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My Living Preferences

8. I like to have friends call:

1. I like my room to be kept: a. After 11pm: Yes No
a. Neat b. Before 8a.m.: Yes No
b. In between
c. Messy 9. I am okay with the following personal
belongings being used by my roommate
2. I like my room cleaned: (please circle):
a. Daily Television, Stereo, Microwave, Refrigerator,
b. Weekly Food/Drink, Computer, Game System,
c. Monthly Clothes, Personal Items, Other:__________
d. As needed:___________________
10. I would like any messages given to me:
3. To maintain a clean and neat room, I do the a. Within 24 hours
following: b. Within 48 hours
a. Do laundry before the basket c. Other: _______________
b. Wash dishes after using them 11. I prefer to go to bed at the following time:
c. Take out trash/recycling once per a. 10:00pm-11:30pm
week b. 11:30pm-1:00am
d. Vacuum/Dust once a week c. 1:00am-3:00am
e. Make beds daily d. Other:____________________

4. I prefer the windows to be: 12. When I am sleeping, it is okay for someone
a. Open else to (circle those that are okay):
b. Closed Watch TV, Listen to music, Use the hair dryer,
c. Depends on the weather Have guests, Have the main light on,
d. Depends on the time of day Use a desk light, Other:___________
e. No preference
13. If my roommate has an overnight guest of
5. The time I most prefer to study is: the same sex, they should arrange to do so
a. Morning (9am-noon) __________ days/weeks in advance.
b. Afternoon (Noon-5pm)
c. Evening (5pm-10am) 14. Guests of my roommate in our room are
d. Late evening (10pm-Midnight) allowed to (please circle):
e. Late night (Midnight-9am) Sit/use my bed, Eat my food,
Use personal belongings, Use my computer,
6. When I study in the room, I prefer Other: ______________________
someone else to be:
a. Completely quiet 15. If 21 or older, I want the room to be
b. Have low music/headphones alcohol-free: (Circle) Yes No
c. Use the T.V. 16. When I need personal time, I….(fill in):

7. When I have other people over to study

with me, I prefer my roommate to:
a. Not be in the room 17. If there is a conflict, I prefer to be
b. Remain in the room but quiet approached by:
c. Other: ________________

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