Digital Marketing Plan of OLA Autos

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Done by:
Ayush Srivastava - 32
Manjula Puranik - 77
Tanika Naik - 160

The internet and ascents in digitalization and social networking have transformed how
companies reach out and connect to their clients and partners. Digital marketing has proved
to be a commanding enabler and radical of business models. We see its consumption going
beyond the normal boundaries of geography and time. Flourishing evidence points that a
persistent digital presence, based on a sound understanding of the eccentricities of the digital
landscape, transforms into major business value. For our Digital marketing plan we have
selected Ola Auto services as it is a new service with little digital marketing if any done as of
now. Our digital marketing plan for the same is as given below.

Keeping the product in mind, the plan aims to target the masses, hence we will be having
multiple targets, with varying priorities which are as follows:

Young College Going Students Priority 1

o Profile: 18-25 yrs, budget constraints, irregularity in buying patterns,
maximum consumption on weekends
o Requirements: Availability in the evenings, especially on weekends, last
minute bookings, short distance travel
o Expectations: Cheap fares, Quick and hassle free service, gps for unknown
locations, music players with usb slots to play own music

Working Professionals Priority 2

o Profile: 25-40 yrs, Regular travel (fixed pick up and drop location), No budget
o Requirements: Availability at odd timings
o Expectations: Polite and courteous drivers, quick and hassle free service

General Priority 3


Launch of new product Ola Autorickshaws

Increasing brand awareness
Increase frequency by highlighting competitive pricing factor (autos run on meter
Driving sales and revenue through the digital marketing campaign


The marketing mix is the tactical or operational part of a marketing plan. The marketing mix
is also called the 4Ps. The 4Ps are price, place, product and promotion.

Olacabs provides car rentals for all kinds of city taxi needs, railway station transfers, airport
transfers and people can opt from the best car rental deals and hire cheap taxi services for
travelling. They have recently come up with a new service Ola Auto-rickshaws. The ondemand auto service from Ola works similar to the cab booking service. The number of autos in Ola's
service is around 300, and each of the autos under the Ola service has been equipped with Huawei
phones to track bookings.

The company will charge Rs 13 per kilometre and a base price of Rs 100 for the first six
kilometres. Autos in metro cities currently have a base price of Rs 25 for the first two
kilometres and Rs 13 afterwards. It also does not have any night charges unlike autorickshaws that automatically demand more than double the meter charge past 9pm. The
effective pricing of auto-rickshaws is a strategic step towards success.

As of now the Ola auto-rickshaw service is launched in Bengaluru. After the success of this
service, it would be launched in metro cities like Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi, etc as well.
The service can be availed only via phone or mobile app. User has to enter the drop-off point
before an auto driver accepts the booking. Bangalore is the first city where Ola has both auto rickshaw
and cab services.

1. Search Engine Optimisation - SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of
a website or a web page in a search engine's natural or un-paid search results. SEO will
help in a better transparency of the auto-rickshaw service which is being provided by Ola

2. Social Media Marketing - It is a form of online advertising that focuses on social

networking sites. One of the major benefits of advertising on a social networking site is
that advertisers can take advantage of the users demographic information and target their
ads appropriately. Since it is new service in the market so we are focussing on social
networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube so as to target maximum online users.

3. Email marketing - It is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people

using email. With the existing database (emails) of the users of Ola cabs we can also
inform them about the auto-rickshaws being launched in the market.

4. Keyword Advertising - It is a method of advertising on search engines by utilizing

keyword research. The customization will be done in such a way that the moment the
users enter auto-rickshaw in the search engine, the next search should be for Ola cabs

5. Mobile advertising - Mobile advertising is a form of advertising via mobile (wireless)

phones or other mobile devices. It is a subset of mobile marketing.

6. Online banner advertising - A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on

the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails
embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to
a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. Moreover, when the users will click
on the online banners a coupon code will be generated which can be availed on the autorickshaw rides. This would also help us in tracking the number of internet users who
clicked on the banner.

7. Referral Marketing It is a method of promoting products or services to new

customers through referrals, usually word of mouth. Influencers like bloggers and
interactive online communities would definitely help in spreading awareness about the
new Ola auto-rickshaw service.

8. Affiliate networks - An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between the providers

(affiliates) and the users. We can use services like Just Dial as an affiliate network for
making people aware of the Ola auto-rickshaw service.

9. Advertising through posters on rickshaws and cabs- We can also paste posters of
Ola auto-rickshaws at the back of buses, contracted autos, etc. in order to increase the
number of users. Eg-



Cost per month(in Rs)

Cost for 6 months(in Rs)

Search engine optimization

Social media marketing
Email marketing
Keyword advertising
Mobile advertising
Online banner advertising
Referral Marketing
Affiliate networks
Advertising through posters
Total Cost




The budget is made for 6 months

The costs of the parameters used may vary
The website used for calculating the budget is

As mentioned above we shall be using several e-marketing activities as well as non- internet
marketing activities in our marketing mix. The action plan for the same is listed below:

1) Search Engine Optimization:

The steps we shall be following for search engine optimization are:
1) For improving the visibility of our website on Google, well be using unique and
accurate page titles that will make us stand out amongst our competitors
2) Using Googles webmaster tool we will be designing an appropriate description meta
tag which will tell Google and other search engines what our website is about. The
description mete tag is sometimes used by Google as snippet for the page and hence is
important for the websites visibility
3) We shall be using simple to understand URLs which will convey our content easily
and also lead to better crawling of our documents by search engines
4) Navigation is very important for search engines. And though our best in class website
for Ola Cabs already implements easy to use navigation we shall be doing the same
for our Ola Auto pages to drive visitor traffic
5) To influence our website more, we shall be designing our content in such a way that it
is compelling, unique, exclusive and useful for the visitors
6) Further our anchor text i.e. the clickable text that users will see as a result of the link
will be designed to tell users & Google something about the page we are linking to

7) Images attract visitors and hence we shall be using relevant images on our Ola Autos
webpage. Further relevant image related text will be provided incase users are unable
to see the image
8) Further we shall be configuring our mobile site in such a way that it can be easily
accessed by the search engine.
9) We shall also be using Googles webmaster tool to improve our site content

2) Social Media Marketing:

Social media is one of the best and cost effective methods of gaining visibility and brand
awareness. It is also one of the best ways to improve customer engagement and reach our
target segments.
Facebook: Ola already has a good presence on Facebook with 92884 likes. The content used
on Facebook so far has mainly been targeting Olas cab feature. Since the auto feature started
quite recently theres very less related content and visibly less engagement for the same.
Twitter: Ola has about 3760 followers on Twitter, which is considerably less. Their Twitter
account runs the same content as their Facebook account. To increase followers Ola needs to
run a campaign specific to Twitter.
Youtube: Ola has only 114 subscribers on youtube and their content is only limited to their
ads. They only have 16 videos. To increase their subscriber base they should either start a
video blog or a contest.

Social media campaign: Currently Ola is running a social media campaign using the hash tag
#OlaAuto featuring memes indicating how easy it is to get an auto using Ola. Some of their
memes are as follows:

Though this is a good idea for a social media campaign it hasnt taken off that well amongst
the users as yet in terms of user engagement. There are very few likes on the posts and
though Ola asked users to send in their entries as well for the memes theres no incentive for
the users to share.
Hence to build up on Olas campaign we shall be starting this a nationwide Facebook, Twitter
& youtube contest. This will be 3 contest campaign explained as follows:
1) In the 1st contest users will be asked to submit similar memes and the top 3 best
memes will win varying amounts of reacharge in their Ola wallets ranging from Rs
2000 for the winner to Rs 500 for the 2nd runnerup. This incentive will definitely drive
users to participate in the campaign.
2) We will be following up this campaign with athe 2nd contest during christmas aimed
at increasing brand awareness as well as sales during christmas. The campaign will

ask users to share their nightmarish auto ride story using the hashtags #OlaAuto
#AutoNightmare which will be featured on our website as well as facebook. This will
mainly be a Facebook contest as Twitter limits the content to 140 characters. However
to drive visibility to our Facebook page & Website, we will be tweeting the links of
the facebook & Website links of the stories asking our Twitter followers to vote for
the best. Our Facebook, Twitter & Youtube followers, Website & app users get to
vote on these nightmarish auto ride stories to choose the most nightmarish auto ride
ever and the top 3 winners will get an Ola auto wallet recharge ranging from Rs 500Rs 2000 which can only be used during the month of December, thus driving our sales
during Christmas.
3) The christmas contest will be followed with our youtube contest mainly aimed at
improving visibility on youtube where Ola lacks in terms of viewers and subscribers.
Users will be asked to submit videos about their best Ola experience which will be
uploaded on youtube. Winners with the best story will be chosen through an online
voting on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Ola Website & app. Winners get Ola
reacharge of Rs 2000-Rs 500 in their Ola Wallet.
To further drive visibility on social media we shall be going for user driven content. This
shall be done in the following 3 ways:
1) The ola app shall ask users to connect their Facebook & twitter accounts for
further discounts and contests. The app shall also ask users to post their feedback
with the hashtag #OlaAuto once their ride is completed. This feedback will be
registered on the Ola app, and posted on Facebook & on Twitter in the form of
2) To increase subscribers and viewership we will be running a video story feature
on Youtube where videos of Ola Auto drivers telling people why they are
partnering with Ola instead of just running their service by themselves will be
posted and further shared on Facebook & Twitter. This will increase the
credibility of Ola autos
3) Using the paid boost post feature on Facebook we shall be increasing the
visibility for our Facebook content
4) Using paid ads on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube.

3) Email Marketing:

The Ola app & website requires users to submit their email ids while registering along
with their names & phone numbers. Thus we have an extensive database of users with
their emails & phone numbers
We will be using email marketing to convey offers, contests and new features of Ola
auto to our existing Ola Cab customers
The emails will have eye catching headings, and simple but attractive content like
videos, print ads, gifs etc to captivate attention of the users
Videos will only be shown as stills with a play icon. Clicking the play icon will direct
the users to our website or youtube channel
Further for those who fail to provide feedback on the app or website a feedback form
will be emailed to such users providing them with an option of giving feedback to

improve our services and providing us with much needed metrics for measuring our
service as well as the effectiveness of our digital marketing campaign.

4) Keyword Advertising

We will be using Googles adwords feature for our keyword advertising campaign
Using Googles keypwrd planner we will obatin only the appropriate and relevant
keywords or grouped keywords to pay for
To further improve the efficiency of our keywords and reduce costs we shall also
include negative keyowrds, so that when users search for these keywords which are
not related to our service our website ad doesnt apprear in the search results.
Further we shall also be using softwares like wordstream keyword research suite or
Keyword advertising edge to choose & group only those keywords that are highly
relevant to our service but not very competitive thus reducing our pay per click costs.

5) Mobile Advertising

For mobile advertising we shall be foremost targeting customers with our best in class
mobile app, designed with easy and attractive user interface and easy to navigate
Further we will be using Googles adwords feature for mobiles in our mobile
advertising campaign as well

Mobile ads appear on mobile devices in Google search results, on content websites, in apps
and video

To improve visibility through mobile ads we shall be using various adwords features
like mobile ad sitelinks, call extensions, location extensions, seller ratings, image
banners & interstitial ads
We shall also be using features like mobile roadblock and instream video ads to
advertise on youtube mobile app
Further, using our database of our customers phone numbers we shall convey offers
and social media contests to our customers by sending them, short, simple, crisp and
attractive text messages

6) Online Banner Advertising

Using sites like we will be able to determine the best sites for the
placement of our banner ads
Additionally we shall be placing our banner ads on online booking websites like
bookmyshow, makemytrip, redbus etc. This is because if people book hotels, flights,
busses etc they are likely to need autos to take them to their final destination, whether
it be homes, restaurants, hotels, companies, airports or busstops
Our banner ads will eb designed with simple yet attractive content and useful and
relevant information for users
On festive seasons these banner ads will also contain a coupon code which the users
will obtain on clicking the banner ads. Users can avail discounts on auto fares using
these coupon codes.

7) Referral Marketing

Ola already uses referral marketing for its cab services. This shall be furtehr extended
to its auto services
Users will be asked to refer Ola auto to their friends and family through a coupon
For 5 users who book Ola Auto using the referral code a voucher of Rs. 100 will be
recharged on the original users Ola Wallet
Social Media, mobile advertising, email marketing and banner ads will be used to gte
the word out about the referral marketing offer.

8) Affiliate Networks

We shall be using affliate networks like Rakuten Linkshare, Just Dial & Amazon
This will make tracking, payment and reporting easy
Further we are also planning to become publishers allowing retailers or brands to
advertise on our website thus adding to our revenue stream
Our ads will be placed on trusted, relevant affiliate websites to drive user base
Ads shall be banner ads, video ads, text ads using simple, relevant yet attractive

9) Advertising through posters on Autos, Cabs & Busses

Taking a leaf from the marketing campaign of the movie 3 Idiots we shall be
promoting our services on the backs of autos and cabs owned by Ola. This will reduce
our advertising costs as the cabs & autos are owned by Ola, provide revenue to Auto
& Cab Drivers & further improve our visibility in the city
We will also be advertising through poster os the back of buses and on bustands as
these are the areas most used and visited by our target customers.



To measure the success and effectiveness of our digital media campaigns we shall be
using softwares like Google analytics, Google URL Builder, Google Website
optimizer, Google webmaster tools & Alexa
Using these softwares we will be able to measure a number of metrics important for
both search engine optimization, banner ads & pay per click digital marketing
These metrics are:
Overall site traffic - Significant changes in how traffic flows to our site can
give us an insight on how effective a particular digital marketing technique
initiated is effective or not. When measuring site and app traffic we shall be
focussing on page views, number of hits and number of unique visitors per
week or month
Traffic Sources - Knowing where the site traffic is coming from and what
particular sets of keywords brought them there can give us an insight as to
what keywords or keyword phrases we should focus more on in our digital
marketing campaigns
Mobile Traffic This includes the traffic generated on our mobile app as
well as the number of respondents to our mobile ads and text messages
Click Through Rate (CTR) - Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are viable sources for
targeted traffic and can be measured effectively by figuring out the number of
clicks our PPC ads receive based on the total number of impressions. The
higher the CTR, the better our Quality Scores will be, allowing us to lower
our PPC costs by receiving pricing discounts from Search Engine Marketing
platforms like Google Adwords
Cost per Click (CPC) - The Cost Per Click (CPC) defines how much we are
going to pay the search marketing platform every time an internet user clicks
on our PPC Ad. This value will vary depending on how popular our chosen
keyword or keyword phrases are, our Quality Score as influenced by Click
Through Rates (CTR), and the standard prices search engines initially set
Conversion rate (CVR) - Measuring how many website visitors actually gets
converted into leads or sale is a valuable and tangible metric that defines
digital marketing success. In addition to giving information on conversion of
site visit to sales, it also gives valuable information on behaviour habits of
website visitors & potential customers
Cost per Lead (CPL) - Cost Per Lead (CPL) is a metric that defines the lead
conversion ratio of a particular campaign and corresponding cost, giving
insights to the business owner or marketer on how profitable their campaign
is or not
Bounce Rate - On some of site visits, visitors immediately leave or bounce
as fast as they arrive should they find the content irrelevant to their needs.
Knowing bounce rates can provide insights on how we could better improve
or optimize our content
Average page views per visit - The more page views generated from each
visit the more chances for engagement with website visitors, eventually
influencing them to get converted into leads or paying customers.

Average cost per page view - The amount of investment poured into a paid
digital marketing channel like PPC can be controlled by knowing the average
cost per page view and the amount of revenue we can generate from a
particular page. The cost per page view should be significantly lower than the
revenue we generate from the page in order to gain profit from your
Average Time on site - We can measure how well we are engaging with our
targeted website visitors by how long their average times during each visit to
our site is. This is important for gauging what content is relevant and would
drive results from site visitors, gaining their valuable trust, and eventually
increase these levels of trust into something that would finally entice them to
Rate of Return Visitors - Website popularity is not only defined by the
amount of traffic our site is generating, but also by the rate of return visitors
that keep coming back to partake more of what we can showcase with our
content. Knowing our Rate of Return Visitors can give us an insight on how
we can improve our content to entice site visitors who have not converted yet
as leads or paying customers to finally do so.
Return On Investment (ROI) - The Return on Investment (ROI) can be
aptly measured by website traffic that are eventually converted into new
paying customers. This metric will also help us identify which area in our
digital marketing campaign is driving sales and revenue, and which areas
should be given more room for improvement.
Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC) - The cost for acquiring these new
customers is defined by getting the total of our marketing and advertising
costs for a particular time period divided by how many new paying customers
were generated during that same period. CAC can good insights on how
effective and successful our digital marketing campaigns can be.
Social media campaigns on Facebook can be measured using Facebook page insights
Youtube also offers measurement tools like dashboards & youtube analytics to
measure the effectiveness of our Youtube channel
Websites like Klout on the other hand can be used to measure effectiveness of our
twitter campaigns besides using Twitter analytics
Further to gain insight on the efficiency of our services as well as marketing
campaigns, users will be asked to give feedback at the end of a ride, on our app, by
the auto driver on his GPS enabled mobile phone which will again have our app
installed in it and also through emails incase the customer wants to give feedback at


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