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*positive sentence

Everyone knows the basic conception of the use of past tense forms
in english, that the present tense is used to describe the incident or
event which took place in the past. or in other words at a certain time
in the past, subject matter was. it began and ended in the past. even
one second ago is the past.

In English, one of the main determinants of a sentence in past tense

will be seen from the verb or verb. the verb should be in the form of
the verb II, verb II. Another determinant is the use of information that
shows the time that happens in the past, as yesterday, yesterday
morning, yesterday afternoon, last week, last year, last month, last
spring, last winter, a few minutes ago, two years ago, five minutes
ago, three days ago, one years ago, etc.

Then what about the sentence structure for a positive sentence

structure is:

Subject + Verb II + Object

After the object can be added to complete the time information such
as example :

I watched movie last night.

From the example above can be viewed me as a subject, observed as

a verb II, the film as an object and last night as details of time or
adverb of time.

Another example is the

I was sad last night

From the example above there is no verb phrase match .dalam II we

like this, if not use the verb we use was or were, what was used and
how were used depending on subjectnya. used when subjectnya I, He,
She and It. while subjetnya used when you, us and them, for example
- the following example :

They were there last Tuesday.

She was late last Tuesday.

*negative sentence
then what if you want to say something negative or something? See
the following example.

He didnâ€TMt go to the movie last night.

Ididnâ€TMt sleep well last night.

From the two examples above we can use verbs that are not as
described previously,
that the past tense to describe the verb should be in the form II,but it
is verb sentences go above does not change as a verb to go and
sleep does not turn into slept

Explained this in the sentence because in the past negatif is did +

not, the verb remains in the form of I, verb I. sentence structure as

Subject +didn â€TMt +Verb I +Object

other examples such as

They didn â€TMt come yesterday.

We didn â€TMt see action movie last night

Hen what about the sentences that do not use the verb? For example,
as an example of the above:

I was sad last night.

They were there last Tuesday.

The second sentence in the form of positive to negative change we

only need to add notes after was or were:

I wasn â€TMt sad last night.

They werenâ€TMt there last Tuesday

The use is + not generally in abstract Wasna, as well as to not be +

have been Werenâ€TMt. Thus, the structure for negative sentences
that do not use the verb as follows:

Subject+was not / were not+ â€

*sentence introgatife
Then asked how to sentence an example

Did you see Alex yesterday?

The example above is a simple negative sentences, the structure can

be written:

Did+Subjetc+Verb I+Object

Form of the above sentences would require an answer Yes or No, as

an example - the following examples:
Did he go to the bus station?
Did Harry work late last night?

Then there is the form of sentences that require this information

would be something like:

What did you di last night?

Where did you watch the movie?

The second sentence above questions require answers that explain

things a question, This is shown by the use of words or ask wh-
question/question words, such as: What, Where, When, Why, Who and
How, which was followed by did:

What/Where/When/Why/Who/How + did + subjetc + Verb I + Object

Other examples
Who did you drive home ?
When did she arrive ?
How much money did you spend last night ?

Then what if you do not use the word just ask? The answer is the verb
changed to form II, verb II, for example:

Who told you that ?

What woke you up last night ?
Who cried last night ?

*regular verbs vs. irregular verbs

Irregular verbs or the so-called irregular verbs are verbs in English
that the formation of the suffix added AED lampaunya life, such as
helped aid, playing a game, which will be deleted and delete etc.

Whereas irregular verbs or the so-called irregular verbs are verbs in

English which formation could not be added lampaunya AED endings,
but the word is changed, such as: come to come, sit to sat and eat to
ate etc.

Hope now you want to try to find out how well the film last night in
English, do not need perfect English, but at least you know if the
audience the story is finished, then you are applying the Simple Past
Tense in your conversation, one of grammar, Grammar, in English

Why were they so sad last night ?

How was Diana yesterday ?
Were they here last Tuesday ?
Were you absent last Monday ?
Did you buy Popcorn ?
Diana didna cry about the story.
We were at home.
It was cloudy yesterday afternoon.

Easy Tips to Learn English Via the

Effective Way to Learn English language

Learning English is not difficult, but also not as easy as turning the
palm of his hand. important is the willingness and English language
learningdiligence experts , H. Douglas Brown put forward the five
principles of learning English are effectively below.

“Way of life”

if we learn English in a country where the language is used as a first

language, we will usually speak the language more quickly because
every day we are surrounded by English, from wake up until back to
bed. This is because the English language has become an inseparable
part of life we. also we have to do in Indonesia, if we want to learn
English effectively: we should make English as part of kita. that is
lives, we must try to use every day where possible. for that we can
read, hear, or speak in English on every occasion that we meet or we
can make. as we can set aside time each day to read one article in
English day.but one-paragraph article can not be a day or sentence It
does not matter. we make our sentence is the sentence that day, and
we use these expressions in every opportunity that might exist in the
day. or we can also take the time to listen to all things in English
(music, news or a tape recording conversations in English) to
accustom our ears to the foreign language. we can do for example is
listening to a tape - the tape (both songs, speeches, presentations, or
teaching tapes in English) in the car all the way from home to office
or vice versa. We also try to write in English (writing memos, short
letters, or write a work plan that we will do during the week or the
next day). in principle, surround our lives with the English language
topics - topics that we enjoy or we need.

“Total commitment”

Make English as an inseparable part of our lives, we must have a

commitment to involve the English language in our lives physically,
mentally, and emotionally. physically we can try to hear, read, write,
and training in English pronunciation, and continually repeated.
mental or intellectual, we can try to think in English every time we
use the English language. For example, in understanding the English
language does not perkata said, but the overall meaning. we can try
to identify some expressions in English which means roughly the
same, for example: How are you?, How to live?, How busines? (Do not
dwell only on one expression). and, most importantly, our emotional
involvement in the English language, we need to have a high
motivation to learn English, and we need mencar "positive thing" that
we can enjoy, ataupin can give us rewards if we are able to master
the English language. that this will give tremendous energy to us to
stay motivated to learn English. three aspects (physical, mental, and
emotional) we should really involved in our learning process, if we
want to learn English more effectively.


learning language is like learning to ride a bike or learning to drive a

car. we can not only read and understand the "manual", but we must
try to use it. learning phase (experimental), very reasonable if we
make a mistake. What is important is knowing that we are doing
wrong and fix it at the next opportunity. would be better if at the time
we have tried to teachers who can tell us the mistakes we did.
teachers have no formal teacher at school or English language
courses. teachers can have a tape that we listened and we compare
them with our words, a book that we read and check the answer, or it
may be acquaintances, or relatives who could help if we are in trouble
or there was something we wanted to ask. we are not ashamed to ask
and not afraid to make mistakes. questions we ask and the mistakes
we do, we bus

“Beyond class activities”. If we learn English formally (in class, in

the course), usually limited hours of learning hours: four hours a
week, six hours week limited. to learn to be more effective, we must
create opportunities to "learn" as well outside the hours of class: a
discussion with friends, visiting websites that offer free English
language learning, or cumunication in English with your friends or
native speakers ( either by mail, email or direct conversation). we can
also try to read newspapers, magazines, text books, listening to the
radio, songs, or watching a movie. learning that can be more
attractive, choose topics that match our interests, our needs, or
related to educational background and work of our field.

“Strategis”. If the commitment, the courage to try and make

English as part of our lives has been applied, the next Dalah to
implement learning strategies to support our learning process. These
strategies can we develop and adapt to the personality and style of
every part of our learning. It is easier to learn by using the index "-
cards", the cards say small card that reads the phrase or a word that
indicates that we want to control shall be accompanied by examples
of sentences that could use these words. This card can take us where
we are going. whenever it ya a chance (at the time waiting for a taxi
waiting for lunch or time spent in tejebak vehicle current congestion),
we can take this card and read and try to improvise with new words
in the same structure sentence. There ya also people that are easier
to learn by communicating directly with other verbally or native
speakers. This communication they ask, listen and improve
pronunciation and increase their vocabulary with our learning style

English language learning styles

Each person has different learning styles. This learning style is

formed from the environment and the habits of our daily lives. if we
know our learning style, then we can choose an effective learning
strategies, which adjust our learning styles of each

“ Auditory learners”.

If we include people who more easily learned by listening, then we

have the learning style "auditory". This is our learning style, then we
can reproduce portions learn by listening, listening to tapes exemple
English lessons, songs of our favorite songs or news, speeches in
English. we also listen to a conversation in English conversation at our
favorite movies to watch movies in cinema, television, or
VCD.dengarkan speech, ungakapan used, note the contexts or
situations where words are words or phrases over and over again we
will digunakan.lakukan met with a similar expression can we train on
a regular basis, so that we can say and use it better

“ Visual Learners “.
if we include people who more easily learn through visual input
(images, text), then we have the learning style "visual". many
strategies we can do, we can read the article in English, which we
think is important, and interesting in letter, newspapers, magazines
or the Internet, and then we try to tell it again with the words we
govern themselves, either in writing or in speaking.we form can also
read and study the examples of letters, proposals, brochures which
we often encounter in doing the job trying to understand a they.untuk
abstract concept, we can describe it in a visual form: "flow charts",
table, or other forms of visual another.

“Kineshetic learners”.

if we prefer to learn by doing something or moving, then we can learn

to use computers (which we have to press the keys on the keyboard,
or mouse), so we do not get bored quickly. We also can join the
English club associations (English clubs) that has many activities and
games that involve movement. We also can do is learn to write (move
your hands to write), or trying to understand a word or phrase in the
film can be associated with the meaning of the word word.

each person can have more than one learning style (auditory and
visual examples, or visual da kinesthetic). whatever our learning
style, if we already know, we can find and implement a customized
learning strategies with learning style so that results can be more
self-confidence to write in
English, although with a
minimum capacity
With minimal English proficiency, and writing in English to me at first
was impossible. but after trying several times, with a (challenging
myself to) fill a citizen journalist site Intenasional (English), I finally
sort menemuka own recipes. Perhaps Wikimu friends friends
(especially the difficulty in writing in English) can participate in
improving tips that I will explain as follows:

1. write a standard and effective

Because of difficulties to write directly in English, then the first thing I

did dalah write in Indonesian. but I'm writing rules tighten, with a
sentence by sentence as effective as possible. Effective, I mean,
there is no word in the sentence saying that it was in vain. Or, if there
is a certain word can be removed, then the sentence has not

Hen, I also wrote to Indonesian standards possible. I also avoid tida

syntax / not yet complete (subject, object and predicate), and avoid
writing sentences with lots of children.

Another thing is, I avoid using the word "unknown" by the general
dictionary Indonesian. So I (have to) write in the style of language
(very) standard as well.

2. using a wise machine translation

After writing in the Indonesian language, the next process - I use the
automatic translation. machine translation has been used usual, I
google - translated. In this process, in General, are given a little
translation error (the error usually occurs because the number 1
above is not perfect). never, two expressions of the error of
translation or "look no error" should be examined again. Therefore
not to be forgotten recall lessons at school on grammar, structure,
and phrases.

A few words, maybe not in the google-traslate system (or other

interpreter engine), so should we translate our own or find in the
dictionary. Even often, the original writings Rombak Indonesian
language should I reset, and then I translate back, in order to get

3. dictionaries and thesaurus terms english

To check the diction or choice of words that correspond to the desired

meaning, I often had to use three dictionaries. The first is the
dictionary Concise Oxford Dictionary (dictionary term), which I use
mainly for mave translation of google-translate. I also use Thesaurus
Dictionary (both Indonesian and English thesaurus dictionary
thesaurus), to investigate and get re diction and meaning as much as
Finally, the extent of public knowledge, pride, and understanding
cross-cultural context, will enrich and improve the English language
paper said. Both of grammar, to the issues and explain the best
makana. There are several other constraints, which we will encounter
in this process, my suggestion is PD (confident) it is!
Maybe a friend of a friend who studied linguistics or literature and
English translation will laugh laugh reading these tips, monggo alone.
Okay my friends, this is the tip of the old writings (such as schools),
often do not listen when the teacher gives English lessons.

I actually write a prescription for a foreign language is to learn to

think in the language I learned asing.Hal from CCF (United Kingdom
Cultural Center) is more encouraging me to use the English dictionary
- English dictionaries from English - Indonesian or Indonesian -
English. It helps that we are not tired of translating in my head (but
until now not able to make the article in English)

The use of machine translation to translate the article should not be

to sharpen language skills. Using the online dictionary is better than
using machine translation

as a first step the hell these tips may be just the confidence to get up,
but it's good to read more articles in foreign languages to increase
vocabulary. automatic habit of reading a particular sentence
structure will affect the structure of sentences that we make.

help people better understand the writing of a foreign language can

also help to understand the overall translation of the sentence given
does not change the true meaning to be submitted in speak
said one of the first step is always the hardest step, and one small
step can be one big leap in learning. life is learning that never stops,
hello .... I hope to stay motivated.

Indonesia there are several phrases that can not be translated plek,
into English. Conversely, there are lots of English expressions which
can not be translated into the Indonesian language properly.

translators were not for stupid. but because language is the result of
a different culture - different, certainly would never have exactly the
same. there's always a feeling / taste different, depending on the
respective national culture.
weakness of most of the results of the application of the translation is
the rigidity of a language to another. The tail is skills in writing
English uses Indonesian grammar or vice versa, the Indonesian
language English bertata is really a lot.
“This is the house where I grew up.” translated as "this house where I
grew up" very well, as I recall, either the school or college classes
before, this is the English grammar, not grammar Indonesian. when
using the translation procedure into Indonesian "is the house where I
grew up"

Another example of "These are people I worked it" translated as

"these people who worked with me." should be simple but "a partner
with" a different, but the translation from one language to another
should not be the same plek. There should be a difference, if you
want to follow good grammar.
the word "a". Sorry, my buteq today brain, can not love an example in
English. clear the use of the word "is" in the current jargon, obviously,
clearly the use of English grammar in Indonesian.

Three articles from English-language magazine published in T3N has

Typo3. people today. Originally printed from the currrent issue of
German magazine, they have been specially translated for release on Derived from the issues currently on the german print
magazines, especially those which have been translated for release
on Wiil further articles will be released on
regularly, as a magazine publisher will translate yeebase three
articles that will come from each issue to make them available for the
TYPO3 community. The next article will be released on
regularly, as a magazine publisher will translate yeebase three
articles from each issue to come to make them available for the
TYPO3 community.
The T3N Magazine is the world’s first print magazine discussing
TYPO3 and open Source, presenting to the reader an overview about
current developments regarding these topics. T3N magazine is the
world's first print magazine to discuss TYPO3 and Open Source, is now
presenting to the reader an overview of developments on this topic.
T3N Magazine about interesting TYPO3 and Open Source Projects,
new extension, we development and server technology. Typo3 report
T3N interesting and open-source project, a new extension, the web
server and development technologies. In addition, features practice-
oriented articles and content that is directed primarily at the
Newcomers. in addition, practical features and content-oriented
articles aimed primarily at newcomers.


English conversation is not an easy thing for some people of

Indonesia. The feeling proud or afraid to start a conversation english
language is always prevents us to go forward. whereas, in the current
era of globalization of English is required.

This was recorded when all the teachers, especially English teachers
both in middle school or high school, until the professor on campus,
all of them and also their parents, siblings at home always and always
tell the importance of learning English. briefly and then babble
"stupid" to say "what the hell people learn language?".

to take a crash course in English language teacher, it makes

employees feel no time to learn more from the grouse - grouse is that
men, there was embarrassed to speak English, there is a temple to
temple square when the time course, so to speak english but sunda
accent, imagine the English language issued by the tone sunda, will
become a laughing stock in my office.

Which stands for Good-Clean-Funnies-List website that contains a

joke jokes in English. Joke, and there is a short brief to subscribe via
email facilities. It was one joke Good Advice.

A man approached a local person in a village he was visiting. “ what’s

the quickest way to work?” The local scratched his head. “Are you
walking or driving?” he asked the stranger. “I’m driving.””That’s the
quickest way!”

there is a means of learning other languages English?

the test TOEFL, TOEIC, GMAT, GRE etc. in: http://www.english-test

the gym IELTS, TOEFL, etc. in :
Indonesia is a unique language site:, English
language learning content through nasyid (Islamic songs songs)

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