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Learning Opportunity Planning Form

(Avoid opportunities associated with holidays)

Student Name: Brittany Steen

Resource Used:

Unknown. (n.d.). Enchanted Learning. Retrieved from Enchanted Learning:

Date to be presented: March 3, 2015

Site Supervisors Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________

It is required to discuss your final written plans with your site supervisor and obtain a sign-off signature one week before presenting this learning opportunity.

Primary Curriculum (content) Area: Dramatic Play

Learning Opportunity Name: Flower Shop
Brief description/type: Its a flower shop play center that includes things you would see in a flower shop but doesnt include
everything. Children will be learning how to have fun while learning about science and how to plant flowers.
WHO Its for: 3 Six-year olds
List specific accommodations/adaptions: Children are not interested in small group play. Make multiple areas available for
children to go when they are uninterested, need time alone, are tired, etc. Use a buddy system. Pair children who are interested
in the activity with children who could benefit from peer assistance. (CARAs Kit pg.11)
WHY-Rationale: In socio-dramatic play, children assume different roles from their experiences, and use their understanding
to act out a variety of emotions and social relationships.
Objective(s): By participating in this opportunity, the children will

Show creativity and imagination when using materials

Assumes different roles in dramatic play situations

Interacts with peers in dramatic play experiences that become more extended and complex
Standard(s): Area 13. Creative Art 13.3 Dramatic Play. Children engage in dramatic play experiences.
HOW to Prepare: What you need:
Existing classroom props to use: water can, flower mats, table, and floor
Dress-up props: an apron, hat, gloves (which I dont have)
Literacy props: book, magazine, cards for giving flowers, order book, checks, open and closed signs, labels on everything,
computer online to buy flowers
Technology props: phone, register
Music & Movement props: soft music playing in the background
Math props: money, phone, seeds watering can, vases, ribbon, Styrofoam circle
Science props: flowers, soil, Styrofoam circle, flower arrangements, different pictures of different flowers and their names
Social Studies props: magazine, book/flower picture, book
Props to make (consider teacher-made & child-made): the flowers, vases, register, money, the open and close sign, books to
gather up that involve flowers and gardens
Other props:
TIME: About 20 minutes
SETTING: Small-group time
SET UP/SPACE: Dramatic Play Interest Area
HOW to Teach:
Introduction (How will the children be involved in the planning & preparation of this center?):
Teaching steps (What is available to children? How many can work there at a time? Is there a time limit? Will all children get a
chance to work in the center today? Share any limitations, expectations, or safety concerns.):
1. Read a book about flowers and flower shops.
2. Next, take a trip to a florist
3. Bring a florist into the classroom

This activity is for all the children and there can only be three children at the dramatic play spot.
The time limit in the flower shop is 20 minutes long.
The limits would be to keep the soil in the bucket and the beads arent for eating.

The limitations I would have is to make sure its a big enough corner and that there is shelfs to kind of set the
Closure & Transition: I would like you to talk with your friends in the flower shop and tell me one thing that you really liked in
the flower shop?
Transition: Clean up song
HOW to Assess and Document

Show creativity and imagination

when using materials.

Evidence of Learning
Children might

Assumes different roles in

dramatic play situations.
Interacts with peers in dramatic
experiences that become more
extended and complex.

How to Document This Evidence

Use the blue vase I have for

putting the pens into or another
situation would be using the table
carpet as a magic rug and
pretending to take the flower to

Anecdotal record, video

Anecdotal record, video
Anecdotal record, video

One day one can be a florists, a

customer, a person just looking at
the flowers, one could be the
They use the words that belong in
the flower shop like shovel or

Assessment Documentation:

What evidence of childrens engagement and learning did you see during this learning opportunity? How were the
objectives met?
What did you learn from planning and presenting this learning opportunity?
a) About the learning opportunity itself:

b) About children:
c) About your own abilities:
Evaluate this learning opportunity as a whole. Share suggestions, as discussed with your site supervisor, for improvement.
a) As I reflect on this learning opportunity, I feel my strengths were:

b) As I reflect on this learning opportunity, I realize that I could improve by:

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