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Year Plan: Adolescent Development Psychology (Grade 8)

The following is an estimated amount of teaching time required for each subject
area. Many of these topics have extended time allotments due to the projects and
community service outings that are included. It is up to the teacher to determine whether
each topic requires more or less time to cover in sufficient detail, as this is subjective and
should be based on practical experience. Currently, this is the suggested yearly outline for
the following subject areas that are to be included within this course.
Time Frame: First semester
1 month
3 weeks
3 weeks
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
1 month

Introduction to Psychology
The five domains of health and wellness
Influences on Body Image
Reliable and unreliable media and internet
sources/ trusting the internet
Self-esteem and self-efficacy
Goal setting
Stress management
Introduction to social psychology

Time Frame: Second semester

2 weeks
1 month
1 month
2 week
1 month
1 week
3 weeks

Laws of attraction/ relationships
Inclusion vs. segregation and racism
Bullying/ conflict resolution
Regions of the brain and their functions
Short/long term and working memory
Test taking strategies

** The highlighted sections include sensitive topics. Discussions with parents before
addressing these topics with the class are required. It is also necessary to discuss personal
and social management and safety with the class before teaching these topics to ensure a
respectful and safe environment where students are comfortable to share their opinions
and ask questions is maintained. Students must be informed that the information shared
during these times is confidential and must not leave the classroom. Ground rules must be
clearly defined before beginning discussions on these topics. *See GLOS and SLOs for
sensitive material.

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