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Session Outline: Bullying & Suicide/Self-Harm

Opening Circle - 2:45pm-2:50pm

Purpose/Message - 2:50pm-2:53pm
Activity 1 - 2:54pm - 3:09pm
Snack time: 3:09pm-3:20pm
Activity 2 - 3:20pm - 3:32pm
Activity 3 - 3:32pm -3:40pm
Positive Activity - 3:40pm-3:49pm
Shirts/Mentee-Mentor Journal - 3:49pm-3:55pm
Closing Circle: 3:55pm-4:05pm
Opening Circle a. Rate your day
b. Question of the day: Name the person who you feel the
most comfortable talking to about your issues/problems. Briefly explain
i. Note: connect at the end to remind girls of
their support
c. Break up into groups- 5-6
**Right before icebreaker: Start off saying that during this session, everyone should
be respectful and attentive. We want to make sure no one calls someone out/makes
rude comments, and keep things respectful after session.
***Remind the girls at the beginning of session that if they feel uncomfortable at any
point during the session they can leave for a little bit. I dont want to encourage
them to miss all of session, but we should probably allow them to take a little
breather (one of us could go out with them).
Purpose, and Message
a. Purpose: Bring awareness to bullying/self-harm, to side
effects of it and how to be aware of friends who might be going
through it. Acknowledge bullying is wrong and provide resources for
bullying prevention.
i. *include suicide awareness and prevention
b. Message: There are ways of overcoming and preventing


ACTIVITY 1: Scenario on Bullying

i. Definition for Bullying (Different types of
ii. 4 different scenarios - 1 for each type of
bullying and the ask girls what they think each one is.

1. verbal Mentor #1, Mentor #2,

Mentor #3

physical Mentor #4, Mentor

3. cyberbullying Mentor #6,
4. emotional Mentor #8, Mentor
Snack Time (exchange journals)

Truth vs. Myth

We will have posters with truths and myths around the
room and then have the girls walk around. They will write on the
posters if they think its true or a myth. Mentors will go over it after.
1) Myth: Someone making suicidal threats wont really do it, they are just
looking for attention.
a) Fact: Those who talk about suicide or express thoughts
about wanting to die, are at risk for suicide and need your attention.
Most people who die by suicide give some indication or warning. Take
all threats of suicide seriously. Even if you think they are just crying
for helpa cry for help, is a cry for helpso help.
2) Myth: Asking someone if they are thinking about suicide will put the
idea in their head and cause them to act on it.
a) Fact: When you fear someone you know is in crisis or
depressed, asking them if they are thinking about suicide can actually
help. By giving a person an opportunity to open up and share their
troubles you can help alleviate their pain and find solutions.
3) Myth: Suicide cant be prevented. If someone is set on taking their
own life, there is nothing that can be done to stop them.
a) Fact: Suicide is preventable. The vast majority of people
contemplating suicide dont really want to die. They are seeking an end
to intense mental and/or physical pain. Most have a mental illness.
Interventions can save lives.
4) Myth: People who take their own life are selfish, cowards, weak or are
just looking for attention.
a) Fact: More than 90% of people who take their own life

have at least one and often more than one treatable mental illness
such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and/or
alcohol and substance abuse. With better recognition and treatment
many suicides can be prevented.
5) Myth: Talk therapy and/or medications dont work.
a) Fact: Treatment can work and there is a solution or way
out. One of the best ways to prevent suicide is by getting treatment for
mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar illness and/or substance
abuse and learning ways to solve problems. Finding the best treatment
can take some time, and the right treatment can greatly reduce risk of
suicide. In fact, it can bring you back your life.
6) Myth: Telling someone to cheer up usually helps.
a) Fact: Trying to cheer someone up might make them feel
even more misunderstood and ashamed of their thoughts and feelings.
Its important to listen well and take them seriously.
7) Myth: People who die from suicide dont warn others.
a) Fact: Out of 10 people who kill themselves, eight have
given definite clues to their intentions. They leave numerous clues and
warnings to others, although some of their clues may be nonverbal or
difficult to detect.
8) Myth: Once the emotional state improves, the risk of suicide is over.
a) Fact: The highest rates of suicide occur within about
three months of an apparent improvement in a severely depressed
state. Therefore, an improvement in emotional state doesnt mean a
lessened risk.
Activity 3: Mentors personal story: Discussion
Activity 4: Positive Activity (____)
WYSE Against Bullying Poster
Writing on poster that has WYSE Against Bullying
Have the girls go outside if its not raining and lay down poster on the floor
They will write on the poster & picture and video
love/heart stickers!
Closing Circle (___)
Stories about overcoming suicide/self-harm/bullying/cyber bullying
We should also definitely end the session with an it gets better message
*****Provide Resource Sheet for Mentees at the end.

Resources:'s purpose is to prevent bullying in our society through education and
awareness. They provide educational programs and resources to individuals, families,
educational institutions and organizations.
1-800-DONTCUT (1-800-366-8288) - Self-injury Hotline
1-800-273-TALK A 24-hour crisis hotline if youre about to self-harm or are in an

emergency situation.
To Write Love On Her Arms ( - A non-profit movement
dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression,
addiction, self-injury, and suicide.
1-800-SUICIDE Hotline for people contemplating suicide.
1-800-334-HELP Self Injury Foundations 24-hour national crisis line.
1-800-799-SAFE Domestic violence hotline.
1-877-332-7333 Real Help For Teens help line.

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