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By:Emma and Taylor

What is a pronoun

A pronoun takes place of a noun.

Dave and I are at Cherry Berry.

Personal pronoun

Take the place of noun that names

That is her dog.

Singular pronoun

Singular is individual examples: I

I am going to the Hardware store.

Plural pronoun

Plural Is 2 or more example: We you

they yours ours
We are going to see a movie tonight.

The cases

Nominative Case

Whom or what the sentence is about

Sheryl is the smartest person in the

Possive Case

This is my car.

Objective Case

Has some thing done to it and

revives action of a verb
He threw her in the air.

Vocative case

Person or thing spoken to.

Taylor I am speaking to you.

Relitive pronoun

Relate back to nouns.

The lion who attacked him is dead.

A question
Which one of my people is breathing?

The End!

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