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arr caceee cease eae Mires Time Capsule Project You have been instructed to pick a historical fiction book from the library during our previous library visit. Imagine being the main character in the book and having your descendents find a time capsule a hundred years later with artifacts related to the history and events you lived as the main character portrayed in the literary selection, What. artifacts and/or symbols would you possibly find related to the historical events in the book? Materials: Date: Dates to Remember: Book Selected: Book Read: Project Due Date: Container—could be a shoebox, pizza box, but not limited to these choices. 8--3 X 5 index cards 8-- specific items of choice related to your book (Remember your container may be one of the artifacts. Directions: 1. Find ahistorical fiction book that interests you and is at your reading level. ‘The book must be approved by your teacher and contain at least 100 pages. Book Title: Author; Number of pages: Copyright date: 2. Makea list of at least 8 important characters, objects, events (in chronological order) that take place in the character's life story. evauswnn 3. Imagine that you are the main character in the story and you want to leave a time capsule with items and information to share your story with people 1100 years from now. The items and capsule must include important artifacts that represent your story and the history. You may include a journal, timeline, and or drawings and illustrations of the time period. You must have aminimum of 8 items. . For each item, write a short paragraph, from the character's perspective, about the significance or importance of the item. Write each explanation on an index card and attach it to the appropriate item. These must be in complete paragraph form and relate ta the history and events in the character's life. . Decorate your shoe box or capsule in a way that represents the subject of the historical fiction novel you selected, You may cover it with pictures or illustrations. You will need to include the title of the book, the author, and copyright date and your name and class period Checklist for Time Capsule —— Book Checked out _—__ Book Read Historical Time identified (time period ) Number of Pages Title of Book Author of Book Copyright date and 8 Artifacts see 8 paragraphs suet, and Correct bibliographical citing Author's last name, first name, Book Title, copyright date. Name: Date: Time Capsule Project Criteria Points Earned 1. Book checked out and read on time 2. 8 artifacts related to projects (4 pts each) 3.8 paragraphs (4 pts each) 32 4. Your name and book bibliography 5 correctly written and placed on capsule 5. Correct spelling, punctuation, and 6 grammar 6. Project turned in on time 10 7. Neat and organized project 5 Total Points Possible 100 Comments:

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