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Research Checklist

Vocabulary that need to be included in the paper:

1. Education system(s)- refers to public schooling, not private schooling, and
more commonly to kindergarten through high school programs. Schools or
school districts are typically the smallest recognized form of education
system and countries are the largest. States are also considered to have
education systems.
2. Language(s)- the system of communication used by a particular community
or country.
3. Diversity- a range of differences.
4. Economies- the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in
terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.
5. Religion(s)- a particular system of faith and worship.
6. Settlement patterns- the shape of a settlement
7. Ethnic background- of or relating to races or large groups of people who
have the same customs, religion, origin, etc. : associated with or belonging
to a particular race or group of people who have a culture that is different
from the main culture of a country.
8. Political system- is a system of politics and government. It is usually
compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other
social systems.

Elements that need to be included in visual presentation:


Location on map, size and geography
Population and languages spoken
Description of 3 major cities, including capital
and products
System of government

7. Education and
8. Cultural notes
9. Economy and
10.Recreation and
11.Main industries
12.Most interesting

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