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Middle Childhood

Your childs growing and becoming more independent. Friendships are very important. These
friendships are important and enhance very your childs development. Peer pressure starts. This
is an important time for children to gain a sense of responsibility along with their growing
independence. Also, physical changes of puberty might be showing by now, especially for girls.
Another big change children need to prepare for during this time is starting middle or junior high

Throws a ball with accuracy write sketches, and performs other fine motor skills with
improved coordination. This period is marked by continued refinement of fine motor
skills, especially notable among girls(Barnett et al.,2010)
Enjoys teams sports but may still need to develop some of the necessary complex skills
Displays movements that are smoother and more coordinated ; however rapid growth
spurts cause temporary clumsiness
Has abundance of energy but also fatigues


Develops ability to reason based more on experience and logic than on intuition (Piagets
stage of concrete operational thought)
Shows improved understanding of cause and effect
Develops detailed plans and list to reach a goal


Able to recognizes that words have double meanings

Expresses feeling and emotions through words
Becomes thoughtful listener
Uses longer and more complex sentence structures


Begins to develop moral reasoning. Understands honesty, whats right from wrong, good
and bad, respect (Malti & Latzko, 2010)
Daydreams about future. Talks about career plans

Developmental Alerts

Does not seem to be able to keep or make friends by 11th birthday

Does not stayed focus on task at hand by 13th birthday

During this time parents can

Be involved with your childs school. Go to school events; meet your childs teachers.

Encourage your child to join school and community groups, such as a sports team, or to
be a volunteer for a charity.

Parents and child can find a space and plant a garden.

Find different size boxes, get paint and other materials and challenge child to design a store,
farm whatever comes to mind let imagination run wild

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