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Guidelines for IBS programming KBC bank


Resp. section : OBD/8109 Author : Rein Bollen

Version : 2/11/2021 Co-reader : /

Contents : Do’s and don’ts in IBS-programming

Nederlandse versie : link toevoegen

This document gives a short overview of items you should pay attention to when
programming in IBS. These are just a few guidelines, this list is not complete and does not
cover all the cases, but it gives a direction ..

 No recursive programming
 Do not use the GO TO – statement, unless in an error-procedure where you go to the
end of the program (e.g. F4P512 – procedure P9999_EINDE_ERROR)
 Use meaningful names for variables and procedures
 Pay attention to the lay-out of the program;
 If you create a new program, use always the same indention and lay—out
 If you need to change an existing program, follow the standard already used
in the program – use the same error clause, write your coding in the same
way, follow the existing naming-conventions etc.
 Only write one statement on each line
 Use blank lines and comment to make your program more readable
 If the same logic has to be executed several times in the program, put it in a
procedure or function.
 Pay attention to the IBS-standard regarding returncodes (e.g. 555/888/.. for programs,
different CRCDE’s for modules (e.g. F0MA07) etc.)
 When writing a new program, add a short description of what the program’s about on
top (e.g. OVPRM08)
 When changing an existing program, add the reason (abuc, bug ..) on top of the
program (e.g. OVPRM08). An tag identifying your changes can also be very useful (e.g.
F3PC475 – reference to abuc 300323)

Version: 2 november 2021 Page 1


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