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To make an Automatic Combination Lock using IC CD4017.

IC CD4017, 4001
Battery (5v)
Connecting Wires
PCB (Printed Circuit Board)

The 4017 decade counter is the heart of the circuit. Only one output is on at any
one time. As pulses are applied to the clock input, the next output in the sequence

goes high and so on. Initially the counter is reset with output0 on. When the correct
switch is pressed, in this case SW1, this provides a pulse to the clock of the
counter, advancing it to the next output which in turn supplies the voltage to
another (or the same) switch. When this is pressed the process repeats, until the last
output goes high, in this case output6, which triggers a mountable made from 2
NOR gates, R4 and C2. This provides an output pulse for Q2 which drives a relay.
The relay can activate a solenoid or other locking device to unlock or open a door.
The reset section, made from Q1, R1, C1 and 2 NOR gates, holds the counter at
output0 unless a clock signal (button press) is received. This conducts Q1 via R2,
shorting out C1, which in turn releases the reset on the counter allowing it to count
to the next output. When any switch is released and the clock pulse ends, Q1
switches off, allowing C1 to start charging via R1. This takes about 2 seconds for
C1 to reach logic 1 level for the NOR gates which is inverted twice, sending a reset
to the counter thus cancelling any inputs entered so far. Therefore the switches
must be pressed within 2 seconds of each other otherwise the counter resets. This
has the added advantages of resetting the counter when the circuit powers up,
removes the need to check for incorrect switch presses and resets whether an entry
is complete or incomplete.

1. Home Lock
2. Bank Security
3. Library
4.Parliament Houses
5.Movie Halls


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