1750 Blackadder Goes Forth

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Episode: Corporal Punishment

Before watching
1. What do you understand by the name of the episode?
2. What do you think the program will be about judging by the name and photo?
3. When do you think the program is set?
4. Here are the names of the main characters
Capitan Blackadder, Lieutenant George, General Melchett, Baldrick and Captain
Whilst you watch
1. Does Captain Blackadder want to advance on the enemy?
2. What three ways is the order to advance sent?
3. Why does Blackadder face a court-martial?
4. Why does the General get so upset?
5. Why is Lieutenant George Blackadder's lawyer?
6. Who are the 3 men who visit Blackadder in his cell?
7. What does Baldrick bring to save Blackadder?
8. Who saves Blackadder?
9. Why didn't George send the letter to his uncle to save Blackadder?
10. How does Blackadder get his revenge?
After watching
1. Describe each character's personality.
2. What do these words mean?
a) firing squad b) court-martial c) gobbledygook
3. Why is the name 'Captain Darling' amusing?
4. What made you laugh?

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