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M aurenna M oore

W hat type of gam e is it?

Cooperative play

Tw o or m ore players cooperate

against the gam e system

Objective of this game

First group or whoever is left that have the most points wins
the game. If that doesnt work getting all the players of the
opposite group to dead or get there heads cut off

Rules of the gam e

Must have up to 7 people per group
Only two teams can play at a time
Each person have to take turns if not team get 3
points taken away


Deck of cards o.o I mean really

thats all you need unless you
wanna geek out about it

M ore rules X3
Two teams of 7 a team, each card is worth many different points
Red hearts- 20
black hearts- 10
queen- (-10 points) if you get this card then the player with that
is dead and will be removed *there will be only 3 cards of this but
all the cards of the king*
mad hatter/joker- will save you but there is only one card so use
it wisely
Jack- 5 point plus a another turn
King- 25 points
First group or whoever is left that have the most points wins the

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