Jetking Enters Limca Book of Records

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Jetking enters the Limca books by

breaking placements record

Jetking Infotrain Ltd is proud to announce that it has entered the Limca Book of Records for
achieving the highest number of placements at a pan India level in a particular year. It was the
year 2011-2012 that Jetking was able to place an incredible number of 11,451 students across
dierent companies all over the country making it higher than any vocational institute in a
After receiving this award, Jetking has cemented its position as the premier job guarantor in
the country for its niche. The signicance of this award is even further amplied by the fact
that it has arrived at a time when industry experts predicted a slowdown in the economy. It also
establishes the credentials of the IT industry in general as a generator of Hardware and Networking jobs to prospective candidates.
Upon receiving this award, the brand head of Jetking - Mr. Siddarth Bharwani commented Our
aim has always been to provide quality education which benets our students in the long run.
We believe that it is the level and the quality of education which enhances the employability
of a candidate and makes him competent in the long run. Our placements record is a testament
to the quality standards that we observe in our organization.

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