Annotated Bibliography

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Ashley Haag

UL100 Spring 2015

Professor Gutierrez

Citation #1: Parents as Primary Caregivers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
This source is about how the parents should be involved and how to fit them into their
infants care. It focuses on the how to lower the stress of the parents through care-by-parent
programs. I would like to use some of the information from this source to show the good things
about the care-by-parent programs and how it helps the parents.
Citation #2: Health-Related Quality of Life for Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
This source states some of the benefits and burdens of medical treatment that the families
and health care professionals are challenged with. It also is about the quality of life that can be
taken for the premature babies. This source is kind of related to my other sources by showing
challenges that families will go through, however, it doesnt relate a whole lot.
Citation #3: Helping Families Navigate the NICU
This source is from a parents perspective and has links, to the NICU Family Support
Program information and March of Dimes information, within the text that can help explain a
few things that she wrote about. This source relates really well with the first article that I choose
because it can help parents who have premature babies.
Citation #4: Your Premature Baby: the First Five Years
This book gives information about how to handle the difficult situation about having a
premature baby. It also gives information about the first five years of your premature babys life.
I will use this source to give the parents information about difficult situations and ways to
address and handle them.
Citation #5: When Your Babys in the NICU
This source gives a lot of information about what questions to ask, what to expect, the
equipment, bonding time with your baby, and many other things. I feel like this sources will give
the parents a lot more information about NICU and the treatments their child will go through.
This source relates to my all of my other sources, except the second one, because it is giving the
parents more information.
Citation #6: Common Diagnoses in the NICU
This source goes into detail about common diagnoses within the NICU. It goes into the
telling the parents what it is, what causes it, how it is diagnosed, how it is treated, and how long
their baby may be in the NICU. This source is also like my other sources because it gives the
parents even more information, but it gives information about the diagnoses within the NICU

instead of what the other sources information is. I will use this source in my research to show
how common these diagnoses are.
Citation #7 Attitudes of NICU Professionals Regarding Feeding Blood-Tinged Colostrum or
This article is about the attitudes of NICU professionals toward feeding breast milk with
traces of blood to NICU patients. It is a survey over what the majority of NICU professionals
think about feeding this milk to premature infants. I would use this research for my topic to show
the percentages of what the NICU professionals think and it would be good to have some statics
within my research. However, it does not completely correlate with the rest of my research,
therefore, I would have to find a way to combine this research with the rest of my research.
Citation #8 Impact of a Family-Centered Care Initiative on NICU Care, Staff, and Families
This source is about the study of family-centered care within a NICU. It proves that
family-centered care has a big impact on the families stress levels, comfort levels, and
confidence in parenting. This source relates to one of my other sources extremely well because
the family-centered care is based from the March of Dimes Foundation and in one of the articles
it also talks about the March of Dimes Foundation and a family-centered care.
Citation #9 Mother in the NICU: Outsider to Partner
This source is about the experiences from mothers that has an infant receiving care within
the NICU. I would definitely use this article within my research because it will help me explain
some of the feeling that mothers go through while their child is receiving care. I feel like it
relates to my other topics because it will help mothers/parents with the experience they have to
go through when their infant is in the NICU.
Citation #10 Mothers Breastfeeding Experiences in the NICU
This source is about the experience that breastfeeding mothers have in the NICU. It is
separated into five different sections, maintaining milk production, regimen of the NICU, mother
as learner, personal motivation, and forming attachments. This sources relates really well with
my other sources because it is about the experience of a mother and it will help out other mothers
or families.

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