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Marjorie Moy

Instructional Planning Grid

1. TEKS 113.16 Grade 5, 17-D.

2. Big Understanding

Describe the origins and significance of national celebrations

such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Constitution Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day.

Citizenship, The student understands important

symbols, customs, celebrations, and landmarks that
represent American beliefs and principles and
contribute to our national identity.

Objective The student will be able to identify three national

holidays and explain the significance of that holiday. The
Student must also analyze how that holiday contributes to our
national identity in the United States of America.

3. Assessment: Imagine your group has been selected by the National Committee of the Arts, to create a sculpture
representing the holiday we have been studying, brain storm with your group and discuss what is important about the holiday and how
you would symbolize it in sculpture.
Exit cards Three things you learned, two things you want to know more about, and one thing you still dont understand.

4. Opening Hook
I will be wearing my old Air Force Uniform Shirt and I will pose the question to the class; I wonder why some people join the
military, it can sometimes be a very dangerous profession?

5. Instructional Strategies/Activities: Cooperative Grouping/Queues &Questions/Graphic Organizers

1. Have students count off by fours then assign an area of the room for each group.
2. Have students send two members of their group to the front of the room to participate in the time line game.
3. Time Line Game: Students will have to match the date that a holiday was first celebrated to the name of the holiday, and line up
chronologically in 60 seconds without speaking or making any sound.
4. Have game players go back to their seats, but stay in their groups. Ask the question; Why do you suppose nations celebrate certain
holidays? Why doesnt Canada have firework shows on the fourth of July? Lets watch a short video.
5. Have a short lecture defining the four holidays on the time line game. Introduce fun facts about each holiday
6. Hand out graphic organizers and explain. Imagine your group has been selected by the National Committee of the Arts, to create a
sculpture representing the holiday we have been studying, brain storm with your group and discuss what is important about the
holiday and how you would symbolize it in sculpture.
7. Listen to students brainstorming, ask each group what makes their holiday uniquely American, For example many countries have
an Independence day. Cinco de Mayo for Mexico, August 15, for India. Wait for responses from all groups

6. Materials/Resources
. /
Construction Paper Graphic organizers
Index cards (exit slips)

7. Grouping Patterns Have students count off by fours then group them together into five groups of four
8. Ending Summary/Reflection
Okay your sculptures look great! I can tell you put a lot of thought into them. Your social studies homework for tonight is to interview
a family member over twenty five years old, and Ask them these three questions or your own questions 1. What is their favorite

national holiday? 2. What makes them feel that way? and 3. How does that holiday represent how they feel about the United States.
(3) Record their answers on a piece of paper and turn it in tomorrow.
Now it is time to fill out our exit cards. Once you have filled out your card you may hand it to me and line up for recess.

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