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The Ocean
The ocean is an important source of food and mineral resources as well
as a venue for human recreation and transportation. Oceanographers divide
the ocean into zones according to how far down sunlight penetrates. Plants
are found only in the sunlit zone where there is enough light for
photosynthesis, however, animals are found at all depths of the oceans. As
far as we know, nearly all life in the ocean is dependent on plants. Only
plants have the ability to manufacture food out of inorganic substances.
Algae in the ocean are an important food source as well as an important
source of atmospheric oxygen. The most abundant plants in the ocean are
known as phytoplankton. To grow, phytoplankton needs nutrients from sea
water and an abundance of sunlight. The ocean is home to a wide range of
plans and animals. This project is designed to give students a deeper
understand of the oceans, the organisms that live in the oceans, and their

Ocean Organism Project

1. You will be assigned an organism that lives in or around the ocean.
2. You will research the organism using the Organism Facts Sheet.
3. Using your Fact Sheet you will do the following:
1. Creating a 3D model of your organism. The model does not have
to be the exact size of your organism. It can be smaller or larger.
2. Type a two paragraph, or more, explanation of your organism and
its importance to the ocean and its food chain (using information
from the attached rubric)
3. Prepare a 2 minutes speech about your organism.

Three Dimensional Model

1. Create a 3D model of your ocean organism. Your 3D model can be
made out of any materials.
(Ex: Paper mache, Styrofoam, balloons, paper plates, paper, clay, etc.
For inspiration, look on youtube,, and google

Written Explanation
1. In an aquarium, exhibits always have information about the animals
being showcased. Using the information from your fact sheet, you will
create a written explanation that is two or more paragraphs in length
about your ocean organism. This explanation must be typed and
mounted on colored paper.
2. Be sure to follow the rubric and include all basic information requested,
information from the other category and properly cite your
1. Proper citation: Editor, author, or compiler name (if available).
Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization
affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource
creation (if available). Medium of publication
(website/app/blog/article). Date of access.
2. You may not be able to find all parts of the citation, but what you
can find should be in this format.
Two Minute Speech
(will be presented in class)
1. Using all the information your have learned about your organism,
prepare a two minute speech to present to the class.
2. Students should have 10 flash cards prepared with the taking points for
their speech. (Ex: description, habitat, region of the world, importance
in the food chain, what does it eat, what eats it, 2 interesting facts,
how you made your 3D model, and you experience completing the
**Please note that students will be required to present their speech and
answer basic questions from classmates**

Organism Fact Sheet

Organism Name:_____________________________
Depth Zone
What does your organism eat and what eats it?
What would happen to the ecosystem if your organism died off?
Do you consider your organism to be a predator or prey? Why?
Is your organism apart of more than one food chain?
What is the origin of your organisms name?

Do humans consume or organism?

Is your organism a protected species? If not, do you think it should be?
Does your organism live in only one part of the world? Do you think it would
be ok to introduce it into another part of the world?

Interesting information (may include important uses and interesting

facts etc.)
Other notes:

Ocean Organism Rubric

Name:_________________________ Date:______________ Pd:___________
3D Model= 35%
Having a 3D Model Complete on the due date
10pts ______
The model is well put together
The model demonstrates time and effort
15pts _____
Written Explanation = 25%
Two or more paragraphs (using proper grammar)
10pts _____
Contains 3 proper citations
10pts _____

Mounted to color paper

Two Minute Presentation= 25%
Student gets in front of the class
10pts _____
Gives a speech that is not read directly from flashcards
Turns in 10 flashcards
Fact Sheet = 15%
Facts Sheet Completed

Total Points = ___________ out of 100 = ____________ %

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