vapor came, "he Table: ‘bistable chow the vapor pressure, in kPa, of four liquids a a function of exsprstoe, The graph shows bat propmone hes the greatest vapor preemre at any given temperature compared 19 the other three ig , while ethane acd has the lowest vapor pressure at any given temperature compared tothe other ve squid, > UIE Sep Vapor Pressure of Four Liquids Page 4, ‘Todotormine the vapor pressure of # liquid at a specific temperature, move directly up fram the given ‘emperatre until you reach the interection point ofthe Lquid’s vapor pragurs curve, Reading across to ‘ho vapor pressure axis pives the vapor pressure of that liquid at thet temperature, The dotted hori~—~tal lina inbeled 101.3 kPa is standard pressure (eee Table A). ‘Temperature vs. Vapor Pressure ‘As tho tomperntre increases, the vapor picssure increases, This is due to an inereased smount of vapor ‘nd tho goator average kcnetic energy of the vapor particles. As the pressure on the wurfnce of liquid ‘increases, the boiling point of the Liquid increases, This is eased by the need to reach a higher vapor _ressure to equal the increased pressure on the mufice ofthe liquid. Boling Polnt and Vepor Pressure ‘The boiling point ofa liquid isthe temperstre at which the vapor pressure is oqual to the atmospheric ‘pressure onthe surface ofthe liquid. Therefore, when aliquid is boiling, the‘tmoepheric pressure onthe liquid can be read from the vapor pressure exis tince they ae equal to each other. When the atmospheric _prerure i oqualto standard preasu, the boiling point is called the normal boiling point. Reading from. ‘he graph at standard pressure (11.3 kPa), the normal oiling points of propenone, ethanol, water and cthanoic acid are $6°C, 79°C, 100°C and 117°C, repectively. Intermolecular Attraction A higher boiling point fra liquid indicates a greater attraction betwoon the molecales of tha liquid, The “Yapér pressure curvos on Table H indicate thet propanone hes tho weakest intermolecular attraction and ethansic acid has the greatest intermolecular atzaction. Additional Informasion: *+ The vapor pressure depends only upon the nature of te liquid and the temperature. Ti docs not depend upon the amount of liquid. + 1 temparatre prensa points on one of th vapor peer curve, he gud ia bing, changing rom the gu to th ga pho. the intoection point of he temperature ad stnospherie pees (read fom ho vapor prerre ai) of the bance in th ef ata ‘spor reamuze cvs, tt nbiance i gu 1 the trsection point is othe right ef vag premre carve it ita gas. For example st 25°C and 150 XPa presure, propane in inthe gid pase. 5 ‘Vapor Pressure of Four Liquids oe ‘Sener oan SS Set 1 — Vapor Pressure of Four Liquids —=—— Sch substance has the lowest 4. As the temperatre of aliquid ‘vapor pram at 75°C? ‘nreses its vapor presrre ) water : (2) docraten @) ethanoic acid ~ Q) increases | @)propancne (@ remains the exe 4 @etanat is F ‘As the pressure on tho surface ofa : liguid dereoes, th temperature at ‘which the liquid will boil According to Reference Table H, what i the vapr pressure of propenone at 45°C? peace zim Gye (@) resins tha same su ier seine 2 6. Using your knowledge of chemistry and {te infrmaton in Reference Table , + sboiting point of igi i the and water at 50°C ia tus? temperature at which he vapor proerre of oft id sega oe pane Lb sc-sdpysarnartuoan ‘the surface of the liquid. What is the iat ‘olin point of propanans ifthe prearure @ ioe nits surface ia 48 klopascala? es @src Bac ‘rooe than wate. @20°c @arc Boer @) Propanone has « lower vapor reser and stronger intermolecular ooo than wat, (@ Propanone ha lower vapor rears and weak intrmoleclar force than wate. 6 ' Aliquid boils when the vapor pressure ofthe liquid oquas the atmoephecio presrure on the wurfice ofthe liquid. Using Reference Table H, determine the boiling poin of water when the atmospheric resoure is 90, KPa. See eeaeEnceney Vapor Pressure of Four Liquids Page \\3, ‘Base your answers to question 8 using your knowledge of chemistry end on the graph below, which sows the vepor pressure curves for liguids snd 8. Note: The preesus i given in mm Hg millimeters of mercury. Praasure (rm 6) BRES ERATE UW °0 10 a 80 a0 eo wo TOOTH I ‘Temperature 70) 8.) Whats the vapor preanre of liquid at 70°C? Your answer must include comet units >) ‘At what temperature does liquid 2 havo the srme vapor preesare as Liquid Ast 70°C? ‘Your answer must include comect units, At 400 mm Fg, which liguld would reach its boiling pont it? <4) Which tiqid will evaporate more reply? Explain your answer in terms of ‘ntermolocular force. Page (0, Vapor Pressure of Four Liquids ‘vapor pressure 1, Wah iid ot apa ase 2 651? 1) eines ‘9 sel 3) opmmne 2, ‘Whi lige to hgh vapor pears 75°07 1) eho | "2 taal 3) propmone me ome ‘3, Uatg your nog of cemisty ma tho infmaon a Raise abe which sameatsonceingpopiaane ea waar srcu wt “4 Asoring to Rte Tbe, wat sto vapr pu of pan °C? Fr adel "aah per 3 3 5 Auten pl lnm, pe pn Dome ee 3) rosin eee 6 Yt pe eh ve pr pet Ditmaee DOMES 9) sontawoc 1. Bue Rains Ti, heh itn wt ec er? ciao 2 ck 3 meee 9 4 MonLaae 9 ae ‘8 Tho raphbelow shown the rstinshipbatwoen pr peau nd tpt fo mene X. Ealty feat ocean Temperate 0) Whats ha aca being poo for meee 7 src ‘7 ae 9 wc 9. When te vapor pesos of wari 303? he empath was are 2 4c 3 70c 10, lansled yn, at tegen fl lone por poms of hd deren > he "3 mae me 11, Whaat ofa si al tte sma ram hed will i. 7 12 eres on these of ui ud ni 7 YP, fo er ol ot * abe peo 3 ae 13, What to vapor pres of gut nna balag epee? Die 3 1013 ‘32m 9c 9 10re 9 contene 9 mse 4 100% & ‘gr a en ep we yt 73 a4 1S Atom pneu i pean ih i ln 1) dooms 1) roma Gee 16. The vopr pers of 25 allt of atest 25°C wb ae 8 1) SOimLotweterst 29°C 2) 2SmlofmereSPC 3) SO.mlefalbelt 25°C 4) 2Smlofeebal at SPC m ‘iu gett nt aan hows Go gn sor Ta oii per Nf qld A dpe ont 1) tmownt of perth ota 3) temper ef ad 3 tennant sone Colligative Properties L to pare wat, an oqueoussohiion of” ‘Campeed pas a (Q) higher boting point and higher feezng point @) higher boing pot and lower fezing point {G) lower baling point an higher freeing point (©) lower boiling poiat and lower rezing pat 2. Aga wut is added to a slvent, what happens to ho frexing poat and the bling pont of the sli? (1) The teezing point docreate and the baling plat (2) The ezrin point decreases an the baling pat "freeing pot increases end the boing pot derreases, (@) The froezing pont inereases and the Boling pont ‘nr, ‘3. Wan ethyane glyco! (an antiteer) sade to tr, th boing pot of ho war (1) decreases nd tho fonzng plat decreases (@) decreases, and the freezing point noesace (Q) increases, end the frering pat daorentes (4) increases, nad the feezing point increases 4. Watt occurs a sat dsslves in water? (7) The numberof ons a the solstiondecrenss, nd he fering pont decrense, (@) Te rumber of on in the olution decenss, and the fresing pot increases. (@) Themmber of on in the solution neronse, and the frexing poat decreases, (4) The mbar of on in th oltin Snerense, and he fiexing pot increaes, 5. Which snuton containing 1 male of solute dnvolved {in 1000 grams of water ha the lowest fomzing plat? () KOH) @) HOB (a) @ CBO) © CHO (05) 6, Ofth following solutions, the coe tt wil bai a the ‘highest temperature contains I mole of nonvolatile, salute dnolved in (Q) 250 gofenlvest 750 gofsolveat (@) 500 gofsolvest (4) 1,000 gofsovent 7. Which olution has the highest baling pat? () L011NO,, @) 10MCaqIO,, @)20MXNO, @ 20M capo), ‘8. Which ste, wn edo t 1,000 gana of wate, ‘wil roduc solution withthe highet boiling pola? () 29 gotNact ©) 31 g0fC,H,0, @) SB gofNect © e2gotcH0, 9. Which concentration ofa soliton of CH,OH in wat Ia the lowen rman pot? @oim @) 0.001 @oom © 0.00014 10, Which oft folowing solutions, each contain a nonvolal olte, wil bol ats highest, ‘empennie? (2) 1 mole of ceetrolysdisoledin 1000 g of 0 (@) 2 moles of eletoyie dsslved in 1000 g of 1,0 ) jpoleofsoncecly dared i 1000 g of ©) 2 moles of sonclctralyte dantved in 1000 g of HO 11, Which ajueous solution sth owt ezing, polne @ LoMegt,o, © L0MCH,CooH, @LOMGHOH —(@) LOMNeCL 12, Which 1-molal aquaous solution ha he lowest 13, A. mall solaon of Mg as ihe poeattaueee @ rec, &) Bach @ act, © mci Page SL By Doris, Kimbrough tot yor proba paming ‘ebehecare eum pa et sb ao yo ‘set cbt pot nt, 2d na cae ‘tg conn i sly yest aioe ino ny ‘on ardous eon at ipo pat ot ‘aon ur cont Hower, yo nd tmp epimts ‘i uo sone pry testing cast {oto rots far taken wre tin. nations pov, he ways "thigh wos gp cl ct ee roy preg san ha rads. ‘rn hag tease tan oan mca, bigs rd tarp te igh ay, morta alas pf sty amas by eng he, Lata oat ow won. Freezing point depression a vats 0° eto atu does or emer tm Fay pit ‘lw a Whar oor at fm (or ay sb) mos sow own The eng procs cous wb lcs op dng and bling ato ‘hater (gud pes) rst od tosn ap newer ta cya ‘ate wc he sol pas. The mae Cul a tog tt sl pase ‘thet motion votes bods een and capri rt atone waging tb. Tiss cae vrata maton. Whe soln of at in water a ‘i oom cog pea, he ‘ter moles bg ote together an ‘pe way to fom ab eye, The ‘nya famewor eed nt nee he ‘ns beast rs wold eu i ‘Ghemistiors, FEBRUARY 2008 peter duster ee ‘pinion 80 when ou coo sliton ‘ough es yes ta at frm ae ‘made of ue am ter Ys cana bury say wa i, tyra pa {nthe sles nt wating th sty Yate eo cyl and ten wing ‘hela pro pa water Ee youcone Recut wh salon wt ‘tom but dns otha shay dad ‘renga. ating Be waa mt ‘ales oraz no ae om soln ‘aquest you remove oor ec ty fe nary than you arr pu ‘at bth waar sean pay oes ost ag ue reas | lowe tps han ol eng pol The an of al ots, ‘hose made wh wt, “Te ers tpantee been hare thurs vat are) ‘tas an wa oon sar nas Inca ey po cease Now oe D 2 0 dops von vat te chat and ue oe gett ugha oh sal Fan corertanate sole There tat. Or epost nog sofa 0. ‘oman slo hme fat wet ion po it Ingpot. Tey yout sokon ver wht happens hr? a oh owe cope. JOUR woe vag ts tm ca, row cult an Deon Tis eure. apr er eee ‘ay forth satin hon ‘tno ahr rena ‘nee How oe you ep ‘io Trreporaon we th hay op one ar fstow ens in arn? Salting roads ata ras sn sat a ‘wo mye: 1) mete as ie o te rota ns 2} ree es tom arming onthe ‘tunde-n ling an sprang moe sates nga tho storms inn wre. Com ‘uz waar nth, hit mit Wa lc apa, he his ma Athy ath st soe prs of Caaf ar Ala, wh Res gt thet vat. Now youve asosont 10-20 (ow an onthe), a vba stg te eae oer hp. py plow ot oe sow night cated enough ba muh as th can an sa pe rar 2 ‘wo tote ad sure tamper. wat tcl soup fc sion Ho dos war haath the youd tou pura wat: bw nf, sTowrle on You may ae sen ow ‘heal son nol isdae yt pow, sprung sa cn ane sewa woes Dutaat py crierlinprtg sow te tow oreo ma The very begat ot anda fan bong ab paamert| ‘the mn pocoss gsr sl os "Wold" yousy.Supposs te tongra- co eld sate urs oy fal, wat mle ote sm stab arargonat ay hn el, {he uote oe nae ac 80 ‘We artic enact wh bos te sey along ast anc fy Weare amr et ‘Sie ba oye na cone Sarna [ingles ds tite Re pe aca a ‘oer one estan sno a aan ‘oto tam. Th et te also, bt tan the growing ‘cia contre to dso mare dak ar Pusng lies mam hs Eough cor wich pede th danlon fh ean myers lt ar ost, wih wl ase ‘sure rs oh parts In comtat wn hr, Some munis se "prone (aly ks wha CaS on sae oa tsps th pros Road salt history, fun facts, and current technology Patio at on reas olson bul of rows ee bain inte 1806, an yh 1650, twas aed yest onma- ‘be wher soow ai ar protien. Coa abt et of Oe ef sun cre (canon ula on een he ‘rot some sit nel ot rot ep i are ecnarnty Wendy ss sch 8 ogres lesa oan chloe, Tee tao sts ae re angst ag mre tie ‘owetng he oag pat ates etn ‘eis nin et ‘As yap tno, stun clone att el aC insole Nand producing Wo slo fr avy Wa for © Chemtanttore FEBRUARY 208 chris rpdetenicherstirs hit rary y "uk wt. nes chix MgC) and cau cl (aC) Uso tesla ah bruno oe at Chae ne ‘hres wo tes pr mete: acs) mae) + 2a) acs) + aq) +2009) Ni uber of so atl tt trie ext ot {he lari fe ecg plo salto, So tough al r= as os. Mae Ca ach rods ths mai hm rete, Ot vine ee mare e maison ang ‘um neo wet magia we eo a, Mattie end Cac Practical Ma Temp, nae asc ete Te. a ac cacy Mac ‘Tete fang rads bcos ay sph he, ets rele wt rae ote oe et ‘th a be prayed oh ra ears hcl ab ‘suo ina anon. id om malas oslo up ee ‘wows, wh love fora mets aplenty, vata reat uss aed protect igmaye ard arom ‘bo damage ssc case on ti, Sa ilo at o- Ings sed ech yearn Ung St nd tet 5 lon ‘oni Coa. ‘You may ham wen sg tt wa abt ipsa aoe ‘oad ure. This bras rie ae mor pas an {andy te rand rom under he hat te Hoey. Sont onc gy tlges Fam bess ene wn cel sae it oho poorer comp wh ear ut nto whan contr rt (ec tapas, Hi wat ‘end hgh uly fro too, Te sna ett ore ornaton oe, and he den sprayers go works aon a vay tom rang. ‘any gars a bon wa th ther et arin, Oe tg ma ‘Bal cut one arit ias maps rw seco iar bet eis. ‘Tha stly mosoes op the means tran ating lowe er ara of eee, ‘Thre uoteas at al ty 2 ‘toto lye of eon rasa wen te bul pred it lp pret sre omg, Hoh wrt can nt away wh sk st than for, wh chao, ca evan en and hae preg eomeen.Ses ‘danger canoe ep row weap ie hay x a mnt oe a srl harm Js ryt Sen > ty pig you ct of am way. a iy Gaba Da or need eam 9 eS De aa ‘Sta Sms ts amg ice te aPC AE LPO apg ob SL et ' 7 Regents Chemisty ‘Soting Roads: The Solution for Winter Dring {L._What ae pro's and con's to placing sat onthe roads when Rsnows? 2. What does adn sett water do to the freezing point ofthe water? ‘3. What happer wien a substance freezes? 4. How can water be puri byfroesing 8? 5. What affect the freerag pot ofa solution? What ore Ue two ways highway workersuse salt 7. How does salt prevent ice fom forming on the oadaay? What dots wth realy cold temperatures do hon Rt enowe? 9, How does set fect rout that already have snow on them? 1310, Why are magnesium chloride and calcu chloride more effective? 1. Why do brtigestreze before road surfaces? 42, What are some other ways highway engineers hinder roads from freezing Inthe cold weather? 1. Accadag to Refience Tela ow dat deren fn ‘Sages Com AC 2c ey oN 1) Thesobiiy oF, decrees, end the seh of Cl deren 2) Thosalty of NH, dare, nd ho sett f KCl nan 3) Thosohity of NH, nears md th seh of KCl decease ‘The =o 9 Resale 2. A vohtin consis 10 rma of kre iad a 10 pan of wate SC To sola oad bon 2) petted on 2 NEN, 3) penned slalon of ENO, 49) satrd shal of NO, 3. What oth total ruber af ols of sl conta Qsotterera0 MHC » 30 Di as 38 4, What he monsrtin expe pars par min of. ‘von conning 15.0 pana of KNO, fn 50 pram of 3 231% 109m tan oem 3 Bite 2) 200% 10 ppm ‘4. Wh consennaton of outin of CH,OF i tert oloen y aam 3) oom 3 aM 4) 000M 6. What ons amt dive pre waa Date, Solutions Review 9. Based on Refrnce Tale which als ost ube? 1) FeC0, 3) Bach 2) Wed, 9 cy 10, Ash temperate ncreses fom °C to 25% the emount ‘EM toe be dived in 100 pane of wt 1) decuesby 10 gums 3) tore 10 prem 2) decency 40 gums 4) lesen 40 pan Sear cine mee SaaS ve ier Yar 3 Sh 12. Given th ing below tat shows carbon donde ‘sullrn sent tompeetr of 29 Kad ‘Fessueof eae |— piston (ovate) C09) —oyinder Oyen) ‘Which anges mat incre the solubly ofthe xcs east 1) Taos prs sd decree eerie 2) crete pene nde erp 3) decree pease and domes pen 4) dees reed inca tperere 13, Asoluon consis 7 gms of NaNO, i 100 gr of ‘rer at 1°. How may aon! pe of NNO, re ‘trol enamel? De 3 © 2» on 14, Based on Rafience Table, wien 100 gram of waar sured wih NO, 70°C cole 02°C feo ‘ber of eam fKNO) tht wl rc yao ‘> 2s a5 15. A solution conning 90. game c£XNO, per 100. gree of ROmst-Cuosmilaed ote 1) le eo maar 2) i and epee 1) concent aad ware 9) sonora oped ®D 1) Ofrmioctcae cred 0 mlcfuvet [oslo te vps penn cue fis end 2) O2 male finite doled i 300ml fase 3) 03 mole ofsoaeasnved in 20 of elves 9) Oda ofa doled i 100i fsaiert 17, What is the consenration ofa solution, in parts por ailion, 102 pam ae,PO, le cascade 100 gra of te? 1) 20 3) 02 ppm 2 tm 9 Oaapem 1, Aas oki odo svt, happens tt ‘ecg ptt al th boing pint of ihn’? 1) Th leg pot decease nthe — ing pla 2) ‘The ern plat decreases andthe boiling polet theres, 3) ering pit increases and te og pint 4) To ing point inrass andthe bellng pol trom, 16, Which ohana eset pour sneer to ution 20nd 21 onthe ph low, Pressure (mm Hg) Smee Smee) 18, Stow corm suri nap fr eerie how ma) KercataMondoncntemeprswimesonosse CO 10 20 80 40 60 @0 70 80 w1OoT HO ono, ‘Temperature (C) 20, What the vapor ese of aul ot 70°C? Your e seroma lectin 21, Which gl wl vapor mare ey? pl our maven aras of tmormolor frat ‘Bue your answers guesions 2 and 2300 the Inman blow Siete wn stay aquatic coopers ae of nested in hn concenratn of dived cayenne. One, 2, tsa vy iw eshly a we and etre i sly aly expend nits of lig pr 100. pat of waar 111.0 emcee The ph blow howe analy cave xp i Solubility of Oxygen in ‘Water Versus Temporature o 1 3. ‘Temperature (10) 2 Aca ees hat 42s of oxygen eave in 1000-gram up of waar 15°C and 1.9 top. Inter feanon, wat ype oslo bisa? 23, eli nts of molec platy, why oxyen pa ows in war Your repens must Ie Bth oye eat ‘Bas your nore queens 2 wed 28 0 he proper of open. 24, felt nt of moll ena, wy te vor prose of propaces Ineresn when emer Ice, 25, Allg bg pit i te temper whch is apr pes egal tothe etnosphre prema. sng Reference Table, "ait te olin pon of ropeone ener psu ef 70APA 26, iui bails wie th apr pes ft laud eqns th snopes on the wre of tigi sng Reference ‘Tun ene bong pot eae When te eaoxpers ree 90a, 27. Base your moar othe flowing qin onthe nfrmation sd table bon. iecotving Data fer Three Antcld Talote ‘Grighal | Time for abit Boater | Temperature | "to Dissolve ot Water (0) o ae a 3s a. 10. asco the eft of ater temperate nthe ae of dlrng 2%, ae your meverto te allowing qt onthe inmaon below. sen etc tia mcrpn Teron nha eh ‘inl voles of 125.0 alli anda il rome ofD wamcapary an howe below. Th temper cf he ‘ath pu sample 200°. ‘spre the nl volume of hha pe mpl in er. Dae Period, Kool Aid Koncentration ‘Objective: Prepare different concentrations of Kool Ad using Molarity! ‘Safety Precautions: Wear softy goggles at ll imes daring the lab Procedure: 1. Assume that Kool Aid is 100% sugar, C8201, 2. Calculate the amount of Kool Aid that is needed to mako 100ml. each of 0.010M, 0.10M snd 1.0M solutions, SHOW THE CALCULATIONS USED TO DETERMINE THE. ‘MOLARITY IN THE CALCULATIONS SECTION 3, ‘Make th solutions of each concentration using the paper cups and plastic spoons 4. Observe and record the color and taste ofeach solution. Calculations: 1, Caleulate the amount of Kool Aid noeded to make 100m. of 0.010M solution 22. Calculate the amount of Kool Aid needed to make 100m of 010M solution ‘4. Calculate the amount of Kool Aid needed to make 100m of 1.0M solution 7) ‘Table 1: ‘Molarity | Mass of Kool] Volume of HO] Solution Calor | Taste of Sohation ‘Aid Conatasions: 1. Summarize your results relating the concentration ofthe Kool Aid, te color and the taste, 2, Estimate what Molarity of Kool Aid would tate good wo you. Expt how you came up with your answer. 3. Describe how the concentration would be calculated diffrently if t were pacent by mass wi)

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