Hiring Questions List For Employers

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Hiring Questions List for Employers

Experienced managers and recruiters worked on this list of hiring questions for
employers. Most managers hire for skills, but fire for character. Because of the
overwhelming problems associated with hiring employees who lack required character
traits, more and more managers are asking character-discerning questions
when interviewing employees. Legal penalties for negligent hiring are also
propelling character-based hiring policies.
This list is quite large and growing! Browse the list or perform a word search (Ctrl+F)
on a job title or on a trait you want questions for and see what shows up. Many hours
were spent editing this list of job interview questions and it is unfinished.
Some hiring questions are very clever, some are ok and a few are inappropriate.
Nevertheless, this list of employee interview questions is very useful.
Before interviewing job applicants think of specific actions you require from
employees in the position and then think of the root character trait of the action. Then
create questions and scenarios to discern if the candidate regularly practices the trait
and the action. This list of questions for interviewing employees isn't flawless, but
managers consistently report it's quite effective.
If you like this, you'll probably enjoy a Free Sub scription to the "Leadership Tip of the Month." Just click on
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By Integrity Training Institute

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List of Job Interview Questions

At your last job, how did you fill downtime?
Tell me about your last performance review. What was mentioned about how you could improve? Any reoccurring themes?
Priorities often change suddenly. When you are asked to quickly do another task,
how does that affect your mood? What if it's the third time before noon?
Which situations kept you from coming to work on time at your last job? How often did that occur?
How do you handle situations that could cause you to be tardy or absent?
What do you feel is an acceptable amount of days to be absent in a calendar year?
Describe a recent problem you had with one of your manager's decisions. Listen and then ask, How
did you handle it?
What about your character makes you a good candidate for this job?
How have you responded in the past when you found another employee was stealing?
24/7 operations are like relay races where you take the baton, run with it and then
pass it on smoothly. How do you make seamless transitions on shift changes?
How have you responded in the past when your replacement calls in sick and a
substitute will take over an hour to come in?
During the last year, when your replacement hasnt shown up and your manager asked you to stay late,
what percentage of the time have you stayed late?

Think about the last time your manager critiqued your work. How did you respond?
Give an example of when you did something without being asked. Can you give me
another example?
Tell me about your most frustrating experience as a __________ (job title). Listen
and then ask, how did you handle it?
Health care specific hiring questions here
Food service specific hiring questions here
Learn about Character-Based Leadership Skills
Position: Any
Character quality: Dependability
Hiring Questions:
Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss
If we were to ask your previous supervisor, what would they say about your
attendance and job performance?
The schedule shows 8, however only 6 coworkers showed up. How does that make
you feel? What would you do?
Two hours before you are scheduled to arrive at work, you learn weather is going to be bad and traffic will
be worse. How do you respond?
What outside situations could affect your dependability on the job?
How many scheduled days did you miss during the last three months you worked?
It's lunch time and a customer needs five minutes of your time. What do you do?
What would you do if your car doesn't start?
Position: Any
Character quality: Initiative
Hiring Questions:
If you had a problem and no supervisor was available at the time, how would you
handle it?
What do you know about our company and products?
You are the first one to arrive in your department and you don't have any assigned
tasks. What do you do?
Your shift ends in 10 min. and you accomplished all your duties.How have you utilized your remaining
time in the past?
Position: Any
Character quality: Honesty
Hiring Questions:
What would you do if a delivery driver accidentally left double the number of an
item that his company charges us a lot of money for?
What is the last thing of value you found? ... Then ask, Where?, ... What did you do
with it? [Does the applicant take advantage of opportunities of the moment or do they
have a heart to restore lost items to the owner?]
Have you ever suffered for doing what is right? Any regrets? Why were you willing
to suffer loss for that?
What was the first thing you stole as a child? Did you get away with it? Have you
ever made restitution for anything?
How have you responded in the past when you found another employee was stealing?

Interview questions for: Any Position

Character quality: Punctuality
Is there anything that will prohibit you from consistently coming to work on time,
every day of the week, week after week and putting in a full day's work for full day's
Interview questions for: Any Position
Character quality: Flexibility
Do you like to work in other positions or would you rather not be cross-trained?
How have you responded in the past when your replacement calls in sick and a
substitute will take over an hour to make it in?
Interview questions for: Any Position
Character quality: Patience
How would you respond if you are orientating a new employee and had to show them something four
Position: Any
Character trait: Orderliness
Hiring Questions:
What is the difference between neatness and orderliness?
What problems are associated with a lack of orderliness?

How would you practice orderliness here?

What have you observed here that is lacking orderliness?
Interview questions for: Any Position
Character quality: Discretion
Did you ever find out that a fellow employee makes more money than you do? How
did you respond? If says no, say: You just found out a fellow employee makes more
money than you do. What would you do? Who would you tell?
Position: Nurses, Nurse Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character quality: Endurance
Hiring Questions:
If a friend were to ask you for help in deciding whether to stay or quit a job that
was hard work but meaningful work, what would you tell them and why?
When you have a lot of work to do and not enough time or assistance to get it all
done, how do you handle it?
How do you keep from getting burnout?
What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
Would those who know you best say that you endure to the end or move on to other
Position: RNs, Nurse Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character quality: Dependability
Hiring Questions:
During the last year, when your replacement hasnt shown up and your manager asked you to stay late,
what percentage of the time have you stayed late?
Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss

Two hours before you are scheduled to arrive at work, you learn weather is going to
be bad and traffic will be worse. How do you respond?
If your shift ends at 3 p.m. and your replacement hasnt arrived by 3:15 p.m., what
do you do?
The schedule shows 8, however only 5 showed up. How does that make you feel?
What would you do?
How many scheduled days did you miss during the last three months you worked?
If we were to ask your previous supervisor, what would they say about your
attendance and job performance?
Position: Nurses, Nurse Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character quality: Compassion
How do you respond to crabby people in pain?
If you encountered a resident that was characteristically upset and/or difficult what
would you do?
If a resident has just expired and their family has just arrived at the facility, how
would you respond.
Mrs. Jones is in the facility for a fractured hip. She constantly likes attn. by putting
on the call light pretending to be in pain. Everyone on the hall is ignoring her. You pass
by the room and hear her crying what is your response?
How would you intervene with a resident who is grieving over the loss of a
Position: Certified Nurse Aid (CNA)
Character quality: Sensitivity
You are late for work. You enter the building and notice a non-compliant resident
who is drinking a soda but appears to have a wet him/her self. How do you respond?
How do you react to a sense of being overwhelmed with unfinished work ten
minutes past your shift deadline when you find a new resident in need?
Do others like to talk with you? How do you encourage others to talk to you?
Position: RNs, Nurses Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character quality: Cautiousness
Hiring Questions:
Can you explain in detail how you would appropriately transfer a resident from a
bed to a wheel chair?
Position: CNA Interview Questions
Character quality: Flexibility
You have already begun your assignment and have then been asked by your
supervisor to work in another unit. How would you handle this?
How have you responded when your supervisor asked you to work a different shift
to fill vacancies?
Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do
another task, how does that affect your mood? What if it's the third time before noon?
Position: Nurses, Nurse Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character trait: Loyalty

Describe a situation where you were unhappy with something that occurred at work.
How did you handle it?

More healthcare specific hiring questions here

Position: CNA
Character quality: Flexibility
Hiring Questions:
You have already begun your assignment and have then been asked by your
supervisor to work in another unit. How would you handle this?
How have you responded when your supervisor asked you to work a different shift
to fill vacancies?
Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do
another task, how does that affect your mood? What if it's the third time before noon?
Position: Charge Nurse, Nurse Aids, CNAs, LPNs
Character quality: Loyalty
Describe a situation where you were unhappy with something that occurred at work.
How did you handle it?
Position: Housekeeping
Character Quality: Dependable
How many work days did you miss last year? What are the last 3 reasons you called
in for?
Position: Administrator
Character quality: Leadership
How do you reinforce behavior you want repeated (in a non-monetary way)?
How do you develop untapped potential in your staff?
How do you build and maintain morale with your staff in a non-monetary way?
How do you demonstrate that you value people for who they are rather than for
what they accomplish?
What are the primary management styles? Describe each. Which is your
predominant style? How have you applied those characteristics? What successes and
shortcomings have you experienced with your management style?
Position: Any
Character trait: Truthfulness
Do you speed when you drive? By how many mph? If they say, no, they're lying. If
they say, 20 mph or more, they're reckless and/or in too much of a hurry to be
Position: Any
Character quality: Discretion

Did you ever find out that a fellow employee makes more money than you do? How
did you respond? If says no, say: You just found out a fellow employee makes more
money than you do. What would you do? Who would you tell?
Position: Receptionist
Character quality: Enthusiasm
How do you make strangers feel welcome?
In what ways would your previous supervisor describe your past performance and
What did you enjoy most about your last job? Enjoy least?
What is the most irritating aspect of a receptionist's job?
How would you respond to the following: Upset customer? Upset supplier? Upset
Position: Receptionist
Character quality: Joyfulness
Hiring Questions:
How would you handle answering a phone caller's question with five lines ringing?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced with a customer and what was
the outcome? How would you handle it differently?
How did our receptionist greet you? Would you have done anything differently?
How would you diffuse a situation with an upset customer?
Give an example of how you dealt with a difficult situation/customer.

Top Hiring Questions to Ask:
This list of job hiring questions helps you prepare forinterviewing job
applicants for numerous positions.
What type of employee interview questions would you ask when interviewing
employees for this position?
How resourceful could you be in finding a large list of job interview questions to
ask when interviewing job applicants?





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Position: Receptionist
Character quality: Gentleness
How would you handle a person who has to wait for a long time for a scheduled
Interview questions for: Receptionist
Character quality: Attentiveness
When do you find it difficult to give your full attention to an individual? How do you
overcome this?
How do you handle multiple task interruptions?
Interviewing questions for: Receptionist
Character quality: Discretion
How would you respond to an irate customer?
If your boss was working in his office and had asked not to be disturbed, what
would you tell a caller asking for him?

Interview questions for: Receptionist

Character quality: Numerous
How would you handle an interruption from a customer with an urgent request?
What is more important to handle internal or external interruptions?
How would you handle multiple demands from customers, managers, and
Which character qualities would your current or previous supervisor say is your
strongest and your weakest?
Position: Manager / Management / Director / COO / Vice President Operations
Character quality: Leadership
Hiring Questions:
How do you reinforce behavior you want repeated (in a non-monetary way)?
How do you develop untapped potential in your staff?
How do you build and maintain morale with your staff in a non-monetary way?
Which books have you been reading lately?
What are the primary management styles? Describe each. Which is your
predominant style? How have you applied those characteristics? What successes and
shortcomings have you experienced with your management style?
How do you demonstrate that you value people for who they are rather than for
what they accomplish?
Interview questions for: Manager / Branch Manager / Management / Director / COO /
Vice President Operations
Character quality: Loyalty / Discretion
How would you handle an employee who upsets you in front of other employees in
the middle of a rush?
Interview questions for: Manager / Branch Manager / Management / Director / COO /
Vice President Operations
Character quality: Decisiveness
How would you handle an unusual problem you never encountered before?
Position: Engineering Unit Supervisor
Character trait: Responsibility
Describe how you were responsible for a project.
Who are you responsible to and how?
Who are the people you interact with on a daily basis and what are their
What are the consequences of not fulfilling these expectations?
What are ways you can suggest to improve the processes and interactions to fulfill
these expectations?
Position: Computer Operator
Character quality: Creativity
Define Creativity.
Describe the most creative product you have made using desktop publishing.
Would your previous employer describe you as creative? Why or why not?
We need to publish a new brochure. How would you approach this task?
Position: Truck Driver / Delivery Driver

Character quality: Responsibility

Hiring Questions:
Would your previous employer say that you were never, sometimes, or frequently
late on your deliveries?
Explain your driving record in detail.
What does being responsible mean to you?
Position: Truck Driver / Delivery Driver
Character quality: Self-Control
If someone cuts you off on the freeway how do you handle it?
Your customer says you brought the wrong order and you think it is the right one.
How would you handle this?
Position: Short Haul Hazardous Material Driver
Character quality: Responsibility
What would you say are your strengths as a truck driver?
What techniques do you use to stay focused on the job?
What experiences have you had, such as a near-miss accident? How did you avoid
Position: Sales Person
Character quality: Sincerity/Diligence
Explain to us what the term "whatever it takes to make the sale" means to you.
What does it take to cultivate a good and lasting customer relationship?
How would you define going above and beyond the call of duty?
Position: Outside Salesperson
Character quality: Initiative
What do you know about our product and/or industry?
Move something obviously out of place to see if they will rearrange it.
Position: Salesman
Character trait: Persuasiveness
The client says your price is too high. You respond...
How do you deal with the concept that "the customer is always right?"
Position: Outside Salesman
Character quality: Enthusiasm
What did you most enjoy about your last job?
Why do you feel you would be effective in this sales position?
Describe your "niche." How did you pursue it in your last job?
Why would someone want to buy from you instead of someone else?
Position: Inside Sales Rep./Customer Service Rep.
Character quality: Enthusiasm

Describe some things in your work life or personal life that you have been most
excited about.
Describe the ideal inside sales representative and how well you fit this profile.
In your personal experience with phone sales/customer service, describe a good
experience and a bad experience.
Position: Sales Manager
Character quality: Leadership
Hiring Questions:
See: "Manager / Management" above
Interview questions for: Branch Manager
Character quality: Leadership
How have you built and maintained morale with your employees in a non-monetary
How have you developed untapped potential in your employees ?
How have you demonstrated that you value employees for who they are rather than
for what they accomplish?
How have you reinforced behavior you want repeated (in a non-monetary way)?
What are the primary management styles? Describe each. Which is your
predominant style? How have you applied those characteristics? What successes and
shortcomings have you experienced with your management style?
Interview questions for: Shift Manager
Character quality: Initiative
24/7 operations are like relay races where you take the baton, run with it and then
pass it on smoothly. How do you make seamless transitions on shift changes?
Interview questions for: Project Manager
Character quality: Sensitivity
When there was serious conflict within the team, how did you resolve it?
Interview questions for: Project Manager
Character quality: Diligence
On projects that were behind schedule, what are some of the ways you successfully
got them back on track?
Position: Purchasing Agent
Character quality: Truthfulness
As a purchasing agent of your previous company, were you offered a gift above the
policy limit? How did you handle it?
Have you ever made a purchase decision based on favoritism of friendship? Please
Would those who know you best say your word can be trusted? Yes or no?
Position: Inspector
Character quality: Thoroughness
Last time you balanced your check book, how close did you balance it?
How many processes do you go through on a rejection?
Interviewing questions for: Cashier

Character quality: Honesty

Have you ever suffered for doing what is right? Any regrets? Why were you willing
to suffer loss for that?
Position: Probation Officer
Character quality: Wisdom
How would you discern a right and a responsibility?
How would you respond to a child who said he was unfairly judged?
What are the root problems of the youth of today?
Position: Cook
Character trait: Dependability
Which situations, during the last year, have kept you from fulfilling your job duties and coming to
work on time?
How do you handle situations that could cause tardiness or absenteeism?
Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss
During the last year, when your replacement hasnt shown up and your manager asked you to stay
late, what percentage of the time have you stayed late?
What outside situations would affect your dependability on the job?
Why do you think dependability is important for a cook?
When you do not show up for work, how does it affect your co-workers?
How many unscheduled absences did you have with your previous employer?
How often are you late for work?
Where does your employment fall in your list of priorities?
Do you have your own transportation?
Could I call your previous employer and ask how your attendance was and what would they tell me
about your attendance?
Position: Cook
Character trait: Initiative
As a cook, when you see an increase or decrease in customer flow, how do you
If you see product getting low, what would you do?
Give an example of a time when you did something without being asked? Can
you give me another example?
Position: Cook
Character trait: Resourcefulness
Hiring Questions:
How would you handle not having everything in stock that you need to make the product you are
Position: Cook
Character trait: Endurance
What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
The restaurant is busy, youre tired, short-handed and you havent had a day off in six days. How
does this affect your work and attitude?
Tell me about the hardest job you have ever had. How did it end?

How many hours can you stand on your feet without a break?
What would your reaction be if your replacement didnt show up?
How do you pace yourself throughout the day?
What would you do if a 30 top table walked in?
Position: Line Cook
Character trait: Responsibility
Are you willing to take on extra tasks or what kind of extra tasks would you be willing to take on?
How do you handle complaints about meals you have prepared?
What steps would you take to insure your job is done in your allotted amount of time?
Position: Cook
Character Quality: Honesty/Justice
What would you do if a delivery driver accidentally left double the number of an item that his
company charges us a lot of money for?
Tell me about a time you saw a coworker taking out food they did not pay for.
Position: Cook
Character quality: Flexibility
How do handle requests to work a non-scheduled shift?
How do you respond when your manager changes your shift on short notice?
How do you handle working with a co-worker you are not fond of?
What if you get a special request from a customer, what do you do?
If another worker needs help in order to get a job finished on time, what would you do?
You are cooking for dinner and the convection oven goes out, what would you do?
Your boss changes the special, what would you do?
Position: Cook
Character quality: Knowledgeable
Hiring Questions:
How many cans of #10 green beans does it take to feed 200 people?

More foodservice specific hiring questions to askhere

Position: Restaurant Manager, Food Service Manager
Character quality: Determination
Describe a challenging situation and the method you used to meet the challenge.
Describe an assignment you were given that you knew would be unpopular, but you completed it
Position: Restaurant Assistant Manager
Character quality: Initiative
Describe a situation when you went above and beyond to complete a task.
Position: Server & Foodservice Worker
Character quality: Attitude
Hiring Questions:
Give me an example of how you handled a complaint from a co-worker.
Tell me about a big negative event that happened in your life. How did you handle it?
Position: Restaurant Server / Restaurant Waitstaff
Character quality: Joyfulness

How would you go about making a customer feel welcome in our restaurant?
How would you handle multiple demanding customers?
How would you diffuse a situation with an upset customer?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced with a customer and what
was the outcome? How would you handle it differently?
How do you feel about the philosophy of the customer always being right?
How would you define a successful server?
Position: Restaurant Hostess
Character quality: Hospitality
Why have you applied for the position of hostess?
How do you put strangers at ease?
Define what hospitality is and what it means to you.
What qualities do you feel are necessary for the position you are applying for?
Position: Dishwasher
Character quality: Thoroughness
What are the 3 most important details about washing dishes?
Can you give me an example of how you would accomplish everything necessary in an unusually
busy day either at home or at work?

Position: Dishwasher
Character quality: Attitude
Were you a team player in your last job? Tell me how?
If we had 100 extra guests, how would you respond?
Position: Dishwasher
Character quality: Dependability
How do you feel about working an extra shift if asked?
In your last job, Which situations kept you from being at work everyday?
Why do you think dependability is important and give me an example?
Position: Dishwasher
Character quality: Endurance
On your last job, what were some of your accomplishments? Choose some of the best and tell me
about them.
Do you participate in any physical activities to keep you in good physical shape?
Tell me about a time when things were not going well and how you handled it.
We hope to eventually post job-specific questions for the following positions. In
the meantime, many of the questions already posted here will work well. Commercial
Loan Officer, Trust Officer, Credit Officer, Bank Operations Compliance Officer, Bank
President, Finance / Financial employees, VP Sales, VP HR, Vice President Marketing,
Credit Analyst, Personal Banker, Commercial Lender, Controller / Treasurer, Sales
Engineer, Sales Consultant, Software Engineer, Service Manager, Call Center,
Department Store employees, Retail Management, Government employees, Vice
President Human Resources, Executive Director, Hospitality workers, Front Desk Clerk,
Insurance and more. In the mean time, you will find some wise questions to ask
these applicants in the Top Questions list above and throughout this page. Let us know
your favorite interview question so we can share it here with others!

Interview questions for: Lead Carpenter, Wood Worker

Character quality: Diligence
How would you control the crew on your first day on the job?
Tell me about a job where you supervised others.
Describe a project you had to leave incomplete.
What is the most difficult or challenging job you have done? How did it end?
Interview questions for: CFO and Bank Branch Manager
Character quality: Leadership
How have you developed untapped potential in your staff?
How have you reinforced behavior you want repeated (in a non-monetary way)?
How have you demonstrated that you value people for who they are rather than for
what they accomplish?
How have you built and maintained morale with your staff in a non-monetary way?
See the important questions about virtue and honesty below!
What are the primary management styles? Describe each. Which is your
predominant style? How have you applied those characteristics? What successes and
shortcomings have you experienced with your management style?
Interview questions for: CFO, Bank Branch Manager, Bank Teller and others in highresponsibility positions.
Character quality: Virtue
Have you ever suffered for doing what is right? Why were you willing to suffer loss
for that?
How have you responded in the past when you learned another employee was stealing?
What was the first thing you stole as a child? Did you get away with it? What is the
last thing you stole? When?
Have you ever made restitution for anything?
When was the last time you discovered a cashier gave you too much change? How
did you respond?
Would your previous employer say you are trustworthy? Why?
What is the last thing of value you found? ... Where? ... What did you do with it?
[Does the applicant take advantage of opportunities of the moment or do they have a
heart to restore lost items to the owner?]
Interview questions for Property Manager click here
Interview questions for: CFO, Bank Branch Manager, Bank Teller and others in highresponsibility positions.
Character quality: Honesty
Describe a few situations when it is ok to tell a white lie.
What would you do if a delivery driver accidentally left double the number of an
item that his company charges us a lot of money for? [This one is tough. If they get
this one right, you probably have an honest person.]
Position: Loan Officer
Character quality: Thoroughness
What tools do you use to be sure you have completed all aspects of a task?
What would your previous employer say about your ability to complete detailed
What things hinder you from completing a task?

Position: Department Store Retail Sales

Character trait: Helpfulness
How would you respond to 10 different people asking you the same question each
Position: Customer Service Representative
Character quality: Gentleness
Hiring Questions:
How would you handle a person who has to wait for a long time?
How would you deal with an angry customer on the phone? In person?
What three things most likely would make you angry from customers?
Give us an example of a difficult situation and how you handled it?
Position: Janitor
Character quality: Resourcefulness
Describe to me your worst cleaning nightmare and how you resolved it.
Position: Janitor
Character quality: Thoroughness
Hiring Questions:
If we asked you to clean this room, what would be your procedure?
What is the most neglected procedure in cleaning?
Interview questions for: General Maintenance Mechanic (on call)
Character Quality: Availability
Is there any reason you might not be able to respond to after-hour maintenance
problems on a regular basis?
Interview questions for: Maintenance Worker
Character quality: Honesty
You have learned that a fellow employee found some cash in a vacant apartment
and did not turn it in. What would you do?
Interview questions for: Maintenance Technician
Character Quality: Dependability
Your car just broke down for the third this month while driving to work. How do
you handle this?
Position: Publications Secretary
Character quality: Thoroughness
Job-Specific Questions:
What is the last major project you completed? Would you have done anything
differently if you could?
What is the last major project you failed to complete? Why did you fail?
How do you show attention to detail?
Position: CPA
Character quality: Thoroughness
Job-Specific Questions:
What is most important to you in servicing a client?

What would your past employer say about your completing work you have started?
When would you make the decision to plug amount?
Position: Engineer
Character quality: Diligence
Would your wife say that you finish jobs you start on a timely basis?
Position: Estimator
Character quality: Thoroughness
They say, "We learn from our mistakes." Can you relate an experience from your
career when something was left out of the process and caused a problem. What did
you learn?
Do you feel uncomfortable with a product if it is not perfect?
In establishing your goals for a project, do you always find that you complete the
Position: Development Chemist
Character quality: Creativity
Describe any unique products or patrons you've developed.
What types of questions would you ask a customer who presented a new need?
Describe your hobbies.
Position: Any
Character trait: Resourcefulness
What are a couple of the worst problems you encountered on the job and how did
you handle it?
Position: Any
Character trait: Initiative
If you had a problem and no supervisor was available at the time, how would you
handle it?
Interview questions for: Resident Services
Character Quality: Tolerance
You are called in the evening regularly for a disabled resident who has locked
him/herself out of the apartment. How would you handle this situation?
How would you handle inspecting an apartment where the resident's housekeeping
is poor?
Position: Case Manager
Character quality: Discernment
Describe your most challenging problem in dealing with a child.
What were the presenting problems and root causes?
How did you influence the family to be part of the solution?
Position: Case Worker - Union Rescue Mission
Character quality: Compassion

What have you experienced in your life that has prepared you for this position?
What role does compassion play in you interaction with others?
How have you shown compassion in interacting with one person during the last
Interview questions for: Skilled Assembler
Character quality: Diligence
What do you do when you don't have all the parts to complete a job?
Flexibility and thoroughness also are important traits for Skilled Assemblers. Perform a
word search (Ctrl+F) on those traits to find more interview questions for a Skilled
Interview questions for: Maintenance Technician
Character quality: Enthusiasm
Describe a task that gets you excited and feeling creative.
Interview questions for: Maintenance Technician
Character quality: Thoroughness
You just got machine #10 running again, but didn't finish the repair when machine
#12 goes down. What are your next steps?
Interview questions for: Industrial Mechanic
Character quality: Thoroughness
Describe for me how you finish a job. (Is inspection and cleanup a part of finishing
for them?)
Punctuality and responsibility also are important traits forIndustrial Mechanics. Perform
a word search (Ctrl+F) on those traits to find more interview questions for an
Industrial Mechanic.
Position: Welder
Character quality: Alertness
Hiring Questions:
Doing things right the first time is important. What procedures do you take to
ensure the quality of your work?
Why do think safety is important in our shop atmosphere?
How have you demonstrated safe work practices in your former job?
Position: Journeyman Electrician
Character quality: Thoroughness
What is on your personal check-list to ensure you are ready to leave the job daily?
What action would you take when a deadline was nearing, knowing it could not be
Describe how you compile the materials and hours to charge toward the job.
Describe what you believe a thorough person is?
Position: Draftsman
Character quality: Thoroughness
What qualities do you think are necessary to be a draftsman?
Describe in your own words what thoroughness is.
How do you view the importance of completing all the details in a job?

Position: Billing Clerk

Character quality: Virtue
Hiring Questions:
Describe a situation for me where it would be okay to lie.
How would you respond if a clerk at the store gave you too much change?
Would your previous employer say you are trustworthy? Why or why not?
Position: Construction Superintendent
Character quality: Loyalty
What would you do if you had a closing scheduled for Monday and late Friday
afternoon you found someone had broken into the house and stolen the appliances?
Position: Construction Superintendent
Character quality: Organization
Describe the most complicated schedule you have managed
What tools do you use to schedule your jobs and your quality control?
How do you manage your projects?
Position: Construction Superintendent
Character quality: Diligence
The last trade left the job unfinished, what is your course of action?
Tell me about your most frustrating experience as a Construction Superintendent.
How did you handle it?
Position: Construction Superintendent
Character quality: Endurance
Give me an example of a stressful situation that you handled well. Give me an
example of one you could have handled better.
Position: Construction Superintendent
Character quality: Responsibility
Give me an example of where you had little or no direction in solving an issue. What
happened? What did you do?
Position: Information Technology Manager (ITM)
Character quality: Thoroughness
When you have a difficult problem, what process do you take to solve it?
Position: Information Technology Manager (ITM)
Character quality: Resourcefulness
Give me an example of a complex problem and how you solved it.
Have you ever created a system or procedure to solve a problem? Please discuss.
Position: Information Technology Manager (ITM)
Character quality: Patience

Hiring Questions:
Can you tell me about the last time you became frustrated?
Tell me about your thoughts or techniques you use when training someone who
doesnt understand.
In your previous job, what would your previous manager say about your patience?
Position: Marketing Manager
Character quality: Diligence
Hiring Questions:
How important is it to you that you get your marketing programs released by a
certain time?
How would others say you are at meeting deadlines and completing projects?
Explain a time when you went beyond the call of duty.
Creativity and responsibility also are important traits for Marketing Managers. Perform
a word search (Ctrl+F) on those traits to find more interview questions for a Marketing
We hope to eventually post job-specific questions for the following positions. In
the meantime, many of the questions already posted here will work well.
Service Manager, Call Center, Finance / Financial employees, Trust Officer, Bank
President, Credit Officer, Bank Operations Compliance Officer, Credit Analyst, Personal
Banker, Commercial Loan Officer, Controller / Treasurer, Commercial Lender, VP
HR,Insurance, Vice President Human Resources, Hospitality workers, Front Desk Clerk,
VP Sales, Vice President Marketing, Department Store employees, Retail Management,
Executive Director, Government employees, Sales Engineer, Software Engineer, Sales
Consultant, and more. In the mean time, you will find some wise questions to ask
these applicants in the Top Questions list above and throughout this page. Let us know
your favorite interview question so we can share it here with others!
Use this list of interviewing questions with caution and wisdom.The EEOC has some
useful information, but last I looked I couldn't find any information on legal interview
questions or illegalinterview questions.
A good source for all sorts of information is the Internet Public
Library. http://www.ipl.org

Questions you can use as a pattern for any character

If you were me, which character traits would you want an employee in this position
to have? If I were to ask your last employer how well do you exhibited those traits,
what would they say?
Some recruiters have candidates review the list of 49 character traits and ask for a
few of the traits they feel they are strongest in and a couple of the traits they are
weakest in.
Describe how you practiced _________ [a trait] and the difference it made?
How did a lack of the practice of ________ [a trait] teach you the need to apply that
Is the character trait of _____________ [a relevant trait] important for this
position? How do you express this trait?
How did you express the character quality of ________ [a trait] at your last job?

A word of caution to employers

In my leadership workshops about hiring employees of character, I learned some managers ask:
You worked seven days straight. Someone calls in sick and the manager asks you to work. You have a prior
commitment with your family. How do you handle this?
Personally I would say, I'm a person of integrity. I try to be flexible and helpful for my employer but keeping
commitments with the most important people in my life also is important. Then I would turn the question
onto the interviewer and require a similar response before I accept the position. So be careful about placing
inappropriate burdens on job applicants and employees ... especially less educated low-wage employees!
Remember God is recording everything and is an advocate for poor people.

Proverbs 22:16 He who oppresses the poor to make more for himself..., will only come to
More Hiring Tips
Don't hire on the spot. Tell applicants to call you one or two days later. Let applicants
think about your questions and their answers on the way home. Only hire people who are
interested enough in the job to take the second step of calling back. This helps weed out
people who lied and arent truly interested in the job. You can't afford many more hiring
Often current employees are the best source for leads for new hires and then they both
tend to stay longer.
Promoting from within your organization often is best and that also encourages
employees to stay (but too much inbreeding creates stagnation).

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