Longman Testy Maturalne J.angielski Zakres Podstawowy Matura 2012 (Cz2)

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Egzamin pisemny Test 4

ZADANIE 5. (6 pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.

T h e Romance or a Busy Broker

itcher, a clerk in the office of Harvey Maxwell, broker, allowed a look of mild interest to visit his usually expressionless
face when his employer uickly entered at half past nine accompanied by his young lady stenographer. With a quick "Goodmorning, Pitcher," Maxwell hurried to his desk and then diveuVinto the great pile of letters and telegrams waiting there for him.
The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year. Pitcher noticed a difference in her ways this morning. Instead of going
straight to her desk, she was absent-mindedly moving around the office. Once she approached Maxwell's desk, near enough for
him to notice her presence.
The machin sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker, moved by wheels and springs.
"Weilwhat is it? Anything?" asked Maxwell sharply. He looked at her impatiently.
"Nothing," answered the stenographer, moving away with a little smile.
This day was Harvey Maxweh"s busy day. The desk telephone had a chroni attack of ringing. Messenger boys ran in and out with
messages and telegrams. The clerks in the office jumped about like sailors during a storm. Even Pitcher's face looked mor lively.
The broker was working like a machin. Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages - here was a world of finance, and there was no
room in it for the human world or the world of natur.
When the lunch hour drew near, the tumult had slightly quietened down.
Maxwell stood by his desk with his hands fuli of telegrams, and a pen behind his right ear.
Through the window came the delicate, sweet odour of lilac that mad the broker for a moment immovable. This odour belonged
to Miss Leslie. It brought her image before his eyes. And she was in the next roomtwenty steps away.
"FU do it now," said Maxwell, half aloud. "Fil ask her now. I wonder I didn't do it long ago."
He hurried into the inner office and grabbed the desk of the stenographer.
She looked up at him with a smile. Maxwell was still holding papers with both hands and the pen was behind his ear.
"Miss Leslie," he began hurriedly, "I have but a moment to spare. I want to say something in that moment. Will you be my wife? I
haven't had time to show you my love in the ordinary way, but I really do love you. Talk quick, please. "
"Oh, what are you talking about?" exclaimed the young lady.
"Don't you understand?" said Maxwell, impatiently. "I want you to many me. I love you, Miss Leslie. I wanted to tell you, and
I grabbed a minut when things had quietened down a bit. They're calling me for the phone now. Tell them to wait a minut, Pitcher.
Won't you, Miss Leslie?"
The stenographer at first seemed overcome with amazement; then tears flowed from her eyes; and then she smiled through them,
and one of her arms touched the broker's neck tenderly.
"I know now," she said, softly. "It's this old business that has driven everything else out of your head for the time. I was frightened
at first. Don't you remember, Harvey? We were married yesterday evening at 8 o'clock in the Little Church Around the Corner."
Adaptedfrom The Romance ofa Busy Broker by O'Henry

Pitcher is a person who easily shows his emotions.

The stenographer's behaviour was not the same as usual.
The stenographer wanted Mr Maxwell to notice her presence.
Mr Maxwell did not mind Miss Leslie interrupting his work.
Miss Leslie's odour mad Mr Maxwell forget about his work for a short while.
Mr Maxwell wanted Miss Leslie to answer his question immediately.
7, I Miss Leslie showed no emotions towards Mr Maxwell.
| Mr Maxwell was too busy to remember an important event in his life.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Egzamin pisemny Test 4

ZADANIE 6, (6 pki)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, fi
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.



. Hurling - a uniquely Irish gam

Although it may look like an ordinary gam, hurling has a very special meaning to Irish people: it is a symbol of their
national identity and character. It is also the country's favourite hobby.
Hurling is often compared to field hockey. However, this
analogy would be only partially true. Apart from the fact that
both games involve a stick and a bali, it is hard to notice any
other similarity. Surprisingly enough, hurling has in fact a lot to
do with such sports as football and rugby, especially when you
see what the players are allowed to do with the bali.
Hurling is played with fifteen players on each side on a field
larger than a football pitch. The aim of the gam is to hit a smali
bali called a sliotar with a wooden stick called a hurley in such
a way that it goes into the opponents' goal or above it. If the bali
goes around the goalkeeper and lands between two goalposts,
in the net, you score three pcints; hitting the bali over the goal
(but it must be between the H-shaped goalpost) gives you one
point. An average score would be about 22-18 over 70 minutes
of the game's official time.
Players are allowed to hit the bali not only when it is on the
ground, but also when it is high in the air. They can also catch
the bali in their hand (in which case they can carry it for not mor
than three steps), kick it or even hit it with an open hand. A player
who wants to carry the bali for mor than three steps, has to
balance the sliotar on the end of the hurley while running. When
performed at fuli speed, this last trick can look really impressive.


Hurling and field hockey

The fast pace of the gam combined with the rule allowing
the players to strike the bali above head height mean there is
a high risk of injury. This is why sice 2010 all players have
had to wear a protective helmet. Given the long history of the
gam, the regulation seems to have come uite late. The reason
for this is the genera opinion about the gam among the Irish:
hurling is a hard gam but it must be played fairly and with
respect for the other players. No exceptions are mad to this
rule, no matter if it is the hurling played by youth leagues or the
women's version of hurling (called camogie): in both cases, the
gam is as hard as that in the regular men's leagues and similar
safety policies must be followed. The only difference is the size
of the field and the weight and size of the euipment.
What is really surprising about hurling is the fact that although
the gam enjoys great popularity, it has remained purely
amateur. Most players have regular jobs and do not receive
any money for their performance unless they become team
managers. Also, most games are either free or the entry fee is
There is no doubt that hurling is a unique sport in many ways.
It is also uniquely Irish, as it reflects typical Irish values: hard
work, fair play and the importance of the community.

6.4. Protective helmets

A. are very similar.


were for a long time seen as unnecessary.

B. have something in common.

have a long tradition in hurling.

C. should never be compared.

C. came too late.

D. involve totally different equipment.

D. have never been wom in hurling.

You score mor points if you


Women's hurling

A, hit the sliotar over the goal.

B. hit the hurley over the goal.

B. is safer than men s hurling.

C. hit the sliotar into the net.

follows the same rules as men's hurling.

involves exactly the same equipment as men's


D, hit the hurley into the net.

is harder than men's hurling.

6.3. The players are NOT allowed to

A. hit the bali when it is on the ground.

balance the bali on the end of the stick.

A. it enjoys great popularity.

carry the bali in their hands.

D. take too many steps with the bali in their



6.6. Hurling is a unique sport because

the players haven't tumed professional.

C. team managers don't receive any money.

D. all games are free.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 4

ZADANIE 7. (Spkt)
Napisz krtk wiadomo do znajomego Anglika/znajomej Angielki z propozycj wsplnego wyjcia do kina
w pitek wieczorem.

Zaproponuj film i okrel jego rodzaj.

Zapytaj o dogodn dla kolegi/koleanki godzin seansu.

Zaproponuj, e ty kupisz bilety.

Zaproponuj miejsce spotkania.

Podpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
krelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (1 punkt).

ZADANIE 8. (10 pkt)

Przeczytae/Przeczytaa ostatnio w anglojzycznej gazecie artyku, ktrego autor skary si na brak zainteresowa
dzisiejszej modziey. Napisz do redakcji list przedstawiajcy twoje zdanie na ten temat.

Powoaj si na przeczytany artyku, podajc dat jego publikacji i nazwisko autora.

Przypomnij opini autora i wyra swoje zdanie.
Podaj dwa przykady zachowa modych ludzi, ktre przecz opinii autora.

Podzikuj z gry za opublikowanie twojego listu i zach innych czytelnikw do wyraenia swojej opinii
temat artykuu.

-amitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
zowinna wynosi od 120 do 750 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
poprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 7 strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

oraz ok.J strony przeznaczonejna czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

6 7

ZADANIE 1. (S pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie fragment wykadu powiconego przyszoci wiata i ludzkoci. Zdecyduj, ktre zdania s
zgodne z treci nagrania (T), a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kad poprawn
odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.


In about ten years' time, the average person is going to be using NASA computers.
The elderly will be mor enthusiastic about technology.


Your celi phone will help you find out interesting facts.


Tie aim of the anti-ageing pili is to make people live for a hundred years mor than usual


We will have no influence on how the deveiopments of the futur are going to be used.

ADAMIE 2, (S pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie komunikaty na lotnisku. Do kadego komunikatu (2.1 - 2.5) dopasuj jego intencj (A-F).
Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane zostao dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi. Za
kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.



Which announcement asks the passenger(s) to

u b


board immediately?

arrange the flight at a different time?

board now if they are travelling with a smali child?

keep waiting for their flight?

go to a different place?

Testy maturalne z |zyka angielskiego Poziom podstawowy Pearson Central Europ Sp z o o 201 1

Egzamin pisemny Test 5

ZADANIE 3, (5 pkt)

I ^ M ^ ^ l

Usyszysz dwukrotnie audycj radiow powicon Fryderykowi Chopinowi. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi
wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz
1 punkt.

3.1, When he was seven, Chopin

A. started leaming to play the piano.
B. created some works of his own.
C. was a better pianist than Mozart and Beethoven.

3.2, Chopin's knowledge of the French language was


8, as good as his Polish.

C, influenced by his home life.
33, When in Paris, Chopin performed mostly
A, for his rich students.
B, in front of big audiences.

for his friends.

Which sentence connected with Chopin's death is true?

A, His body was buried in the same place as his heart.

It is certain that his death was caused by a lung disease.

C, Almost three thousand people attended his funeral,

3 5, Chopin invented
A, the instrumental ballad.
B, the piano sonata.
C, the prelude.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Doziom podstawowy, Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

6 9

Egzamin pisemny Test 5


ZADANIE 4, (8 pkt)

Przeczytaj ponisze informacje o festiwalach muzycznych w Wielkiej Brytanii. Nastpnie przyporzdkuj wfaciwy
festiwal (A - E) do kadego z podanych zda (4.1 - 4.8). Wpisz odpowiedni liter w kad rubryk tabeli. Kada
z liter moe by uyta wjcej ni jeden raz. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

UK musie festivals
The United Kingdom has a long tradition of
musie festivals. There are a large number of
them, covering a wide variety of musie genres.
Her is the Top Five.



Glastonbury Festival


T in t h e P a r k

T in the Park is a three-day festival that has been held in

Scotland sice 2004. It takes place on the same weekend
as the Oxegen festival in Ireland (between lOth and 12th
July) and usually features a similar selection of artists.
Located in a huge area of a disused airfield in Balado, T
in the Park is one of the noisiest and craziest festivals in
Great Britain. Altogether, there are seven musie stages, as
well as other attractions such as a large funfair, numerous
shops and bars serving organie food and drink.


The festival started in Abersoch, North Wales, in 2000

as a wakeboard contest (wakeboarding is a combination
of water skiing and surfing) followed by a party in a car
park for 800 people with live performances of rock bands
and DJs. It stili remains the largest wakeboard competition
in Europ. You certainly couldn't ask for a mor scenie
location: the main three sites are situated at the foot of
the Snowdonia Mountains overlooking Cardigan Bay.
Wakestock welcomes both wakeboard and musie fans
between 1 Oth and 12th July.

The Glastonbury Festival is the world's largest green

field open-air musie and performing arts festival. Apart
from contemporary musie, the festival features such
attractions as dance, comedy, theatre, circus, a kid's area
and poetry. It is also committed to the protection of the
environment: it encourages water and energy saving and
the use of fair-trade produets. Glastonbury is a definite
must for every festival-goer. So, come to the Vale of Avalon
(they say this is where King Arthur was buried!) between
24th and 28th June.


Wireless Festival

Held over two days in London's Hyde Park, the Wireless

Festival is Britain's top event for fans of dance, pop,
and rock musie. There are also countless entertainment
adwities, including food stalls, chill out areas, and video
games areas. The festival takes place between 4th and 5th
July in the very heart of London with easy access to a lot
of tub lines and bus routes.

T h e Eden Sessions

The name of the festival comes from the name of its location
- the Eden Project, the world's largest glass-domed global
garden, referred to as the Eighth Wonder of the World.
The Eden Sessions offer a festival experience like no
other. The spectacular surroundings attract world-class
artists and the festival organisers use them to encourage
audiences to think about what they can do to help our
planet. The festival takes place in St Austell, Cornwall, on
various dates in July and August.

Which festival...

...is located in the center of a big city?


...started as an event during which musie wasn't most important?


...usually features the same kind of musicians as another musie event?


...is set in a place associated with a well-known legend?


...makes people aware of environmental issues thanks to its location?


...is located in a place of great natural beauty?


...is located in a place where planes used to land and take off?


...has the widest offer of cultural attractions?


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 5



Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.



It is a very extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without coming to the
conclusion that I am suffering from the particula&disease they are talking about there.
I remember going to a reading room one day to read about the treatment for some slight illness of which
I had a touch - hay fever, I think it was. I got down the book, and read all I came to read; and then, in an
unthinking moment, I lazily turned the pages, and began to study diseases, generally. I forget which was the
first disease I found - something horrible, I know - and, before I had looked half down the list of'warning
symptoms,' I realised I had got it.
I sat for a while, frozen with horror; and then, feeling tired and despaired, I again turned over the pages.
I came to typhoid fever - read the symptoms - discovered that I had typhoid fever, must have had it for
months without knowing it - began to get interested in my case, and decided to go to the bottom, and so
started alphabetically. I went through the twenty-six letters, and the only illness I could conclude I had not
got was housemaid's knee (that is a bad knee from kneeling down).
Then I wondered how long I had to live. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I could not at first
feel any pulse at all. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed to start off. I pulled out my watch and timed it. I mad
it a hundred and forty-seven to the minut. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped
beating. I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out as far as ever it would go, and I shut one eye, and tried
to examine it with the other. I could only see the tip, and the only thing that I could see from that was to
feel mor certain than before that I had scarlet fever.
I had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man. I went out feeling old, weak and in a very
bad condition.
I went to my doctor.
"Weil, whafs the matter with you?" he said.
And I told him how I came to discover it all.
Then he looked down me, took hod of my wrist, and then hit me over the chest when I wasn't expecting
it. After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription, folded it up and gave it me, and I put it in my pocket
and went out.
I did not open it. I took it to the nearest chemisfs, and handed it in. The man read it, and then handed it
back. He said he didn't have it.
I asked: "Are you a chemist?"
He said: "I am a chemist. If I was a supermarket and family hotel combined, I might be able to help you
But this is too much for me."
I read the prescription. It said:
"1 pound beefsteak, with 1 pint bitter beer every 6 hours. 1 ten-mile walk every morning. Go to bed at
11 sharp every night. And don't stuff up your head with things you don't understand."
Adaptedfrom Three Men In A Boat (To Say Nothing OfThe Dog) by Jerome K. Jerome

I The narrator went to a reading room to carefully study different kinds of diseases.
While reading, the narrator mad a surprising discovery.

The narrator got seriously worried about his health.

j The narrator read the prescription as soon as the doctor had given it to him.
The man in the chemists couldn't help the narrator.
The prescription contained a surprising piece of advice.

Testy maturalne z jzyka a rr- = =. =-

: _ : - astawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Egzamin pisemny Test 5

ZADANIE 6. (6pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B,
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Animals and their sixth sense

Dogs can track dminals and sniff out cancer in
humans. Honey-bees can be trained to find explosives.
Are animals the best and cheapest detectives?
The dog's nose is a million times mor sensitive than the human
nose. Not only can your four-legged friend sense the presence of
a little piece of meat inside a tightly-closed bag lying a few metres
away or immediately recognise people's characters, but he can also
sniff out cancer in humans.

6.1. Trudi's behaviour intrigued Ms. Gili Lacey

because she
A, started to come towards her mor often.
B. had never sniffed her leg before.
C. showed no interest in her leg.
D, showed unusual interest in her leg.
6.2. The ability of dogs to sniff out cancer in
A, is anecdotal.

Trier is a famous case of a dog which helped its owner to discover

she had cancer. It involved a Dalmatian called Trudi. One day she
came towards her owner, Ms. Gili Lacey, and started sniffmg at
her leg like never before. She was doing it so intently and clearly
did not want to stop; it almost looked as if she was trying to bite
off the smali brown mark that had always been there on Ms.
Lacey's leg. Intrigued by thejdog's behaviour, the woman went to
see a doctor. As she uickly discovered, the Dalmatian was right:
the mark turaed out to be a dangerous kind of skin cancer. Once
she had it removed, Trudi lost interest in the womans leg!
There have been many cases like Trudi s but until recently, doctors
have been ignoring the owners'anecdotes. Recent studies, however,
prove that in most cases dogs can effectively sniff out skin and
prostat cancer.
It is not only dogs that help save peoples lives. As unbelievable
as it sounds, we can now detect explosives with the help of...
honey bees. Researchers have recently experimented with bees'
phenomenal sense of smell. It took the bees as little as a few
hours of training to correctly identify the presence of an exposive
or a drug. They were able to do this by flying above the surface
under which the dangerous substance had been hidden. Do these
findings mean that we are now going to use honey bees at airports
to check passengers' luggage and pockets? We will most probably
find out in the very near futur.
Other exceptional abilities which animals have also help them
sense approaching natural disasters. The recent tsunami in 2004
in Sri Lanka is a good example of this. The media talked about
large groups of elephants that had been seen running away from
the beach to higher grounds just before the tsunami struck. It was
also reported that during the hours before the deadly wave the
fishermen caught several times as many fish as they normally did.
This was because the fish were escaping from the place in which
the tsunami quake started. What is even mor surprising is that
while there were hundreds of thousands of people who died in
the tsunami, the number of the dead bodies of animals that were
found was relatively smali.
Itstill remains unclear how an animal's sixth sense works. Scientists
hypothesise that animals can recognise changes in the gradient of
the Earths surface. Other theories talk about the ability to hear
'infrasound' - the kind of sound which people cannot hear. Some
theories say that we also possessed the sbeth sense at one time, but
we lost this ability because it was no longer needed.
Whatever the correct explanation turns out to be, it is elear
that obsening the behaviour of animals can be of great use to
us. Although it will never replace professional sensors like
seismographs or satelites, it should nevertheless not be ignored.


B, is ignored by doctors.
C, has been confirmed by research.
D, works perfectlyin all cases.
6.3. Which of these sentences is NOT true of
honey bees?
A, They need some training to be able to
detect explosives.
B. They might be usedat airports.
C, They can detect explosives without any
D. They use their sense of smell to detect
6.4. During the tsunami in 2004,
A. there were less fish in the sea than usual.
B. strange animal behaviour was observed.

no animals died.

D, the media showed mostly elephants.

6.5. It is certain that the sixth sense that animals
A. can be explained by the infrasound
B. can be explained by the Earth's gradient
C. hasn't been properly explained yet.
D. has always been unique to animals.
6.6. The author's main intention is to

criticise people for never using animals

to save their lives.

8, list the amazing abilities that animals

C. make people aware of the benefits of
using animals'abilities.

compare different abilities that animals


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 5

ZADANIE 7. (S pkt)
Przebywasz na stypendium w Wielkiej Brytanii. Z okazji pomylnego zdania wszystkich egzaminw postanawiasz
zorganizowa przyjcie dla swoich zagranicznych przyjaci. Zredaguj zaproszenie, w ktrym powiadomisz ich o:

okazji, z jakiej organizujesz przyjcie;

miejscu, gdzie si ono odbdzie;

szczegach dojazdu na miejsce;
przewidzianych atrakcjach.

odpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
okrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (7 punkt).

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

oraz ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

ZAPAWiEg, (W pkt)
Podczas pobytu w Anglii znalaze/znalaza interesujce ogoszenie dotyczce pracy w restauracji. Napisz do
potencjalnego pracodawcy list, w ktrym:

poinformujesz, skd wiesz o ogoszeniu i okrelisz, o jakie stanowisko si ubiegasz;

opiszesz swoje kwalifikacje i dotychczasowe dowiadczenie;
podasz co najmniej dwie praktyczne umiejtnoci, ktre posiadasz i ktre przydadz si w tej pracy;
wyrazisz nadziej na pozytywne rozpatrzenie twojej kandydatury oraz gotowo do stawienia si na
rozmow w wyznaczonym terminie.

amitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
oowinna wynosi od 720 do 750 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
Doprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).
Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.


tym mjejscu^o!k^f strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

oraz ok.Jj>trony przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

7 3


ZADANIE 1. (5 pfct)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie wypowied na temat gier komputerowych. Zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci nagrania
(T), a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasi
1 punkt.


A t first, the speaker s friend didn't want to tell her the name of the computer gam.


The gam was unlike any other computer gam the speaker had seen.


The speaker was embarrassed about being addicted to the gam.


She isn't addicted to the gam any mor.


Her friend doesn't play computer games any mor.

ZADANIE 2. (Sp/rt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie pi wiadomoci radiowych. Do kadej wiadomoci (2.1 - 2.5) dopasuj zdanie podsumowujce
jej tre (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane zostao dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej
wypowiedzi. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Which news item


is good news for the govemment?

is good news for a political party which is not in govemment?

is about someone who doesn't want to do sor^ething?

describes a visit to a foreign country?

mentions that some people have had to leave their homes?

mentions that some people have been hurt?


/ 4

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 6

ZADANIE 3. (5 pkt)

^ S I M ^

Usyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji powiconej pewnej wyjtkowej ksice. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi
wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz
1 punkt.

3.1, Kyle MacDonalds story

A, isa workoffiction.
B, really happened.
C, isgoingto be mad i n t o a f i l m .
3.2, Kyle's house
A, cost him a l o t o f money.
B, was not a bargain.
C, didn't cost him any money.
3 3, Rock star Alice Cooper was prepared to
A, make a record with Kyle.
B. Iive in an apartment in Arizona with Kyle.

spend an afternoon with Kyle.

3.4, After Kyle got the snw globe,


he knew he had mad a mistake.

B, everyone thought he was crazy.


he found someone who really wanted it.

3.5, The people of Kipling gave Kyle a house because

A, they wanted the Hollywood director to make a film there.
B, one of them wanted to be an actor.

he was from Saskatchewan.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

7 5

Egzamin pisemny Test 6


ZADANIE 4, (6 pki)
Przeczytaj poniszy tekst. Nastpnie dopasuj do kadej czci tekstu (4.1 - 4.6) waciwy tytu (A - G) i wpisz
odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jeden tytu zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej czci tekstu. Za kad
poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.







The University of St Andrews is Scotland's first
university and the third oldest in the
English-speaking world.


St Andrews is a smali town on the east coast of Scotland,

which is famous worldwide as the home of golf. But the
town is also known around the world for something other
than sport. Its university: the oldest in Scotland and the
third oldest in the English-speaking world after Oxford
and Cambridge.
It was founded in 1410 and received the approval of the
Pope in 1413. By the time it was given royal authorisation
in 1532 from King James V of Scotland (the father of
Mary, Queen of Scots) the University had already grown
considerably and it was to continue to do so during *")
the rest of the 16th century. In fact, some university
buildings that are still in use today dat from that period.
However, from the 17th century St Andrews began to
decline. When writer Samuel Johnson visited the town
in 1773, the university had only about one hundred
students. During the 19th century, things did not get
any better: in the 1870s, the student population was still
below one hundred and fifty.


This unsuccessful period can perhaps be explained by the

fact that the university concentrated mainly on classical
languages, theology and philosophy and in the 19th
century those subjects were less fashionable than mor
practical subjects like maths, science, medicine and law.
However, in 1897 the university founded University
College in the nearby city of Dundee. This became
a centr of medical, scientific and lega excellence and
soon the university became popular again, especially
amongst the upper classes.
Today St. Andrews is a prestigious university with almost
9,000 students. It is known for its research excellence and
academic results.lt is usually considered to be one of the
top ten universities in the UK and one of the top 100 in
the world. In terms of entry reuirements it is the eighth
most demanding in the UK and there are generally ten
applications for every undergraduate place available.
The university has some strange traditions. Before
becoming a student it is necessary to make a formal
promise to behave well in Latin (the Sponsio Academica).
During 'Raisin Weekend' every November first year
students are entertained by older students: the women
throw a tea party while the men organise a pub tour. This
ends in a spectacular fight with shaving foam on Monday
morning. But perhaps the wildest tradition of all is the
May Dip: on May the first students stay up all night
before running into the icy cold waters of the North Sea.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 6

ZADANIE 5. (8 pki)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.

"I know you will laugh at me," he replied,"but I really cant

exhibit it. I have p u t too much of myself into it."


Lord H e n r y laughed.
"Too much of yourself in it! I d i d n t know you were so
vain; and I really cant see any similarities between you
and this young man. H e is handsome and you - well,
you have an intellectual expression. Beauty ends where
.111 intellectual e.\pression begins. hitellect destroys the
harmony of any face. T h e m o m e n t one sits down to
rhink. o\w becomes all nos.-, nr all torehead, or somerhiiii;
honible. Look ar men 111 rhe learned professions. H o w
perfectly ugly they arc! Youi mysterious young friend
never thinks. I feel quite sur of that. H e is some brainless
beautitul creature who should be alw.us ber in v. inter
u hen we have no flowers to look ar. and always herc in
summer when we want something to cool our intelligence,
Basil: you are not like him at all."


he studio was filled with the rich smell of roses.

From che sofa on which lic was lying. Lord H e n n

Worron could sce shadows ot hirds on the long curr.iins

ni front ot the window. Beyond the garden, the noisc of
London sounded like a musical instrument Kir aw.iy.
In the centr ot the room scood the full-lcngth portrait

I sti


front o f i t s a t the artist bin

d beauty, a n d m


As tli p.iinter looked .it the pamring. .1 smile of pleasurc

passedacro; hi h ze.
"It is the bi
,! .,ive ever done, Basil," said Lord
Henry. "You must send it to the Grosvenor."

"1011 d o n t understand me." answered the artist."( >t coursc

I am not like him. I know that perfectly well. Indeed,
I should be s o r n co look like him. It is better not to be
dirterent from ones tcllows. Dorian Grav's good looks..."

"I dont rhtnl; I >hall send it any where,' he answered.

"Dorian Gray? Is that his name?" asked Lord Henry.

Lord Henn- raised his eyebrows .\nd looked al Inni in

.nmasemt % nr."Not send it an; \\ herc: My deai fcllow, wh\ f
W bar strange people you painters are! Von do aiiychinsj
in che world to gain a icput.uion. As soon as you bace
one, you seem to u int to rhrow it aw.u. It is silly of
you, for tbcii, is oni) one thing 111 the world uorsc chan
heing talked about, .ind tbar is not hcin*; talked about.
A portret'



you morc famous than all

the young men in F.ngland. ind make the oki men .juirc
jealous, if old men ever fee! any emotions."

"Yes, rbai is his name. i had 110 imentioii ot tellnuj ir to

"But why not?"
"Oh, I cant explain. W h e n I like people a lot. I never tell
their nanie co any oni., li IN like gi\ ing away a part of
them. T h e commonest thing is maryellous if one hicles it.
W ben 1 lcavc town nou I neee.r tell my people where 1 am
going, If I did, I would lose all my pleasurc, It is a silly
habit, I know, buc somehow ir seems co hrins; .1 eic.u deal
of romance into ones life,"
-' ' (

>K ThePiitwe

*f Dn

b) O.uTi Wilde


5,1. j The painting shows an ordinary-looking man.

Basil is happy with the portrait he has painted.


Basil doesn't want to show the painting in public.


Henry thinks that the man in the painting looks just like Basil.


Henry says that people who think a lot are often physically attractive.


Basil would not like to look like the man in the painting.


Basil accidentally tells Henry the name of the man in the painting.


Basil only likes people when he doesn't know their names.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z 0.0. 2011

7 7

Egzamin pisemny Test 6

ZADANIE 6. (6pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B,
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Expensive Homes

mansion; three thousand hectares of

land with a working farm; nine other
houses; lots of animals including
deer and sheep; and almost fifteen
kilometres of beautiful coastline.
It used to belong to ex-Beatle Paul
McCartney, who wrote a song about
it. It sounded lovely. The only problem
was it cost 2.95 million. Pity,
I thought, Chapman would have liked
the sheep.

I like my fiat. It's in a great area with

I lots of shops and cafes. And if you
look sideways out of the window, you
can seethe park and thecanal. But it is
a bit smali. A one-bedroom fiat with a
tiny kitchenette and a bathroom only
big enough for one person at a time
is not idea for Kirsty, Amy the baby,
I didn't think the next place would
Chapman the dog and me; especially
sice I work at home. So I went online cost that much. After all, it was
just an apartment. OK, it had six
to check out the property market.
bedrooms on two floors. Alright, it
Kirsty has often said she'd like to live
in the exclusive London district
in France so I started by looking there.
and it did have a
Immediately, I found one place I loved.
Hyde Park and
Only twenty minutes from Paris,
a nineteenth-century palce called
windows, 24-hour room service and
Le Palais de Soye. It was certainly big
security guards. But the price still
enough: 1,000 m2 with a 60,000 m2
amazed me. 140 million! You could
garden! And a swimming pool too.
practically buy the whole of Scotland
Thafll be nice, I said to Kirsty. Then
for that!
I saw the price: 1.7 million! Oh dear!
I began to wonder how expensive
The next place I found was an estate
homes could be. I found one that cost
on the Muli of Kintyre in the west of
a billion dollars (630 million). The
Scotland. It included a nine-bedroom
richest man in India, Mukesh Ambani,

6.1, Thewriter

I asked Kirsty how much money

we had. Then I started looking at
properties within our price rang.
I didn't find much: a two-bedroom
semi-detached house out in the
suburbs; a country cottage that was
falling to pieces; and a city-centre
fiat thafs even smaller than ours. So,
I said to Kirsty, 'why don't we spend
the money on a holiday? We could
go to Scotland. The Muli of Kintyre
sounds nice.

6,4, The Knightsbridge apartment

A, is perfectly happy with his home.

A, isn't too expensive.

B, would like to move to a bigger place.

B. is on the second floor.

C, lives alone.

P. sells houses for a living.

6.5, Mukesh Ambani

A. Kirsty didn't want to move abroad.


A. Iives on the twenty-seventh floor.

it was too far from Paris.

C. it was too smali.

D. it was too expensive.

6,3. The property in Scotland

is well protected against criminals.

D, costs mor than Scotland.

6,2, He decided not to buy the French palce because


had it built in Mumbai. It's a twentyseven-storey high building with

a ballroom, a fifty-seater cinema and
an indoor garden with ceilings high
enough for smali trees. Helicopters
can land on the roof and in the
basement there's parking for 160
cars, which must be nice for visitors.
It's bigger than the Palce of Versailles
and needs six hundred employees to
keep it clean and tidy. I hope Ambani,
his wife and three children find it big

B. owns several helicopters and 160 cars.


C. gives work to many people.

D. needs a big home because he has a large family.

6,6, The writer

A, is in the country.

A, only looks at properties he can't afford.


B, decides to buy a smali house in the country.

has ten identical houses.

C. is fifteen kilometres from the sea.

C, decides to buy a home in Scotland.

O. belongs to a famous musician.

D, suggests using their savings on something other

than a house.

Testy maturalne z Jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 6

ZADANIE 7. (5 pkt)
Przebywasz na midzyszkolnej wymianie w Anglii. Wsplnie z kolegami i koleankami z angielskiej szkoy
organizujecie Dzie Zdrowia. Zredaguj ogoszenie, ktre umiecisz na szkolnej tablicy ogosze.

Podaj termin i miejsce imprezy.

Przedstaw program imprezy.
Napisz, czego bdzie si mona nauczy.
Przedstaw krtko goci specjalnych imprezy.

odpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
okrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (1 punkt).

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu o L j / 3 strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

orazolc 1/3strony przeznaczonej naczystopis

ZADANIE 8. (10 pkt)

Podczas pobytu w Anglii przeczytae/przeczytaa ogoszenie o kursie fotografii. Chcesz pozna wicej szczegw.
Napisz do szkoy organizujcej kurs list, w ktrym zapytasz o:

program kursu i moliwo otrzymania certyfikatu na jego zakoczenie;

wymagane dowiadczenie i wielko grup;
liczb godzin zaj w cigu dnia i cakowity czas trwania kursu;
cen i lokalizacj zaj.

^amitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
oowinna wynosi od 120 do 150 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
ooprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

orazj)k.J stwny przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


ZADANIE 1, (5 pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie przemwienie polityka. Zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci nagrania (T), a ktre
(F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.


The politician's wife comes from San Francisco.


The politician believes dreams can come true.


The politician has already got experience in his job.


Last year students got better test scores than this year.


The politician knew the correct name of Sweden's capital but just forgot it.

ZADANIE 2, (5 pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi piciu osb na temat meczu piki nonej. Do kadej osoby (2.1 - 2.5) dopasuj
zdanie podsumowujce jej wypowied (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane zostao
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


The old system doesn't work anymore.


Football players are overpaid.

It wasn't our fault.

lt's time to do it 'the English way'.

People feel too strongly about football.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2 0 11

Egzamin pisemny Test 7



^ i J a

Usyszysz dwukrotnie reporta z miejsca dotknitego huraganem. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz
waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.

3,1, The rescue operation

A, hasjustfinished.
B, took mor than twelve hours.
C, will continue.
3 2. Theevacuees


A. have been told not to return home.


have no hope of ever retuming to their homes.

C, should take some personal belongings with them.

3 3 , The damage caused by the hurricane

is not as great as after the hurricane a couple of years ago.

B. will be repaired very soon.

C. cannot be assessed precisely.
3.4, Theshoppingarea
A, has already been completely covered by the water.
B, is almost completely covered by the water.
C, is unlikely to be completely covered by the water.
3.5. It seems that the weather
A, has changed for the better.
EL has changed for the worse.
C. hasn't changed.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

8 1

Egzamin pisemny Test 7


ZADANIE 4. (8 pkt)
Przeczytaj ponisze informacje o popularnych serialach komediowych. Nastpnie przyporzdkuj waciwy serial
(A - E) do kadego z podanych zda (4.T - 4.8). Wpisz odpowiedni liter w kad rubryk tabeli. Kada z liter moe
by uyta wicej ni jeden raz. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Best British Siteoms

In a 2004 BBC2 poll, the British public voted for their favourite British sitcom. Her is the fina Top Five.

The show tells the story of the ups and downs of an ambitious market trader Derek "Del Boy" Trotter, his brother Rodney and their
grandfather, later replaced by Uncle Albert. Del and Rodney are continually trying to get rich through doing all sorts of strange
business but most of their attempts fail. Much of the show's humour comes from Del's lack of good manners and Rodney's
stupidity. And of course from Uncle Albert, whose war anecdotes have become part of the history of English TV comedy.


Blackadder is set in mor than one historical era and follows the misfortunes of Edmund Blackadder (played by Rowan
Atkinson), who in each series is a member of a British family present at many important events in British history (from
the Middle Ages to World War I). Apart from Atkinson, the show also stars Hugh Laurie, who later became hugely popular
worldwide thanks to his role of Doctor House.

* '

The show follows the adventures of Geraldine Grainger, a cheerful and practical vicar of a smali country village called Dibley.
The villagers are initially shocked to find out that their vicar is going to be a woman (the Church of England mad a historie
decision in 1992 and allowed women to become vicars). However, they soon come to like Geraldine, who helps to improve
the village. The jokes in The Vicar of Dibley are softer and gentler than in other siteoms.

Set during World War II, Dad'sArmy focuses on the adventures of a group of British soldiers who are totally unprepared for
a real war. There is Private Frazer, a Scotsman who is always complaining about everything; Lance Corporal Jones, who
is far too old for the army; and Private Pik, a mummy's boy who, in contrast, is not old enough to be a soldier. The show is
famous for the brilliant acting and the memorable catch-phrases.


The show presents the hilarious adventures of Basil, an exceptionally rude hotel owner, his domineering wife Sybil, Polly the
waitress (who usually ends up running the hotel herself!) and the Spanish waiter Manuel (who is doing his best to master
the English language). It achieved remarkable global success mainly thanks to the fantastic script-writing of John Cleese,
an ex-member of the world-famous comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus and his then wife Connie Booth, as well as
brilliant acting from the cast.

Which sitcom...

...waswritten by a married couple?


...considerably differs from the other siteoms in terms of humour?


...stars an actor who was already known worldwide from another television show?


...is set in several different periods?


...features a character who was not at first liked by others?


...stars an actor who had to wait some time for his global success?


...introduces famous sayings and is set during a war?


...presents the financial misfortunes of the characters?


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 7

ZADANIE 5. (6 pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.



It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin pressed
to his breast in an effort to escape the terrible wind, slipped uickly through the glass doors of Victory
Mansions, though not uickly enough to prevent the stony dust from entering along with him.
The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for
indoor display, had been stuck to the wali. It showed simply an enormous face, mor than a metre wide: the
face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and strong handsome features. Winston
mad for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at
present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. It was part of the reduction in spending in
preparation for Hate Week. The fiat was seven sets of stairs up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and
whose right leg was in a bad state, went slowly, resting several times on the way. At the top of each set of
stairs, opposite the lift, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wali. It was one of those pictures
which are so arranged that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING
YOU, said the caption below.
Inside the fiat a deep voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the
production of a form of iron. The voice came from a metal piece like a mirror which formed part of the
surface of the right-hand wali. Winston turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words
were still recognisable. The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be mad less bright, but there
was no way of shutting it off completely. He moved over to the window: a smallish figur, the weakness of
his body only emphasised by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the Party. His hair was very fair,
his face naturally happy, his skin roughened by hard soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter
that had just ended.
Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still speaking cjuicky about iron and the
overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted at the same time.
Any sound that Winston mad, above the level of a very Iow whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover,
so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal piece reuired, he could be seen as well
as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment.
How often, or using what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was unknown. It
was even possible that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rat they could pug in your wire
whenever they wanted to. You had to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - believing that every
sound you mad was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement closely watched.
Adaptedfrom Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell


Winston did not try to use the lift because he knew it would not be working.


The poster was designed in a special way.


Winston could switch the telescreen off whenever he wanted.


Winston looked healthy and energetic.


The telescreen was designed to do mor than one thing at the same time.


It was certain that the Thought Police watched everybody all the time.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

8 3

Egzamin pisemny Test 7



Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B,
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz \ punkt.

The worlcPs greatest polyglot

Harold Williams is considered to be the world s greatest
polyglot. H e was listed in the Guinness Book of Records
as the only person who could speak as many as fifty-eight
languages fluently.
Williams was born in 1876 in New Zealand. From an early age, his
father - a well-educated pastor - trained him in Latin and Ancient
Greek. However, like most people his age, Harold was not very keen
on studying. It was only at the age of seven when he experienced
a strange sensation, which he later described as 'an explosion in his
brain, which radically changed his attitude to learning. From that
time on, his capacity to learn grew to an extraordinary degree. It
affected languages in particular.
He continued studying Latin while at the same time hungrily
acquired other languages. As a schoolboy he constructed a grammar
and vocabulary of the New Guinea language called Douban based
only on a copy of a gospel written in that language. Young Harold
spent his pocket money on buying New Testaments in as many
languages as he could. By the end of his life he had studied the Bibie
in twenty-six languages.
Before attending high school, he had managed to teach himself
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Maori,
Samoan.Tongan, Fijian and other Poynesian dialects.
Harold continued his education up to university level but his first
attempt was unsuccessful, as he failed mathematics at Auckland
University. He listened to his father's advice and became a pastor
himself at the age of twenty. It was then that he picked up Polish
and Russian.
Inspired by his fascination with the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy,
Williams decided to set off to Europ to visit the home of the
famous writer. However, before going to Russia, he first went to
Germany to continue his university education. Harold studied
philology, ethnology, philosophy, history and literatur and in 1903
gained his PhD in languages. These years as a student were marked
by poverty. Harolds grant from New Zealand had uickly run out
and he was forced to sell his books and the prizes he had won at
school. He also taught English part-time to earn some money.
As a result of his study of Slavic languages, Williams became
interested in Russia. He uickly started his career as a journalist
and soon established himself as an authority on Russian affairs. By
1914 he was already living in Russia. Supposedly, he knew Russian
grammar much better than most of his Russian friends. During this
time he also learnt Fmnish, Latvian, Estonian, Georgian and Tartar.
The outbreak of the Russian Revolution forced Williams *^i leave
Russia. He arrived in Britain where for some time he worked for
the British government. At that time he taught himself Japanese,
Old Irish, Tagalog, Hungarian, Czech, Coptic, Egyptian, Hittite,
Albanian, Basque and Chinese. He mastered a book of 12,000
Chinese Mandarin characters.
Despite a vast knowledge of languages and his great experience in
journalism, Williams was unemployed for a few years. In 1921 his
uck changed and he was offered a job in The Times. He held the
position of foreign editor until his early death in 1928.
Williams incredible gift for languages is still a mystery. He still
holds the title of the workTs greatest polyglot.

6.1, Before he turned seven, Harold

A, had not enjoyed learning new things.
B, had not studied anything.
C, had had strange sensations.
D, had not known any Latin or Greek.

6.2, When he turned seven, Harold

A, stopped studying Latin.
6, discovered his unusual talent.
C. could read the Bibie in twenty-six
O. spent his pocket money on buying

6.3, Harold went to Europ because he wanted

A, visit Germany.
B. become a pastor.
C. become a famous writer.

D, visit Russia.

6.4, According to the article, when he was

a student in Germany, Harold
A, worked as a book seller.
B. studied mor than one subject.
, taught mor than one language.
D. regularly received money from New

6,5, Harold's knowledge of Russia

A. was a result of his study of Finnish.
B. guaranteed him a job as a journalist.
C. was better than that of his friends.
O, was highly valued by others.

6,6, Although Harold knew so many languages,

A, never had any uck in his life.
8, did not have any experience in journalism.
C. could not findwork for some time.
D, was unemployed until 1928.

0 4

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 7

ZADANIE 7, (Spkt)
Podczas pobytu na stypendium w Londynie szukasz mieszkania do wynajcia. Napisz ogoszenie, ktre wywiesisz na
tablicy ogosze na swojej uczelni. Podaj w nim:

jakiego mieszkania szukasz;

w jakiej lokalizacji powinno si ono znajdowa;
na jak dugo chciaby/chciaaby je wynaj;
jak si z tob skontaktowa.

-odpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
jkrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (1 punkt).

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

oraz ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

ZADANIE 8, (W pkt)
Planujesz wybra si na kurs jzykowy do Brighton. Napisz list do szkoy jzykowej, ktrej ofert znalaze/znalaza
niedawno na stronie internetowej. W licie zapytaj o:
dostpno kursw na twoim poziomie jzykowym i czas ich trwania;
dostpne formy zakwaterowania i szczegowy program pobytu (np. planowane wycieczki)
ceny kursw i dostpne terminy;
termin wpaty zaliczki i moliwo otrzymania pisemnego potwierdzenia rezerwacji.
Pamitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
powinna wynosi od 120 do 150 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
poprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 1 strony przeznaczonej na brudnopis

oraz ok. 1 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

8 5

ZADANIE 1. (5 pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie audycj radiow powicon znanej osobie zajmujcej si dziaalnoci charytatywn.
Zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci nagrania (T), a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk
w tabeli. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.


The results of Zach's action during Hurricane Charlie were mor successful than expected.


The foundation was set up by Zach and his neighbours.


The name of Zach's foundation is connected with what he was doing during Hurricane Charlie.


Zach organises charity walks, but doesn't take part in them himself.


In the futur, Zach would like to become a lawyer.

ZADANIE 2. (5 pfet)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie reklamy lekw. Do kadej reklamy (2.1 - 2.5) dopasuj sytuacj, w ktrej dany lek byby
odpowiedni (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane zostao dodatkowo i nie pasuje do
adnej wypowiedzi. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.



You have problems with your voice.

Your skin is very sensitive.

YouYe in so much pain that you can't stand noise.

YouYe stressed out and feel tired in the morrymg.

You can't move properly.

You've been sneezing and coughing.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 8

ZADANIE 3, (5 pkt)



Usyszysz dwukrotnie fragment konferencji prasowej powiconej rzdowym planom wprowadzenia tablic
interaktywnych do szk. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel
liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.

3.1, The useof interactive whiteboards will help students

A. start to use technology outside school.
B. not have to memorise so many things.
C. possibly change their opinion about leaming.
3.2, During a Ceography class, students will be
A. using internet webcams to watch whatever they want.
B. using an interactive whiteboard in exactly the same way as in a Maths lesson.
C. able to immediately compare what they are learning about with reality.
3.3, The cost of the software for all schools will be
A. covered by the Department for Education.
B. 50million pounds.
C. shared by schools and local authorities.
3.4, Most teachers will
A. be enthusiastic about interactive whiteboards.
B. have to be shown how to use them.
C. be completely unwilling to use them.
3.5, How does the minister feel about the planned changes?
A, Worried.
S. Sceptical.
C. Positive.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Egzamin pisemny Test 8


ZADANIE 4. (6 pki)

Przeczytaj poniszy tekst. Nastpnie dopasuj do kadej czci tekstu (4.1 - 4.6) waciwy tytu (A - C) i wpisa
odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jeden tytu zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej czci tekstu. Za kada
poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.






We have all seen deaf people talking to each other using gestures. Very few o f us, however, ever bother to
find out h o w sign languages work. As a result, we often hod false views about them.

One of many myths about sign languages is that they are
the same in every country around the world. It is true that
they share some common features, such as certain visual and
spatial ways in which words are expressed, but they all have
their own unique rules and vocabularies.


Besides, it's not only simple gestures with the hands that
make up a sign language. Eually important are facial
expressions, which are an integral part of communication
and can change the meaning of your sign. For example,
when a user of American Sign Language makes his or her ]
facial expression intense when signing the word "quiet", he
or she means "very quiet".

Another commonly heard theory that is completely false is
that sign languages cannot refer to abstractions. In fact, it
is uite the opposite: not only can you tell jokes that have
double meaning but you can also create sophisticated poetry.
Sign languages have signs for all the abstract concepts found
in spoken languages.

Furthermore, sign languages are not just visual
representations of the words of a spoken language. For
example, deaf people do not draw a tree in the air with their
hands when they want to say 'a tree', nor do they mime the
act of sleeping when they talk about sleeping. There are a lot
of gestures which are specific to sign languages only and
cannot be easily interpreted.


Therefore, learning a sign language is not as easy as it may

look. It is just like learning any other foreign language: it
takes time and requires a lot of patience. The beginnings
can be difficult because there are a lot of signs to learn and
many of them are similar to each other. Also, like any other
liying languages, sign languages are developing all the time.

Finally, it is not true that sign language is only for deaf
people. Researchers have shown that teaching it to hearing
children helps their language development. Even when they
are still not able to produce vocal speech, babies can often.
communicate with their parents by using gestures! So it
seems quite logical to teach them sign language.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 8

ZADANIE 5. (8pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.


"Has he become mormor strange?" her master


On his long railroad journey he found himself thinking

of his boy as he had never thought in all the ten years
past. During those years he had only wished to forget
him. He remembered the black days when he had been
furious with the child simply because it was alive and
the mother was dead. He had refused to see it, and
when he had gone to look at it at last it had been such
a weak miserable thing that everyone had been sur it
would die in a few days. But to the surprise of those
who took care of it the days passed and it lived and
then everyone believed it would be a deformed and
crippled creature.

"Thats it, sir. He's growing very strangewhen you

compare him with what he used to be."
C,Where is Master Colin now?" Mr. Craven asked.
"In the garden, sir. He's always in the garden."
Inside the garden there were sounds. It seemed like
the laughter of children who were trying not to be
heard but who in a moment or soas their excitement
increasedwould come running.
Suddenly a boy burst through the door in the wali at
fuli speed and, without seeing the outsider, ran almost
into his arms.

He had not meant to be a bad father, but he had not

felt like a father at all. He hardly ever saw the boy
except when he was asleep, and all he knew of him
was that he was disabled and easily became hysterical.
"Perhaps I have been all wrong for ten years," he said
to himself. "Ten years is a long time. It may be too late
to do anythingquite too late."
W h e n he arrived at the Manor, he went into the
library and sent for Mrs. Medlock.
"How is Master Colin, Medlock?" he asked.
"Weil, sir," Mrs. Medlock answered, "he'she's
"Worse?" he suggested.
"Weil, you see, sir," she tried to explain, "neither Dr.
Craven, nor the nurse, nor me can exactly understand
"Why is that?"
"To tell the truth, sir, Master Colin might be better
and he might be changing for the worse. His appetite,
sir, is difficult to understandand his ways"

Mr. Craven had extended his arms just in time to save

the boy from falling, and when he held him away to
look at him, he could not believe his eyes.
"WhoWhat? Who!"he stammered.
This was not what Colin had expectedthis was
not what he had planned. He had never thought of
such a meeting. And yet to come runningwinning a
raceperhaps it was even better.
"Father," he said, "Tm Colin. You cant believe it.
I hardly can mysef. Tm Colin. It was the garden that
did itand Mary and Dickon and the creaturesand
the Magie. No one knows. We kept it to tell you when
you came. Tm well, I can beat Mary in a race. Tm going
to be an athlete."
He said it all so like a healthy boyhis face was
lively, and he was speaking uickly because of his
excitementthat Mr. Cravehs soul shook with
unbelieving joy.
Adaptedfrom The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Everyone thought Colin would be disabled.

Mr Craven knew that he had not been a good father to Colin.
Mr Craven was sur that it was already too late to improve his relations with Colin.
5,4. j According to Mrs. Medlock, Colin's behaviour hadn't changed at all.

When he was running out of the garden, Colin fell on the ground and Mr Craven picked him up.


Colin was running towards Mr Craven because he knew that he would come.
Colin had never thought the meeting would be like this.


MrCraven was not happy with Colin's way of speaking.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

8 9

Egzamin pisemny Test 8


Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


We tend to think of chocolate as a sweet created during modern times. But chocolate actually dates back to the
ancient peoples of Mesoamerica who enjoyed it as a bitter drink.
The tastysecretofthecacaotree, which chocolate is mad from,
was discovered 2,000 years ago in the tropical rainforests of the
The first people who mad chocolate were the ancient cultures
of Mexico and Central America.These people, including the Maya
and Aztec, mixed ground cacao seeds with various spices to make
a hot, bitter drink.
The drink was considered so precious that it was initially intended
only for the most important people in society: rulers, priests,
decorated soldiers and honoured merchants. Chocolate also
played a special role in both Maya and Aztec royal and religious
events: priests presented cacao seeds as offerings to the gods and
served chocolate drinks duringsacred ceremonies.
Europe's first contact with chocolate came during the conquest
of Mexico in 1521. The Spanish recognised the value attached to
cacao and followed the Aztec custom of drinking chocolate. Soon
afterwards, the Spanish began to transport cacao seeds back
home. Slowly they started adding cinnamon and other spices to
it and began sweetening it with sugar. They managed to keep
their delicious drink a Spanish secret for almost 100 years before
the rest of Europ discovered what they were missing. Sweetened
chocolate soon became extremely popular.
Because cacao and sugar were expensive imports, only those with
money could afford to drink chocolate. In fact, in France, chocolate

6.1. Chocolate was discovered

was a state monopoly that could be consumed only by the

aristocracy. Like the Maya and the Aztecs, Europeans developed
their own special protocol for the drinking of chocolate. They even
designed special porcelain and silver serving sets for chocolate that
acted as symbols of wealth and power.
For centuries, chocolate remained a handmade luxury, drunk only
by society's upper classes. But by the 1800s, mass production had
mad it affordable to a much broader public: the steam engine
mad it possible to grind cacao and to produce large amounts
of chocolate cheaply and quickly. Later inventions like the cocoa
press mad it possible to create smooth, creamy, solid chocolate
for eatingnot just liquid chocolate for drinking.
New processes and machinery have improved the quality of
chocolate and the speed at which it can be produced. However,
cacao farming itself remains basically unchanged. People grow
cacao in equatorial climates all around the world today using
traditional techniques first developed in Mesoamerica: cacao is still
harvested, fermented, dried, cleaned, and roasted mostly by hand.
Today, additional steps in the processing of cacao have helped
to create a variety of new flavours and forms. One thing has not
changed, though: chocolate still remains people's favourite sweet.
As someone nicely put it: 'I could give up chocolate but l'm not
a quitter'.
Adapted from www.fieldmuseum.org

6.4, In Europ chocolate was at first only consumed by

certain people because

A, during modem times.

B, almost a thousand years ago.


C, outside Mesoamerica.

B, the flavour was unpopular.

D, by peoples living in rainforests.

C, all the aristocracy were in France.

it was expensive.

D, it was difficult to transport.

6.2, During the Maya and Aztec civilisations, chocolate
A. not given to everyone.

A. a revolution in the way cacao is farmed.

B. mor important than religious events.

C. served with cinnamon.
D. served both as a sweet and a bitter drink.

6,3, In the hundred years after chocolate was taken

to Spain

B. chocolate becoming mor easily available.

C, chocolate becoming mor expensive.

D, chocolate no longer being available as a drink.

6.6, One thing about chocolate that hasn't changed until

today is that

A. no changes were mad to the customs.

A. there are as many flavours and forms as before.

B, it started to be eaten as well as drunk.

B. mor people give up on it mor often.

C. it is loved by many.

the Spanish exported it to Mexico.

D. they experimented with its flavour.


6.5. New technologies have led to

D. it follows the same production process.

Testy maturalne z jeyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 8


ZADANIE 7, (5 pkt)
Podczas pobytu na stypendium w Anglii organizujesz dla swoich znajomych wsplne wyjcie do teatru. Napisz
zaproszenie, w ktrym poinformujesz ich o:

tytule i gatunku sztuki;

terminie i dugoci trwania przedstawienia;

wymaganym stroju;
godzinie i miejscu zbirki.

Podpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
okrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (7 punkt).

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok, 7/3 s^ony^^znaczonejjia


oraz ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonejna^ czystopis

ZADANIE 8. (10 pkt)

Wyjechae/Wyjechaa na wakacje z angielskim biurem podry. Niestety nie jeste zadowolony/zadowolona
z organizacji pobytu. Po powrocie piszesz list do kierownika biura.

Podaj miejsce i termin pobytu.

Podaj przynajmniej dwa powody, dla ktrych wycieczka nie spenia twoich oczekiwa.
Zaproponuj dwie moliwoci rozpatrzenia twojej skargi.
Wyra swoje rozczarowanie i nadziej na szybk reakcj.

Pamitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
powinna wynosi od 720 do 750 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
poprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. Istronyprz&naczonejjHi


oraz ok. 7 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

9 1

ZADANIE 1. (5 pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie prognoz pogody. Zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci nagrania (T), a ktre nie (F).
Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.


There is a chance that the heavy rain will go away.


It will be cloudy all aftemoon in Scotland, Northern England and Wales.


The weather in the Midlands will get worse towards the end of the day.


The weather will begood in the east and south of the country today.


Tomorrow you can expect rain over most of the UK.

ZADANIE 2,(5 phi)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi piciu osb na temat nawykw ywieniowych. Do kadej osoby (2.1 - 2.5)
dopasuj zdanie podsumowujce jej wypowied (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane
zostao dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


o CL

I have to watch what I eat for a specific period of time.

l'd like to improve my eating habits but this is difficult.

lt's a chance for us to be together.

I like eating just before bedtime.

I don't worry too much about my diet.

I watch what I eat for professional reasons.


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 9

: ADAMIE 3, (S pkt)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z psychologiem na temat bezsennoci. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz
waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.

:- l, Fewer people would sufferfrom insomnia if they

A. could concentrate better during the day.
B. consumed fewer stimulants.

analysed their problems mor often.

3.2, The hormone called melatonin


A, enables older people to sleep for long periods.

B, decreases as we get older.
C, is produced only at a certain age.
3.3. If your insomnia is mor than occasional, you
A. can still cure it by a few hours of extra sleep.
B. may see things happening very quickly.
C. put your health at risk.
4. In order to prevent insomnia, we should
A. sleep longer at weekends.
B. always use traditional remedies.
C. have good sleeping habits.
.5. In the interview, Lauren talks about
A. common sleep disorders among elderly people.
8, the causes and results of insomnia.
C, medical ways of treating insomnia.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Paziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Egzamin pisemny Test 9


ZADANIE 4. (8 pkt)

Przeczytaj ponisze ogoszenia o prac. Nastpnie przyporzdkuj waciwe ogoszenie (A - E) do kadego z podanyi
zda (4.1 - 4.8). Wpisz odpowiedni liter w kad rubryk tabeli. Kada z liter moe by uyta wicej ni jeden ra
Za kade poprawne nawizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Administratiy Assistant

As an Administrative Assistant with our non-profit

charity, your role will involve: scheduling
appointments, booking travel and accommodation;
dealing with incoming and outgoing mail; meeting
and greeting visitors; answering the phone. You
must be: a good team player; have good time
management; be a quick, accurate typist. You should
also have experience in face-to-face customer
service. We offer thirty days holiday, flexible working
hours and a friendly working atmosphere.

Primary Teacher

We are seeking a Primary Teacher to take two Year

1 classes and one Year 2 class in a privately run
school in South London. Our school prides itself on
our students' impressive results and a friendly
working environment. We have a culturally diverse
mix of students who are very eager to learn. The
parents are very supportive. We strongly believe in
the success of our staff.

B) W E B D E S I G N E R
We are currently recruiting for the position of Web Designer
to assist the Creative Director on various projects from
the initial concept stage t o interactive design, 3D animation
and motion graphics. The idea candidate will have at least
three years' experience in 3D design, and a portfolio that
demonstrates his/her animation and graphics skills [e.g.
interactive games or other applicationsJ. We offer an
extensive skills development programme including seminars
and on-the-job training.


Exclusive, city centr hotel and

restaurant seeks a Chef. The
position offers a great amount
of variety, from informal bistro
dining, to official banuets,
events. You wili be taking
control of a section of the
kitchen and assisting the mor
senior chefs, as well as helping
the development of the junior
a minimum of 1-2 years
experience in a similar position.

Finance Accountant

We are seeking a Finance Assistant to join a motivated and dynamie finance team of a big intemational
company. The key responsibilities include: preparing budgets and financial reports; helping in the preparation
of financial accounts and managing a smali team of accounts assistants. This is an excellent opportunity
offering long-term employment and a great working environment in a central, easy to reach location.


You will be working in a place which is proud of its achievements.


You will have many opportunities to develop your skills.


You must prove your skills by showing something specifk that you have done.


You will be responsible for the work of a group of employees.


You will be working for an organisation whose aim is to help people, not make money.


You will not have to work the same hours every day.


You shouldn't have problems getting to work.



You will be helping to train other employees. v

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 9

ZADANIE 5. (6pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.

The boy still could not believe this. So they were at last going to fight. Tomorrow, perhaps, there would be a battle,
and he would be in it.
He had, of course, dreamed of battles all his lifeof (festant and bloody conflicts that had thrilled him with their
greatness. In visions he had seen himself in many fights. But awake he had seen battles as just marks on the pages
of the past.
He had wanted several times to fight in the war in his own country. He had read of marches, conflicts, and he had
wanted to see it all.
But his mother had discouraged him. She did not understand his excitement. She could calmly seat herself and with
no difficulty give him many hundreds of reasons why he was mor important on the farm than on the field of battle.
However, the newspapers, the gossip of the village, his own imagination had intensified his emotions.
One night, as he lay in bed, he had heard the voices of people happily talking about a great battle. These voices had
mad him shake in an ecstasy of excitement. Later, he had gone down to his mother's room and had said: "Ma, Fm
going to enlist."
"Henry, don't you be a fool," his mother had replied. There was an end to the matter for that night.
But the next morning he had gone to a town that was near his mother's farm and had enlisted in a company that was
forming there. When he returned home his mother was milking one of the cows. "Ma, I've enlisted," he had said to
her shyly. There was a short silence. "Everything is in the hands of the Lord, Henry," she had finally replied, and
had then continued to milk the cow.
When he had stood in the doorway with his soldier's clothes on his back, and with the light of excitement in his
eyes almost taking control over the regret for the memories of home, he had seen two tears on his mother's cheeks.
Still, she had disappointed him by saying nothing whatever about his returning in glory. He had expected a beautiful
scen. He had prepared certain sentences which he thought could be used with touching effect. But her words
destroyed his plans. She had been busy peeling potatoes and addressed him as follows: "You watch out, Henry, and
take good care of yourself in this fighting business."
"I've knitted you eight pair of socks, Henry, and I've put in all your best shirts, because I want my boy to be just as
warm and comfortable as anybody in the army."
"I've put a cup of blackberry jam with your clothes, because I know you like it above all things. Goodbye, Henry.
Watch out, and be a good boy."
He had, of course, been impatient during her speech. It had not been uite what he expected, and he had listened to
it with some irritation. He left feeling a kind of relief.
Still, when he had looked back from the gate, he had seen his mother kneeling among the potato skins. Her brown
face was covered with tears, and she was shaking. He bowed his head and went on, feeling suddenly ashamed of
his plans.
Adaptedfrom The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane


The boy became interested in battles after he had heard about the war in his own country.


The boy's mother discouraged him from staying on the farm.


A specific event helped the boy to make the fina decision to join the army.


The boy was satisfied with the way his mother reacted to his decision.


The boy's mother felt upset by his decision.


Once he had left, the boy felt sorry for what he did.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

9 5


Egzamin pisemny Test 9

ZADANIE 6. (6pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, 1
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Can complain
The 'can't complain' attitude has always been an integral
part of British culture. However, with Britain's uality of
customer service getting worse, people are now starting to
complain mor than ever before.

At first glance, it seems like a simple case: we buy a phone

and, after some time, one of its parts gets broken. We take the
phone back to the phone centr and ask to have it repaired under
warranty. As we uickly discover, however, the issue may be mor
complex than we initially thought. First, the company may insist
that it is not one of their phones that we bought, and even if they
do eventually agree, they can refuse to send it to the repair centr
because of 'data protection'. So, we are left with the broken phone
and no right to complain anymore. This is exactly what happened
to 39 year-old Kirsten Hey from Edinburgh, who was literally
reduced to tears by one o^ the UK's phone companies.


Kirsten's case is one of a great many examples of Britain's poor

customer service. According to the results of a survey carried
out in 2006 by the Institute of Customer Service, sixty per cent
of respondents said that they would be willing to complain about
bad service they experienced, which is ten per cent mor than five I
years earlier. What's mor, if the survey was repeated today, that
figur would be even higher.


i What has happened? Why are the British mor willing to complain
these days, even though we have had a long tradition of accepting
1 the most uncomfortable situations as long as this lets us avoid
complaining in public?
One of the reasons is the rise in people's expectations. Given the
enormous selection of goods and services, we have become mor
choosy than ever before. Also, the consumerist society we live in
promotes the idea of a happy, fuli life: if we don't feel happy, there
must be something wrong and someone to complain to about this.
But it is also companies themselves which are responsible. Too
often, we don't receive the services we were promised. Appliances
stop working, packages don't arrive or turn up broken. Whafs
worse, nobody seems to care. When we phone up to complain, we
are forced to spend hours waiting ...
Cali centres, which began to appear in Britain in the 1970s, were
thought up as an efficient and cost-effective way to deal with
customer complaints. Unfortunately, cutting costs is often taken
to extremes: customer service agents often receive poor training
and poor salaries and are ordered to follow precise cripts that
supposedly list all possible customer uestions. What's worse,
agents are aware that the faster they can complete a cali, the mor
efficient they are considered to be, whether the customer is really
helped or not.
What should be done, then, to limit the alarming number of
It seems that unless companies end their obsession with reducing
costs and don't see the link between customer service and profit,
we can't expect much of an improvement. Luckily, there are some
companies out there which have already realised the importance of
customer satisfaction. Let's hope this trend continues.

a b

6,1, When one of the parts in our phone get

broken, we

A. should never ask the shop to repair it for us

B. can be sur the shop will always help us.

C. may be surprised by the complaints
D. should always send the phone to the
repair centr ourselves.

6.2, The British

A, have never complained before.
EL complained mor in the past then they
do now.

complain mor now than they did in th<


D. complained as much in the past as they

do now.
6.3, According to the article, British customers

expect fewer goods and services than


8. don't have happy lives.

C, complain about the consumer society
they live in.
D, will no longer accept something they
aren't happy with.
6.4, Customer service agents in cali centres
A, know what to do to be seen as mor
8. aren't allowed to use scripts.
C. never help customers.
D. are always poorly trained.
6.5. Companies can improve their customer
service by
A. making mor profits.
B. changing their way ofthinking.
C. employing fewer customer service agents.
D. reducing costs even mor.
6.6. In the article, the author
A. heavily criticises British customers.
B. encourages companies to cut costs.
C, encourages customers to complain even
D, presents the change of attitude of British
customers to complaining.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 9

.ZADANIE 7, (5 pkt)
Przebywasz na wakacjach w Londynie. Wczoraj na stacji metra obok twojego miejsca zamieszkania zostawie/
zostawia przez przypadek cenny przedmiot. Napisz ogoszenie, ktre wywiesisz przy wejciu na stacj i w ktrym:

okrelisz, co zgubie/zgubia;
opiszesz zgub;
wyjanisz, dlaczego zaley ci na odnalezieniu przedmiotu;
poinformujesz, jak mona si z tob skontaktowa.

Podpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
okrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (1 punkt).

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 1/3 stronyjprzeznaczpnej na brudnopis

oraz ok. 1/3 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

JADANIE 8. (10 pkt)

czasie wakacji przyjeda do Polski twj kolega/twoja koleanka z Australii. Napisz do niego/niej list.

Wyra rado wynikajc z powodu planw kolegi/koleanki i gotowo ugoszczenia go/jej w swoim domu.
Zapytaj, kiedy i na jak dugo przylatuje.
Zapytaj, jak chciaby/chciaaby spdzi ten czas i jakie miejsca chciaby/chciaaby zwiedzi.
Zaproponuj przynajmniej jedno miejsce, ktre koniecznie musi zobaczy podczas pobytu w Polsce,
uzasadniajc swj wybr.

litaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podphz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
:v. nna wynosi od 120 do 150 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
ocrawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

iga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

Zdajcy ma w tym miejscu ok. 1 strony przeznaczonef na brudnopis

yraz ok. 1 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

9 7



ZADANIE 1. (5 pfct)


Usyszysz dwukrotnie wypowied na temat procedury ubiegania si o wyrobienie paszportu. Zdecyduj, ktr
zdania s zgodne z treci nagrania (T), a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kadi
poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.


The speaker mentions the science magazine because it is an example of good organisation.


He says he nas to fili in hundreds of forms to renew his passport.


He doesn't think the government should ask him things they already know.


In the end he decides not to renew his passport.


He is sur to get his passport in the next three weeks.

ZADAM 1E 2, (Spki)


33 i

Usyszysz dwukrotnie pi wiadomoci pozostawionych na automatycznej sekretarce. Do kadej wiadomoci

(2.1 - 2.5) dopasuj cel, w jakim dzwoni dana osoba (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednie litery do tabeli. Jedno zdanie podane
zostao dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej wypowiedzi. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


This person

3 0

apologises for something he/she did.

calls to change the dat of a meeting.


gives someone an ultimatum.

invites someone out to celebrate something.

is worried about the planning of a celebration.

is unhappy about something he/she has to do but doesn't want to.


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 1 0

ZADANIE 3, (S pkt)


M P ^

Usyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji powiconej udziaowi dzieci w zawodowym sporcie. Z podanych moliwoci
odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B lub C. Za kad poprawn odpowied
otrzymasz 1 punkt.

3.1. Laura Dekker's mother

A, never changed her mind about the trip.
B, was unhappy about the trip at first.
C, was always enthusiastic about the trip.
5.2. Madeleine McNeill
A. is the presenter of the radio programme.
B, thinks adults should stop children from taking risks.


3.3. Madeleine thinks

A, Laura should go on the trip because she was born on a boat.

it is good for Laura's education to sail around the world.

it is not a good idea for Laura to sail round the world on her own.

3.4. jordan Romero is the

A. youngest person to climb Mount Everest.
B. youngest person to climb Mount Everest on his own.
C. thirteenth youngest person to climb Mount Everest.
3.5. Madeleine thinks
A, Charles is funny.
8. Jordan's parents do not take proper care of their son.
C, Jordan was old enough to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

9 9

Egzamin pisemny Test 10


ZADANIE 4, (6pkt)
Przeczytaj poniszy tekst. Nastpnie dopasuj do kadej czci tekstu (4.1 - 4.6) waciwy tytu (A - C) i wpisz
odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jeden tytu zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej czci tekstu. Za kad
poprawn odpowied otrzymasz 1 punkt.












A family-run business that can't stop growing:
another British success story.

Greggs the bakers is a phenomenonal success story. It currently

has 1,450 stores, making it the largest fast-food outlet in Britain,
ahead of McDonalds, Subway and Costa Coffee. Profits for the
first six-months of this year were 18.6 million. The company
has recently announced plans to open another six hundred
stores in the next few years.

The reason for the company s prosperity is that it bakes its own
products in central bakeries around the country and delivers
them fresh each day to the shops. This allows it to keep prices
Iow. A chocolate muffin costs 75p; a sausage roli just 56p; and
tomato soup with a buttered roli only 1.13. They also offer
special lunchtime 'meal deals', e.g. a sandwich, a packet of crisps
and a drink for 2.99. These prices compare very favourably
with other fast-food outlets.

Creggs started as a family-run bakery in the north-east of
England in 1939. It opened its first shop in Gosforth near
Newcastle in 1951. In the 1960s it began to expand by taking
over other bakeries around the country and now it is by far the
largest specialist retail bakery chain in the UK. It even has four
stores in Belgium.

The shops sell typical British freshly baked products such as
sausage rolls, Comish pasties, steak pies, cakes, muffins and
biscuits; as well as sandwiches, hot and cold filled rolls, soups
and drinks. Apart from the lunchtime business, Creggs also
sells porridge, croissants and bacon rolls for breakfast. Their
shops also offer regional specialities. And products can change
according to the time of year. For example at Halloween you
can buy cakes decorated with witches and ghosts.


The latest advertising slogan for Greggs is 'The Home of Fresh

Baking', which replaced previous slogans such as 'Ready when
you are' and 'Got To Get To Greggs'. Actress and model Milla
Jovovich loves Greggs food and has said that she would be
willing to be the 'face of Creggs' in a publicity campaign. The
company, however, uses its own employees in advertisements
and so far has not contacted the actress.

But how healthy is the food at Greggs? When Channel 4 carried
out an investigation of all high-street fast-food retailers, Greggs
was found to have the highest levels of fat in its products. Since
then the company has tried to reduce fat and salt content to
make their products healthier. It's hard to argue that a sausage
roli or a chocolate muffin makes for healthy eating. However,
Greggs, point out that they do have healthier options on offer
in their shops.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 1 0

ZADANIE 5, (8 pki)
Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, ktre zdania s zgodne z treci tekstu (T),
a ktre nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni rubryk w tabeli. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.


It was the first day of Mma Makutsi's promotion to assistant detective, and Mma Ramotswe had just explained
to her that although she was now a private detective she still had secretarial duties.
She had realised that she would have to mention me> subject, to avoid misunderstandings.
'I can't employ both a secretary and an assistant,' she said. 'This is a smali agency. I do not make a big profit.
You know that. You send out the bills.'
Mma Makutsi's face had shown her disappointment. She was dressed in her smartest dress, and she had done
something to her hair, which was standing on end in little points. It had not worked.
'Am I still a secretary, then?' she said. 'Do I still just do the typing?'
Mma Ramotswe shook her head. T have not changed my mind,' she said. 'You are an assistant private
detective. But somebody has to do the typing, don't they? So you're still a secretary too.'
Mma Makutsi's face brightened. 'That is all right. I can do all the things I used to do, but I will do mor as
well. I shall have clients.'
Mma Ramotswe drew in her breath. She had not thought of giving Mma Makutsi her own clients. Her idea
had been to give her tasks to be performed under her control. The actual management of cases was to be her own
responsibility. But wasn't it selfish to keep the clients to herself? How could anybody start a career if those at the
top kept all the interesting work for themselves?
'Yes,' she said quietly, 'You can have your own clients. But I will decide which ones you get. You may not
get the very big clients... to begin with. You can start with smali matters and work up.'
'That is quite fair,' said Mma Makutsi. 'Thank you, Mma. I do not want to run before I can walk. They told
us that at the Botswana Secretarial College. Learn the easy things first and then learn the difficult things. Not the
other way round.'
'Thafs a good philosophy,' said Mma Ramotswe. 'Many young people these days have not been taught that.
They want the big jobs right away. They want to start at the top, with lots of money and a big car.'
'That is not wise,' said Mma Makutsi. 'Do the little things when you are young and then work up to doing
the big things later.'
'You will still make the tea,' she said firmly. 'You have always done that very well.'
T am very happy to do that,' said Mma Makutsi, smiling. 'There is no reason why an assistant private
detective cannot make tea when there is nobody mor junior to do it.'
Adaptedfrom Tears ofthe Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith


Mma Makutsi is Mma Ramotswe's boss.


The company is going to employ two mor people.


Mma Makutsi wanted to look elegant.


Mma Makutsi has two jobs in the company.


Mma Ramotswe refused to give Mma Makutsi the responsibility for clients.


Mma Makutsi studied to be a secretary.


Mma Ramotswe thinks young people are impatient.


Mma Makutsi is happy with what Mma Ramotswe tells her.

F 1

^~ r~ |

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Egzamin pisemny Test 1 0

ZADANIE 6. (6 pki)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych moliwoci odpowiedzi wybierz waciw, zgodn z treci tekstu. Zakrel liter A, B,
C lub D. Za kade poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

. .-,.,.

S i f e w w

Happy Camping?
I thought camping would be wonderful, then I tried it.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was reading a holiday brochure wondering how to spend my summer break when I saw a
photo of happy campers under a blue sky at a lovely campsite. Why not go camping? I thought. It could be fun, and it certainly wasn't
I'd only ever been camping once before, when I was a teenager. On the first day l'd got hopelessly lost, been unable to put my tent
up and ended up in a cave waiting for the mountain rescue team. I suppose I shouldn't have gone on my own and I should have
remembered to take a map too. But this time I was sur it would be different.
There was a sale on at my local camping stor. I bought a tent, a sleeping bag, an air mattress and an electric torch for less than the
cost of one night in a hotel. I packed my rucksack and checked off everything on my list. I was ready. Nothing could go wrong.
As soon as I walked into the campsite, I realised I had forgotten something. It was dinner time and my fellow campers were all sitting
outside their tents, camper vans and caravans cooking sausages in frying pans on little blue camping stoves. I didn't have a camping
stove. Or a frying pan. Or any sausages. Never mind, I could eat at the local pub. It was only three miles away.
First, I had to put up my tent. Unfortunately the instructions were not very elear. In fact, they were impossible to understand. As for
the pictures, I wasn't even sur which way up to hod them. But after an hour, the tent was up. I inflated my mattress, unrolled my
sleeping bag and went to the pub.
After my meal, which was excellent, I realised something. It gets very dark in the country at night. I could hardly see a thing. It was
a good thing l'd bought that torch. It was just a pity l'd left it in the tent. It took me almost two hours to get back to the campsite.
I was cold, I had mud up to my knees and I was hungry again.
The only thing to do was to go to sleep. At least the sleeping bag was warm, and the inflatable mattress was comfortable too. I woke
up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. My back ached because my inflatable mattress had lost its air. It was raining heavily
outside. Unfortunately, it was also raining inside the tent. The bottom of my sleeping bag was totally wet. I didn't sleep for the rest
of that night.
The next night was much better, however. I was warm, dry, comfortable and I slept well. I woke up to the smell of frying bacon.
Camping isn't so bad, I thought, it's just not for me. So I got up, got dressed, closed the door behind me, went downstairs, walked
through the reception area to the dining room and sat down to eat my breakfast.

6.1, The author decided to go camping because he

A. had never done it before.
B. didn't have much money.

A, he had eaten too much.

C. had had a good experience the last time he tried


8. there wasn't enough light.


D. thought it would be enjoyable and economical.

D. it was cold.

his torch didn't work.

6.5, During the night

6.2, He
A . spent some time preparing his camping trip. v

A, everything went well.

B, was pessimistic about going camping.


C, the noise of the rain woke him up.

arrived at the campsite in the morning.

D. had already planned to have dinner at the pub.

6.3. He


6,4, It took him a long time to return to the campsite


mor than one thing went wrong.

D. he dropped water on his sleeping bag

6,6, He spent the second night in

A, couldn't find the instructions for the tent.


the same tent.

B, found it easy to put up the tent.

8. the country.

C. found it difficult to put up the tent.

C, a better campsite.

D. found it impossible to put up the tent.

D. a hotel.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Paziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Egzamin pisemny Test 10

ZADANIE 7. (5 pkt)
Podczas pobytu na stypendium w Szkocji mieszkasz w wynajtym mieszkaniu. Obecnie szukasz wsplokatora.
Napisz ogoszenie, ktre umiecisz na tablicy ogosze swojej uczelni.

Napisz, w jakiej okolicy znajduje si twoje mieszkanie.

Poinformuj, ile wynosi czynsz.

Okrel swoje cechy charakteru.

Okrel cechy charakteru wsplokatora, ktrego poszukujesz.

Podpisz si jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest okrelony limit sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno zwizego przekazu informacji
okrelonych w poleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawno jzykowa (7 punkt).

Zdajcyrrwrw_tyrn mejscu^/lp,stronyprzeznaczonejnabrudnopis
oraz ok. 7/3 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

ZADANIE 8. (10 pkt)

Przeczytae/Przeczytaa niedawno w anglojzycznej gazecie artyku, ktrego autor twierdzi, e dzisiejsza modzie
reprezentuje niski poziom kulturalny, poniewa nie bierze udziau w tzw. kulturze wyszej (nie chodzi do teatru,
opery, muzew itp.). Napisz do redakcji list, w ktrym przedstawisz swoje stanowisko.

Powoaj si na przeczytany tekst, podajc jego temat i dat publikacji.

Przypomnij pogld wyraony przez autora artykuu i sformuuj swoj opini.
Podaj przynajmniej dwa argumenty uzasadniajce twoj opini.
Popro o opublikowanie listu i wyra zainteresowanie opiniami innych czytelnikw.

Pamitaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj adnych adresw. Podpisz si jako XYZ. Dugo listu
powinna wynosi od 120 do 750 sw. Oceniana jest umiejtno penego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty),
poprawno jzykowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo jzykowe (2 punkty).

Uwaga: jeli praca bdzie zawiera wicej ni 200 sw, otrzymasz za jej form 0 punktw.

Zdajcy ma wjym miejscu ok. 7 strony przeznaczoneji na^brudnopjs

oraz ok. 7 strony przeznaczonej na czystopis

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 0 3




Przyporzdkuj podane rodzaje ubra do czci

ciaa, na ktrych je nosimy.

Uywajc odpowiednich przedrostkw, utwrz

antonimy podanych przymiotnikw.

anorak baseball cap blouse boots boxer shorts

coat gloves hat* high heels hood jacket jeans
jumper sandals scarf shirt shorts skirt socks
sweatshirt swimmingtrunks tie trainers trousers


On your head
On your feet

1 _







Uzupenij opisy trzech osb, wpisujc po jednym

wyrazie w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego
sowa zostaa podana.

On your hands
Below the waist

From your neck to

your waist

Around your neck

Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk.
Jane's always.
_ a good mood.
Marks fond
helping other people and
he wouldn't hurt a fly.
John's afraid
making a fool of himself so
he doesn't go out much.
Anna gets

with everyone and is keen

parties and going out.
Steven loses his temper very easily and gets into
fights; he never runs away
Eve can't stand getting up in the morning and
quickly gets fed
with cleaning her room
so it's really untidy.
Mik looks
to successful people. He
wants to be like them and is sur that one day he
will be.
Jill looks down
other people and laughs
their mistakes and she never changes
her mind even if she's wrong.

Dopasuj kady z podanych przymiotnikw do

odpowiedniego opisu osoby w wiczeniu 2.




j lazy
k messy


(almost 1 metre 90) and very well2
. He's athletic, he has broad 3s
a fiat stomach and muscular 4a_
_. His
are long and his 6f_
. are big
(he takes a size 45 shoe). On his back he has a
of a snake running all the way down
from his8 n
to his9 w
. He has a
complexion - he loves sunbathing. He isn't
particularly good-111
- his face is covered with
and his 13e
stick out from the
side of his head, but I find him quite 14a

She has long 1 c_
fair2 h
.Her 4 e
. are big and
blue with long black 5e
. Her 6 n
is smali and cute like a button. She has a large
with cherry-red81
and white
. Her s
is soft and pale (she
always puts on sun cream when she goes out). She
hardly ever wears" m
- just a little lipstick.
She used to be a little 12o
, but she went on
a diet and now she's quite 13s
. She's in her
twenties. She looks a bit151
singer Hillary Duff.

-aged-inhis 2 l_
but he looks y_
than that. He only has a few
. at the comers of his eyes. He's got dark,
hair which is going 6 g
at the sides. He's losing a little hair at the top, but he isn't
. He sometimes pulls his hair back into a
-tai even though his wife says it looks silly. He
had a fuli 9 b
but he shaved it off and now he only
has a 10m
. He plays the guitar - he has muscular
with long artistic 12f
. There's
a long red s
on his 14f
just below the
hairline so people sometimes cali him Harry Potter.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Pocz czasowniki z odpowiednimi wyraeniami,

tak aby utworzy poprawne kolokacje.

Uzupenij e-mail sowami podanymi przed kad

z sekcji.

From: Callum
To: Mik

Hi Mik,





l've left the keys with the neighbour at number 14,

it's the large q
house with the green
. You'll need to ring t h e 3
mor than once, she's a bit deaf. The large key is for
door and the smali one is for the
. Putyourcar in there or just leave it in

if you prefer.

pillow table upstairs wardrobe


next to the
Your 7
bathroom. That bed has the most comfortable
the house. The bedding is on the
and there's another
and mor sheets and blankets in the
. Could you get a new light 13
for the 14
on the 1S
living player sofa




The control for the central 16

is in the
, but don't touch it, it's automatic. Feel
free to use the TV and the DVD 18
in the
room. The remote control is on the
table. Or you could just lie on the
orsit in an 22
and read
a book. There's a good selection in the 2 3
back garden lawn separate
teapot washing windowsill
There's a


in a fortnight.
Ali the best

a fiat
the rent
at home
the door


your bedroom
the floor
the washing up
in advance

Uzupenij ogoszenia, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa


This is a recently ' r
apartment with
a f
an attractive city centr t
conveniently located for the old 1
and the financial district. There are marvellous
from the living room window.
This property is a roomy modern bungalow
situated in the 7 s
just to the west of
the city centr. It is 8 f
furnished and
very comfortable. It is in a good 9 n
with friendy people and excellent facilities.
This is a real bargain. Its an unfurnished
country 10 c I
in excellent condition. It
in a charming
has a splendid l 1_
in the middle of Englands most
beautiful countryside.
4 | p Uzupenij e-mail odpowiednimi wyraeniami.


WC so you needht run up the

when you're desperate. The 26
machin is in there, by the way. If the weather's
nice, you could sit in the 2 7
. The key to the
door is under the old 2 9
on the
. If you get bored, you could even cut the
! Thanks for house sitting for us. See you



From: Jane
To: Mark

there's some chicken curry in the 1 _ r
g _ and
plenty of frozen food in the 2 f
e _ e _. The pots
and pans are on t h e *
I _ above the cooker, the
crockery is in the c_ p _ o a
over the sink and
the 5 _ u
isin the top drawer. Don't use the
oven, use the 6
instead. Could you
also water the
n _ s, please? Thanks!

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


;*feri< :*;:;^


Przyporzdkuj sowa z ramki do odpowiednich

foreign languages
interactive whiteboard
pencil case
rubber ruler

Uzupenij wypowiedzi na forum internetowym,

wpisujc po jednym wyrazie w kad luk.
Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa podana.


I don't understand those students who look sad
after they 1 s_
. an exam in which they
know they've done really well. These students
study 2 h
and prepare for every
and exam as if their lives depended
on it; they learn by 4 h
everything that
could possibly appear in the exam
so there's no way they could
ever get less than ninety 6 m
a hundred, but when they finally get the
of the exam, they always say, 'What
a surprise! I was sur l'd 8 f
it, but

Schooi subjects

Classroom objects

Places in
a schooi

Pocz osoby z typowymi dla nich czynnociami.

19 p


schooi pupil

2 university student
3 schooi teacher
4 schooi principal
5 university professor

organises a staff meeting

takes notes in class
sets homework
hands in homework
gives lectures
gets a degree
revises for exams
marks a test

with 95%!'

Why do some students think it's cool not to

things at schooi? Why do they
think it's bad to " m
progress? Why
do they 12 c
in exams? Why do they
prefer to 13c
to their friends than to
take 14 p.
in the lesson? Why do they
do their 15 b
to stop other people from
learning? Why are they never16 p
always late? Why do they think it's better to
. lessons than to attend classes?
I don't know why, but one thing is elear: the class
is always better when those students are
than it is when theyYe present.

Pocz czasowniki z odpowiednimi wyraeniami

z ramki, tak aby utworzy poprawne kolokacje.


break a degree an essay to the teacher

a mistake from university schooi
a good university exams and homework

I don't know why we have to do exams. If you do

. or badly in an exam, it doesn't
show how
or smart you are. Itjust



get into
hand in

5 leave
6 make
7 mark
8 take

shows your ability to 21 m

things and
keep them in your head for a short time. It's
better to 22 g
students according to
how well they do their 23 h
, the
they make in class and the
they write. It's not good tojudge
all the work of a 2 6 t
or a year on one
exam. OK, I know we can r
an exam
if we fail it, but I still think exams are


1 0 8

MESSA.Cr. f -. -

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Paziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z :


I Uzupenij nazwy zawodw i pocz je z opisami 1-8.

a m_ch
b a_c__t__t
c l_wy
ai d
e d
t i_ t
f n_r
g _e_c h _r
h Po _
i s_cu

j s_1_s r
l< f
1 mu
m f__ef_g
V p
s n e
ut c a
o b



1 1 work in an office.
2 1 wear white and help people
stay healthy.
3 1 travel a lot in my job.
4 1 entertain and/or inform people.
5 My work helps people look good.

^ p Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb

uzupeniaj ponisze zdania.

1 work with children.

1 get my hands dirty.
My job can be dangerous.


This is not a part-time /full-time job: it's only three

hours a day.
We can offer you a temporary / permanent
contract over the Christmas period.
The job at the burger restaurant only pays
a good salary / the minimum wag.
Would you like to work extra time / overtime this
In this job you'll be responsible o / / / o r looking
after young children.
The/nnge benefits / oddjobs include a company
car and health insurance.
You should include your previous work
experience / story in your CV.
She got good qualifications / references from her
previous employer.

Uzupenij opowiadanie, wpisujc po jednym

wyrazie w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego
sowa zostaa podana.

Uzupenij rady sowami i zwrotami z ramki.

advertisements applyfor CV candidate current
fili in
job centr
job interview
personal details employment work experience

Before looking for a job, make sur you have
an up-to-date 1
. It should be easy
to read and include your
and your previous
Visit your local 5
to see what's
Check out newspapers, joumals and websites
forsuitablejob 6
When you find a job you want to 7
write a letter or email explaining why you are
interested in the job and why you think you
are a good 8
If you are in 9
, you could also
mention why you want to leave your
You should enclose a copy of your CV and
you may needto "
an application
If all goes well, you'll receive a reply inviting
you to go for a n

The rise and fali and rise

of Cynthia Smith
When Cynthia left university, she found a well1
job in an investment bank. She worked
very 2 h
and never complained when her
boss asked her to ! w
overtime. In fact,
her job so well that soon she was
_ to a mor senior position. She got a pay
and a big 7 b
at the end of
every year. Even though it was stressful and she had
to work very long 8 h
, Cynthia enjoyed her
job and almost neve took any 9 t
off. She
sil with her colleagues and felt she
got : 0 o
of a team. Unfortunately, the
was really '' p_
bankrupt and Cynthia was
company 1 2 w_
mad ' 3 r
another job, but
She started looking f
there was high
because of the economic
and it wasn't easy to find work. Eventually
a job in a factory. The career
she g
'8 p
were non-existent and the
conditions were terrible (only 4 2 0 p
hour), but
it was better than being " o
of work. One day
all the workers went on 22 s
for higher wages.
Their employer was furious: he 2 3 f
and closed the factory.
Cynthia was 2 4 u
again. What could she do
to earn a 7S I
now? She decided it would be
better to run her own 2 6 l
than to work for
someone else, so she became self-27e
. Now,
she works from home giving financial advice on the
as much as she did
nternet. She doesn't 28
at the bank, but she's happy because now she can take
a day 2 9 o
work whenever she wants to. And
her the
she knows her employer will never 3 0 g _


Testy maturalne z jzyka a r ;

podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011


Zapisz odpowiedniki rodzaju eskiego podanych


Uzupenij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od sw

podanych wielkimi literami.



Itcan be hardforone
understand another.
She had a peaceful


3 dad


6 uncle
7 nephew
8 husband
9 boyfriend
10 cousin


Uzupenij podane definicje, wpisujc po jednym

wyrazie w kad luk.
Your father's grandparents are your
Your brother is your grandparents'
Your husband's father is your
A child without parents is an
A child without siblings is an
If you and your brother were born at the same
time, you are
If you get engaged to a man, he is your
The woman who divorced your father is his

Your father got divorced and married another

woman. She is your

10 You are your father's son from his second marriage.

His son from his first marriage is your
I Uzupenij kolokacje, wpisujc w kad luk
odpowiedni czasownik.

_ a shower/a rest/a meal

_ up/dressed/ready for school
. to bed/to the shops/swimming
. the piano/computer games/volleyball
_ the dog for a walk/a friend out for
a meal/a break


. your bed/a phone call/a mistake

. the housework/the dishes/the shopping

U etapy w yciu czowieka w kolejnoci, w ktrej

zazwyczaj nastpuj.
have a baby
get married
become middle-aged

fali in love

1 1 0

get engaged
gro w up
be born

(CHILD) was the best time of her


He wsa memberof a rockgroup in his

We always have a family


There were wild

their team won the cup.

The wedding


This film is good family

I havea really good.
10 I was afraid the
turn into a fight.

(RECEIVE) went on all
(RELATE) with my
. (ARGUE) was going to

Uzupenij tekst, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa

Gary was ' a

. to Julia, so he asked
and she accepted. First, they
ler o3
went f
a meal and then they went
to a rock concert. They really
themselves so the next day they went out again.
This time they went for a long 5 w
the park and then they put on their dancing
clothes and went 6 c
. Over the next
month they spent all their 7 f
together. They always had a lot of8 f
When they were apart, they looked 9f
to seeing each other. But then one weekend
they were imdted to a fancy-dress 10p
Julia wanted them to u d
up as Disney
characters, but Gary didnt want to. They had a
terrible 12 r
and ended up shouting at
each other. Julia said she didnt want to go out
him any mor and so they
up. Everyone knew it was silly to
out over a fancy-dress costume
but it seemed the romance was over. Fortunately,
their friends were upset that they had
up so they held a party and invited
both of them. Happily, Gary and Julia mad
with each other and two years
later they got married. Can you guess where
they spent their 18h
? Disneyland!

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

Sally jest wegetariank. Zaznacz produkty ( / ) ,

ktre s dla niej odpowiednie.

Uzupenij ponisze wyraenia. Pierwsza litera

kadego sowa zostaa podana.

baked beans
breakfast cereal



5 ac
6 ac
7 ag
8 aj
9 ap





bacon chicken ham sugar

cucumber sardines shellfish tuna
apple pie brown bread cheesecake cookies
eggs margarine milkshake vinegar
apple blueberry carrot pear
cauliflower lemon onion peas
beer coffee juice tea
black pepper herbs spices sweetcorn







^ p * Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc po j e d n y m wyrazie

w kad luk.

M y d a d has a .

he loves

chocolate and puddings.

Jim has a g o o d

l've never seen anyone

eatso much.
N o dessert for me, thanks - the d o c t o r t o l d
m e I have t o


of chocolates
of cola
of milk
of water
of jam
of crisps

Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb

uzupeniaj poniszy przepis.

W kadej linii wykrel sowo, ktre nie pasuje do


TO f a t t y

of chocolate
of juice

m y w e i g h t so l'm o n a


Nike f o o d that's

curries and Mexican food.

Wouldyou likeyoursteak.
My mum gave me a
gave up running.


lunch for the

a lot of weight when he

for two at seven
9 I love hamburgers, pizzas or kebabs so I often go to
10 The food in the school
is surprisingly


Beat I Peel and 2 chop I freeze up one large

onion and two cloves of garlic.
Meat sauce
Bak I Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in
a large Afrying pan I spoon and 5cut/fry
500 grammes of minced beef until brown.
Add I Reuire the onion and garlic and
fry until soft. Mix in one '' slice I teaspoon
of tomato puree, a smali glass of red win,
a can of tomatoes, salt, pepper and oregano.
When it begins to 8 boil I sprinkle, turn down
the heat. Cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Add two finely 9 chopped I mashed carrots
and cook gently for 6-8 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220C.
Bechamel sauce *
Heat 650 ml of milk. mMelt I Toast two
tablespoons of butter in a separate
fork I saucepan, and mix in three
tablespoons of milk and three tablespoons
offlour. Gradually nleave I pour the warm
milk into the 13 cutlery I mixture until the
sauce is thick and smooth. HRoast I Stir in
25g of parmesan cheese. ,5Season I Slice
with nutmeg, pepper and a pinch of salt.
In a l6dish I napkin first put some lasagna,
then some meat sauce and some bechamel
sauce. Top it with n' barbecued I grated
cheese and breadcrumbs.
Bak the lasagne in the lsbowl I oven for
20-25 minutes and grill the top until it is
golden-brown. 19Put I Serve with salad and
garlic bread.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 1 1

Zapisz nazwy miejsc, w ktrych mona kupi

ponisze produkty lub usugi. Pierwsza litera
kadego sowa zostaa podana.


two tuna steaks - f <

get your hair cut - h
a dozen red roses - f__
a packet of aspirin - c_
a coffee table - f
a tennis racket - s
a loaf of fresh bread - b _
get your car repaired - g_
half a kilo of sausages - b
a pencil and a notebook - s
your favourite magazine - n
a pineapple and two kilos of onions - g_
withdraw some money from your account -


fine Italian salami and e>4>ensive French win -


leave your pre-school children for a few hours d



Uzupenij luki wyrazami z ramki. Jednego ze sw

naley uy dwa razy.
market name number room
station stor
1 brand
2 chain
3 checkout
4 department
5 farmers'
6 fashion
7 fitting



8 food
9 off10 petrol
11 PIN
12 post
13 rang of
14 shopping

Uzupenij dialogi, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa
CUSTOMER: I want to 1 r
this computer.
I bought it here yesterday, but it's 2 f
. It
doesn't w
properly. You can switch it on
alright, butthen it 4 k_
. crashingeveryfive
minutes. And the screen nas been scratched. Look!
CUSTOMER: The instruction manua was
too! I want t o 6 e
anotheroneorget a fuli 7r_
If not, I'11 have
to talk to the 8 m
or " m
a written complaint.
ASSISTANT: No problem. Have you got the

I \2

CUSTOMER: l'm 2 j
looking, thanks.
Weil, actually... I'm looking 3 f
a dress.
I like this one, but it isn't the 4 r
size. It's
smali. I need a size 40.
ASSISTANT: Here's one. Would you like to
it on?The 7 c
. room is over
ASSISTANT: Oh, it looks lovely. I t !
perfectly. That style is so 9 f
right now.
And that colour really 10 s
you. It
your eyes!
CUSTOMER: I know, but it's a bit "
me. I can't really afford it.
ASSISTANT: lt's 1 3 o
sale, you know. There's
50% 14 o
. The price has been 15 r
from 150 to 75! It's a real 16 b
label for half 18p_
CUSTOMER: OK, fil take it.
ASSISTANT: Great! Now, how about some
to go with the dress? A handbag or
a belt perhaps? We have special 20 o
the best 21 b
like Calvin Klein and Armani.
Also, there's a 30% 22 d_
on all our shoes.
CUSTOMER: No, thank you. NI just take the dress.
Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb
uzupeniaj poniszy tekst.



> > . ' : : > :



We have created a consumerq life / society where

people say they are ready to 'die for' the
last I latest fashions and are happy to wear
company ^billboards / logos on their clothes. We
use snobbery and peer "pressure / purchase to
make kids buy certain smakes / trades and not
others. Thanks to us children remember marketing
checkouts / slogans better than their school work.
I work in the creative department of an
advertisement / advertising agency and I love
it. I love creating new sposters / shoppers for
advertising9campaigns / consumers and seeing
them on mhoardings / trolleys in the street.
I love writing new11 counters /jingles for radio
commercials. Or designing a uleaflet / style or
brochure to help a company sell its goods or
sales I services mor easily and to make bigger
crowds I profits. I know ^consumerism /
protectionism is not good for the planet, but hey,
it's fun. And it pays my salary too.
Comments (4)

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011

Uzupenij zdania, uywajc poprawnych

czasownikw i czasownikw zoonych.

^P Rozwi krzywk i odczytaj ukryte haso.





1 You can row it on the river.
2 It has two wheels and an engine.
3 A bus that takes you on a holiday tour.
4 A smali vehicle to transport goods.
5 It sails from the mainland to an island and back
6 It has two wheels and no engine.
7 A big vehicle to transport goods.
8 A car with a driver; in London, it's usually black.
9 It flies through the sky.
10 A train system that goes below the ground in big
Ijp- Uzupenij e-mail wyraeniami z ramki.
airlines airport
board book
flights gate journey luggage
security station



by rai
check in


From: gepeppy@hitmail.con
To: fimiller@jmail.con
Subject: your visit

Creat news that you're coming to visit. The best way to
get here? Weil, there are some budget1
offer really cheap2
. But I prefer to go
. It's a mor comfortable'
and if
you get a 5
ticket, it doesn't cost much mor.
Especially if you 6
a few weeks before you
travel. And when you think about it, it's just as fast. If
you fly, you have to get to the 7
, which is miles
from the city centr. You have to 8
two hours
before you 9
the piane! You have to queue up
check! And then
for ages to get through the 10_
it takes about half an hour to get to the right
. Whereas at the railway "
just walk up the 13
and get on the train. It's so
easy! And you can take as much 14
as you like,
which I know is important for you. O
Looking forward to seeing you.
Ali the best

Testy maturalne z jzyka 3 '


It can be cheaper to
a flight online.
l'd like to
a reservation for a first-class
ticket to London.
l've got to go. I've got a train to
If you
your train, l'll take you in the car.
sightseeing in London
We're going to
this weekend.
Just cali me if you
If I won the lottery, l'd
around the world.
the car and put your seat belt on. It's
time to go.
I was lucky. I managed to
the train five
seconds before it left.
You can
the bus now, sir. We've arrived.

Uzupenij tekst, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa

Black Friday
When I was 1 d
. to a meeting in Glasgow
yesterday, I saw a man at the side of the road. He
had a big 2 r
on his back and he was
. It was raining so I stopped to give him
a 41
. Then things started to go wrong.
First, I got stuck in a traffic 5 j
, and then
I got a 6 f
tyre. My 7 p
me put on the ipare tyre and we s
off again. Five minutes later, I stopped at a red
and the engine stopped. I thought the
car had broken 10 d
, but the hitchiker
said it had probably just 11 r
out of petrol.
Fortunately, there was a petrol 12s
so a few minutes later we were o
way again. I was afraid I was going to be late so
I started driving too fast - at least 20 miles over the
limit. Then at a 15 j
I didn't
notice the C
Way sign and I almost
on a zebra
a 1 8 p_
_. I lost control of the car, went across
a bike 201
onto the 21 p_
into a tree. Fortunately, nobody was
hurt in the 23 a
. But then the hitchhiker
gave me a piece of paper. It was a 50 24f_
and reckless driving. He was an
for 2 5 s
off-duty policeman.

^ z i o m podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011


p Uzupenij zdania wyraeniami zwizanymi

ze sztuk.

He did a lovely pencil d _ _ w _ n _ of his baby

Haveyouseen the Monet _ x _ _ b _ _ i o_?
Turner was a painter famous for his
That art


y is quite expensive.

What do you prefer: o

6 Cartier-Bresson was a famous French
7 I love Van Gogh's s
8 The best s _ _ I _ t _ _ e l've ever seen is
Michelangelo's Dav\d.

I like the s _ i _ I I __f_you did of thefruit bowl.

Guernica by Picasso isan amazing w
k of a

I Uzupenij recenzj, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa

True Love Never Dies

Three years ago 1 d
George Khamri
won an Academy2 A
_ for his science
classic Zac. Unfortunately, his
latest film, the 4 t
True Love Never
Dies isnt nearly as good. The film 5 t
the story of a romance between a serial
killer and a detective. It sounds exciting,
but it isht. The only good thing about it is
the 6 a
. Keith Ludlow, who is
as a stand-up 8 c
plays the p
of a particularly nasty
serial killer very well indeed. And Michelle
Ross is brilliant in the 10 r
.of the sadeyecf fieroine. The rr c
, which includes
British actors Tom Harris and Jemima
Blade, all do their best but the problem is
the 12d
are so unnatural that the
characters don t sound like real people
talking. You feel that the 13 s
written by a computer program. The
, which includes a song by Sting, is
totally forgettable and the special
add nothing to the film. I wish I could tell
you that True Love is 16 w
seeing, but
it isnt. It took over two years to 17m_
and was 18s
. on location in New York.
What a waste of time and money!

I I4

Uzupenij tekst wyraeniami z ramki.

based chapters character collection
fiction literatur make Nobel Prize
recommend set

novel pic

What I am reading right now

l'm reading this really good 1
at the
moment. It's
in Paris in the 18th
century during the revolution. Apparently, it's
on a true story. The main 4
is a woman who pretends to be a man to find out
who killed her husband. The 5
is a bit
confusingatfirst,butafterthefirstfew 6
you just can't put it down. You learn a lot about
history and it's also really 7
. The writer
is a historian who also writes
. |'ve got
a wonderful 9
of short stories that she
wrote. She's been nominated for the 1 0 _
in "
_. TheyYe also going to 12
book into a film. I can't 13_
.this book highly
Comments (2)

Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb

uzupeniaj poniszy dialog.
CHAS: What's ^on / up at the cinema?
DAVE: Nothing, but that heavy metal 2group /
orchestra Dark Black are playing a ^concert /
creation tonight. Do you remember them? They had
a number one 4 hit / performance a few years ago.
CHAS: Oh yeah, my friend Jack used to 5 hit / play
the drums with them. They used to 6rehearse /
train in our street. He performed 'direct / Hue with
them a few times, but he used to get really nervous
before going on sshow / stage so he left the 9 band /
single just before a big summer wfestival / interual in
Holland. They got a " musician / recording contract
just after that.
DAVE: Really? Well, they've just 12 released / sung
a new "album / play. Its in the ucharts /gig already
and theyYe doing a big nationwide 15 blockbuster /
tour. DidnY their singer used to ^applaud / star in
a TV 17 report / series?
CHAS: No, it was the Kgu\tar man / guitarist, the one
who Kcomposes / does their songs.
DAVE: I quite like their songs - they've got good
lines I lyrics.
CHAS: Which 21 box office / venue are they playing at?
DAVE: The Apollo.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy Pearson Central Europ Sc z : :


4 " Uzupenij tabelk, wpisujc brakujce sowa.












ski s



b g

g g_e_



f J> Uzupenij ponisze wyrazy zwizane ze sportem,

a nastpnie pocz je z dyscyplinami z wiczenia 1.

Uzupenij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od sw

podanych wielkimi literami.

a t_s

S_ 1


He tookpart in a l o t o f _
when he was younger.
He's the youngest
(CONTEST) in the
You should respect your.
The FA Cup is a popular.
(SPORT) event.
The first
the Premier League.
One of the
(SPECTATE) attacked the
(GOAL) saved two penalties.
We do a lot of
(GYM) at our school.
We do
(DOOR) sports in good weather.
(WEIGHT) is a popular sport in Bugaria.

Uzupenij tekst wyrazami z ramki.


Przeczytaj definicje i odgadnij nazwy dyscyplin


lt's like tennis but you use a shuttlecock, not a bali.

lt's like tennis but you hit the bali against a wali.

disqualify Games give gold lead live medal
supporters test training



You can play it on grass or on ice.

Indoors there are six players on each side, but on
the beach there are two on each side.
5 Popular in the USA, 11 a side, you need a bat and
a bali.
6 Popular in New Zealand, 15 a side, the bali is not
7 You need a bow, an arrow and a target.
8 When you throw the bali well, you get 1,2 or 3
9 You have to run 42.195 kilometres.
10 A baton, 4 runners, 100 or 400 metres.
^ ^ Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc w kad luk czasownik
w poprawnej formie.

The Spanish were delighted when their team

the World Cup in 2010.
Holland 1-0 in the fina.
Usain Bolt
the 100 metres world record
last night.
. the gam 0-5. We were terrible.
out for an hour a day at the gym.
yoga to help me relax.
My doctor said I should
up a sport.
. cyclingtomorrow.

My Olympics
fd been l
hard and I was fitter than I had ever
been. A month earlier I had won the silver 2
the 5,000 metres fina in the European3
and now
I was ready to do better in the Olympic4
. I looked
at the other runners. My most dangerous 5
the Kenyans. Nothing much happened in the first 3,000
metres, but then suddenly, I fell on the 6
. When
I got up, the other 7
were already finy or sixty
metres ahead of me. I was sur I was going to lose the
, but a voice in my head told me to not to 9
up. I began to run again. I could see myself on the giant
screen. I could hear the 10
commentary on the
loudspeakers. Now, I was only mirty metres behind
the leaders. The crowd was n
. With only two
hundred metres to go I was fourth. Amazingly, twenty
metres from the lin I was in the n
. But then
one of the Kenyans overtook me. I "
faster than
I had ever done before. Suddenly, one of the M
was throwing me a flag and I was crying with joy! I had
won the15
medal in the Olympics. I looked at the
scoreboard. I had 16
^a new Olympic record too!
Then an official told me I had to go for a drugs "
I knew I was clean but I was still afraid that they might
me. I needht have worried. An hour later I was
on the19
as my national anthem played. I was the

Testy maturalne z jzyka =-5 e s egc Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z 0.0. 2011

1 1 5

Potcz podane wyraenia, aby utworzy poprawne


in perfect

Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc w kad luk czasownik

w poprawnej formie.


b centr



c cramps
d health
e ill
f lifestyle
g pills
h surgery
a temperatur
i theatre

Uzupenij podane kategorie wyraeniami z ramki.

band-aid blind cancer deaf dizziness
fast pulse
mentally disabled
operation painkillers physiotherapist plaster cast
swollen tonsils vomiting


a bit poorly today.
After the race my legs
for days.
You should
an appointment to see
a doctor.
They will
out an operation on his heart.
his sight in a terrible accident.
Overweight people often
from heartrelated illnesses.
Put out your cigarette, please. I don't want to
your smoke.
It took him weeks to
from the
treatment, but now he's fine.
The doctor told me to
things easy, to
stress and to
_ on fatty food.
I try hard to _
fit - I
exercise and
_a healthy diet.

Uzupenij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

coughing cure examination fatal fiu get give

nose rest shivering stethoscope take wrong


Diseases and

D O G Good morning, Mr Jameson. Whats the


with you today?

I feel really :
, doctor. I had a runny
all day yesterday. At first I thought
I just 4
a cold but I didn't get any sleep
because I was
and sneezing all night and
now l've got a terrible 6
and I can't stop


Medical staff

DOC: Weil, I don't think you have a 8

Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie
w kad luk.

l'm allergic.
. cats and dogs.
He died of a sudden heart
She's got a high
al most 40.
I feel
of breath.
If you've got
_ , go and see a dentist. *^
fve had an
stomach sice Christmas
di n ner.
I'm terribly shortI can't live without
my glasses.
My grandmother is.
.good shape for her




You'll have to speak up - she's a bit

She died of a massive
of heroin.
If you wear good boots, you're less likely to
your ankle.

illness so just relax while I give you an 9

Take your shirt off, please so that I can listen to
your chest with my ,0
. OK, now 1'm
your temperatur with this
. OK. You can put your shirt back on.
MRJ: What's 13
with me, doctor?
DOC: You've got the
and a bad cough.
1'm goingto 15
you a prescription for
some cough 16
and I want you to go
home and get plenty of
and drink lots
of 18
. There's no miracle 19
for fiu, unfortunately, but don't worry, you'11
better in a few days.


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


Przeczytaj opisy naukowcw i pocz ich

z dziedzinami nauki, ktrymi si zajmuj.


Howard designed the engine for the new moon

Natasha discovered the gene responsible for
hair loss.
Patrick dissolved oxygen gas in a liquid.
Li knows many languages and he studies their
grammar and vocabulary.
Hilary found Roman ruins in southern Spain.
Jane spent a year studying orangutans
in the wild.
Liliana analysed the mind of a mentally disabled



^ p Do kadej dziedziny nauki z wiczenia 1. dobierz

nazw naukowca, ktry si ni zajmuje.


^ y | Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk.

Each chemical
. has an atomie number,
e.g. Hydrogen=1.
A mobile phone is a hand-held communication
Bill works as a computer
People are suspicious of genetically
The virus attacks your immune
The internal combustion
wonderful invention with terrible consequences.
I've got a high-speed Internet
The Voyager spacecraft sends messages from
This model hasa battery
of 9-14 hours.
We're building a remote
Facebook is a social
si te.
We will analyse the statistical
from the

Uzupenij dialog, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa
BEA: Help! My computer's 1 c
SAM: What happened this time?
BEA: 1 2 d
some software from the
Internet for sharing musie and when I opened the
, itstarted4d
al I myfolders.
Then suddenly the 5 s_
went blue and it
said there wasafatal 6 '
SAM: It sounds like a 7 v
Have you been
. strange sites on the net again?
BEA: Yeah, but...
SAM: When did you last make a 9 b_
your files?
BEA: Fortunately, l'd just copied some important
onto my 11|
But there
was a lot on my h
. disk that I haven't
saved on my extemal , 3 m
for ages. I hope
I haven't 14 1
it all.
SAM: OK, calm down. I'm going to send you an
. Open it on your 16 1
computer and 17c
on the link. Then follow
the instructions on the website to 18 r
your desktop computer.
BEA: OK, thanks.
Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb
uzupeniaj poniszy tekst.
Famous Scientists

Martha Smith

After leaving university Martha Smith specialised

in I oni under physics^When she was carrying
on I out I over an experiment, she 3 did I had I mad
an interesting discovery about the energy in clouds.
She 4did I had I mad mor research and conducted
many 5 connections I ezperiments I inventions and
fmally she came to the 6 conclusion I evidence I
prediction that it was possible to obtain cheap clean
energy from clouds. Some scientists were uick to

break down I discover I reject her theory. They

claimed that she hadnt employed the correct
science I scientific I scientist method; that her research
controls Ifindings I gadgets were unreliable; and that
she hadnt kept ioformulae I knowledge I records ofall
her experiments. However, other scientists undertook
similar " devices I labs I resmrch and n confirmed I
estimated /found out Marthas results. Then, her
colleague 13 invented I observed Ipredicted a system for
capturing the energy. Together they patented the

invent I invention I inventor and became very rich.

They won the Nobel Prize 15 in I on I to Physics, and
humanity obtained a new source of energy.

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 1 7

Przyporzdkuj sowa z ramki do odpowiednich

dolphin duck fTk goat kitten iguana
snake squirrel
stork whale wolf
Baby animals
Farm animals

Wild mammals
Sea animals

Rozwi krzywk i odczytaj ukryte haso.


] [~~[ | ]


i i i


WeVe had a very ' mild I pressure winter so far, but

thats about to change. There is some 2 moderate I
stormy weather coming in from the west. Thats going
to bring a lot of rain with it and some very 3 hot I
strong winds too. This 4 dry I wet and windy weather
will continue tomorrow but it should elear5 down I up
in the evening. On Friday, there could be a few light
showers I storms early in the morning and there will
be some 7 mist I thunder on low ground. Fortunately,
that 8 showering I showery weather should soon move
away so it looks as if we're going to have a 9 snowy
sunny weekend with elear 10 jog I skies across most of
the country and only a few n clouds I chudy in the I
north. However, it will be quite n chilly I rainy for the
time of year. Temperatures should be around six ;
degrees I heat Celsius and it could fali to three or
four below 14 nothing I zero in some places overnight.
There worft be any 15 snw I snowy but there will be
frost I humid on high ground, and " icy I rainfall
conditions on the roads so please take care if you're
driving. And put on some lsfreezing/ warm clothes.

Uzupenij ogoszenie, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk. Pierwsza litera kadego sowa zostaa

_j_ i j

Surfers like big ones.

A place where bats live.
A smali river.
A place where camels live.
A place outside where cows eat grass.
beach is good for sunbathing.
A smali mountain.
Low land between mountains.

Uzupenij wyraenia, wpisujc po jednym wyrazie

w kad luk.
1 acid
2 air
4 car exhaust
5 the
6 the ozone


Breaking weather: Wednesday, February 16


Zaznacz sowa, ktre w poprawny sposb

uzupeniaj poniszy tekst.

7 renewable
8 unleaded
10 nuclear

Draw a picture showing how you think
. the environment.
we can
You can draw:
environmentally- 2 f_
. energy
. stations
vehicles which are not 5h_
the emdronment
ways to protect 6 w
e.ganimals in danger of7 e_
plants and trees in tropical 8 r
like the Amazon
possible consequences of global
e-g. 1UP_
ice caps
melting because of the u r
new ways to u r
rubbish or 13 s
. energy at home

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

C ^ Uzupenij podane kategorie wyraeniami z ramki.

arson community service death penalty defence
fine judge jury
kidnapping lawyer
murder pickpocketing prison sentence prosecution
rape six-month ban smuggling vandalism testify

The rise of Stephen Johnson

political politician town hall


Stephen Johnson joined the '

before he left school. Both his parents were
servants, but he wanted to be
After two years as a party4
he stood as a candidate in the 5
_ elections.
He won and became a town councillor. He spent
four years in the 6
before becoming
of his town.

In court


Uzupenij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od sw

podanych wielkimi literami.
There has been a.
. (TERROR) attack at the
. (HOME) is a growing problem due to the
(DISCRIMINATE) is illegal in this
4 They were accused of armed
(THIEF) took place during the night.
6 The
(BURGLE) in the office.
7 There has ben a
(POOR) in
8 How can there be so much
such a rich country?
9 We found your
(FINGER) on the weapon.
10 The judge told the.
(DEFEND) to stand up.
11 Hegave him life
12 l'm against capitaL
Uzupenij zdania, wpisujc w kad luk czasownik
w poprawnej formie.


Uzupenij tekst podanymi wyraeniami. W kadej

sekcji jest podane jedno sowo, ktrego nie
powiniene/powinna uy.

. independence from the UK in
The bankisgoingto
1 million in the
Only Mr Holmes can
this mystery.
If you
the law, you get punished.
I have never _
_ a c r i m e in my life.
The police _
him for selling drugs.
me of stealing her phone.
_ h i m to 15years in jail.
He will be_
from prison next week.
into her house and stole her

the Cabinet
minister minority MP

opinion polis prime

Stephen, however, wanted to get involved in

national politics so he stood in the 8
election and became an 9
. He worked
hard and five years later, the 10
mad him a member of''
. Over the next
three years he was regularly chosen in u
as the most popular government B
. So it
was no surprise when he was elected 14
of his party. In the next election, he won a large
in parliament and formed
a government.
constitutional monarchy govem headofstate
human rights
political system

Stephen didnt think the King should be the

; he thought his country should be
a republic and not a 17
so he called
to change the constitution. The
opposition parties united in favour of the royal
family but Stephens government 19
vote. He became the first
of his
country and worked tirelessly in favour of
around the world. He knew the
washt perfect but agreed with
Winston Churchill who said, 'Democracy is the
worst form of government, except all the others
that have been tried.'

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o. o. 2011



t O Z M O W A WSTfPNA (okoo 2 minut)



What's your f a v o u r i * school

subject? Why?
Tell me about your earliest
memory from school.
Do you think there should be
mor art lessons in school? Why?/
Why not?
Are you for or against school
What do you think about
cheating in exams?

Whats your favourite film?

How often do you go to the
What's the worst movie you've
ever seen?
Do you like dancing? Why?/Why
How much time do you spend
listening to musie?

What's your favourite sport? Why?

Do you like taking exercise? Why?y
Why not?
Do you like watching sport on TV:
Why?/Why not?
What new sportswould you like
to try?
What sport do you think is the
most expensive?

Z A D A N I E 1, (3


Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Wsplnie planujecie zorganizowanie przyjcia. Prosz porozmawia ze
zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e gocie powinni zaoy stroje wieczorowe.
=> Jest Pan/Pani zdania, e powinnicie/powinnycie przygotowa jak wyjtkow potraw.
=> Jest Pan/Pani gotw/gotowa posprzta mieszkanie przed przyjciem.

Z A D A N I E 2 . (4


1. Do you think the man/woman in the photo is seriously ill? Why do you think so?
2. What do you do to stay heaithy?
3. Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know was in hospital.

Z A D A N I E 3. (5


Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

1. What invention do you think has been the most important for people?
2. How do you think technology will change in the next century?
3. What are the disadvantages of using mobile phones?
4. How has the Internet changed our lives?

1 2 0

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


ROZMOWA WSTPNA (okoo 2 minut)


Which places in Poland would you

like to visit? Why?
Do you like travelling by train?
Why?/Why not?
Where did yougo duringyour last
Please describe your best holiday.
Please describe your last school

Have you got any brothers or

sisters? How many and how old
are they?
What do you do in your free time?
What is your father/mother like?
What is your happiest birthday
What family celebrations do you
like? Why?

How often do you eat fast food?
What do you usually eat?
What kind of diet would you
recommend to a friend who wants
to lose weight?
How often do you eat fresh fruit?
Do you like vegetables? Which is
your favourite?

ZADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Wsplnie wprowadzacie si do nowo wynajtego mieszkania. Prosz
porozmawia ze zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Chciaby Pan/Chciaaby Pani zaj wikszy pokj.
=> Wolaby Pan/Wolaaby Pani nie zajmowa si gotowaniem.
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e powinnicie/powinnycie zorganizowa przyjcie dopiero po cakowitym urzdzeniu

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

Do you think the people are enjoying what they are doing?


Which sport is the most enjoyable for you to watch?


Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know tried a new sport.

ZADANIE 3. (S minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

What can we do to protect the Earth?


What are the dangers of climate change?


Should nuclear energy plants be banned? Why?/Why not?


What do you think about ecologists' protests against the building of new roads and factories?

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp, z o. o. 2011



ROZMOWA WSTCPNA (okoo 2 minut)
How big is your family?*
What does your mother/father/
brother/sister look like?
Describe your last birthday party.
What is the best birthday gift you
have ever got?
Do you like weddings? Why?/Why



Do you always eat breakfast?

Why?/Why not?
Are you a vegetarian? Why?/Why
How often do you eat out?
Where do you usually go out
when you eat out?
What do you usually have for

Do you like watching horror films?

Why?/Why not?
Have you ever seen the same film
mor than once? What was it?

How often do you go to the

Do you like reality shows? Why?/
Why not?
How often do you listen to the

ZADANIE 1.(3 minuty)

Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Wsplnie planujecie podj studia za granic. Prosz porozmawia ze
zdajcym. Rozpoczyna Pan/Pani rozmow.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
"=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Wolaby Pan/Wolaaby Pani studiowa w kraju anglojzycznym.
=> Najbardziej obawia si Pan/Pani egzaminw ustnych.
=> Zaley Panu/Pani na tym, aby uczelnia miaa bogat ofert stypendialn.

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

What do you think has happened?


In your opinion, what should a good relationship be like?


Tell me about a situation when you had an argument with your friendfs).

ZADANIE 3. (5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

How has the way we shop changed over the last fifty years?


What are the advantages of going shopping in large shopping centres?


Do you think there are too many adverts on TV? Why?/Why not?


Have you ever complained in a shop? Why? What was the result?


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


ROZMOWA WSTfPNA (okoo 2 minut)



What do you like about the place

where you live?

Can your grandmother and

grandfather use a computer?
What is your favourite website?
What functions in ypur mobile
phone do you use most often?
Have you ever had a problem with
your computer? Tell me about it.
What is your opinion about
children playing violent

Do you sort rubbish? Why?/Why


Would you like to live in the

country? Why?/Why not?
Would you like to live abroad?
Why?/Why not?
Which room do you spend the
mosttime in?
Which room do you spend the
least time in?

Do you save energy? Why?/Why

not? How?
What is your favourite animal?
Why do some people not like pets?
Do you think cars should be
banned from city centres? Why?/
Why not?

ZADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani potencjalnym pracodawc zdajcego. Prosz z nim porozmawia. Rozpoczyna Pan/Pani rozmow.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e zdajcy ma zbyt mae dowiadczenie zawodowe, i dlatego musi odby dodatkowe szkolenie.
=> Jest Pan/Pani gotw/gotowa zaproponowa zdajcemu posad na okres prbny, podczas ktrego bdzie
zajmowa si biurem i obsug korespondencji.
=> Jako pracodawca zapewnia Pan/Pani szereg warsztatw rozwijajcych umiejtnoci pracownikw.

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

Do you think the people are enjoying their trip? Why?/Why not?


What kind of holiday do you prefer? Why?


Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know had an unusual journey.

ZADANIE 3. (5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

Should smoking be banned everywhere except smokers' homes?


Do you think smokers should pay higher health insurance?


Why do people start smoking?


What can we do to lead a healthy life?

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 2 3


ROZMOWA WSTPNA (okoo 2 minut)
What clothes do yoiHike wearing?
What clothes are in fashion now?
Tell me about a situation
when you were excited about
What makes you angry? Why?
Please describe someone who you
think is beautiful.

Do you enjoy shopping? Why?/
Why not?
What kindof things d o y o u often
shop for?
What is something that you have
recently bought that was a good
Do you ever buy second-hand
things? Why?/Why not?
What kindof advertisements
attract your attention?

Are you afraid of walking outside
after dark?
Do you take any interest in
politics? Why?/Why not?
In youropinion, why do young
people commit crimes?
Why do people end up being

Why do wars happen?

ZADANIE 1, (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Planujecie przygotowanie kolacji dla waszego wsplnego znajomego.
Prosz porozmawia ze zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
O Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
^> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Prosz przypomnie zdajcemu, e wasz znajomy jest na diecie i nie wszystkie skadniki potraw bd dla niego
=> Jest Pan/Pani zdania, e nie powinnicie/powinnycie serwowa smaonych potraw.
=> Jest Pan/Pani gotw/gotowa zaj si przygotowaniem deseru.

ZADANIE 2. (4 minuty)

Is the girl interested in her piano lesson? Why?/Why not?


How important do you think musie education is for students at school?


What was your first day at school like?



Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

1. How can science help people?

What kind of technological inventions might appear in ten years' time?


Which technological inventions do you use most frequently? Why?


What are the dangers associated with using the Internet?

I e:4

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


: ROZMOWA WSTCPNA (okoo 2 minut)
What is your mother/father/
brother/sister like?
How did you get to know your
best friend?
How do you like to celebrate your
Do you often argue with your
parents? What about?
Should parents continue to
finance their children after they
tum eighteen? Why?/Why not?

Areyou a memberof any sports
team? Why?/Why not?
What is your favourite summer
Do you prefer prac&sing sports or
watching them on TV? Why?
Which sport is the most
dangerous? Why?
Doyou thinkthere should be
mor PE classes at school? Why?/
Why not?

Doyouconsideryourselfan animal
lover? Why?/Why not?
Are you worried about climate
change? Why?/Why not?
Whats your favourite season?
What can we do to protect the
What can we do to help
endangered animal species?

.ZADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Wsplnie planujecie kilkudniow wycieczk po Polsce. Prosz
porozmawia ze zdajcym. Rozpoczyna Pan/Pani rozmow.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Nie ma Pan/Pani ochoty zwiedza jednego z miejsc, ktre proponuje zdajcy.
=> le znosi Pan/Pani podr autokarem.
^> Nie chce Pan/Pani spa w namiocie.

ZADANIE 2. (4 minuty)

Do you like the house in the picture? Why?/Why not?


Would you like to live on your own? Why?/Why not?


Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know moved into a new flat/house.

ZADANIE 3. (5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

What would your idea job be like?


What jobs do you think will be popular in the futur?


Why do people want to work abroad?


Do you think workaholism is a serious problem in Poland? Why?/Why not?

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 2 5


ROZMOWA W8Tf PNA (okoo 2 minut)


What makes you happy?

What personality characteristics
should a good friend have?
Do people spend too much time
and money on beauty? Why?/
Why not?
Do you agree that clothes do not
make the man? Why?/Why not?
Is it better to be physically
attractive or intelligent? Why?

What does it mean to be a good

What are some good ways to
learn English?
What do you like most about
What are the qualities of a good
Would you like to study abroad?
Why?/Why not?

Doyou watch filmsat h o m e o r a t
thecinema? Why?
What was the last film you saw?
Would you like to be an actor/
actress? Why?/Why not?
What kindof musie do you
usually listen to?
What are some concerts you have
been to?

ZADANIE 1, (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani lekarzem. Zgasza si do Pana/Pani zdajcy, ktry le si poczu. Prosz z nim porozmawia. Rozpoczyna
Pan/Pani rozmow.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Prosz dowiedzie si, czy zdajcy mia ju wczeniej podobne objawy.
=> Zdajcy powinien bardziej uwaa na to, co je.
=> W nastpnym tygodniu jest Pan/Pani na konferencji naukowej; wizyta kontrolna nie jest wic moliwa w tym

ZADANIE 2. (4 minuty)

Do you think the people have already bought what they wanted? Why?/Why not?


Why have shopping centres become so popular?


When did you last go shopping and what did you buy?

ZADANIE 3. (5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

What are the causes of unemployment?


What can governments do to prevent poverty?


What can individuals do to help poor people?


What are the most serious social problems in your conutry?


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


T E S T ~7
ROZMOWA WSTf PNA (okoo 2 minut)


What kind of fiat or housewould

you like to have in the futur?
How many different homes have
you lived in?
Are you planning to move out
of your parents' home when you
start your studies? Why?/Why
Would you prefer to live in the
city or in the country? Why?
What's your favourite room in
your house/flat? Why?

What do you think about public

transport in your city/town?
Where would you like to travel to?
Do you prefer |ravelling with your
parents or with your friends? Why?
Where did you use to spend your
summer holidays as a child?
Please describe your worst holiday.

When was the last time you saw
a doctor? What happened?
How many hours of sleep do you
usually get?

What do you do to stay healthy?

Areyou a memberof agym?
Why?/Why not?
Do you think everyone should
know how to give first aid? Why?/
Why not?

ZADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Planujecie wsplne wyjcie do restauracji. Prosz porozmawia ze
zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Nie ma Pan/Pani ochoty prbowa egzotycznych da.
=> Nie chce Pan/Pani wyda wicej ni sto zotych.
=> Ma Pan/Pani jutro rano egzamin i musi Pan/Pani wczenie wsta

ZADAM l E 2, (4 minuty)

What do you think the relationship is between the people in the picture?


In your opinion, how important is it to spend time with your parents?


Tell me about a situation when you had a good time with your family.

ZADANIE 3. (S minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

Which sports should be practiced in PE lessons? Why?


What is mor important in sport: winning or taking part?


What are the benefits of professional sport?


What can we do to keep fit?

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011



ROZMOWA WSTCPNA (okoo 2 minut)


What job would you lik^to do in

the futur? Why?
Which job do you think is the
most boring? Why?
In your opinion, is it better to
have a well-paid or an interesting
job? Why?
Would you like to be a doctor?
Why?/Why not?
Have you ever done any summer
work? When? What kind?

Have you ever had any injury?

When? What kind?
How often do you exercise?
How often do you go to the
When was the last time you went
to the dentist? How did you feel?
What do you do when you catch

a cold?

What makes you feel relaxed?
How important is beauty in your
daily life?
What are some characteristics of
your personality?
If you could changeany aspect of
your personality, what would it
What characteristics should
a good boyfriend/girlfriend have?

ZADANIE 1.(3 minuty)

Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Wsplnie przygotowujecie akcj spoeczn powicon ochronie
rodowiska naturalnego. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Chciaby Pan/Chciaaby Pani zorganizowa szereg konkursw dla uczestnikw akcji.
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e rozwieszenie plakatw bdzie najlepszym sposobem poinformowania ludzi o organizowanej
=> Ma Pan/Pani nadziej, e uda si zgromadzi co najmniej dwiecie osb.

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

Do the students look interested? Why?/Why not?


Do you think it is important to use computers at school? Why?/Why not?


Tell me about the most interesting lesson you have ever taken part in.

ZADANIE 3, { minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

What is Creat Britain famous for?


What are the benefits of sightseeing?


What should you remember about when travelling abroad?


What are the advantages of travelling by train?


Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


ROZMOWA WSTPNA (okoo 2 minut)


What's the best/worst restaurant

you've ever been to?
Do you like any foreign foods?
Which ones and why?
Do you enjoy cooking? Why?/Why

What have you bought recently?

Do you buy products because of
advertising? Why?/Why not?
What is the funniest
advertisement youiiave seen?
Describe it.
What sort ofshops do you dislike?
Do you prefer shopping in smali
local shops or large shopping

What do you usually havefor

How often do you eat fruit and
vegetables? Why?

Do you think your country is a safe
place to live in? Why?/Why not?
Do you feel sorry for people who
live on the street? Why?/Why not?
What are the worst social
problems in Poland now? Why?
Would you like to become a
politician? Why?/Why not?

tZADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Zdajcy opowiada Panu/Pani o swoich planach rozpoczcia zdrowego
trybu ycia. Prosz porozmawia ze zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
=> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e zdajcy je za duo sodyczy.
=> Jest Pan/Pani zdania, e zdajcy nie powinien prbowa adnych drastycznych diet.
=> Uwaa Pan/Pani, e najlepsze rezultaty przyniesie poczenie wysiku fizycznego z odpowiedni diet.

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

What do you think the woman is talking about?


How has technology improved our lives?


Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know had a problem with technology.

ZADANIE3.(5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

Why is home so important to people?


How important is it for young people to leave home and start living on their own?


What are the advantages of living in the city?


Is it better to live in one place all your life or live in many different places? Why?

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011

1 2 9


ROZMOWA WSTf PNA (okoo 2 minut)

Would you like to livew a very

big city like New York or Tokyo?
Why?/Why not?
How long have you lived where
you are living now?
What do you like about your
What things in your home
couldn't you live without?
What furniture have you got in
your room?

What is the most dangerous job?
Would you like to work as a
volunteer? Why?/Why not?
Are you planning to find a job
while you're at university? Why?/
Why not?
What job wouldn't you like to do
in the futur?
How should you prepare for a job

Do you remember the first time
you used a computer or the
Internet? When was it?
Do you ever visit English websites
while surfing the Internet? Why?/
Why not?
What do you use your mobile
phone for?
Do you enjoy playing computer
games? Why?/Why not?
Do you see any danger in
computer games? Why?/Why not?

JADANIE 1. (3 minuty)
Jest Pan/Pani koleg/koleank zdajcego. Zdajcy opowiada Panu/Pani o swoich planach zwiedzenia Wielkiej
Brytanii. Prosz porozmawia ze zdajcym. Rozmow rozpoczyna zdajcy.
W zalenoci od tego, jak potoczy si rozmowa, prosz wczy do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty.
=> Prosz poprosi zdajcego o dokadniejsze objanienie ktrej kwestii.
^> Prosz grzecznie nie zgodzi si ze zdajcym, tak aby musia poda kolejne argumenty lub zaproponowa inne
=> Jest Pan/Pani zdania, e podr autokarem z Londynu do Edynburga bdzie trwa za dugo.

Radzi Pan/Pani zdajcemu, aby koniecznie zobaczy ktry z letnich koncertw w Hyde Parku.

=> Pod koniec wakacji chciaby Pan/chciaaby Pani pojecha wsplnie ze zdajcym do Francji.

ZADANIE 2, (4 minuty)

Do you think the parents are happy with their children getting married? Why?/Why not?


Do teenagers like taking part in family celebrations? Why?/Why not?


Tell me about a family celebration you have recently taken part in.

ZADANIE 3, (5 minut)
Prosz zada zdajcemu dwa z poniszych pyta:

Why are some forms of culture considered to be better than others?


What are the advantages of being an artist?


Should there be mor art lessons in school? Why?/Why not?


Do you think paper books will one day be completely replaced by ebooks? Why?/Why not?

1 JU

Testy maturalne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Pearson Central Europ Sp. z o.o. 2011


D: 1'm here in Borno State, a very dry region in northeastern Nigeria. The people here have a problem. Every
year, millions of insects - locusts to be mor specific - fly
in incredibly large groups onto their land and eat all the
fruit, cereals and vegetables. But the people have found
a solution to this problem. They eat the locusts, which
they say are delicious. With me is local man, Gambo
Ibrahim who has been hunting locusts for eight years.
Gambo, is it easy to catch the locusts?
G: No, David, not really. The locusts can fly and obviously
we cannot so we have to catch them on the ground. They
tend not to fly at night because it's really cold and dark. So
thats when we go after them.
D: What equipment do you need?
G: You need protective clothes and a powerful light on
your head, an electric torch, for example. It gets very dark
in the desertat night.
D: The torch is also a trap, isn't it?
G: That's right. The locusts are attracted to the light and
they fly into your face so all you have to do is pick them
off and put them in a bag.
D: What do you do with them when you've caught them?
G: We sell them in the market. For a bag of live locusts
you get from $26 to $30.
D: What happens to them then?
G: The people who buy them, women mostly, cover them
with salt, pepper and spices, fry them in vegetable oil and
sell them on the streets as a snack.
D: What do they taste like?
G: Weil, they may not look very nice, but they taste good.
The back legs are the tastiest part.
D: I believe they're quite nutritious.
G: Oh yes, very nutritious: theyYe very Iow in fats and
carbohydrates, rich in proteins and theyYe crunchy too.
D: Weil, the time has come for me to try one... May
I?... Thankyou... Heregoes... Hmm... It is crunchy....
Delicious! Can I have another one?

Summer's over and it's time to go back to school. So, our
question this morning is, 'who was your most memorable
teacher when you were at school and why?'
1 Ma Crawford was my English teacher at secondary
school. She was an impressive woman. She hardly ever
stood up and she never raised her voice. But there were
never any problems of discipline in her class. We were all
so fascinated in what she had to say. I never liked reading
novels or poetry until she startcd teaching me. But she
had a way of making complex things seem simple and real,
and relevant to my life.
2 I was always getting into trouble at school when I was
a teenager. I didnY like teachers who treated us like
children. But there was one teacher who was different:
Mr Christie the history teacher. He asked us what we
thought about things and listened to our opinions; and
he never punished us if we didnY do our homework, but
just explained why he thought we should. I thought he
was great.
3 The teacher I remember best was my maths teacher,
Doc Smith, but not for teaching maths. He coached the
rugby team in his free time. He spent hours every week
training us and going to matches around the country with
us, without getting paid a penny for it! III never forget the
way he would jump up and down and shout instructions
from the side of the pitch. He was so enthusiastic.
4 She was only with us for a year but III never forget
her. She's the reason I did French at university, Her name
was Annick Guillochon. She was a French assistante, an
assistant teacher. She was only a few years older than
as but she took French from the pages of the book and
rurned it into a real living language. She was beautiful too.
was really upset when she went back to France.
5 Mr Sinclair the science teacher. He was like the typical
~^ad professor, you know like the guy in those 'Back to the
^uture' films? He had bushy white hair and a moustache

and we used to cali him Einstein. He did incredible

experiments which sometimes went terribly wrong and
resulted in explosions and so on. Nobody ever fell asleep
in his class! You never knew what was going to happen

When he rang the doorbell and I opened the door and
saw him and he said he was there about the fiat, about
the room to rent, I just looked at him. I wasnY expecting
a man. He smiled and asked me if he had the right
address, i f m y name was June and if I was lookingfora
flatmate. I nodded. He asked me if he could come in.
I was about to say no, you canY. 1'm looking for a female
flatmate thats why I wrote 'female flatmate wanted' in
the advert. I was about to tell him to get lost, politely, of
course. But I didnY. I donY know why, but I didnY. I just
invited him in. 'Sit down,' I said. 'Cup of tea?' He sat on
the sofa in the living room while I hurried through to the
kitchen to make the tea, Share my fiat with a man? A man
I didnY know! A man I had only just met! No, that was
stupid. 'Milk and sugar?' I shouted through the open door.
'Just milk', he said. He had a nice voice. But I didnY want
to share with a man. Men never help with the housework.
Men are dirty and noisy and want to watch football on
the telly all the time. No, it just wouIdnY work. I decided
to tell him straight away that I was looking for a woman
to hare with and he just wasnY suitable. I went through
to the living room, put the mugs on the coffee table and
looked him in the eye. 'Biscuit?' I said. 'No, thanks', he
said. He sipped his tea. He had very nice eyes. Very dark
hair, a bit long maybe, but he could get it cut. Tell him,
I told myself. Tell him he's wasting his time. I took a deep
breath and spoke again. 'Listen', I said in my most serious
voice. 'Yes', he replied. 'Would you like to see the fiat?
I asked. He smiled. He had a lovely smile. I felt as if I was
dreaming. With some difficulty, I stood up and showed
him round the kitchen, the bathroom, my room and then
finally I opened the door to the spare room. 'And this,'
I said, 'would be your room'. He stood next to me. He was
tali, I noticed. Slim too. He asked how much the rent was
and if it included heating and water and so on. I answered
automatically. Ten minutes later he was gone. The next
morning he moved in. He was the best flatmate I ever
had. He stayed for two years. But he's not my flatmate
any mor. We didnY argue. He didnY find a better fiat
somewhere else. And he didnY move away to another
town. No, weYe still together, but he's not my flatmate any
mor. He's my husband now.

Colossus, but this has not happened as yet.

As youTI quickly discover, most of the island's main tourist
attractions are here, in the capital. One thing you certainly
shouIdnY miss is the Archaeological Museum, which
features some of the most famous exhibits of ancient
Greece, as well as various examples of mediaeval art. I'm
sureyou'll alsoenjoy...

Well, if you have not yet decided what programmes you
would like to watch this week, please let me give you
a brief look at what we have in stor for you.
1 The arrival of autumn means stronger winds and frosty
mornings. Angela Wright offers advice on how to protect
our flowers, trees and bushes from the cold weather
which is on its way. She has also got plenty of ideas for
colourful floral wali decorations.
2 The housemates have just moved in and it is their first
night together. Tomorrow they are going to take part in
sport and musie activities. Are you curious how they are
getting on and how they react to being watched twentyfour hours a day? Find out live and direct from the house.
3 This weekjennifer visits Birmingham where she meets
41-year-old Stephanie May, who works as a shop assistant
at a garden centr. Stephanie has been wearing the same
type of dress for the last twenty years. What's worse, her
wardrobe contains only one colour: grey. 'Boring!' says
Jennifer and finally manages to convince Stephanie to try
on some smart new clothes. You certainly canY miss the
results of the makeover!
4 The World Cup has finally kicked off. Even though it's
June, it's Winter time in Brazil. Will the weather affect the
performance of the footballers? DonY miss the very first
gam as hosts Brazil get the tournament underway.
5 Yvette Hall hosts football player turned musician Chris
Ross, singer Megan Stewart and musie producer Dave
0'Connor, who will be giving us their suggestions for the
best UK single of all time. You can expect to see plenty of
guests and hear some classic British pop songs performed
live by the house band. The viewers will also have the
chance to vote for their top song, band and singer.

P: YouYe listening to Behind The Scenes. With me in the
studio is Brian Smith, one of the
best-known movie stunt performers in the UK. Thanks for
taking the time to answer our listeners' questions, Brian.
B: My pleasure.

On behalfof Best Holiday Tours l'd like to welcome you
all to Rhodes - the beautiful capital of the Greek island
of Rhodes. My name is Andrea Hill and l'll be your tour
manager for the next few days. Right now we are taking
you to your hotels. Our first stop is the Sunset Beach
Hotel, which we will be arriving at in about twenty
minutes. The second hotel on our list - the Golden
Sand Resort - is another ten minutes away. The fina
stop is the Blue Ocean Hotel, which shouIdnY take us
mor than forty minutes to get to. Please let me give
you a few basie facts about this beautiful island. Rhodes
is the fourth largest Greek island in terms of both land
area and population. It is often referred to as "the Island
of the Sun" because of its patron - Helios, the Greek god
of the sun. This reputation is fully justified, as Rhodes is
the sunniest place in Europ with over 300 days of sun
each year. Rhodes used to be famous for the Colossus
of Rhodes - a statu of the god Helios - listed as one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and considered
the inspiration for New York City's Statu of Liberty.
Did you know, ladies and gentlemen, that the bodies of
both statues are the same size and both of them were
built as a celebration of freedom? The Colossus was
one of the tallest statues of the ancient world and for
many years stood proudly guarding the entrance to the
island's harbour. Unfortunately, it was demolished in
226 B.C. by a strong earthquake that destroyed much of
Rhodes. There have been a number of plans to rebuild the

P:|Let's start with this one.-Jason from Cardiff wants to

know what qualities a good stunt performer should have.
B: Most people think that the most important quality
for a stuntman is to be super fit. Those who are in the
business know, though, that there is mor to it than
just physical strength. You must be fit, of course, but it's

your personality that is absolutely crucial. After all, not

everyone is ready to jump from the third floor just like
that, are they? Another important thing in this job is
patience. You have to be prepared to repeat one scen
ten, twenty or even thirty times...
P: N o w j u d y from Birmingham asks about your biggest

B: You might think I worry most about injuries. In actual
fact, I worry about them very rarely. What 1'm most
concerned about is whether a stunt works exactly the
way I planned it. I mean, you can do the most spectacular
motorbike jump in your career, but it's no good if you
land in the wrong place and the camera operator doesnY
get that two-second shot of your landing. Then you have
to r e p e t h e whole scen again. It doesnY matter if you
do that once or twice but if happens too often, it's just
a waste of everyone's time and people will no longer see
you as a pro.
P: Right. Terry from Cheshire wants to know how you
became a stuntman?
B: I was always into sports. I practised karate back in high
school. And I should mention my cousin at this point. We
would always watch action movies together and then try
to re-enact the most dangerous scenes in his room or at

Testy m a t u r a l n e z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y . P e a r s o n C e n t r a l Europ Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

1 3 1

school. Our teachers werent happy, I can tell you that!

P: It seems like you started at quite a young age, then...
B: Yes, I suppose I did. Most stuntmen start off in the
industry as professional athletes, you know but it's not a
must. You just need to have a set of skills that are useful
for the job, and the right personality too.
P: And here's a question from Scott in Dundee: what is it
like to be a stuntman?

B: Weil, it's nothing like a typical nine-to-five job. I'm

not saying it's any better, it's just different. One day you
set yourself on fire, another time you jump from a high
cliff or climb a skyscraper. Many people ask me why I do
a job that involves so many dangers. Weil, I just like the
adrenalin, I suppose. I always have. Besides, someone's

5 l've got some news about the live musie programme.

The free concert starring rapper Curt Blunt will not be
starting at eight-thirty as advertised. It's been put back
one hour to nine-thirty. That's Curt Blunt on the main
stage at nine-thirty. In the meantime, for all you musiclovers, why not go to the iPod and iPhone Heaven and
check out all the mp3 and multimedia players and all the
novelties in mobile phones. I believe they're giving out free
sets of headphones. Sounds good.


~ ~

N: Come in... Make yourself at home... Would you like
a drink?
): Yeah... a cup of tea would be nice, thanks Naomi...

got to do it if you want to see a good action movie!

N: OK... Weil, what do you think?

P: Right! And howabout...

J: What do I think? It's amazing! You've totally changed it.


It's like a new fiat. I can hardly recognise it.



" "1

Why don't the British say what they mean? Weil, let me
be mor precise because it's not fair to say the British
never say what they mean. I mean, if you ask someone
at a railway ticket office what time the next train to
Manchester is, they'll almost certainly tell you the time
of the next train to Manchester. Or if you ask a shop
assistant the price of a loaf of bread, they'll tell you how
much it is. So what I really mean is why do the British
use irony so much? My dictionary defines irony as 'when
you use words that are the opposite of what you really
mean' and the British do this a lot. For example, last
Saturday I met my friend Rodney in Hyde Park and the
first thing he said to me was 'it's a bit chilly, isn't it?'
'Chilly?' I said, 'doesn't chilly mean cold? It's not cold
today! It's really hot!' Rodney just smiled at me and said
'never mind.' Or another example. I'm with my friend
Emily outside a cinema. We're waiting for our friend
Jemma and I tell Emily l'm worried that Jemma might be
late. Emily laughs and says 'Jemma? Late? Impossible, you
know how punctual she is.' 'But Jemma's often late,' I said.
Emily rolled her eyes and nodded. The British even use
irony on themselves. For example, Emily had been to the
hairdresser's and got her hair cut really short so we start
talking about hairstyles and how hard it is to look after
long hair and Rodney says 'Yeah, I just don't know what
to do with my hair.' Rodney has no hair; he's completely
bald! So why did he say that? Because he was trying to be
funny. That's why British people use irony. To make you
laugh. The complete definition of irony in my dictionary
makes it very elear. Irony is 'when you use words that are
the opposite of what you really mean... in order to be

N: l'm glad you like itjerome.

J: It looks so ordered... neat... elegant. It makes my fiat
look like a complete mess.
N: My dear brother, your fiat is a complete mess.
J: Hmm... did you get a decorator to do it or something?
N: No, just Erie and me.
J: It looks kindofOriental.
N: That's because I used Feng Shui.
J: Feng what?
N: Feng Shui.
): What's Feng Shui?
N: lt's an ancient Chinese technique that...
J: So that explains all the bamboo.
N: Yeah I got it at that new shop in the High Street. Feng
Shui is supposed to help you balance the energy in the
space where you live in order to bring you good health
and good uck.
J: Oh yeah?
N: Yeah, feng means wind and shui means water. For the
Chinese wind and water are traditionally associated with
good health and good uck. Here's your tea...
J: Thanks.
N: So thats why the windows are open and l've got this
aquarium here in the bookcase and this little fountain in
the kitchen.
J: Hmm... how did you find out about it?
N: I bought a book that tells you how to do it. First,
you've got to get rid of all the things that you don't really
like or need and make your home tidy. Then you've got to
have good air and good light.
J: So that's why you've got so many lamps and mirrors in
the living room?
N: Yep.

1 Welcome to CyberWorld, the country's biggest

electronics exhibition. Just open your eyes and walk about
and you'11 find all the latest innovations in computer
hardware and accessories, software and gaming, mobile
phones and satnav, audio and iPods, digital photography
and lots mor. Remember we're open from Friday
morning until Sunday evening from 10 a.m. to midnight.
2 At the Apple stand near the main entrance there's a
free course in computing basics. It's called 'Starting Off'
and they tell me it's really simple.Just for beginners. So
if you want to learn how to use a mouse, cali a friend on
Skype or send an email, it's the course for you. It starts at

aspiring musie joumalists. The Jazz Musie Magazine has

just opened 'The Young Musie Critic Competition'. The
winner will have the opportunity to publish articles in
the magazines Album Review section! The competition is
open to anyone between the ages of eighteen and twentyfive. In order to enter you need to send a review of a jazz
album you have recently heard or a jazz concert you have
recently attended. Oh, and the review has to be under
300 words long. Please send your work to magazine
jazzmusiscmagazine.com. You had better hurry up - the
competition is closing next Friday, 30 April. The winner
will bechosen by a panel of judgesconsistingof thejozz
Musie Magazines senior joumalists and publishers. The
judges will be looking for original opinions, a persuasive
writing style and a sound knowledge of the chosen
subject. The decision will be announced on 30 June. The
winner will be notified by email and the winning review
will be published both on the magazine's website and
in the printed version. Don't miss your chance! Write
your review today and get published in one of the UK's
most prestigious musie magazines! And now it's time for
'Healthy Lifestyle' with Jane Parkin...

J: Weil, it does look good. The colours are amazing, so

N: That's because my Feng Shui Birth Element is Fire so
l'm supposed to use colours like red and orange and to
have a lot of natural wood in the house because wood
feeds the fire, see?
J: Weil, you certainly have a lot of wood... wooden chairs,
tables, desks, picture frames, ornaments, everything

We asked you to cali in and give a description of your

worst job ever. Here are some of our listeners' responses.
1 My worst job ever was at a casino. I was very excited
at first because l'd heard you could earn quite a lot there.
There were hardly any tips at all, though, and the regular
hourly rat was far below my expectations. On top of that
the customers often got really rude. It's not my fault that
they were losing all their savings!
2 Last year I tried baby-sitting for the first time in my
life. The kids seemed very polite and easy to get on with
at first but before too long they both showed their true
colours... The boy wouldnt listen to anything I was saying.
The girl was even worse: she would instruct me about
what I mustn't do if I didn't want to be fired, like the babysitter before me...
3 Oh, III never forget that awful job I had back in college.
I was working at a local swimming pool. Not bad, you
might say. Weil, don't get the wrong idea... I was far from
being a swimming instructor. What I did for four hours
a day was to fold towels! I hardly saw any people at all. No
one to talk to... only me and my towels... All of them the
same. It was so monotonous!
4 I once worked as a pizza delivery boy. The problem was
that there weren't enough Staff for the number of orders
we got. I was working sixteen hours a day at one point.
I was doing my best, but with that many orders I often
ended up being late, in which case the customers would
get angry and they would complain a lot... When my
manager said he would sack me if I was late again, l'd had
enough. I quit.
5 The worst job l've ever had was at a restaurant. The
manager was almost never there, which mad things
difficult. Whenever the customers complained and
wanted to speak to him, I had to come up with all sorts
of excuses that werent true. I felt horrible doing that
because basically l'm quite an honest person ... The only
good thing about the job was the money.

except the fridge. Can I have a look in the bedroom?

N: Yeah, go ahead.
J: You've changed the posifyn of your bed.
N: Hmm, according to the book my bed has to face in

T: You're listening to Parenting Aduiee Corner. I'm Trcy
Jones and today we're talking about body decoration

11:30 and lasts two hours. There's free tea and biscuits too.

that direction - it brings me uck.

3 The Gaming contest is about to begin. So wake up you

gamers and go to the Games Tent right now. It's still not
too late to sign up for the gaming tournaments on Wii,
Playstation, X-box and Nintendo. You never know, you
could win some of the fabulous prizes on offer including
consoles, games, joysticks, gamepads and even cash prizes.

J: I see.

make your life better?

4 l've just received a cali about the Cool Image exhibition.

Because of the rain, it has moved inside. It is now in
the area right next to the cafeteria. The exhibition
has an amazing collection of digital photographs and
videos by over one hundred professional and amateur
photographers and film makers. That's the Cool Image
photography and film exhibition next to the cafeteria.

P: Weil, fashion is a very important reason. Teens are

N: I don't know really. Erie and I just copied what's in the

very image-conscious these days. They have this desire

book because we like the way it looks.

to compare themse!ves with the images of their idols,

1 3 2

N: What?

among teenagers. With me in the studio is Penny Jarvis,

author of the best-selling book Talking to Your Teen.
Welcome to the studio, Penny.

J: To be honest, sis, this feng shui sounds like a lot of

P: Hi Trcy. Delighted to be here.

nonsense to me. Do you really believe that mirrors and

T: Today's teenagers stop at nothing: piercing, tattoos,

fountains and bamboo and the position of your bed can

extreme haircuts... Is it just the fashion?


many of whom do have some sort of body decoration.

An equally important reason, though, is the teenage need
to show their identity. Some teens do this by choosing

Thank you, Mitch. That was Mitch McKenzie with the

sports news. And now an important announcement for

unconventional clothes, others go in for tattoos or


Testy m a t u r a l n e z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y . Pearson C e n t r a l Europ Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

T: l'm sur there are a lot of parents out there who have
got used to the sight of tattoos and piercings on TV but
they would be terrified if it was their son or daughter who
wanted to do any of those things...
P: l'm sur they would, but that's typical. We are inclined
to think of our children as different from others. 'My little
Johnny would never do such a thing!' we often say. Weil,
our little Johnny might already be taller than us... and he's
going through the difficult time of teenage rebellion. Let's
face it. Trcy, it's not exactly easy to communicate with
most teenagers. But we could do so much to improve the
situation by talking to our kids mor often and listening to
what they've got to say...
T: It all comes down to proper communication, doesn't
it? But what do you suggest we say to our teenager who
has just announced that he or she is getting a tattoo?
P: Weil, it largely depends on your parenting style. The
worst thing you can do is to ignore your childs request.
If the child comes to you, this means they trust you.
Make sur you have a heart-to-heart talk with your child:
listen to his or her arguments and discuss all the health
concerns involved. The only thing teens know is that they
want a tattoo but if you tell them they might get a really
nasty skin infection or a serious disease, they usually look
surprised and start having second thoughts.
T: But what if this doesn't work? Is there anything you
P: You can simply say no. Your child may not like it at
first, but if you make your arguments elear and, most
importantly, act consistently, they usually appreciate
this after a little while. I know quite a few cases ofolder
teenagers actually blaming their parents for letting them
have a tattoo. For some reason, they just stopped liking it.
Another thing you might do...

A: Now it s time for the traffic news with Angela Wilson.
Whats happening on the London motorways, Angela?
B: lt's quite busy, as usual for this time of the day. There's
been a iiuge car crash involving as many as five vehicles
on the M25 between junctions 3 and 4 northbound,
so expect serious delays there. It's also very slow on the
M i l , south-bound due to an accident there earlier. The
vehicles have already been removed from the road but
it s still very slow. Many thanks to Martin who reported
that to us. We've also got queues on the M l . A lorry has
broken down and we've got big delays there now. If you're
heading there, it's going to be much slower than on most
weekdays. The situation will continue for at least the
next half an hour until the vehicles have been cleared.
There's also been an accident delaying traffic on the M4
between junctions 19 and 20. Luckily, the road has been
cleared. The police closed the road in both directions,
but it has now been re-opened and everything is slowly
getting back to normal. Finally, there are queues on the
M26. Apparently, there was a stray cow there on one of
rhe lanes. Many thanks to Kath for reporting this piece
of news. Mor traffic news in half an hour. If you see
a problem on the road, cali us on 0100 200 300.
A; Thank you Angela. A cow? That doesn't happen very
often on the M26, does it? Next we've got the news at 9.00
oclock. Don't go away, we'll be right back...

2 Love at first sight? Oh, come off it! People who believe
in this rubbish must have seen too many Hollywood-style
romantic comedies... Are you trying to tell me that I can
fali in love with a person l've just laid my eyes on and who
I haven't even talked with? The way you look is important,
of course, but just because you think someone is beautiful
doesn't mean you're already in love with the person! Love
takes time, doesn't it?
3 Weil, I don't know, really. I think people tend to overuse
the word 'love' these days. Look at all those Hollywood
stars! They fali in love very quickly and fali out of love even
faster! If it lasts only for a short time, it's not real love, is it?
I think it doesn't really matter in what situations you meet
the love of your life and how !or& it takes to fali in love. A
second look is just as good as first sight, if you ask me.
4 Love at first sight exists for sur. IVe experienced
it myself. NI never forget that day. I was riding a bike,
listening to my mp3 player and didn't notice this girl
coming in my direction. I almost knocked her over!
The moment our eyes met I felt I had known her all my
life... I can't even describe it, it just 'clicked'. We spent
four wonderful years together... but now we are getting
divorced... Weil, that's life...
5 You'd better ask my fiance! He keeps telling me that he
was in love the moment he saw me and promised himself
that he was going to get married to me. Weil, it took him
five years to convince me to be his fiancee. That's what
you cali determination, right? He's a great person, really.
I love him a lot and I probably will become his wife in the
end. It's just that, unlikein hiscase, it certainly wasn't love
at first sight for me...

Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are here today to celebrate the wedding of Bill and
Emma, the two most wonderful, most intelligent and
funniest people I have ever met in my life. Weil, apart from
myself of course. For those of you who haven't met me,
my names Pete and l'm Bills best man. Wait a second, if
l'm the best man, then why has Emma married Bill and
not me? Fortunately, Emma has already promised me
a dat with her sister! But seriously, the most important
people here tonight are Emma and Bill. So, heres to the
happiness of the bride and groom! Bill, my friend, Emma
looks amazing while you... well, you just look like Bill...
I must say, though, that all that make-up has worked
miracles. The last time I saw you that handsome was
at the Halloween party two years ago. Who was it that
you were dressed up as then? Frankenstein? Sorry, my
friend. You look great, of course, not nearly as ugly as you
normally do. According to tradition, l'm supposed to tell
you all about the groom's many good points. Well, l'm
sorry to say but I just can't lie... Seriously, though, Bill is
a great friend and has been sice we were ten years old.
Gosh, it feels like ages! In all those years he has broken
my arm, lost all of my favourite CDs and has done a lot of
other 'friendly' things... At the same time, though, I could
always count on him. Has he ever disappointed me? Has
he complained? Not even once. Emma has been a great
friend as well ever sice she appeared in Bill's life. Thank
you both for being there when I needed you. Now, l'd also
like to thank...




i Ve come out onto the streets of London to ask people
their opinion on love at first sight. Her are some of the
-esponses we recorded this morning.
1 My grandparents are an excellent example of love
at first sight. They met when they were still in college.
Wy grandma often told me that as soon as she saw
grandad she instantly knew he was the one. She just felt
it. Grandad felt the same way. My grandparents were the
best couple you can possibly imagine: going everywhere
together, holding hands, saying 'I love you' without any

H: Please give a warm welcome to Professor Nick Harris

from Surrey University, a world famous futurologist, who
has kindly agreed to present us his vision of the futur.
P: Thank you, Dr. Hastings. The futur may seem like
a distant concept, but if you think about how far we
have come in the last ten years, it's just round the corner.
iPhones, Facebook, iPads - non of these things existed
ten years ago! And the next decade is going to see even
faster technological and medical advancement. Lets
have a look at technology first. One thing we're all going
to see is a rapid expansion of computer power. In about
ten years' time the average person at home is going to

have a computer that is mor powerful than the most

powerful computer that NASA is using today. As well as
this incredible change in computer capacity, you can also
expect to see lots mor people using computers and the
Internet, including the elderly. In fact, there will be fewer
and fewer retired people who say 'Oh, l'm too old for this',
and mor and mor who will be keen to keep up with all
the latest technological trends. Another important area
of development will be the celi phone industry. Forget
those simple extras like a camera or an mp3 player. In
the futur, you'll pay all your bills with your celi phone.
You'll get into the metro with your celi phone. And that's
not all. You'll be sitting in a cafe, and youll just press
a button on your phone and it will tell you where your
coffee came from! Let's not forget about the new medical
breakthroughs which are going to come. We know that
big drug companies are already working on the first ever
anti-ageing drug. But don't get this wrong, anti-ageing
is not about trying to make people live an extra 100
years. What the drug companies are trying to do is to
find a pili that will imitate the health benefits of dieting
and exercise without actually doing any of those things.
For the elderly and the weak, this would mean a much
better chance of fighting disease and staying fit. In the
futur, well all have the chance to live better lives. The
advances in technology can help us communicate better,
while the latest discoveries in medicine can enable us to
heal faster and live longer. How we are going to use these
developments, however, will be entirely up to us. Now,



1 This is the fina boarding cali for passengers on flight

285 to Edinburgh. Please proceed to gate 14 immediately.
The fina checks are being completed and the captain
will order the doors of the aireraft to be closed in
approximately fifteen minutes' time. I repeat: this is
the fina boarding cali for passengers on flight 285 to
Edinburgh. Thank you.
2 This is an important message for the passengers flying
to Edinburgh with British Airways, flight number 285.
Please not that there has been a change of gates. The
aireraft will be now be boarding at gate 12. Thank you.
3 Good morning, passengers. This is the pre-boarding
announcement for flight 285 to Edinburgh. We are
now inviting all passengers with smali children and any
passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding
at this time. Please have your boarding pass ready for
inspection. Regular boarding will begin in approximately
fifteen minutes' time. Thank you.
4 Can I haVe your attention, please? Flight 285 to
Edinburgh has been delayed due to technical problems. It
will now be departing at 9.30.
5 Your attention please. Flight 285 to Edinburgh has been
cancelled due to bad weather. Please contact the British
Airway's desks to re-book your flight. We apologise for any


Ladies and gentlemen, before we listen to tonights

concert, you might like to learn a few biographical details
about the composer. Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin was
a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist, one of the greatest
representatives of Romantic musie. He was bom on 1
March, 1810 at elazowa Wola, a smali town to the west
ofWarsaw. HisfatherwasFrench and his motherwas
Polish. Chopin became familiar with musie at an early
age. When he was six, he was already trying to make up
new melodies on the piano. At the age of seven, he began
giving public concerts and composed two Polonaises.
These smali works were described as some of the most
famous Polonaises that existed at the time. Chopin was
often compared with Mozart as a child and also with
Beethoven. In 1829 Chopin mad a brilliant debut in
Vienna. His piano concerts were very well received. The
door to his career in Western Europ was now wide open.
After the collapse of Polands November Uprising in
1830 and the Russian oppressions that followed, Chopin
decided to stay in France. He never returned to Poland
and became one of many expatriates of the Polish Great

Testy m a t u r a l n e z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y . Pear-son C e n t r a l E u r o p Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

3 3

Emigration. In 1835 he became a French citizen. However,

he could never perfectly master the French language.
This was because his family home was always dominated
by Polish culture and the Polish language. French was
hardly ever spoken. In Paris, Chopin gave piano lessons to
rich students from all over Europ. He rarely performed
publicly, though. Rather than playing in front of big
audiences, he preferred playing at his o ^ n apartment for
smali groups of friends. Also, his poor health prevented
him from travelling long distances. Between 1839 and
1843, Chopin composed most of his greatest works. It
is said that Chopin's creative process of writing musie
was very dramatic he would ery, shout, complain, and
make hundreds of changes in the concept of a musical
piece, only to return to the initial idea. Chopin's illness
progressed. On the morningof Wednesday, 17 October
1849, Chopin died. The official causeof hisdeath was
tuberculosis - a serious lung disease. However, in 2008 this
cause was questioned and alternative causes for his death
were put forward. Chopin was buried in Paris, at Pere
Lachaise Cemetery. The funeral was attended by nearly
three thousand people.Just as he had wished, however,
Chopins heart was taken from his body after his death
and brought to Warsaw. We all know Chopin as a virtuoso
pianist. Indeed, most of Chopin'scompositions were
written for the piano as solo instrument. Even though he
didn't invent them, Chopin mad major innovations to
such musical forms as the piano sonata, mazufka, waltz,
nocturne and prelude. The musical form he did invent,
though, was the instrumental ballad. I hope you will
enjoy tonight's concert which is going to be performed by
ajapanese pianist Kazumi Hirokami...

figures. The industry minister, Heather Turnbull welcomed

the news and claimed that this was evidence that the
government's economic policies have started to work. The
opposition leader, Dan Mackie, however, said that there
were still over two million people out of work and once
again insisted the government should cali an early genera
3 An opinion poll suggests that if an election were held
today, there would be no elear winner. According to the
survey, the governing Radical Democrat Party would
win only 32% ofthe national vote, that is 7% less than in
the last genera election. The main opposition group the
Social Liberals would win 31%, up only 2% on last time.
The Europ Ecology party, however, is predicted to take
a much larger share of the vote, moving up by over 10%
to 22%. That means that they could hod the balance in
a new parliament.
4 Thefloods in southern Germany have killed two mor
people. The victims, a 67-year-old man and his 69-year-old
wife were found in the basement of their house in the
Bavarian town of Leipheim. It is believed the victims were
trying to rescue belongings from their home when their
house was flooded. Several thousand people have already
been evacuated from the area sice last Saturday.
5 Sports news. There are calls for the English football
manager, Alec Bon to resign after last night's disastrous
three-nil defeat to Montenegro. England's hopes of
qualifying for next year's World Cup in Brazil have now
almost disappeared. But Bon said he had no intention
of resigning and added that he and his players would
keep on fighting as long as there was still a mathematical
chance of qualification. Mor news at six otlock.

A friend told me he was addicted to a computer gam.
'I won't tell you which one because it'll eat up your life,'
he warned me. Tm spending tweke hours a day on it,
and my eyes have gone funny.' 'Don't worry. It won't do
that to me,' I said, Tve never been addicted to anything.'
'OK, if you're sur,' the friend replied, 'it's called Drop 7.'
The next day, I downloaded the gam to see if it really
was that fascinating. The gam is similar to Tetris the
geometry puzzle gam, but uses nutnbers instead of
shapes. I spent an hour working out how to play it; after
that, I was hypnotised. There was something so satisfying
about exploding the brightly coloured blocks: it took
skill and strategy. After about an hour, I switched the
gam off. It had been fun but now it was time to forget it.
Unfortunately, I found this difficult. When another friend
asked me out, I lied and said I was too tired. I knew that
saying 'I need to play this computer gam' would sound
strange and antisocial. I played again and again. Each time
I started a gam, I promised myself it would be the last;
each time, I broke my promise. One time during dinner, in
a break between courses, I began playing the gam under
the table. My friends were not impressed. It stopped
me from sleeping. When I closed my eyes, all I could see
were numbers. The next day, I deleted the gam. But an
hour later, I gave up and downloaded it again. It's been
two months now, and I still find Drop 7 mor attractive
than work or friends. Two weeks ago, in a panic, I called
the friend who had warned me not to play the gam and
admitted he had been right. He surprised me. He said,
'I don't play that any mor.' 'How did you stop?' I asked
enthusiastically; ready to do whatever he'd done. He
replied: 'I found another gam that's even mor addictive.'

1 Twenty-five miners have been trapped underground

in a coal min in South Africa. It happened when a
tunnel collapsed early this morning in Highfield min
near Mpumalanga in the east of the country. Nobody
was killed but three ofthe miners were injured in the
accident. The South African government has said it will do
everything in its power to free the men but that it could
take mor than a month.
2 Unemployment figures have fallen for the first time in
three years. The latest figures show that unemployment
now stands at 7.8%, which is 0.3% lower than last month's

I d 4

M: YouYe listening to the Mara 0'Donoghue show. It's

five past three; time for our weekly book review with Alan
Trapp. Hi, Alan.
A: Hello, Mara.
M: What have you been reading this week, Alan?
A: Weil, quite a lot, Mara, mostly fiction. But I want to
start by talking about a book that really impressed me. It's
called 'One Red Paperclip: How a Smali Piece of Stationery
Turned into a Great Big Adventure' by young Canadian
Kyle MacDonald.
M: What's it about?
A: lt's a true story about how the author turned a paper
clip into a house.
M: l'm sorry. Did you say paper clip? One of those smali
things that we use to hod pieces of paper together?
A: Yes, except that this wasn't a normal paper clip, but
a large red plastic one about one metre long.
M: And he turned it into a house?
A: That's right. Kyle MacDonald turned a paper clip into
a house and he did it without spending a penny.
M: Is he a magician?
A: No, but he knows how to find a bargain, that's for sur.
M: How did he do it?
A: By trading on the Internet. He started off by
advertising this large red paper clip on his web page. And

he was so keen to have this one that he offered Kyle a part

in a film.
M: No!
A: Yes! And that's when the smali town of Kipling in
Saskatchewan, Canada contacted Kyle.
M: Why?
A: The residents had been following Kyle's story on his
website and one of the townspeople was desperate to
get a part in a film so they offered Kyle a house, an empty
house in the town.
M: And he accepted?
A: Yes.
M: What a story! But is it a good book?
A: lt's a great book. First, it shows just what you can do if
you have enough enthusiasm and energy, and secondly...



P: Thank you... I am very glad we are meeting here, in San

PA: San Jose...
P: I meant San Jose, of course! I'm glad we are meeting
here. This is where my wife comes from! This is where
I started my political career. This is where I learnt this
basie truth: if you really believe in something, you should
always follow your dreams! Never give up and you're
going to achieve exactly what you want! I'm here today to
announce my
erm... my re-election for candidacy...
erm... my candidacy for re-election, that is! I have worked
hard over the last six years to proudly represent our state
and improve the well-being of its residents. And we have
reason to celebrate. Our state ranks first in job growth
for this year and second in income growth! No, wait
please... sorry, third, not second... My mistake, ha ha.
Anyway, we've been doing great, folks! The areas we've
been particularly successful in are education and the
protection ofthe environment. Our schools... Oh, it's my
celi... I forgot to switch it off... Our schools are
and safer. Our schools are better and safer, yes... Sorry.
Our investments in education have brought excellent
results: when compared to last year, this year's test scores
are higher by nearly a third! What's mor, I hear the kids
really like going to school now and they don't complain
about their school lunches anymore! Weil, I did when I
went to school... We have also dealt exceptionally well
with environmental issues. We've been working hand-inhand with the world's top experts in ecology to help us
prepare the most efficient program to make our air and
water cleaner. It was only last month that a group of our
state officials visited Sweden's capital, erm... Pari... erm...
Zurich... to discuss ways to limit the emission of darbon
cioxide... erm... carbon dioxide, that is!
PA: Swedens capital is Stockholm, not Zurich.
P: Oh, is it? Are you sur? Well, I would never have
said... Right, my assistant has just told me the capital
of Sweden is Stockholm, not Zurich. Thank you, Sarah.
Isn't she lovely? My dear fellow state citizens, if you
give me another chance and elect me for the next term,
I promise...

someone offered to give him a pen in the shape of a fish

for it. Then he found someone who wanted the pen
and who offered him something else. And so he started
exchanging one thing for another and soon he became an
Internet celebrity. People were queuing up to do business
with him.
M: Right.
A: He got a van, a recording contract, a year in a free
apartment in Phoenix, Arizona, and an afternoon with the
rock star Alice Cooper.
M: Amazing!
A: Then he surprised a lot of people by giving up the
chance to spend some time with a rock star for a snw
globe. You know, one of those little glass things that you
shake and it looks as if it's snowing inside.
M: That was a mistake, surely?
A: No, because fortunately for Kyle, there was
a Hollywood film director who collects snw globes and



The topie ofthe day is of course last night's football gam.
You keep calling in to share your opinions with us. Here
are some of them.
1 FootbalTs coming home, eh? Whoever came up with
that one doesn't know a thing about football. I've been
supporting England sice I was five and l've never seen
a worse gam in my life. I mean, look at those players.
They can't even pass the bali properly! And these blokes
represent our country! Have you got any idea what kind of
money these lads are earning? If they d o n t even feel like
moving, they don't deserve all those millions of pounds!
Do you know what I mean?!
2 I feel really sorry for the players, the coach and all the
fans. Why didn't the referee see that bali cross the goal
lin? We could have still won it! Well, maybe not, but we
still stood a chance. We were robbed again. It just feels

Testy m a t u r a l n e z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y . P e a r s o n C e n t r a l Europ Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

awful! People expected so much frorn this team and now

we have to wait another four years. Again!


3 I could see it coming as soon as Germany scored their

first goal. 4-1, my goodness! What a shame! I never shared
this belief that doing it "the English way" was the best.
We've been playing "the English way" for the last fifty
years and haven't achieved much! It's time to change
everything in English football: the education of young
players, the training methods, the strategy! Its time we
Iearnt our lesson. And the manager is overpaid, by the
4 i wish football had never been invented in the first
place, considering what's happened to my husband. He
hasn't spoken a word to anyone sice last night. He didn't
go to work today. I'm not even sur if he let his boss know.
I've never seen him behave like that. Its only a stupid
gam! What an awful thing, football is! Really!
5 Last night really upset me. I mean, l'm sorry for the
team like everyone else, but theres something else... I bet
some money on Germany, you see... I never believed
they could win. It was just for fun! Iwon 1,000 pounds...
The first time l've won anything in my life. I don't know.
I should be happy, I suppose. But now I feel really bad
about that money.
B i p H B g n

_ _

G: Good evening, everyone. Glad to have you all with
- us. On this Special Edition of Jason Miller's News Focus
we have Jason direct from Abbeville, Louisiana, where
he is witnessing one of the greatest natural disasters in
American history: Hurricane Rita. Now, Jason, you've seen
che terrible damage caused by the hurricane. I imagine it's
not a pretty sight?

J: lt's a terrible sight, believe me, Gili. Hundredsof

buildings under water and thousands of people trapped
on the rooftops of their houses waiting for the emergency
relief workers. The rescue operation has been going on
non-stop for the last twelve hours. I managed to find out
that as many as 1500 people had aiready been evacuated.
There are still many mor left, though.
G: Where are the evacuees being taken to?
L The evacuees are being transported by helicopter to
specially prepared shelters about one hundred kilometres
north of Abbeville. The government officials keep
repeating: don't come home yet, just stay where you
are. However, some people are ignoring this advice and
they are coming back to their homes with the hope of
collecting their personal belongings that may still be there.
This is really very dangerous, so these people should really
do what they're being told and wait until the emergency
crews have finished doing their work.
G: Are you able to say at this point how much damage
has been done?
J: lt's definitely too early to assess the amount of damage
at this point, but one thing we can aiready say is that it is
the worst hurricane this town has seen for many, many
years. It's going to cost millions of dollars to repair all the
damage. And that is not going to happen soon. You can
see behind me here a popular shopping area with lots
of shops, bars and restaurants. TheyYe all close to being
completely under water. But this is just one smali place.
There are huge numbers of houses that have simply been
washed away by the water. And to make things worse,
those homes which weren't struck by the hurricane are
going to be without electricity tonight. According to the
officials, people will have to wait at least twelve mor
hours for the power to be switched on again.
G: Jason, we are carefully following the weather reports. It
ooks like the worst is over.
J: Thats correct. If the rain and the wind continued here,
the rescue operations would be much mor difficult and
they would take much longer.

' G; Thank you, Jason. That was Jason Miller live from
Abbeville, Louisiana. We will be following the events in
Abbeville for the next hour, so please don't go away.

S: lt's Wednesday today and its almost 2.30, so its time
for Young Heroes. Trish, who is this week's hero?
T: Today we're talking about one of the youngest
philanthropists of all time, an American boy named
Zach Bonner, who started his charity work when he was
only six! It all started in 2004 when Hurricane Charlie hit
Florida, causing serious damage to people's houses. As the
underground water pipes were destroyed, a lot of people
didn't have any water to drink. When six-year-old Zach
Iearnt about this, he took his toyjcar - a little red wagon
- and went from door to door in nis neighbourhood to
collect clean water for the victims. Oh, within four months
Zach and the non-profit organisation StandUp For Kids
managed to collect so many supplies for homeless people
such as snacks, toys and toiletries that it took twentyseven trucks to transport them!
S: Goodness!
T: Noonethought it would go that well! Zach also
helped the following year, in 2005, when two other
hurricanes - Katrina and Rita - hit the United States. By
that time, Zachs mother had helped him set up a charity
and named it The Little Red Wagon Foundation - after the
name Zach had been given by his neighbours when he
was collecting a year earlier. The aim of the charity was to
help 1.3 million homeless children in the United States.
To dat, Zach's foundation has collected a large number of
donations. Since 2007, each year Zach has been organising
charity walks. In 2010 he went on a walkcalled The
March Across America that lasted 178 days and covered a
distance of 3,978 kilometres! I'm sur you'd like to know
what Zach does apart from his charity work. Well, in his
free time he plays baseball, tennis and goes on bike rides
with his friends. After he completes school, he would like
to attend Yale Law School, so that he can work in court!
S: Thank you, Trish. We hope Zach's dreams come true
and that his example will inspire others to help people in

1 Do you feel as if your head was about to explode? Do

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2 A: Sarah, I love you so much. Will you marry me?
B: ...Oh.yes!
A: Sarah?! I thought you'd be happy...
B: I am happy, Gavin! Ofcourse I will marry you...
Don't let your sore throat spoil the best moments
of your life. Take Smoother. Smoother: never be left
speechless again.
3 Not so long ago I had serious problems falling asleep.
Iwould toss and t u m in bed for half the night and then
feel exhausted the next day. My doctor prescribed me
EasySleep and now I get a good night's sleep every night!

giving you an amazing and safe tan. Apply twenty

minutes before going out into the sun; then rub some
mor in while sunbathing. FunSunTan.

S: That was the official statement of the Department
for Education on their plans to introduce interactive
whiteboards to schools and now the minister will be
answering your questions. Yes, the lady at the back and
then the gentleman in the second row, please...
J: Polly Stewart, Radio 5 Live. Mr Smith, how are school
students going to benefit from learning based on
interactive whiteboards? And my second question is: how
much are you going to spend on installing them?
M: To answer your first question: an interactive
whiteboard is an exciting new tool that offers pupils
a truy unique classroom experience; an experience which
will make them mor involved in the lessons and help
them memorise things better! If we want students to
see learning as something authentic, we need to bring
technology into the classroom because it's something
they're surrounded by outside school. Lessons with an
interactive whiteboard can be creative and inspiring. To
take the example of a Geography class: when learning
about climate differences in different parts of the world,
pupils can check internet webcams across the world to
see some of these places for themselves. Or in a Maths
lesson, students can rotate and zoom in or out of different
geometrical shapes with the help of an electronic pen.
There are endless opportunities to inspire students by
integrating audio, video, graphics and animation and
making pupils interact with all these elements. I strongly
believe the introduction of interactive whiteboards will
help the learning process! As far as your second question
is concerned, the installation of a single board is about
2,000. We are planning to install the boards in all 2,500
schools over the next two years, which means we are
going to spend 50 million during that period. And this is
the cost of hardware alone. The cost of the software, that
is interactive whiteboard programmes for specific school
subjects, will have to be covered by the school budgets
and local authorities.
SB: Stephen Black, The Daily Newspaper. Mr Smith,
how about the teachers: are they ready to start using
interactive whiteboards instead of the traditional
M: Some of them are aiready using a lot of computerbased mat^rials such as video presentations, so they will
be enthusiastic about even mor technology entering
their classrooms. However, there are also traditional
teachers who are still sceptical and who will need some
basie training in using the interactive whiteboards. And
these teachers are still the biggest group. The Department
for Education is going to provide all the necessary training
for the teachers, so there is no reason to worry. What's
mor, we are going to...


EasySleep, with its special combination of herbs, reduces

stress and helps you fali asleep easily without leaving you

T - TERRY, J - J O

feelingsleepy in the morning.

T: You're listening to the Terry Cole Breakfast Show and

4 A: Let me help you with that bag. It looks like its pretty

now its Jo Cox with the weather. Jo, is there any hope of


this awful rain going away?

B: Oh, thank you so much. Its very kind of you.

J: There certainly is, Terry. The heavy rain we have been

seeing over the last few days across most of the UK is
slowly disappearing, so things should improve in most
areas. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England,
and Wales - thats where the cloud and rain are at the
moment but its moving to the east. So, even if it's still
a bit wet this morning, you can expect some sunny
periods late this afternoon, although in Northern Ireland it
will stay rather cloudy throughout the whole day. 17 to 18
degrees for Glasgow, similar in Belfast, up to 19 degrees in
Cardiff. Moving on to the Midlands - after a lovely bright
start to the day, you may see the rainclouds inereasing and
can expect some heavy thunderstorms later this evening.
East Anglia and the south east - non of the rain is really

A: Oww!
B: Are you alright?
A: Yes, 1'mfine; it's just my back...
B: Got a problem with aching muscles or bruises? Try
PainFree Cel: it removes pain fast and effectively. Rubs in
5 Your long-awaited holidays have finally come. When
relaxing on the beach its easy to fali asleep and forget
about the most basie things... like putting on sun cream...
'Oww!' FunSunTan: a high quality sun cream that ensures
ultra-high protection against the suns burning rays while

Testy m a t u i ilne z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y .

l a r s o n C e n t r a l E u r o p Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

3 5

going to get there, so you can expect a bright and warm

day. Temperatures will reach 19 degrees in Ipswich, 20 in
Norwich and 21 in London. As for tomorrow's weather, we
can expect a lovely sunny day across most of the UK with
moderate winds and sunny spells. There might be showers
at times but most of the country should stay dry and
bright till nightfall. Top temperatures of 19 to 23 degrees.
T: Than k you, Jo. The next weather forest is in half an
hour and now it's time for our big story of the day...

:. I've come out onto the streets of Oxford to ask people

about their eating habits. Her are some of the responses.
1 Weil, I s p e n d m o s t o f t h e d a y runningfrom class to
class, so unfortunately I don't really have time to think too
much about what I eat. I usually grab something on the
go like a slice of pizza or just a chocolate bar if l'm in a real
hurry. I often end up stuffing myself with fast food just
before bedtime. I don't think this is going to change any
time soon. Maybe lii give it some thought in the futur,
2 To be honest, I don't like food that much. Perhaps it's
because I don't want to put on weight. I have to be careful
about what I eat if I want to be serious about modelling.
So I usually have cornflakes with natural yoghurt for
breakfast and a bowl of salad for lunch. I may have
another salad later in the afternoon but I often simply
3 A proper diet is everything. I go to the gym four times
a week and l'm on a ten-week mass building programme
at the moment. If I want to see any results, I have to follow
a strict diet alongside my rigorous exercise workout:
six meals a day, at regular times, all high in protein and
carbohydrates. Weil, my diet may be a bit monotonous
but that's what it takes to look good on the beach!
4 I wish I could have regular mealtimes but it's not that
easy in my job. I'm often stuck in business meetings that
just take hours! I thought I could cheat my body and
pretend I don't feel any hunger but this simply doesn't
work. When I finally do have a chance to eat something,
it's usually one of those late-night business dinners. And
then after a big evening meal like that I often can't fali
5 Oh, we care a lot about proper eating habits in our
family.Oursixotlock dinnersarea ritual! It's when all
of us can finally sit down and talk and have something
proper to eat. We usually have a nice piece of meat like
lamb chops or roast beef. We normally have fruit for
dessert. Cakes are only allowed at weekends!

RP: Now, would you believe that as many as two billion
people in the world suffer from insomnia? With me in the
studio is Lauren Owen, a sleep psychologist. Welcome to
the studio, Lauren.
LO: Good afternoon. Pleasure to be here.
RP: Lauren, why do so many people find it difficult to
have a good night's sleep?
LO: Weil, there are a number of reasons. By far the most
frequent one is stress: we tend to analyse our work and
personal problems while lying in bed. This certainly
doesn't help us to fali asleep! Another thing we often do is
to have too many stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
- they may help us concentrate better during the day
but we shouldn't have too many of them because they're
simply bad for you and can lead to serious sleep disorders!
RP: Right. It's often said that many older people suffer
from insomnia. Is this true?
LO: Yes, the older we get, the mor we seem to lose
our ability to sleep for long periods. This is because
of a hormone called melatonin, which helps regulate
our sleep. As people get older, they simply produce
less melatonin. So, having that in mind, it's easier to
understand why so many elderly people have problems
falling asleep, wake up early in the morning and go to
sleep during the day.
RP: I see. I can imagine, though, that having too little
sleep for a long time can be quite dangerous, can't it?


LO: Absolutely. Insomnia is not harmful if it's only

every now and then, in which case our bodies get back
to normal with a few hours of extra sleep. If it happens
frequently, though, it may have harmful effects on
our body such as headaches, stomach aches, memory
problems, increased sensitivity to sounds and even seeing
things as if they were happening in slow motion...
RP: Oh, dear. It does sound serious! What can we do,
then, to treat insomnia or, even better, to prevent it
LO: Weil, to begin with, we should be aware of a few
simple rules of sleep hygiene. For example, we should try
to go to bed and get up at the same times every day. It's
not advisable to sleep for too long on the weekend, as this
deregulates our natural body rhythm. AIso, it helps if we
associate our bed with sleep, so we should generally avoid
reading, eating, watching TV or working in bed. Finally,
if we can't fali asleep after mor than twenty minutes,
it's better to get up, do something and go back to bed
some time later rather than tossing and turning in bed
for a few hours. We may also like to try such traditional
remedies as having a warm bath or drinking a glass of
warm milk before going to bed. If the problem doesn't
go away, though, you should definitely seek advice from
your doctor.
RP: And how about...


P: Now it's Ralph Emerton with Reflection forToday...
R: I hate filling in forms with useless information that no
one needs or will ever read; especially nowadays in the age
of the computer when every detail of your entire life is just
one click away on a mouse. But the British Government
hasn't realised this as I discovered when I tried to renew
my passport. I have a subscription to an excellent popular
science magazine. Last month, the publisher sent me an
email. They kindly informed me that my subscription
was about to end and politely requested if I would like
to renew it. All I had to do was tick a box indicating if
I wanted the subscription for a period of one, two or
three years. They didn't ask me for my name, address or
dat of birth. Nor did they ask me where I was born, my
mother's maiden name, my email address oranything
else. Why? Because either it's information they don't need
or information they already have on those wonderful
inventions called computers. All they need to do is type
my name into their computer, and they have everything
they need. It is easy, efficient and elegant. Now, why can't
it be like that when you want to renew your passport?
The government has an incredible amount of information
about me. Over the years, l've filled in hundreds of forms
telling them every little detail about my family, my
studies, my job, my income, my taxes and every other
aspectof my life. They have all this information on my
driver's licence, my health insurance card and on my last
three passports. And yet to renew my passport, I have
to fili in a six-page document with all the information
that they already have. The application form comes in
an envelope. On it is my name and address. Inside is the
application form. The first question is 'what is your name
and address?' It is quite absurd. After completing the
form, I see I have to ask someone to sign the back of two
passport photographs to verify who I am. They should
be signed by someone important in the community like
a doctor or a lawyer. Why? Why not the nice lady at the
baker's? Or the bus driver who takes me into town in
the morning? He's got good eyesight. I could just make
up a name and sign the photos myself with my left hand
and nobody would ever know. It's pointless. I sent my
application off last week. The passport's not cheap: it cost
almost 80.1 still haven't received it. I checked the form.
It says 'we aim to return your passport within 3 weeks.
However, that is not guaranteed.' Of course not. The only
thing that is guaranteed is that the next time I apply for
a passport, III have to answer all those stupid questions
yet again.

1 Hi darling. Bad news. The meeting's going to go on
until tomorrow so I have to stay another night here. I'm
really sorry. I know it's your birthday and I said we'd spend
it together but there's nothing I can do about it. I've got
to stay. I really wish I could come home. I certainly don't
want to be here. I want to be with you. I miss you. See you
tomorrow evening. Love you.
2 Hello. I'm phoning to ask if everything's ready for
dinner. I got the crackers at Waitrose yesterday. They were
terribly expensive, but they are good, aren't they? Shall
I give Susan a cali and remind her to bring the Christmas
pudding? And is Scott bringing his girlfriend? I need to
know because I want to know how many mince pies to
make. I'm sorry to bother you but do cali me as soon as
you get in, please.
3 Trudy! Where are you? I've been trying to get hod of
you on your mobile but it says the number's not available.
Have you forgotten to pay your bill again? Listen, is it
alright with you if we go out tomorrow night instead of
tonight? The thing is l've just remembered that tonight is
the fina of 'Dance till you drop' and I don't want to miss
it. Same place, same time, tomorrow, alright? Cali me if
there's a problem.
4 This is a message for Mr Kevin Nolan. l'm calling on
behalf of Mr Harry Fabian. It concerns the money you
owe him. Mr Fabian is sorry to tell you that his patience
is at an end. If you don't pay the fuli amount by 6 p.m. on
New Year's Eve, he will be forced to take action, lega or
otherwise, to get his money back. Have a nice day.
5 Martin! Emma here. I still can't believe it. I've won
the lottery! It's not the big prize so I can't give up my
job or anything. I still have to go to that stupid meeting
tomorrow. But it's quite a lot of money. I've booked a
table for dinner tonight at McCann's. Sorry I didn't cali
earlier but I couldn't find your number. Everyone's coming.
I'd love it if you could come too. It's at 7:30. See you then.


C: Laura Dekker is a fourteen-year-old Dutch girl who

wants to become the youngest person to sail solo around
the world. Initially, her mother was against the idea,
so Laura was placed under the care of the Dutch child
protection services. Then her mother changed her mind
and Laura was allowed to go on the voyage. In August
she sailed with her father to Gibraltar and from there she
began to cross the Atlantic on her own. So our question
today is: how old do you have to be to sail around the
world or to climb Mount Everest? To help us answer it,
Pm delighted to welcome child psychologist Madeleine
McNeill. Hi, Madeleine.
M: Hello, Charles.
C: Madeleine, why should there be any age limits? If
someone wants to do something challenging, why should
we stop them just because we think they're too young?
M: Weil, adults have an obligation to protect children,
don't they? I mean, if your seven-year old son thinks he's
Superman and is about to try to fly from a fourth floor
window, then I don't think you would just watch him do
C: Of course not. But Laura Dekker is an experienced
sailor. I mean, she was actually born on a yacht! Shes been
sailing sice she was a baby! Her parents think she can do
it. So what's wrong with it?
M: What's right with it? Why not wait until she's sixteen
and do it then? What about her education? What about
enjoying her childhood? What about the real risk that
she's going to die just to break a sporting record?
C: OK, what about Jordan Romera? He became the
youngest person ever to climb to the top of Mount
Everest when he was only thirteen. But he did it with
his father and three Sherpa guides so it wasn't that
dangerous, was it?
M: You must bejoking! Climbinga mountain that high is
always dangerous. I'm sorry, but for me that boy's parents
are just irresponsible. They let him climb to the top of
Mount Kilimanjaro when he was only ten for goodness'
sake! That is not right!

Testy m a t u r a l n e z jzyka angielskiego. Poziom p o d s t a w o w y . Pearson C e n t r a l Europ Sp. z o.o. 2 0 1 1

Ksika zawiera:

11 testw do matury pisemnej na poziomie podstawowym,

w tym test przykadowy ze wskazwkami egzaminacyjnymi,
11 zestaww do matury ustnej na poziomie podstawowym,
w tym zestaw przykadowy ze wskazwkami
dodatkowe wiczenia leksykalne do kadego tematu

Ksice towarzyszy pyta MP3 z nagranymi tekstami do zada na
rozumienie ze suchu.
Testy maturalne s dostpne take w formacie on lin
- MyEnglishLab. Zapewniaj one uczniom motywujcy
materia do samodzielnej nauki i przygotowuj ich do
egzaminu maturalnego na poziomie podstawowym,
a nauczycielowi dostarczaj informacji o postpach
w przyswajaniu materiau przez uczniw.
Testy maturalne MyEnglishLab:
zawieraj dokadnie takie same zadania co papierowy zestaw testw, lecz
w formie interaktywnej,
zawieraj tematyczne Banki stw nagrane w formacie MP3,
umoliwiaj automatyczne sprawdzanie testw,
dostarczaj uczniom natychmiastowej informacji o wynikach
rozwizywanych zada i szczegowych wyjanie dziki inteligentnemu
kluczowi odpowiedzi,
przedstawiaj przykadowe modele wypowiedzi pisemnych oraz filmy
pokazujce przykadowe wypowiedzi uczniw podczas egzaminu ustnego
wraz z komentarzem eksperta maturalnego.




' ' j

5 ii


Maturzystom polecamy take Repetytorium

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Repetytorium maturalne. Poziom
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