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Ashley Haag

UL100 Spring 2015

Professor Gutierrez
Scholarly Article
Lee, S. K.,M.B.B.S.PhD., & O'Brien, Karel, MB BCh, BAO MSc. (2014). Parents
as primary caregivers in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(11), 845-7. Retrieved from
1. Relevancy: This source relates to my topic because it is addressing the NICU. This article
states a lot of how the parents should be involved and how they are fitting the parents into
their infants care. The care-by-parent programs are very successful for both the neonate
and the parents. One thing it focusses on is the stress level of the parents and how the
care-by-parent programs reduce the stress with the parents when their infant is being
discharged from the NICU.
2. Accuracy: The authors support their article by using 12 different sources. Half of their
sources are within the past five years. Which means that this information they are
providing is pretty up-to-date.
3. Currency: The source is very much up-to-date. It was published on August 5, 2014 and
was last updated on February 7, 2015. Their references range from 1991; 1993; 2001;
2004; 2006; 2008; 2010-2013. Also, as stated in accuracy, six of the references are from
the past five years.
4. Authority: Both the authors have many credentials. Shoo Lee has MBBS (Bachelor of
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), and PhD. Karel OBrien has MB BCh (Bachelor of
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), BAO (Bachelor in the Art of Obstetrics), and MSc
(Medical Microbiology). With this article dealing with the NICU OBriens BAO is
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform healthcare professionals that care-byparents programs are successful and helpful for both the parents and the infant(s). I feel
like the audience for this type of article would be the healthcare workers and possibly the
parents of premature babies. I believe that it would be for the parents because they can
always suggest the care-by-parents programs to help make their infant in the NICU less
stressful on them.
6. Rating: I would give this article a rating of a 4. I wouldnt give it a 5 because there are
some errors in the writing. However, the authors have good credentials and the article has
been peer reviewed.

Boss, R. D., Kinsman, H. I., & Donohue, P. K. (2012). Health-related quality

of life for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Journal of Perinatology, 32(12), 901-6. doi:
1. Relevancy: This article is related to my topic over the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit because it
talks about the quality of life that can be taken for neonates and what measures and practices the
families and health care providers take or will take. The article also talks about the benefits and
burdens of medical treatments that the families and health care providers are challenged to face
when caring for an ill neonate.
2. Accuracy: There are 72 resources that the three authors used to write this article. However, not
all of the resources that were use are current.
3. Currency: The article is only a few years old and has been revised a couple of times. The
article was revised in January and May of 2012 and was also accepted May of 2012. This article
was then published online in June of 2012. The references that were used to write this article
range from 1946; 1986; 1991-2011. I feel like some of the information may be out dated because
of how old some of the sources are that they used to write this article.
4. Authority: None of the authors have a title stated after or before their. Therefore, I did a little
more research to find out a some about them. All three of the authors have wrote many articles
about the NICU and premature infants. Also, this article has been peer reviewed.
Boss, R. D.: has wrote a lot of articles about the NICU.
Kinsman, H. I.: 2 articles
Donohue, P. K.: also has wrote a lot of articles about premature infants and the NICU
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the reader about the health-related quality of
life of neonates. It also gives information about older pediatric patients. The intended audience
would be healthcare professionals.
6. Rating: I would give this article a rating of 3 because it talks about pediatric quality of life and
then relates it to the NICU quality of life. I would have given it a higher rating if it talked more
about the NICU quality of life.

Social Media/Blog
Rina Shaikh-Lesko. (2015, January 14). Helping families navigate the NICU.
[Web log comment]. Retrieved from

1. Relevancy: This article relates to the NICU because it is coming from a parents
perspective and I would say that would relate to my topic because its strictly talking
about the NICU. It talks a lot about the NICU Family Support Program and the March of
Dimes. Which is about helping the parents and the families. The first article I picked has
to do with the parents as well and I think that is what I am wanting to focus on the most
as I get more into the information about the NICU. I want to learn more about how to
help the parents and families with a premature infant.
2. Accuracy: I would say there would be a little bit of a bias in this article because it is
coming from a parents point of view and she may or may not be one sided. This is a
blog, therefore, it is from the authors opinion. However, there may still be some facts.
There are links (highlighted in red) within the blog, which will help when trying to get
more information about what she is talking about.
3. Currency: The source is definitely up-to-date. It was written/typed on January 14, 2015.
Therefore, this source is only a little over a month old.
4. Authority: The author does not have any credentials, however, she does have the
experience as a mother of a premature baby.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this source is to inform other parents about the new program(s)
going on at Stanfords Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital. The intended audience for this
blog would be parents. I say this because it has some information about what the hospital
is doing to help the parents with premature babies.
6. Rating: I would give this article a 4 rating. I like how it is personal, however, it may have
some bias opinion within it as well.

Bradford, N. (2003). Your premature baby: The first five years.
Toronto, Ont.; Buffalo, N.Y.: Firefly Books.
1. Relevancy: The source relates to my topic because it gives the parents of premature
babies information about how to handle this difficult situation. I have already have two
sources that talk about how to help the parents out, but those other two sources are more
about how to help them understand and how to care for their infant while they are in the
NICU. This sources gives information about the first five years of a premature child not
just information about helping in the NICU. There are also some really good features
within this book.

2. Accuracy: On pages 197 to 200, there is research, medical studies, and resources. I feel
like there is not a bias opinion within this source.
3. Currency: The source was published over ten years ago, therefore, it is a little out-of-date.
However, I believe it is still relevant to my topic and to the world of NICU parents
because it gives information that will help the parents out.
4. Authority: I tried to do some research and find out some things about the author of this
book, but was unsuccessful.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this source is to inform parents and that is who I believe is the
intended audience.
6. Rating: I give this source a rating of a 3 because, for one, I cannot find information about
the author that puts her in the mind set to write about information for parents with
premature babies. I would give it a higher rating if I knew that part of the author.

Greenspan, Jay S, MD. (October 2014). When your babys in the NICU.
Retrieved from
1. Relevancy: This source is also relevant to my topic because it also give information to the
parents. It gives information about the NICU, questions to ask, what to expect, the
equipment, bonding time with your baby, and other things as well. I feel like this source
has a lot of good information for parents. It will give them a more understanding of the
NICU and its equipment.
2. Accuracy: I dont feel like there is a bias within this source. However, there may be some
bias that I did not recognize. One thing I did notice was there were not references listen.
3. Currency: I feel like this source is very up-to-date. It was recently reviewed in October
2014, therefore, it has been looked over within the past year.
4. Authority: Jay Greenspan, MD, was the one who reviewed this article last October,
therefore, Dr. Greenspan has the credentials to have authority over this subject.
5. Purpose: Again the purpose of this article is to inform the parents about information to do
with the NICU. With that said the intended audience would be parents of premature
6. Rating: I would give this source a rating of 4 because it has a lot of good information. It
doesnt just have information about the NICU, but also information about what questions
to ask and the equipment they use in the NICU.

Greenspan, Jay S, MD. (October 2011). Common diagnoses in the NICU.

Retrieved from
1. Relevancy: This source also will help the parents with premature babies in the NICU, but
it will help them in a different way. This source gives information about the common
diagnoses in babies in the NICU. Within each of the diagnoses they tell you what it is,
what causes it, how it is diagnosed, how it is treated, and how long your baby will usually
be in the NICU. It is very relevant to my topic since I had decided to look more on how
to help the parents and to keep them informed about what is going on with their child.
2. Accuracy: I dont think there are any biases in this article because it talks about the
diagnoses of premature babies.
3. Currency: This source is a little older, but it is still within five years.
4. Authority: The authority with this source would be the same as the authority with the last
source. It was reviewed by Jay Greenspan the same guy from the above source.
5. Purpose: The purpose is to inform the parents about common diseases within the NICU.
6. Rating: I would give this source a 4 because it gives good information about disease that
their premature babies could have and if they do have a common disease it gives that
good information.
Scholarly Article
Phelps, M. M., Bedard, W. S., Henry, E., Christensen, S. S., Gardner, R. W., Karp, T., . . .
Christensen, R. D. (2009). Attitudes of NICU professionals regarding feeding blood-tinged
colostrum or milk. Journal of Perinatology, 29(2), 119-23.

1. Relevancy: This article is about a survey that was conducted to see what the attitudes of
NICU professionals were towards feeding breast milk with traces of blood to NICU
patients. It is semi relevant to my topic because its about the NICU and the breast milk
from the mother. However, I do know see that it relates a lot to my topic because it wont
help the parents as much as my other sources will.
2. Accuracy: The authors use support from many years and thirteen out of their twenty-three
sources are from the past ten years. Therefore, their information is pretty up-to-date.

3. Currency: This article was written in 209, which shoes that its an up-to-date article and
the information can still be used. Their references range from 1964; 1984; 1990; 1999;
2001; 2004-2008 and as you can see that there is information from the past ten years.
4. Authority: In the citation and on the article, the authors do not have a title(s) stated after
their name. However, there was a little bit of information about the authors showing what
hospital, university, medical center, etc. they are from.
1. Department of Women and Newborns, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, UT,
USA; 2. McKay-Dee Hospital Center, Ogden, UT, USA; 3. The Institute for Healthcare
Delivery Research, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 4. Intermountain 4-Dental Health, Layton,
UT, USA; 5. Primary Childrens Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 6. Neonatology,
Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, UT, USA and 7. Division of Neonatology,
University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
MM Phelps 1 and 2
WS Bedard 1 and 2
E Henry 1 and 3
SS Christensen 4
RW Gardner 1 and 2
T Karp 1 and 5
SE Wiedmeier 1, 5, 6, and 7
RD Christensen 1 and 2
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to see what the majority of NICU professionals
think about feeding breast milk with traces of blood to NICU patients. I would think the
intended audience would be other NICU professionals because it is showing what the
majority thinks.
6. Rating: I would give this article a rating of a 3 because it is not completely what my topic
is about but in some aspect it also have information that I would probably use in my

Cooper, L. G., Gooding, J. S., Gallagher, J., Sternesky, L., Ledsky, R., & Berns, S. D. (2007).
Impact of a family-centered care initiative on NICU care, staff and families.
Journal of Perinatology, 27, S32-7. doi:

1. Relevancy: This article is relevant to my topic because its a study over family-centered
care in NICUs and that is what I am focusing on with my topic. The study proves that
March of Dimes NICU Family Support has a positive impact on the families overall.
2. Accuracy: These authors used twenty-four references which includes two from the past
ten years. Which would be considered up-to-date.

3. Currency: The article was written in 2007, which would be up-to-date because it was
written within the past ten years. Also, some of the references that were used are within
the past ten years, therefore, some of them are up-to-date as well. Their references are all
from the past 25 years which means some of them are out-of-date but they also used upto-date information. The references range from 1990; 1993-1994; 1997-2006.
4. Authority: LG Cooper, JS Gooding, and SD Berns are part of the National Office, March
of Dimes Foundation. L Sternecky and R Ledsky are part of the Health Systems Research
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to show that family-centered care within NICUs
has a huge impact on the families and that it is working. It also shows that it should be the
standard of care within NICUs.
6. Rating: I would give this article a 4 rating because it is a really good article minus the fact
that only two of the references are within the past ten years.

Heermann, J. A., Wilson, M. E., & Wilhelm, P. A. (2005). Mothers in the NICU:
Outsider to partner. Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 176-81, 200.
Retrieved from

1. Relevancy: This article is about a mothers experience while their premature baby is
receiving care within the NICU. It relates to my topic because it is talking about the
parents and giving experiences that could help out other parents that are going through
the same thing.
2. Accuracy: The authors used 46 references to back up their article. However, out of all the
46 references used none of them are from the last ten years, but there are 18 references
used from 2000 to 2003.
3. Currency: I would say that this article is pretty up-to-date because it was published in the
May/June 2005 issue and was updated April 29, 2014. The only thing that makes it a little
outdated is the references that the authors used.
4. Authority: Judith Heermann is Associate Professor and Clinical Nurse Researcher in The
College of Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center. Margaret Wilson is
Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the College of
Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center. Patricia Wilhelm is Officer in
Charge/Head Nurse, United States Army Health Clinic Schofield Barracks, OB/GYN and

Pediatrie Clinics, Tripler Army, Medical Center. (AuthorAffiliation from Article) From
this information on the authors it shows that they know what they are writing about and it
gives them a lot of authority.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to show the experiences that mothers had when
they infant was in the NICU and to help other mothers that are going through the same
6. Rating: I would give this article a 4 rating because of the sources being out of date. If the
sources were up-to-date then the article might have got a 5 rating because I really like
how they are giving experiences from other mothers.

Boucher, Camille A,R.N., M.Sc(A.), Brazal, Paola M,R.N., M.Sc(A.), Graham-Certosini, C.,
Carnaghan-Sherrard, K., & Feeley, Nancy,R.N., PhD. (2011).
Mothers' breastfeeding experiences in the NICU. Neonatal Network, 30(1), 21-8.
Retrieved from

1. Relevancy: This article is about the experiences of breastfeeding mothers in the NICU.
They describe their experiences by maintaining milk production, the regimen of the
NICU, mother as learner, personal motivation, and forming attachments. This article
relates to my topic because it is another way that will help mothers out when they
unknowingly have a premature infant. Also, it helps show that you can still breastfeed
while your infant is in the NICU.
2. Accuracy: The authors use twenty-four references and nine are from the last ten years.
Also, most of the references that were used are from the last fifteen years.
3. Currency: The article was written in Jan/Feb 2011. I like that the article is only four years
old, therefore, it is very up-to-date. Also, a lot of the references used are within past
fifteen years and nine of them are within the past ten.
4. Authority: All of the authors are RNs and I would say that gives them pretty good
authority for writing an article about mothers breastfeeding in the NICU.
5. Purpose: The purpose of the article to show the experiences that breastfeeding mothers
have had in the NICU.

6. Rating: I would give this article a 5 rating because most of the references are up-to-date
and the information is good. It also relates really well with my topic.

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