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Professional Library

Helps parents advocate and improve Educational results for children with
disabilities. This web site is great for any age child
Excellent resource for babies and Toddlers.
Provides early intervention services help with parents be primary educators
and the n most important person in childs early education and development, as
well as teaching caregivers and teachers the same thing
Great online resource for teachers and parents with infants to age 8.
Wonderful articles on Child Development, Health, and Safety and Behavior

Paint Me Like I am
Bill Aguayo Great book for teens It is a collection of poems by teens taken
part in a writing program called writing Corps. To hear the words of these
teen you can hear about the diversity from everywhere and just how much
they are alike.
One Tough Job to support parents by providing them with current, reliable,
and practical information on a variety of parenting topics related to raising children
from infancy through adolescence. We aim to provide a general overview of topics,
drawing from a variety of reputable and reliable sources

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