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The family contributes to a child's

achievement is critical. From talking
to your infant, reading stories at
bedtime with your toddler,
engaging educational games while
in elementary, helping with
homework in middle school and
setting boundaries in High School
are just a few things that set the
foundation for a child to be
successful in school. Some families
may need assistance and when
families, parents and communities
collaborate together with the
school every child benefits

This period is a remarkable time in a childs
life. Your child is inn the developmental
integration stage. Children are no longer in
preschool and for some it is a big change.
They will have new experiences and
opportunities. They are at a stage where they
are eager to learn and they can accomplish
complex skills like counting money and
followed detailed instructions. There
imagination run wild during this stage. Friends
begin to mean a lot as they expand their
independence. They are also beginning to
form moral values and have opinions, while
recognizing the difference in their peers

As a Child Development Professional I need to know how to

pant the seeds of growth. As an
educator I must be engaged in a cycle that is on going. I must
continually observe ,guide and assess . It will be through this
interaction that I can make the decisions on when and how to
meet the individual and group needs of every student
Como un nio desarrollo profesional necesito saber cmo las
semillas de crecimiento de las bragas. Como un educador que
se entablaron un ciclo que est en curso. Uno debe observar
continuamente, orientar y evaluar. Ser a travs de esta
interaccin que uno puede hacer el desechos sobre cundo y
cmo satisfacer las necesidades colectivas e individuales de
cada estudiante

Schools can build partnership by strengthen personal relationships

between teachers and parents, showing parents how to support theirs
children education at home, building bridges between minority home
cultures and the cultures of school, enlisting the help of neighborhood
organizations with deep roots in the lives of families and including
parents in school governance so they remain invested in school goals
(Berk , 2013). Once parents understand how families ,schools and
community Are connected they can begin to understand how they can
influence their childs learning and development
Las escuelas pueden construir sociedad por fortalecer las relaciones
personales entre padres y maestros, enseando a los padres apoyar a
sus hijos educacin en casa, tender puentes entre culturas casa
minoritarias y las culturas de la escuela, alistando la ayuda de
organizaciones vecinales con races profundas en la vida de las
familias y entre los padres en la escuela de gobierno y siguen siendo
invertido en metas escolares (Berk 2013). Una vez que los padres
entender cmo estn conectadas las familias, las escuelas y la
comunidad pueden comenzar a entender cmo pueden influir en
aprendizaje y desarrollo de sus hijos

Every childs model is unique, There are
people and things that will affect the life and
development of your child. This chart will be
very useful as you the parent understand
everything that may affect you child in the
classroom. The Child in the middle then there
is the microsystem it is all setting the child will
personally interact with. The Mesosystem are
the situations where people connect from the
Microsystem. Mesosystem is something like a
bridge that connects people and think that
may not be connected.. As parents you raise
your child with a certain value system you
have expectations and various discipline styles
but when they get to school the expectations
and discipline style may vary and the child
must transition. The Mesosystem provides
child consistency and social support


Parents who know their children's

teachers and help with the homework
and teach their kids right from wrong -these parents can make all the difference."
-- President Bill Clinton
State of the Union Address

Parenting order for child to progress in learning environment

Volunteering Calling all parents we need you help You may not be here all
the time but you can some of the time

Learning At Home keep parents abreast on how to help child with homework
as well as other descions , activities , planning that may relate to curriculum
helps families to support children in learning environment

Communicating is essential between home and school in regards to child


Decision Making Every stakeholder parents included on descions about

school, appoint parent leaders and representatives

Collaborating with Community include community resources and services in

order to help strengthen school programs , student learning and families


Your style of parenting influence how child learns and

development. How parents y respond to and discipline
their children will have a great affect how their
children develop cognitively and socially. Your childs
development process is influenced by a mixture meso
and macro sysytems. Parents have the most
significant impact on They also have and impact if the
child development is positive or negative. Which
Parent are you?
Indulgent or permissive parents , lenient, do not
require mature behavior not required, self-regulation
avoid confrontation.
Authoritarian parents demanding and directive,
rules are stated, very structured environment.
Authoritative parents are demanding, responsive,
assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive.
Uninvolved or neglectful parents are emotionally
detached only respond, to make tem leave them
Berk , L Child Development, 2012

Communication is Key in
everything you do. Home to school
and school home communication is
essential to your child's success.
The parents and teacher can be
assets to the child. Both need
information about what and how
their child is learning, The benefits
if great communication


Realistic parent expectations an

Consistent information

Leads to Parent Involvement

There are many approaches to

communicating but I find it easier to
call because not all parents have acess
to a computer . I like calling because I
get a personal feel on the parents and
how to work with them and there
children in order to get the best results
for the child. Which in turn can lead to
parent volunterring



Every stake holder must work together in order to make your child's
school a school a healthy, stable environment for learning? Staff
member play a major part But schools function best when they have
communities and families. Playing their part of this four part harmony
Start a cleanup crew. Is your campus dirty? Why not designate one
Saturday and implement "School Cleanup Day"? All parents,
students, teachers, and any community members can come out and
help. Participants will feel a sense of ownership and development a
sense of partnership

Gains skills and abilities linked to

Grades are better due to homework
High self esteem because they are
Parents and school are on the same


Take a leadership role at school.

There are plenty of opportunities for
parents to become decision makers at
schools. In addition to the PTA or PTO, you
can offer to serve on the
school site council, which oversees
academic planning for the school, or on a
district-wide committee or task force.
Schools and districts often have
committees related to curriculum, student
health, after school programs, technology
and more. Taking on a leadership role will
give you a better appreciation of the
complexities of education and will help
you be a more informed advocate for your
child's school

Student feels
Family has a voice
Rights Protected
Parents helps to make
up policy
Open A parent center that
has a community


As the old African proverb says, "It takes a

village to raise a child." One could imagine
then that it would take a community to raise a
school. We can no longer rely on governments
officials to take ownership of the issues we
face locally. We must toward as a community
to nurture our schools for our particular
community needs, Create a Community
Resource Map
A visual representation of your community and
the various skills people have to offer is a
super way to understand what community
resources are available. If you build one, also
point out the materials people can supply at
cost or for free, the time they can invest in
projects, and how they can connect to
curriculum, and classroom activities. Include
the networks they can utilize to raise
awareness of the needs of local children and
families, and always promote and foster

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