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There are two characteristics of x that dictate its exponential behavior. First of all,
it is a decimal with an absolute value of less than 1. Secondly, it is a negative
I. True. x3 will always be negative (negative negative negative = negative),
and x2 will always be positive (negative negative = positive), so x3 will always
be less than x2.
II. True. x5 will always be negative, and since x is negative, 1 x will always be
positive because the double negative will essentially turn 1 x into 1 + |x|.
Therefore, x5 will always be less than 1 x.
III. True. One useful method for evaluating this inequality is to plug in a number
for x. If x = - 0.5,
x4 = (-0.5)4 = 0.0625
x2 = (-0.5)2 = 0.25
To understand why this works, it helps to think of the negative aspect of x and the
decimal aspect of x separately.
Because x is being taken to an even exponent in both instances, we can
essentially ignore the negative aspect because we know the both results will be
The rule with decimals between 0 and 1 is that the number gets smaller and
smaller in absolute value as the exponent gets bigger and bigger. Therefore, x4
must be smaller in absolute value than x2.
The correct answer is E.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We can solve this absolute value inequality by considering both
the positive and negative scenarios for the absolute value expression |x + 3|.
If x > -3, making (x + 3) positive, we can rewrite |x + 3| as x + 3:
If x < -3, making (x + 3) negative, we can rewrite |x + 3| as -(x + 3):
-(x + 3) < 4
x + 3 > -4
x > -7
If we combine these two solutions we get -7 < x < 1, which means we cant
tell whether x is positive.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We can solve this absolute value inequality by considering both
the positive and negative scenarios for the absolute value expression |x 3|.
If x > 3, making (x 3) positive, we can rewrite |x 3| as x 3:
If x < 3, making (x 3) negative, we can rewrite |x 3| as -(x 3) OR 3 x
x > -1
If we combine these two solutions we get -1 < x < 7, which means we cant
tell whether x is positive.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: If we combine the solutions from statements (1) and (2)

we get an overlapping range of -1 < x < 1. We still cant tell whether x is positive.
The correct answer is E.
The question asks: is x + n < 0?
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This statement can be rewritten as x + n < 2n 4. This
rephrased statement is consistent with x + n being either negative or nonnegative. (For example if 2n 4 = 1,000, then x + n could be any integer,
negative or not, that is less than 1,000.) Statement (1) is insufficient because it
answers our question by saying "maybe yes, maybe no".
(2) SUFFICIENT: We can divide both sides of this equation by -2 to get x < -n
(remember that the inequality sign flips when we multiply or divide by a negative
number). After adding n to both sides of resulting inequality, we are left with x +
n < 0.
The correct answer is B.
This is a multiple variable inequality problem, so you must solve it by doing
algebraic manipulations on the inequalities.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (1) relates b to d, while giving us no knowledge
about a and c. Therefore statement (1) is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (2) does give a relationship between a and c, but it
still depends on the values of b and d. One way to see this clearly is by realizing
that only the right side of the equation contains the variable d. Perhaps ab2 b is
greater than b2c d simply because of the magnitude of d. Therefore there is no
way to draw any conclusions about the relationship between a and c.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: By adding the two inequalities from statements (1) and
(2) together, we can come to the conclusion that a > c. Two inequalities can
always be added together as long as the direction of the inequality signs is the
ab2 b > b2c d
b> d
----------------------ab2 > b2c
Now divide both sides by b2. Since b2 is always positive, you don't have to worry
about reversing the direction of the inequality. The final result: a > c.
The correct answer is C.
Since this question is presented in a straightforward way, we can proceed right to
the analysis of each statement. On any question that involves inequalities, make
sure to simplify each inequality as much as possible before arriving at the final
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Lets simplify the inequality to rephrase this statement:
-5x > -3x + 10
5x 3x < -10 (don't forget: switch the sign when multiplying or dividing by a
2x < -10
x < -5

Since this statement provides us only with a range of values for x, it is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Once again, simplify the inequality to rephrase the statement:
-11x 10 < 67
-11x < 77
x > -7
Since this statement provides us only with a range of values for x, it is insufficient.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we combine the two statements together, it must be
-7 < x < -5. Since x is an integer, x = -6.
The correct answer is C.

We can start by solving the given inequality for x:

8x > 4 + 6x
2x > 4
So, the rephrased question is: "If the integer x is greater than 2, what is the value
of x?"
(1) SUFFICIENT: Let's solve this inequality for x as well:
6 5x > -13
-5x > -19
x < 3.8
Since we know from the question that x > 2, we can conclude that 2 < x < 3.8.
The only integer between 2 and 3.8 is 3. Therefore, x = 3.
(2) SUFFICIENT: We can break this inequality into two distinct inequalities. Then,
we can solve each inequality for x:
3 2x < -x + 4
-1 < x
-x + 4 < 7.2 2x
x < 7.2 4
x < 3.2
So, we end up with -1 < x < 3.2. Since we know from the information given in the
question that x > 2, we can conclude that 2 < x < 3.2. The only integer between
2 and 3.2 is 3. Therefore, x = 3.
The correct answer is D.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: The question asks us to compare a + b and c + d. No
information is provided about b and d.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: The question asks us to compare a + b and c + d. No
information is provided about a and c.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we rewrite the second statement as b > d, we can add
the two inequalities:



This can only be done when the two inequality symbols are facing the same
The correct answer is C.
Lets start by rephrasing the question. If we square both sides of the equation we

Now subtract xy from both sides and factor:

(xy)2 xy = 0
xy(xy 1) = 0
So xy = 0 or 1
To find the value of x + y here, we need to solve for both x and y.
If xy = 0, either x or y (or both) must be zero.
If xy = 1, x and y are reciprocals of one another.
While we cant come up with a precise rephrasing here, the algebra we
have done will help us see the usefulness of the statements.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Knowing that x = -1/2 does not tell us if y is 0 (i.e. xy =
0) or if y is -2 (i.e. xy = 1)
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Knowing that y is not equal to zero does not tell us
anything about the value of x; x could be zero (to make xy = 0) or any
other value (to make xy = 1).
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we know that y is not zero and we have a
nonzero value for x, neither x nor y is zero; xy therefore must equal 1. If xy
= 1, since x = -1/2, y must equal -2. We can use this information to find x
+ y, -1/2 + (-2) = -5/2.
The correct answer is C.
The question asks whether x is greater than y. The question is already in its most
basic form, so there is no need to rephrase it; we can go straight to the
(1) INSUFFICIENT: The fact that x2 is greater than y does not tell us whether x is
greater than y. For example, if x = 3 and y = 4, then x2 = 9, which is greater
than y although x itself is less than y. But if x = 5 and y = 4, then x2 = 25, which
is greater than y and x itself is also greater than y.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We can square both sides to obtain x < y2. As we saw in the
examples above, it is possible for this statement to be true whether y is less than
or greater than x (just substitute x for y and vice-versa in the examples above).
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: Taking the statements together, we know that x < y2
and y < x2, but we do not know whether x > y. For example, if x = 3 and y = 4,
both of these inequalities hold (3 < 16 and 4 < 9) and x < y. But if x = 4 and y =
3, both of these inequalities still hold (4 < 9 and 3 < 16) but now x > y.

The correct answer is E.

The equation in question can be rephrased as follows:
x2y 6xy + 9y = 0
y(x2 6x + 9) = 0
y(x 3)2 = 0
Therefore, one or both of the following must be true:
y = 0 or
It follows that the product xy must equal either 0 or 3y. This question can
therefore be rephrased What is y?
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This equation cannot be manipulated or combined with the
original equation to solve directly for x or y. Instead, plug the two possible
scenarios from the original equation into the equation from this statement:
If x = 3, then y = 3 + x = 3 + 3 = 6, so xy = (3)(6) = 18.
If y = 0, then x = y 3 = 0 3 = -3, so xy = (-3)(0) = 0.
Since there are two possible answers, this statement is not sufficient.
(2) SUFFICIENT: If x3 < 0, then x < 0. Therefore, x cannot equal 3, and it follows
that y = 0. Therefore, xy = 0.
The correct answer is B.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We can solve the quadratic equation by factoring:
x2 5x + 6 = 0
(x 2)(x 3) = 0
x = 2 or x = 3
Since there are two possible values for x, this statement on its own is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Simply knowing that x > 0 is not enough to determine the
value of x.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: The two statements taken together still allow for two
possible x values: x = 2 or 3.
The correct answer is E.
This question is already in simple form and cannot be rephrased.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This is a second-order or quadratic equation in standard form
ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a = 1, b = 3, and c = 2.
The first step in solving a quadratic equation is to reformat or factor the
equation into a product of two factors of the form (x + y)(x + z). The trick to
factoring is to find two integers whose sum equals b and whose product equals c.
(Informational note: the reason that this works is because multiplying out (x + y)
(x + z) results in x2 + (y + z)x + yz, hence y + z = b and yz = c).
In this case, we have b = 3 and c = 2. This is relatively easy to factor because c

has only two possible combinations of integer multiples: 1 and 2; and -1 and -2.
The only combination that also adds up to b is 1 and 2 since 1 + 2 = 3. Hence, we
can rewrite (1) as the product of two factors: (x + 1)(x + 2) = 0.
In order for a product to be equal to 0, it is only necessary for one of its factors to
be equal to 0. Hence, to solve for x, we must find the xs that would make either
of the factors equal to zero.
The first factor is x + 1. We can quickly see that x + 1 = 0 when x = -1. Similarly,
the second factor x + 2 is equal to zero when x = -2. Therefore, x can be either -1
or -2 and we do not have enough information to answer the question.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We are given a range of possible values for x.
(1) and (2) INSUFFICIENT: (1) gives us two possible values for x, both of which are
negative. (2) only tells us that x is negative, which does not help us pinpoint the
value for x.
The correct answer is E.
When solving an absolute value equation, it helps to first isolate the absolute
value expression:
3|3 x| = 7
|3 x| = 7/3
When removing the absolute value bars, we need to keep in mind that
the expression inside the absolute value bars (3 x) could be positive or
negative. Let's consider both possibilities:
When (3 x) is positive:
(3 x) = 7/3
3 7/3 = x
9/3 7/3 = x
x = 2/3
When (3 x) is negative:
-(3 x) = 7/3
x 3 = 7/3
x = 7/3 + 3
x = 7/3 + 9/3
x = 16/3
So, the two possible values for x are 2/3 and 16/3. The product of these values is
The correct answer is E.
For their quotient to be less than zero, a and b must have opposite signs. In other
words, if the answer to the question is "yes," EITHER a is positive and b is
negative OR a is negative and b is positive.
The question can be rephrased as the following: "Do a and b have opposite
(1) INSUFFICIENT: a2 is always positive so for the quotient of a2 and b3 to be
positive, b3 must be positive. That means that b is positive. This does not
however tell us anything about the sign of a.

(2) INSUFFICIENT: b4 is always positive so for the product of a and b4 to be

negative, a must be negative. This does not however tell us anything about the
sign of b.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Statement 1 tells us that b is positive and statement 2
tells us that a is negative. The yes/no question can be definitively answered with
a "yes."
The correct answer is C.
The question asks about the sign of d.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: When two numbers sum to a negative value, we have two
Possibility A: Both values are negative (e.g., e = -4 and d = -8)
Possibility B: One value is negative and the other is positive.(e.g., e = -15 and d
= 3).
(2) INSUFFICIENT: When the difference of two numbers produces a negative value,
we have three possibilities:
Possibility A: Both values are negative (e.g., e = -20 and d = -3)
Possibility B: One value is negative and the other is positive (e.g., e = -20 and d =
Possibility C: Both values are positive (e.g., e = 20 and d = 30)
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: When d is ADDED to e, the result (-12) is greater than
when d is SUBTRACTED from e. This is only possible if d is a positive value. If d
were a negative value than adding d to a number would produce a smaller value
than subtracting d from that number (since a double negative produces a
positive). You can test numbers to see that d must be positive and so we can
definitively answer the question using both statements.
We are given the inequality a b > a + b. If we subtract a from both sides, we are
left with the inequality -b > b. If we add b to both sides, we get 0 > 2b. If we
divide both sides by 2, we can rephrase the given information as 0 > b, or b is
I. FALSE: All we know from the given inequality is that 0 > b. The value of a could
be either positive or negative.
II. TRUE: We know from the given inequality that 0 > b. Therefore, b must be
III. FALSE: We know from the given inequality that 0 > b. Therefore, b must be
negative. However, the value of a could be either positive or negative. Therefore,
ab could be positive or negative.
The correct answer is B.
Given that |a| = 1/3, the value of a could be either 1/3 or -1/3. Likewise, b could
be either 2/3 or -2/3. Therefore, four possible solutions to a + b exist, as shown in
the following table:













2/3 is the only answer choice that does not represent a possible sum of a + b.

The correct answer is D.

Because we know that |a| = |b|, we know that a and b are equidistant from zero
on the number line. But we do not know anything about the signs of a and b (that
is, whether they are positive or negative). Because the question asks us which
statement(s) MUST be true, we can eliminate any statement that is not always
true. To prove that a statement is not always true, we need to find values for a
and b for which the statement is false.
I. NOT ALWAYS TRUE: a does not necessarily have to equal b. For example, if a =
-3 and b = 3, then |-3| = |3| but -3 3.
II. NOT ALWAYS TRUE: |a| does not necessarily have to equal -b. For example, if a
= 3 and b = 3, then |3| = |3| but |3| -3.
III. NOT ALWAYS TRUE: -a does not necessarily have to equal -b. For example, if a
= -3 and b = 3, then |-3| = |3| but -(-3) -3.
The correct answer is E.
A. x^4>=1=>(x^4-1)>=0=>(x^2-1)(x^2+1)>=0=>(x+ 1)(x-1) (x^2+1)>=0
(x^2+1)>0, so (x+1)(x-1)>=0 =>x<-1,x>1
B. x^3<=27=>(x^3-3^3)<=0=>(x-3)(X^2+3x+3^2)<=0, with d=b^2-4ac we
can know that (X^2+3x+3^2) has no solution, but we know that
(X^2+3x+3^2)=[(x+3/2)^2+27/4]>0, then, (x-3)<=0, x<=3
C. x^2>=16, [x^2-4^2]>=0, (x-4)(x+4)>=0, x>4,x<-4
D. 2<=IxI<=5, 2<=IxI, x>=2, or x<=2
So, answer is E
The question asks whether xn is less than 1. In order to answer this, we need to
know not only whether x is less than 1, but also whether n is positive or negative
since it is the combination of the two conditions that determines whether xn is less
than 1.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If x = 2 and n = 2, xn = 22 = 4. If x = 2 and n = -2, xn = 2(-2) = 1/
(22) = 1/4.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: If x = 2 and n = 2, xn = 22 = 4. If x = 1/2 and n = 2, xn = (1/2)2
= 1/4.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Taken together, the statements tell us that x is greater
than 1 and n is positive. Therefore, for any value of x and for any value of n, xn will
be greater than 1 and we can answer definitively "no" to the question.
The correct answer is C.
Since 35 = 243 and 36 = 729, 3x will be less than 500 only if the integer x is less
than 6. So, we can rephrase the question as follows: "Is x < 6?"
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We can solve the inequality for x.
4x1 < 4x 120
4x1 4x < -120
4x(4-1) 4x < -120
4x(1/4) 4x < -120
4x[(1/4) 1] < -120
4x(-3/4) < -120
4x > 160

Since 43 = 64 and 44 = 256, x must be greater than 3. However, this is not

enough to determine if x < 6.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: If x2 = 36, then x = 6 or -6. Again, this is not enough to
determine if x < 6.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Statement (1) tells us that x > 3 and statement (2) tells
us that x = 6 or -6. Therefore, we can conclude that x = 6. This is sufficient to
answer the question "Is x < 6?" (Recall that the answer "no" is sufficient.)
The correct answer is C
Remember that an odd exponent does not "hide the sign," meaning that x must
be positive in order for x3 to be positive. So, the original question "Is x3 > 1?" can
be rephrased "Is x > 1?"
(1) INSUFFICIENT: It is not clear whether x is greater than 1. For example, x
could be -1, and the answer to the question would be "no," since (-1)3 = -1 < 1
However, x could be 2, and the answer to the question would be "yes," since 23 =
8 > 1.
(2) SUFFICIENT: First, simplify the statement as much as possible.
2x (b c) < c (b 2)
2x b + c < c b + 2
[Distributing the subtraction sign on both sides]
2x < 2
[Canceling the identical terms (+c and -b) on each side]
[Dividing both sides by 2]
Thus, the answer to the rephrased question "Is x > 1?" is always "no." Remember
that for yes/no data sufficiency questions it doesnt matter whether the answer
is yes or no; what is important is whether the additional information in
sufficient to answer either definitively yes or definitively no. In this case, given
the information in (2), the answer is always no; therefore, the answer is a
definitive no and (2) is sufficient to answer the question. If the answer were
yes for some values of x and no for other values of x, it would not be possible
to answer the question definitively, and (2) would not be sufficient.
The correct answer is B.
Square both sides of the given equation to eliminate the square root sign:
(x + 4)2 = 9
Remember that even exponents hide the sign of the base, so there are two
solutions to the equation: (x + 4) = 3 or (x + 4) = -3. On the GMAT, the negative
solution is often the correct one, so evaluate that one first.
(x + 4) = -3
x = -3 4
x = -7
Watch out! Although -7 is an answer choice, it is not correct. The question does
not ask for the value of x, but rather for the value of x 4 = -7 4 = -11.
Alternatively, the expression
can be simplified to |x + 4|, and
the original equation can be solved accordingly.
If |x + 4| = 3, either x = -1 or x = -7
The correct answer is A.

(1) SUFFICIENT: Statement(1) tells us that x > 234, so we want to prove that 234 >
1010. We'll prove this by manipulating the expression 234.
234 = (24)(230)
234 = 16(210)3
Now 210 = 1024, and 1024 is greater than 103. Therefore:
234 > 16(103)3
234 > 16(109)
234 > 1.6(1010).
Since 234 > 1.6(1010) and 1.6(1010) > 1010, then 234 > 1010.
(2) SUFFICIENT: Statement (2) tells us that that x = 235, so we need to determine if
235 > 1010. Statement (1) showed that 234 > 1010, therefore 235 > 1010.
The correct answer is D.
X-2Y < -6 => -X + 2Y > 6
Combined X - Y > -2, we know Y > 4
X - Y > -2 => -2X + 2Y < 4
Combined X - 2Y < -6, we know -X < -2 => X > 2
Therefore, XY > 0
Answer is C

The rules of odds and evens tell us that the product will be odd if all the
factors are odd, and the product will be even if at least one of the factors is
even. In order to analyze the given statements I, II, and III, we must
determine whether x and y are odd or even. First, solve the absolute value
equation for x by considering both the positive and negative values of the
absolute value expression.
If x
is positive:

If x

Therefore, x can be either odd or even.
Next, consider the median (y) of a set of p consecutive integers, where p is odd.
Will this median necessarily be odd or even? Let's choose two examples to find
Example Set 1: 1, 2, 3 (the median y = 2, so y is even)

Example Set 2: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (the median y = 5, so y is odd)

Therefore, y can be either odd or even.
Now, analyze the given statements:
I. UNCERTAIN: Statement I will be true if and only if x, y, and p are all odd. We
know p is odd, but since x and y can be either odd or even we cannot definitively
say that xyp will be odd. For example, if x = 2 then xyp will be even.
II. TRUE: Statement II will be true if any one of the factors is even. After
factoring out a p, the expression can be written as xyp(p + 1). Since p is odd, we
know (p + 1) must be even. Therefore, the product of xyp(p + 1) must be even.
III. UNCERTAIN: Statement III will be true if any one of the factors is even. The
expression can be written as xxyypp. We know that p is odd, and we also know
that both x and y could be odd.
The correct answer is A.

The |x| + |y| on the left side of the equation will always add the positive
value of x to the positive value of y, yielding a positive value. Therefore,
the -x and the -y on the right side of the equation must also each yield a
positive value. The only way for -x and -y to each yield positive values is if
both x and y are negative.
(A) FALSE: For x + y to be greater than zero, either x or y has to be
(B) TRUE: Since x has to be negative and y has to be negative, the sum of
x and y will always be negative.
(C) UNCERTAIN: All that is certain is that x and y have to be negative.
Since x can have a larger magnitude than y and vice-versa, x y could
be greater than zero.
(D) UNCERTAIN: All that is certain is that x and y have to be negative.
Since x can have a larger magnitude than y and vice versa, x y could be
less than zero.
(E) UNCERTAIN: As with choices (C) and (D), we have no idea about the
magnitude of x and y. Therefore, x2 y2 could be either positive or
Another option to solve this problem is to systematically test
numbers. With values for x and y that satisfy the original equation, observe
that both x and y have to be negative. If
x = -4 and y = -2, we can eliminate choices (A) and (C). Then, we might
choose numbers such that y has a greater magnitude than x, such as x =
-2 and y = -4. With these values, we can eliminate choices (D) and (E).


The correct answer is B.

The question asks if xy < 0. Knowing the rules for positives and negatives
(the product of two numbers will be positive if the numbers have the same
sign and negative if the numbers have different signs), we can rephrase
the question as follows: Do x and y have the same sign?
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We can factor the right side of the equation y = x4 x3
as follows:

y = x4 x3
y = x3(x 1)
Let's consider two cases: when x is negative and when x is positive. When
x is negative, x3 will be negative (a negative integer raised to an odd
exponent results in a negative), and (x 1) will be negative. Thus, y will
be the product of two negatives, giving a positive value for y.
When x is positive, x3 will be positive and (x 1) will be positive (remember
that the question includes the constraint that xy is not equal to 0, which
means y cannot be 0, which in turn means that x cannot be 1). Thus, y will
be the product of two positives, giving a positive value for y.
In both cases, y is positive. However, we don't have enough information to
determine the sign of x. Therefore, this statement alone is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Let's factor the left side of the given inequality:
-12y2 y2x + x2y2 > 0
y2(-12 x + x2) > 0
y2(x2 x 12) > 0
y2(x + 3)(x 4) > 0
The expression y2 will obviously be positive, but it tells us nothing about the sign
of y; it could be positive or negative. Since y does not appear anywhere else in
the inequality, we can conclude that statement 2 alone is insufficient (without
determining anything about x) because the statement tells us nothing about y.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: We know from statement (1) that y is positive; we now
need to examine statement 2 further to see what we can determine about x.
We previously determined that y2(x + 3)(x 4) > 0. Thus, in order for y2(x + 3)(x
4) to be greater than 0, (x + 3) and (x 4) must have the same sign. There are
two ways for this to happen: both (x + 3) and (x 4) are positive, or both (x + 3)
and (x 4) are negative. Let's look at the positive case first.
x > -3, and
So, for both expressions to be positive, x must be greater than 4. Now let's look
at the negative case:
x < -3, and
For both expressions to be negative, x must be less than -3. In conclusion,
statement (2) tells us that x > 4 OR x < -3. This is obviously not enough to
determine the sign of x. Since the sign of x is still unknown, the combination of
statements is insufficient to answer the question "Do x and y have the same
The correct answer is E.

This question cannot be rephrased since it is already in a simple form.

(1) INSUFFICIENT: Since x2 is positive whether x is negative or positive, we

can only determine that x is not equal to zero; x could be either positive or
(2) INSUFFICIENT: By telling us that the expression x |y| is not a positive number,
we know that it must either be negative or zero. If the expression is negative, x
must be negative (|y| is never negative). However if the expression is zero, x or y
could be zero.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: We know from statement 1 that x cannot be zero,
however, there are still two possibilites for x: x could be positive (y is zero), or x
could be negative (y is anything).
The correct answer is E.

First, lets try to make some inferences from the fact that ab2c3d4 > 0.
Since none of the integers is equal to zero (their product does not equal
zero), b and d raised to even exponents must be positive, i.e. b2 > 0 and d4
> 0, implying that b2d4 > 0. If b2d4 > 0 and ab2c3d4 > 0, the product of the
remaining variables, a and c3 must be positive, i.e. ac3 > 0. As a result,
while we do not know the specific signs of any variable, we know that ac >
0 (because the odd exponent c3 will always have the same sign as c) and
therefore a and c must have the same signeither both positive or both
Next, lets evaluate each of the statements:
I. UNCERTAIN: While we know that the even exponent a2 must be
positive, we do not know anything about the signs of the two remaining
variables, c and d. If c and d have the same signs, then cd > 0 and a2cd >
0, but if c and d have different signs, then cd < 0 and a2cd < 0.
II. UNCERTAIN: While we know that the even exponent c4 must be
positive, we do not know anything about the signs of the two remaining
variables, b and d. If b and d have the same signs, then bd > 0 and bc4d >
0, but if b and d have different signs, then bd < 0 and bc4d < 0.
III. TRUE: Since a3c3 = (ac)3 and a and c have the same signs, it must be
true that ac > 0 and (ac)3 > 0. Also, the even exponent d2 will be positive.
As a result, it must be true that a3c3d2 > 0.
The correct answer is C.


It is extremely tempting to divide both sides of this inequality by y or by

the |y|, to come up with a rephrased question of is x > y? However, we
do not know the sign of y, so this cannot be done.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: On a yes/no data sufficiency question that deals with
number properties (positive/negatives), it is often easier to plug numbers.
There are two good reasons why we should try both positive and negative
values for y: (1) the question contains the expression |y|, (2) statement 2
hints that the sign of y might be significant. If we do that we come up with
both a yes and a no to the question.

x|y| > y2



-2(4) > (-4)2

4(2) > 22

(2) INSUFFICIENT: Using the logic from above, when trying numbers here we
should take care to pick x values that are both greater than y and less than y.

x|y| > y2

2(4) > 42

4(2) > 22

(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we combine the two statements, we must

choose positive x and y values for which x > y.

x|y| > y2

3(1) > 12

4(2) > 22

Using a more algebraic approach, if

5(3) > 3
Y we know that y is positive (statement
2), we can divide both sides of
the original question by y to come up with "is x > y?" as a new question.
Statement 1 tells us that x > y, so both statements together are sufficient to
answer the question.

The correct answer is C.


(1) INSUFFICIENT: This expression provides only a range of possible values

for x.
(2) SUFFICIENT: Absolute value problems often -- but not always -- have
multiple solutions because the expression within the absolute value bars
can be either positive or negative even though the absolute value of the
expression is always positive. For example, if we consider the equation |2
+ x| = 3, we have to consider the possibility that 2 + x is already positive
and the possibility that 2 + x is negative. If 2 + x is positive, then the
equation is the same as 2 + x = 3 and x = 1. But if 2 + x is negative, then
it must equal -3 (since |-3| = 3) and so 2 + x = -3 and x = -5.
So in the present case, in order to determine the possible solutions for x, it
is necessary to solve for x under both possible conditions.
For the case where x > 0:
x = 3x 2
-2x = -2
For the case when x < 0:
x = -1(3x 2) We multiply by -1 to make x equal a negative quantity.
x = 2 3x
4x = 2
x = 1/2
Note however, that the second solution x = 1/2 contradicts the stipulation
that x < 0, hence there is no solution for x where x < 0. Therefore, x = 1 is
the only valid solution for (2).
The correct answer is B.


(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we test values here we find two sets of possible x and
y values that yield conflicting answers to the question.

Is x > y?






(2) INSUFFICIENT: If we test values here we find two sets of possible x and y
values that yield conflicting answers to the question.


Is x > y?






(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Lets start with statement 1 and add the constraints of
statement 2. From statement 1, we see that x has to be positive since we are
taking the square root of x. There is no point in testing negative values for y since
a positive value for x against a negative y will always yield a yes to the
question. Lastly, we should consider x values between 0 and 1 and greater than 1
because proper fractions behave different than integers with regard to
exponents. When we try to come up with x and y values that fit both conditions,
we must adjust the two variables so that x is always greater than y.





Is x > y?

1/64 1/128 YES

Logically it also makes sense that if the cube and the square root of a number are
both greater than another number than the number itself must be greater than
that other number.
The correct answer is C.

The question "Is |x| less than 1?" can be rephrased in the following way.

Case 1: If x > 0, then |x| = x. For instance, |5| = 5. So, if x > 0, then the question
becomes "Is x less than 1?"
Case 2: If x < 0, then |x| = -x. For instance, |-5| = -(-5) = 5. So, if x < 0, then the
question becomes "Is -x less than 1?" This can be written as follows:
-x < 1?
or, by multiplying both sides by -1, we get
x > -1?
Putting these two cases together, we get the fully rephrased question:
Is -1 < x < 1 (and x not equal to 0)"?
Another way to achieve this rephrasing is to interpret absolute value as distance
from zero on the number line. Asking "Is |x| less than 1?" can then be
reinterpreted as "Is x less than 1 unit away from zero on the number line?" or "Is
-1 < x < 1?" (The fact that x does not equal zero is given in the question stem.)

(1) INSUFFICIENT: If x > 0, this statement tells us that x > x/x or x > 1. If x < 0,
statement tells us that x > x/-x or x > -1. This is not enough to tell us if -1 < x <
(2) INSUFFICIENT: When x > 0, x > x which is not true (so x < 0). When x < 0, -x >
x or
x < 0. Statement (2) simply tells us that x is negative. This is not enough to tell us
if -1 < x < 1.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we know x < 0 (statement 2), we know that x > -1
(statement 1). This means that -1 < x < 0. This means that x is definitely between
-1 and 1.
The correct answer is C.

(1) SUFFICIENT: We can combine the given inequality r + s > 2t with the
first statement by adding the two inequalities:

r + s > 2t
t > s __
r + s + t > 2t + s
(2) SUFFICIENT: We can combine the given inequality r + s > 2t with the second
statement by adding the two inequalities:
r + s > 2t
r > s __
2r + s > 2t + s
2r > 2t
The correct answer is D.

The question stem gives us three constraints:

1) a is an integer.
2) b is an integer.
3) a is farther away from zero than b is (from the constraint that |a| > |b|).
When you see a problem using absolute values, it is generally necessary to
try positive and negative values for each of the variables. Thus, we should
take the information from the question, and see what it tells us about the
signs of the variables.
For b, we should try negative, zero, and positive values. Nothing in the
question stem eliminates any of those possibilities. For a, we only have to
try negative and positive values. Why not a = 0? We know that b must be
closer to zero than a, so a cannot equal zero because there is no potential
value for b that is closer to zero than zero itself. So to summarize, the
possible scenarios are:







neg (1) INSUFFICIENT: This statement tells us that a is negative, ruling out
the positive a scenarios above. Remember that a is farther away from
0 zero than b is.



a |b|


Is a | b | < a b?

neg |neg|
neg neg = neg pos
= more negative

neg (far from 0)

neg (close to 0)
= neg (far from 0) +
pos (close to 0)
= less neg

Is more neg < less neg?


neg 0

neg 0 = neg

Is 0 < neg? No.

neg |0| = neg 0 = 0

neg |pos|
neg pos
= neg pos
neg pos
= more negative
= at least as negative as a,
than a
since b could be 1 or greater

Is at least as negative as
a < more negative than
It depends.

For some cases the answer is yes, but for others the answer is no. Therefore,
statement (1) is insufficient to solve the problem.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This statement tells us that a and b must either have the same
sign (for ab > 0), or one or both of the variables must be zero (for ab = 0). Thus
we can rule out any scenario in the original list that doesnt meet the constraints
from this statement.



Is a | b | < a - b?

ne ne

neg |neg|
= neg pos
= more

neg (far from 0) - neg (close to

= neg (far from 0) + pos (close
to 0)
= less negative

Is more negative < less

negative? Yes.


neg |0| = 0

neg - 0 = neg

Is 0 < neg? No.


pos |0| = 0

pos - 0 = pos

Is 0 < pos? Yes.

pos |pos|
= more

pos (far from 0) - pos (close to 0)

= less positive

Is more positive < less

positive? No.

pos pos

For some cases the answer is yes, but for others the answer is no. Therefore,
statement (2) is insufficient to solve the problem.
(1) & (2) INSUFFICIENT: For the two statements combined, we must consider only
the scenarios with negative a and either negative or zero b. These are the
scenarios that are on the list for both statement (1) and statement (2).



Is a | b | < a b?

ne ne

neg |neg|
= neg pos
= more

neg (far from 0) - neg (close to

= neg (far from 0) + pos (close
to 0)
= less negative

Is more negative < less negative?



neg |0| = 0

neg 0 = neg

Is 0 < neg? No

For the first case the answer is yes, but for the second case the answer is no.
Thus the two statements combined are not sufficient to solve the problem.
The correct answer is E.


This is a multiple variable inequality problem, so you must solve it by doing

algebraic manipulations on the inequalities.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (1) relates b to d, while giving us no
knowledge about a and c. Therefore statement (1) is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (2) does give a relationship between a and c,
but it still depends on the values of b and d. One way to see this clearly is
by realizing that only the right side of the equation contains the variable d.
Perhaps ab2 b is greater than b2c d simply because of the magnitude of
d. Therefore there is no way to draw any conclusions about the relationship
between a and c.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: By adding the two inequalities from statements (1)
and (2) together, we can come to the conclusion that a > c. Two
inequalities can always be added together as long as the direction of the
inequality signs is the same:
ab2 b > b2c d
b> d
----------------------ab2 > b2c
Now divide both sides by b2. Since b2 is always positive, you don't have to
worry about reversing the direction of the inequality. The final result: a > c.


The correct answer is C.

The question tells us that p < q and p < r and then asks whether the product pqr
is less than p.
Statement (1) INSUFFICIENT: We learn from this statement that either p or q is
negative, but since we know from the question that p < q, p must be negative. To
determine whether pqr < p, let's test values for p, q, and r. Our test values must
meet only 2 conditions: p must be negative and q must be positive.
Is pqr < p?
Statement (2) INSUFFICIENT: We learn from this statement that either p or r is
negative, but since we know from the question that p < r, p must be negative. To
determine whether pqr < p, let's test values for p, q, and r. Our test values must
meet only 2 conditions: p must be negative and r must be positive.
p q
r pqr
Is pqr < p?
-2 -10 5 100
-2 10 5 -100
If we look at both statements together, we know that p is negative and that both
q and r are positive. To determine whether pqr < p, let's test values for p, q, and r.
Our test values must meet 3 conditions: p must be negative, q must be positive,
and r must be positive.
p q
r pqr
Is pqr < p?
-2 10 5 -100
-2 7
4 -56
At first glance, it may appear that we will always get a "YES" answer. But don't
forget to test out fractional (decimal) values as well. The problem never specifies
that p, q, and r must be integers.
pqr Is pqr < p?

Even with both statements, we cannot answer the question definitively. The
correct answer is E.

We are told that |x|y+ 9 > 0, which means that |x|y > -9. The question
asks whether x < 6. A statement counts as sufficient if it enables us to
answer the question with definitely yes or definitely no; a statement
that only enables us to say maybe counts as insufficient.

(1) INSUFFICIENT: We know that |x|y > -9 and that y is a negative integer.
Suppose y = -1. Then |x|(-1) > -9, which means |x| < 9 (since dividing by a
negative number reverses the direction of the inequality). Thus x could be
less than 6 (for example, x could equal 2), but does not have to be less
than 6 (for example, x could equal 7).
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Since the question stem tells us that y is an integer, the
statement |y| 1 implies that y equals -1, 0, or 1. Substituting these values for y
into the expression |x|y > -9, we see that x could be less than 6, greater than 6,
or even equal to 6. This is particularly obvious if y = 0; in that case, x could be
any integer at all. (You can test this by picking actual numbers.)
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: If y is negative and |y| 1, then y must equal -1. We
have already determined from our analysis of statement (1) that a value of y = -1
is consistent both with x being less than 6 and with x not being less than 6.
The correct answer is E.

We can rephrase the question by opening up the absolute value

sign. There are two scenarios for the inequality |n| < 4.
If n > 0, the question becomes Is n < 4?
If n < 0, the question becomes: Is n > -4?
We can also combine the questions: Is -4 < n < 4? ( n is not equal to 0)
(1) SUFFICIENT: The solution to this inequality is n > 4 (if n > 0) or n < -4 (if n <
0). This provides us with enough information to guarantee that n is definitely NOT
between -4 and 4. Remember that an absolute no is sufficient!
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We can multiply both sides of the inequality by |n| since it is
definitely positive. To solve the inequality |n| n < 1, lets plug values. If we start
with negative values, we see that n can be any negative value since |n| n will
always be negative and therefore less than 1. This is already enough to show that
the statement is insufficient because n might not be between -4 and 4.
The correct answer is A.

Note that one need not determine the values of both x and y to solve this
problem; the value of product xy will suffice.
(1) SUFFICIENT: Statement (1) can be rephrased as follows:
-4x 12y = 0
-4x = 12y
x = -3y
If x and y are non-zero integers, we can deduce that they must have
opposite signs: one positive, and the other negative. Therefore, this last
equation could be rephrased as
|x| = 3|y|
We dont know whether x or y is negative, but we do know that they have
the opposite signs. Converting both variables to absolute value cancels the

negative sign in the expression x = -3y.

We are left with two equations and two unknowns, where the unknowns
are |x| and |y|:
|x| + |y| = 32
|x| 3|y| = 0
Subtracting the second equation from the first yields
4|y| = 32
|y| = 8
Substituting 8 for |y| in the original equation, we can easily determine that
|x| = 24. Because we know that one of either x or y is negative and the
other positive, xy must be the negative product of |x| and |y|, or -8(24) =
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (2) also provides two equations with two
|x| + |y| = 32
|x| - |y| = 16
Solving these equations allows us to determine the values of |x| and |y|: |
x| = 24 and |y| = 8. However, this gives no information about the sign of x
or y. The product xy could either be -192 or 192.

The correct answer is A.

(1) INSUFFICIENT: Since this equation contains two variables, we cannot
determine the value of y. We can, however, note that the absolute value
expression |x2 4| must be greater than or equal to 0. Therefore, 3|x2 4|
must be greater than or equal to 0, which in turn means that y 2 must be
greater than or equal to 0. If y 2 > 0, then y > 2.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: To solve this equation for y, we must consider both the
positive and negative values of the absolute value expression:
If 3 y > 0, then 3 y = 11
y = -8
If 3 y < 0, then 3 y = -11
y = 14
Since there are two possible values for y, this statement is insufficient.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Statement (1) tells us that y is greater than or
equal to 2, and statement (2) tells us that y = -8 or 14. Of the two possible
values, only 14 is greater than or equal to 2. Therefore, the two statements
together tell us that y must equal 14.
The correct answer is C.


The question asks whether x is positive. The question is already as basic as

it can be made to be, so there is no need to rephrase it; we can go straight
to the statements.
(1) SUFFICIENT: Here, we are told that |x + 3| = 4x 3. When dealing with
equations containing variables and absolute values, we generally need to

consider the possibility that there may be more than one value for the
unknown that could make the equation work. In order to solve this
particular equation, we need to consider what happens when x + 3 is
positive and when it is negative (remember, the absolute value is the same
in either case). First, consider what happens if x + 3 is positive. If x + 3 is
positive, it is as if there were no absolute value bars, since the absolute
value of a positive is still positive:
x + 3 = 4x 3
6 = 3x
So when x + 3 is positive, x = 2, a positive value. If we plug 2 into the
original equation, we see that it is a valid solution:
|2 + 3| = 4(2) 3
|5| = 8 3
Now let's consider what happens when x + 3 is negative. To do so, we
multiply x + 3 by -1:
-1(x + 3) = 4x 3
-x 3 = 4x 3
0 = 5x
But if we plug 0 into the original equation, it is not a valid solution:
|0 + 3| = 4(0) 3
|3| = 0 3
3 = -3
Therefore, there is no solution when x + 3 is negative and we know that 2
is the only solution possible and we can say that x is definitely positive.
Alternatively, we could have noticed that the right-hand side of the original
equation must be positive (because it equals the absolute value of x + 3).
If 4x 3 is positive, x must be positive. If x were negative, 4x would be
negative and a negative minus a positive is negative.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Here, again, we must consider the various combinations
of positive and negative for both sides. Let's first assume that both sides
are positive (which is equivalent to assuming both sides are negative):
|x 3| = |2x 3|
x 3 = 2x 3
So when both sides are positive, x = 0. We can verify that this solution is valid by
plugging 0 into the original equation:
|0 3| = |2(0) 3|
|-3| = |-3|
Now let's consider what happens when only one side is negative; in this case, we
choose the right-hand side:
|x 3| = |2x 3|
x 3 = -(2x 3)
x 3 = -2x + 3
3x = 6
We can verify that this is a valid solution by plugging 2 into the original equation:
|2 3| = |2(2) 3|

|-1| = |1|
Therefore, both 2 and 0 are valid solutions and we cannot determine whether x is
positive, since one value of x is zero, which is not positive, and one is positive.
The correct answer is A.

Note that the question is asking for the absolute value of x rather than just
the value of x. Keep this in mind when you analyze each statement.
(1) SUFFICIENT: Since the value of x2 must be non-negative, the value of
(x2 + 16) is always positive, therefore |x2 + 16| can be written x2 +16.
Using this information, we can solve for x:
|x2 + 16| 5 = 27
x2 + 16 5 = 27
x2 + 11 = 27
x2 = 16
x = 4 or x = -4
Since |-4| = |4| = 4, we know that |x| = 4; this statement is sufficient.
x2 = 8x 16
x2 8x + 16 = 0
(x 4)2 = 0
(x 4)(x 4) = 0
Therefore, |x| = 4; this statement is sufficient.


The correct answer is D.

First, let us take the expression, x 2xy + y 9 = 0. After adding 9 to
both sides of the equation, we get x 2xy + y = 9. Since we are
interested in the variables x and y, we need to rearrange the expression x
2xy + y into an expression that contains terms for x and y individually.
This suggests that factoring the expression into a product of two sums is in
order here. Since the coefficients of both the x and the y terms are 1 and
the coefficient of the xy term is negative, the most logical first guess for
factors is (x y)(x y) or (x y). (We can quickly confirm that these are
the correct factors by multiplying out (x y)(x y) and verifying that this is
equal to x 2xy + y.) Hence, we now have (x y) = 9 which means that
x y = 3 or x y = -3. Since the question states that x > y, x y must be
greater than 0 and the only consistent answer is x y = 3.
We now have two simple equations and two unknowns:
x + y = 15
After adding the bottom equation to the top equation we are left with 2x =
18; hence x = 9.
If we are observant, we can apply an alternative method that uses a trick
to solve this very quickly. Note, of all the answers, x = 9 is the only answer
that is consistent with both x > y and x + y = 15. Hence x = 9 must be the
The correct answer is E.

The expression is equal to n if n > 0, but n if n < 0. This means that EITHER
n < 1 if n 0
n < 1 (that is, n > -1) if n < 0.
If we combine these two possibilities, we see that the question is really asking
whether -1 < n < 1.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we add n to both sides of the inequality, we can rewrite it as
the following:
nx < n.
Since this is a Yes/No question, one way to handle it is to come up with sample
values that satisfy this condition and then see whether these values give us a
yes or a no to the question.
n = and x = 2 are legal values since (1/2)2 < 1/2
These values yield a YES to the question, since n is between -1 and 1.
n = -3 and x = 3 are also legal values since 3-3 = 1/27 < 3
These values yield a NO to the question since n is greater than 1.
With legal values yielding a "yes" and a "no" to the original question, statement
(1) is insufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: x1 = 2 can be rewritten as x = -2-1 = -. However, this
statement contains no information about n.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we combine the two statements by plugging the value
for x into the first statement, we get n- < n.
The only values for n that satisfy this inequality are greater than 1.
Negative values for n are not possible. Raising a number to the exponent of -
is equivalent to taking the reciprocal of the square root of the number. However, it
is not possible (within the real number system) to take the square root of a
negative number.
A fraction less than 1, such as , becomes a LARGER number when you square
root it ( = ~ 0.7). However, the new number is still less than 1. When you
reciprocate that value, you get a number (- = ~ 1.4) that is LARGER than 1 and
therefore LARGER than the original value of n.
Finally, all values of n greater than 1 satisfy the inequality n- < n.
For instance, if n = 4, then n- = . Taking the square root of a number larger
than 1 makes the number smaller, though still greater than 1 -- and then taking
the reciprocal of that number makes the number smaller still.
Since the two statements together tell us that n must be greater than 1, we know
the definitive answer to the question "Is n between -1 and 1?" Note that the
answer to this question is "No," which is as good an answer as "Yes" to a Yes/No
question on Data Sufficiency.
The correct answer is (C).

In problems involving variables in the exponent, it is helpful to rewrite an equation
or inequality in exponential terms, and it is especially helpful, if possible, to
rewrite them with exponential terms that have the same base.
0.04 = 1/25 = 5-2
We can rewrite the question in the following way: "Is 5n < 5-2 ?"
The only way 5n could be less than 5-2 would be if n is less than -2. We can
rephrase the question: "Is n < - 2"?
(1) SUFFICIENT: Let's simplify (or rephrase) the inequality given in this
(1/5)n > 25
(1/5)n > 52
5-n > 52
-n > 2
n < -2

(recall that the inequality sign flips when dividing by a negative

This is sufficient to answer our rephrased question.

(2) INSUFFICIENT: n3 will be smaller than n2 if n is either a negative number or a
fraction between 0 and 1. We cannot tell if n is smaller than -2.
The correct answer is A.
Before we proceed with the analysis of the statements, lets rephrase the
question. Note that we can simplify the question by rearranging the terms in the
ratio: 2x/3y = (2/3)(x/y). Therefore, to answer the question, we simply need to
find the ratio x/y. Thus, we can rephrase the question: "What is x/y?"
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If x2/y2 = 36/25, you may be tempted to take the positive
square root of both sides and conclude that x/y = 6/5. However, since even
exponents hide the sign of the variable, both 6/5 and -6/5, when squared, will
yield the value of 36/25. Thus, the value of x/y could be either 6/5 or -6/5.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This statement provides only a range of values for x/y and
is therefore insufficient.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: From the first statement, we know that x/y = 6/5 = 1.2 or
x/y = -6/5 = -1.2. From the second statement, we know that x5/y5 = (x/y)5 > 1.
Note that if x/y = 1.2, then (x/y)5 = 1.25, which is always greater than 1, since the
base of the exponent (i.e. 1.2) is greater than 1. However, if x/y = - 1.2, then
(x/y)5 = (-1.2)5, which is always negative and does not satisfy the second
statement. Thus, since we know from the second statement that (x/y) > 1, the
value of x/y must be 1.2.
The correct answer is C.
The equation in the question can be rephrased:
xyy-x = 1
(xy)(1/yx) = 1

Multiply both sides by yx:

xy = yx
So the rephrased question is "Does xy = yx?"
For what values will the answer be "yes"? The answer will be "yes" if x = y. If x
does not equal y, then the answer to the rephrased question could still be yes,
but only if x and y have all the same prime factors. If either x or y has a prime
factor that the other does not, the two sides of the equation could not possibly be
equal. In other words, x and y would have to be different powers of the same
base. For example, the pair 2 and 4, the pair 3 and 9, or the pair 4 and 16.
Lets try 2 and 4:
42 = 24 = 16
We see that the pair 2 and 4 would give us a yes answer to the rephrased
If we try 3 and 9, we see that this pair does not:
39 > 93 (because 93 = (32)3 = 36)
If we increase beyond powers of 3 (for example, 4 and 16), we will encounter the
same pattern. So the only pair of unequal values that will work is 2 and
4. Therefore we can rephrase the question further: "Is x = y, or are x and y equal
to 2 and 4?"
(1) INSUFFICIENT: The answer to the question is "yes" if x = y or if x and y are
equal to 2 and 4. This is possible given the constraint from this statement that xx
> y. For example, x = y =3 meets the constraint that xx > y, because 9 >
3. Also, x = 4 and y = 2 meets the constraint that xx > y, because 44 > 2. In either
case, xy = yx, so the answer is "yes."
However, there are other values for x and y that meet the constraint xx > y, for
example x = 10 and y = 1, and these values would yield a "no" answer to the
question "Is xy = yx?"
(2) SUFFICIENT: If x must be greater than yy, then it is not possible for x and y to
be equal. Also, the pair x = 2 and y = 4 is not allowed, because 2 is not greater
than 44. Similarly, the pair x = 4 and y = 2 is not allowed because 4 is not greater
than 22. This statement disqualifies all of the scenarios that gave us a "yes"
answer to the question. Therefore, it is not possible that xy = yx, so the answer
must be "no."
The correct answer is B.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we multiply this equation out, we get:
x2 + 2xy + y2 = 9a
If we try to solve this expression for x2 + y2, we get
x2 + y2 = 9a 2xy
Since the value of this expression depends on the value of x and y, we don't have
enough information.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: If we multiply this equation out, we get:
x2 2xy + y2 = a
If we try to solve this expression for x2 + y2, we get
x2 + y2 = a + 2xy
Since the value of this expression depends on the value of x and y, we don't have
enough information.

(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: We can combine the two expanded forms of the
equations from the two statements by adding them:
x2 + 2xy + y2 = 9a
x2 2xy + y2 = a
------------------2x2 + 2y2 = 10a
x2 + y2 = 5a
If we substitute this back into the original question, the question becomes: "Is 5a
> 4a?"
Since a > 0, 5a will always be greater than 4a.
The correct answer is C.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (1) is insufficient because y is unbounded when both
x and k can vary. Therefore y has no definite maximum.
To show that y is unbounded, let's calculate y for a special sequence of (x, k)
pairs. The sequence starts at (-2, 1) and doubles both values to get the next (x, k)
pair in the sequence.
y1 = | -2 1 | | -2 + 1 | = 3 1 = 2
y2 = | -4 2 | | -4 + 2 | = 6 2 = 4
y3 = | -8 4 | | -8 + 4 | = 12 + 4 = 8
In this sequence y doubles each time so it has no definite maximum, so statement
(1) is insufficient.
(2) SUFFICIENT: Statement (2) says that k = 3, so y = | x 3 | | x + 3 |.
Therefore to maximize y we must maximize | x 3 | while simultaneously trying to
minimize | x + 3 |. This state holds for very large negative x. Let's try two different
large negative values for x and see what happens:
If x = -100 then:
y = |-100 3| |-100 + 3|
y = 103 97 = 6
If x = -101 then:
y = |-101 3| |-101 + 3|
y = 104 98 = 6
We see that the two expressions increase at the same rate, so their difference
remains the same. As x decreases from 0, y increases until it reaches 6 when x =
3. As x decreases further, y remains at 6 which is its maximum value.
The correct answer is B.
When we plug a few values for x, we see that the expression doesn't seem to go
below the value of 2. It is important to try both fractions (less than 1) and
integers greater than 1. Let's try to mathematically prove that this expression is
always greater than or equal to 2. Is
sides of the inequality by x:

? Since x > 0, we can multiply both

The left side of this inequality is always positive, so in fact the original inequality
The correct answer is D.
We can rephrase the question by manipulating it algebraically:
(|x-1 * y-1|)-1 > xy
(|1/x * 1/y|)-1 > xy
(|1/xy|)-1 > xy
1/(|1/(xy)|) > xy
Is |xy| > xy?
The question can be rephrased as Is the absolute value of xy greater than xy?
And since |xy| is never negative, this is only true when xy < 0. If xy > 0 or xy = 0,
|xy| = xy. Therefore, this question is really asking whether xy < 0, i.e. whether x
and y have opposite signs.
(1) SUFFICIENT: If xy > 1, xy is definitely positive. For xy to be positive, x and y
must have the same sign, i.e. they are both positive or both negative. Therefore
x and y definitely do not have opposite signs and |xy| is equal to xy, not greater.
This is an absolute "no" to the question and therefore sufficient.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: x2 > y2
Algebraically, this inequality reduces to |x| > |y|. This tells us nothing about the
sign of x and y. They could have the same signs or opposite signs.
The correct answer is A: Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone
is not.
First, rephrase the question stem by subtracting xy from both sides: Is xy < 0?
The question is simply asking if xy is negative.

Statement (1) tells us that

must be positive, we know that y must be negative. However this does
not provide sufficient information to determine whether or not xy is negative.
Statement (2) can be simplified as follows:

Statement (2) is true for all negative numbers. However, it is also true for

positive fractions. Therefore, statement (2) does not provide sufficient

information to determine whether or not xy is positive or negative.
There is also no way to use the fact that y is negative (from statement 1) to
eliminate either of the two cases for which statement (2) is true. Statement (2)
does not provide any information about x, which is what we would need in order
to use both statements in conjunction.
Therefore the answer is (E): Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT
It would require a lot of tricky work to solve this algebraically, but there is,
fortunately, a simpler method: picking numbers.


, we can pick values for the unknowns such that this inequality

holds true. For example, if w=1, x=2, y=3, and z=4, we get

, which is

Using these values, we see that


; and

Placing the numerical values in order, we get

We can now substitute the unknowns:

The correct answer is B.

However, for those who prefer algebra...

We know that

. If we take the reciprocal of every term, the inequality

signs flip, but the relative order remains the same:


. Since both


, which can also be

are greater than 1,

product) must be greater than either of those terms. Also, since

multiply both sides by

to get

, we can

. So we now know that

. All that remains is to place

the order.

(i.e. their

in its proper position in


, we can multiply both sides by wy to get wz < xy; adding yz to both

sides yields

, which can be factored into

If we now divide both sides by y(w + y), we get

Since wz < xy, we can add wx to both sides to get wx + wz < wx + xy, which can
be factored into

. If we divide both sides by w(w + y), we get

. We can now place

in the order:

Since Missile 1's rate increases by a factor of
be traveling at a speed of
minute 0s



every 10 minutes, Missile 1 will

miles per hour after 60 minutes:






And since Missile 2's rate doubles every 10 minutes, Missile 2 will be traveling at a
speed of
minute 0s

after 60 minutes:







The question then becomes: Is

Statement (1) tells us that
substitute for y: Is

. Squaring both sides yields

? If we divide both sides by

. We can

, we get: Is

We can further simplify by taking the square root of both sides: Is

? We
still cannot answer this, so statement (1) alone is NOT sufficient to answer the
Statement (2) tells us that
, which tells us nothing about the relationship
between x and y. Statement (2) alone is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
Taking the statements together, we know from statement (1) that the question
can be rephrased: Is

? From statement (2) we know certainly that

which is another way of expressing

. So using the information from both
statements, we can answer definitively that after 1 hour, Missile 1 is traveling
faster than Missile 2.

The correct answer is C: Statements (1) and (2) taken together are sufficient to
answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Simplifying the original expression yields:

Therefore: xy = 0 or y x = 0. Our two solutions are: xy = 0 or y = x.

Statement (1) says y > x so y cannot be equal to x. Therefore, xy = 0.
Statement (1) is sufficient.
Statement (2) says x < 0. We cannot say whether x = y or xy = 0. Statement (2)
is not sufficient.
The correct answer is A.
If (a b)c < 0, the expression (a b) and the variable c must have opposite signs.
Let's check each answer choice:
(A) UNCERTAIN: If a < b, a b would be negative. It is possible for a b to be
negative according to the question.
(B) UNCERTAIN: It is possible for c to be negative according to the question.
(C) UNCERTAIN: This means that -1 < c < 1, which is possible according to the
(D) FALSE: If we rewrite this expression, we get ac bc > 0. Then, if we factor
this, we get: (a b)c > 0. This directly contradicts the information given in the
question, which states that (a b)c < 0.
(E) UNCERTAIN: If we factor this expression, we get (a + b)(a b) < 0. This tells
us that the expressions a + b and a b have opposite signs, which is possible
according to the question.
The correct answer is D.
If |ab| > ab, ab must be negative. If ab were positive the absolute value of ab
would equal ab. We can rephrase this question: "Is ab < 0?"
I. UNCERTAIN: We know nothing about the sign of b.
II. UNCERTAIN: We know nothing abou the sign of a.
III. TRUE: This answers the question directly.

The correct answer is C.

Since c > 0 and d > c, c and d must be positive. b could be negative or
positive. Let's look at each answer choice:
(A) UNCERTAIN: bcd could be greater than zero if b is positive.
(B) UNCERTAIN: b + cd could be less than zero if b is negative and its absolute
value is greater than that of cd. For example: b = -12, c = 2, d = 5 yields -12 +
(2)(5) = -2.
(C) FALSE: Contrary to this expression, b cd must be negative. We could think of
this expression as b + (-cd). cd itself will always be positive, so we are adding a
negative number to b. If b < 0, the result is negative. If b > 0, the result is still
negative because a positive b must still be less than cd (remember that b < c < d
and b, c and d are integers).
(D) UNCERTAIN: This is possible if b is negative.
(E) UNCERTAIN: This is possible if b is negative.
The correct answer is C.
Let's look at the answer choices one by one:
(A) POSSIBLE: c can be greater than b if a is much bigger than d. For example, if
c = 2, b = 1, a = 10 and d = 3, ab (10) is still greater than cd (6), despite the fact
that c > b.
(B) POSSIBLE: The same reasoning from (A) applies.
(C) IMPOSSIBLE: Since a, b, c and d are all positive we can cross multiply this
fraction to yield ab < cd, the opposite of the inequality in the question.
(D) DEFINITE: Since a, b, c and d are all positive, we can cross multiply this
fraction to yield ab > cd, which is the same inequality as that in the question.
(E) DEFINITE: Since a, b, c and d are all positive, we can simply unsquare both
sides of the inequality. We will then have cd < ab, which is the same inequality as
that in the question.
The correct answer is C.
We can rephrase the question by subtracting y from both sides of the inequality: Is
x > -y?
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we add y to both sides, we see that x is greater than y. We
can use numbers here to show that this does not necessarily mean that x > -y. If
x = 4 and y = 3, then it is true that x is also greater than -y. However if x = 4 and
y = -5, x is greater than y but it is NOT greater than -y.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: If we factor this inequality, we come up (x + y)(x y) > 0. For
the product of (x + y) and (x y) to be greater than zero, the must have the same
sign, i.e. both negative or both positive. This does not help settle the issue of the
sign of x + y.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: From statement 2 we know that (x + y) and (x y) must
have the same sign, and from statement 1 we know that (x y) is positive, so it
follows that (x + y) must be positive as well.
The correct answer is C.

We can rephrase the question by opening up the absolute value sign. In other
words, we must solve all possible scenarios for the inequality, remembering that
the absolute value is always a positive value. The two scenarios for the inequality
are as follows:
If x > 0, the question becomes Is x < 1?
If x < 0, the question becomes: Is x > -1?
We can also combine the questions: Is -1 < x < 1?
Since Statement 2 is less complex than Statement 1, begin with Statement 2 and
a BD/ACE grid.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: There are three possible equations here if we open up the
absolute value signs:
1. If x < -1, the values inside the absolute value symbols on both sides of the
equation are negative, so we must multiply each through by -1 (to find its
opposite, or positive, value):
|x + 1| = 2|x 1|
-(x + 1) = 2(1 x)
(However, this is invalid since in this scenario, x < -1.)


2. If -1 < x < 1, the value inside the absolute value symbols on the left side of the
equation is positive, but the value on the right side of the equation is negative.
Thus, only the value on the right side of the equation must be multiplied by -1:
|x + 1| = 2|x 1|

x + 1 = 2(1 x)

x = 1/3

3. If x > 1, the values inside the absolute value symbols on both sides of the
equation are positive. Thus, we can simply remove the absolute value symbols:
|x + 1| = 2|x 1|

x + 1 = 2(x 1)


Thus x = 1/3 or 3. While 1/3 is between -1 and 1, 3 is not. Thus, we cannot answer
the question.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: There are two possible equations here if we open up the
absolute value sign:
1. If x > 3, the value inside the absolute value symbols is greater than zero. Thus,
we can simply remove the absolute value symbols:
|x 3| > 0



2. If x < 3, the value inside the absolute value symbols is negative, so we must
multiply through by -1 (to find its opposite, or positive, value).
|x 3| > 0



If x is either greater than 3 or less than 3, then x is anything but 3. This does not
answer the question as to whether x is between -1 and 1.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: According to statement (1), x can be 3 or 1/3. According
to statement (2), x cannot be 3. Thus using both statements, we know that x =
1/3 which IS between -1 and 1.

We can rephrase this question as: "Is a farther away from zero than b, on the
number-line?" We can solve this question by picking numbers:
Since Statement 2 is less complex than Statement 1, begin with Statement 2 and
a BD/ACE grid.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Picking values that meet the criteria b < -a demonstrates that
this is not enough information to answer the question.
a b Is |a| > |b| ?
2 -5
-5 2
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We have no information about b.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: Picking values that meet the criteria b < -a and a < 0
demonstrates that this is not enough information to answer the question.
a b Is |a| > |b|?
-2 -5
-5 2
The correct answer is E.
Since |r| is always positive, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by |r| and
rephrase the question as: Is r2 < |r |? The only way for this to be the case is if r is a
nonzero fraction between -1 and 1.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This does not tell us whether r is between -1 and 1. If r = -1/2, |
r| = 1/2 and r2 = 1/4, and the answer to the rephrased question is YES. However,
if r = 4, |r| = 4 and r2 = 16, and the answer to the question is NO.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This does not tell us whether r is between -1 and 1. If r = 1/2, |r|
= 1/2 ans r2 = 1/4, and the answer to the rephrased question is YES. However, if r
= -4, |r| = 4 and r2=16, and the answer to the question is NO.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Together, the statements tell us that r is between -1 and
1. The square of a proper fraction (positive or negative) will always be smaller
than the absolute value of that proper fraction.
The correct answer is C.
One way to solve equations with absolute values is to solve for x over a series of
intervals. In each interval of x, the sign of the expressions within each pair of
absolute value indicators does not change.
In the equation
, there are 4 intervals of interest:
x < 2: In this interval, the value inside each of the three absolute value
expressions is negative.
2 < x < 3: In this interval, the value inside the first absolute value expression is
positive, while the value inside the other two absolute value expressions is
3 < x < 5: In this interval, the value inside the first two absolute value
expressions is positive, while the value inside the last absolute value expression
is negative.
5 < x: In this interval, the value inside each of the three absolute value
expressions is positive.
Use each interval for x to rewrite the equation so that it can be evaluated
without absolute value signs.
For the first interval, x < 2, we can solve the equation by rewriting each of the
expressions inside the absolute value signs as negative (and thereby remove
the absolute value signs):

Notice that the solution x = 6 is NOT a valid solution since it lies outside the
interval x < 2. (Remember, we are solving the equation for x SUCH THAT x is
within the interval of interest).
For the second interval 2 < x < 3, we can solve the equation by rewriting the
expression inside the first absolute value sign as positive and by rewriting the
expressions inside the other absolute values signs as negative:

Notice, again, that the solution

is NOT a valid solution since it lies outside
the interval 2 < x < 3.
For the third interval 3 < x < 5, we can solve the equation by rewriting the
expressions inside the first two absolute value signs as positive and by rewriting
the expression inside the last absolute value sign as negative:

The solution x = 4 is a valid solution since it lies within the interval 3 < x < 5.
Finally, for the fourth interval 5 < x, we can solve the equation by rewriting each
of the expressions inside the absolute value signs as positive:

The solution x = 6 is a valid solution since it lies within the interval 5 < x.
We conclude that the only two solutions of the original equation are x = 4 and x
= 6. Only answer choice C contains all of the solutions, both 4 and 6, as part of
its set. Therefore, C is the correct answer.
Statement (1) tells us that a is either 1 or 1, that b is either 2 or 2, and that c
is either 3 or 3. Therefore, we cannot find ONE unique value for the expression
in the question.
For example, let b = 2, and c = 3. If a = 1, the expression in the question stem
evaluates to (1 + 8 + 27) / (1 2 3) = 36/6 = 6. However, if a = 1, the
expression evaluates to (1 + 8 + 27) / (1 2 3) = 34/(6) = 17/3. Thus,
statement (1) is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement (2) tells us that a + b + c = 0. Therefore, c = (a + b). By
substituting this value of c into the expression in the question, we can
simplify the numerator of the expression as follows:

From this, we can rewrite the expression in the question as

Thus, statement (2) alone is sufficient to solve the expression. The correct
answer is B.
First, rewrite the equation for x by breaking down each of the 8's into its prime
components (23).
Thus, x = 2b [(23)30 + (23)5] = 2b [290 + 215].
The question asks us to minimize the value of w. Given that w is simply the
absolute value of x, the question is asking us to find a value for b that makes
the expression 2b [290 + 215] as close to 0 as possible. In other words, for what
value of b, will 2b approximately equal 290 + 215.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the expression 290 is so much greater
than the expression 215 that the expression 215 is basically a negligible part of
the equation.
Therefore, in order for 2b to approximate 290 + 215, the best value for b among
the answer choices is 90. It is tempting to select an answer such as 91 to
somehow "account" for the 215. However, consider that 291 = 2 290. In other
words, 291 is twice as large as 290!
In contrast, 290 is much closer in value to the expression 290 + 215, since 215 does
not even come close to doubling the size of 290.
The correct answer is B.
Theoretically, any absolute value expression represents two scenarios. For
, and
rewritten in the following manner:

, when

. Thus, statement (1) can be

is never less than 0;
this scenario DOES NOT exist)
We can further simplify the expression into two scenarios:


Scenario I can be rewritten as



. On the GMAT, a quadratic in the form

can be factored by finding which two factors of c (including
negative factors) add up to b, paying special attention to the sign of b and c.
There are no such factors in this equation (neither 1,2 nor -1,-2 add up to
-1); therefore the quadratic cannot be factored and there are no integer solutions
here. Alternatively, you can use the quadratic formula to see that this quadratic
has no real solutions because if we compare this quadratic to the standard form of
a quadratic

, we see that

. For any quadratic to

have real roots, the expression

must be positive, and in this case it is not:

Scenario II can be rewritten as

. This quadratic can be factored:

, with solutions x = -1 or 2. Notice that these two solutions are

consistent with the conditions for this scenario, namely
. It is
important to always check potential solutions to an absolute value expression
against the conditions that defined that scenario. Whenever a certain scenario for
an absolute value expression yields an answer that violates the very condition
that defined that scenario, that answer is null and void.
Scenario II therefore yields two solutions, x = -1 or 2, so statement (1) is

Statement (2),

can first be rewritten using the following two scenarios:



Furthermore each of these scenarios has two scenarios:







Notice that these four scenarios are subject to their specific conditions, as well as
to the general conditions for scenarios I and II above (
, respectively)
Scenario IIIA can be rewritten as
, so it has two
solutions, x = -1, 2. HOWEVER, one of these solutions, x = -1, violates the
condition for all scenario Is which says that
. Therefore, according to
scenario IA there is only one solution, x = 2.
Scenario IIIB can be rewritten as
(see above).

, which offers no integer solutions

Scenario IVA can be rewritten as

, so it has two
solutions, x = -2, 1. HOWEVER, one of these solutions, x = 1, violates the
condition for all scenario IIs which says that
. Therefore, according to
scenario IIA there is only one solution, x = -2.
Scenario IVB can be rewritten as
(see above).

, which offers no integer solutions

Taking all four scenarios of statement (2) into account (IIIA, IIIB, IVA, IVB), x = -2,
2, so statement (2) is NOT sufficient.
When you take statements (1) and (2) together, x must be 2 so the answer is C.
An alternative, easier approach to this problem would be to set up the different
scenarios WITHOUT concentrating on the conditions. Whatever solutions you
come up with could then be verified by plugging them back into the appropriate
equation. For example, in scenario IIIA of statement (2), the x = -1 could have
been eliminated as a possible answer choice by simply trying it back in the

. We discovered the reason why it doesnt work above it
violates one of the conditions for the scenario. However, often times the reason is
of little significance on the GMAT.
** The above conditions were simplified in the following manner:
For example

implies that

. We can use the solutions to the

parallel quadratic
, i.e. x = 0 or 1,
to help us think about the inequality. The solutions to the corresponding quadratic
must be the endpoints of the ranges that are the solution to the inequality. Just
try numbers in these various ranges: less than 0 (e.g. -1), in between 0 and 1 (e.g.
) and greater than 1 (e.g. 2). In this case only the

satisfies the expression

, so the condition here is

In complex and abstract Data Sufficiency questions such as this one, the best
approach is to break the question down into its component parts.
First, we are told that z > y > x > w, where all the unknowns are integers. Then
we are asked whether it is true that
. Several conditions must be
met in order for this inequality to be true in its entirety:
In order to answer "definitely yes" to the question, we need to establish that all
three of these conditions are true. This is a tall order. But in order to answer
"definitely no", we need only establish that ONE of these conditions does NOT
hold, since all must be true in order for the entire inequality to hold. This is
significantly less work. So the better approach in this case is to see whether the
statements allow us to disprove any one of the conditions so that we can answer
"definitely no".
But in what circumstances would the conditions not be true?
Let's focus first on condition (1):
. Since z > y, the only way for
be true is if y is negative. If y is positive, z must also be positive (since it is greater
than y). And taking the absolute value of positive y does not change the size of y,
but squaring z will yield a larger value. So if y is positive,
the absolute value of y.

must be larger than

If you try some combinations of actual values where both y and z are positive and
z > y, you will see that

is always true and that

example, if z = 3 and y = 2, then

is true because

is never true. For

. But if z = 3 and

y = -10, then
is true because
. The validity of
on the specific values (for example, it would not hold true if z = 3 and y = -1), but

the only way for

to be true is if y is negative.

And if y must be negative, then x and w must be negative as well, since y > x >
w. So if we could establish that any ONE of y, x, or w is positive, we would know

is NOT true and that the answer to the question must be "no".

Statement (1) tells us that wx > yz. Does this statement allow us to determine
whether y is positive or negative? No. Why not? Consider the following:
If z = 1, y = 2, x = -3, and w = -4, then it is true that wx > yz, since (-4)(-3) > (2)
But if z = 1, y = -2, x = -3, and w = -4, then it is also true that wx > yz, since (-4)
(-3) > (-2)(1).
In the first case, y is positive and the statement holds true. In the second case, y
is negative and the statement still holds true. This is not sufficient to tell us
whether y is positive or negative.
Statement (2) tells us that zx > wy. Does this statement allow us to determine
whether y is positive or negative? Yes. Why? Consider the following:
If z = 4, y = 3, x = 2, and w = 1, then it is true that zx > wy, since (4)(2) > (1)(3).
If z = 3, y = 2, x = 1, and w = -1, then it is true that zx > wy, since (3)(1) > (-1)
If z = 2, y = 1, x = -1, and w = -3, then it is true that zx > wy, since (2)(-1) > (-3)
In all of the cases above, y is positive. But if we try to make y a negative number,
zx > wy cannot hold. If y is negative, then x and w must also be negative, but z
can be either negative or positive, since z > y > x > w. If y is negative and z is
positive, zx > wy cannot hold because zx will be negative (pos times neg) while
wy will be positive (neg times neg). If z is negative, then all the unknowns must
be negative. But if they are all negative, it is not possible that zx > wy. Since z >
y and x > w, the product zx would be less than wy. Consider the following:
If z = -1, y = -2, x = -3, and w = -4, then zx > wy is NOT true, since (-1)(-2) is NOT
greater than (-4)(-3).
Since y is positive in every case where zx > wy is true, y must be positive. If y is
positive, then

cannot be true. If

cannot be true, then

cannot be true and we can answer "definitely no" to the

Statement (2) is sufficient.

The correct answer is B: Statement (2) alone is sufficient but statement (1) alone
is not.
The first step we need to take is to simplify the left side of the inequality:

We can now rephrase the question as "Is


Statement (1) tells us that the absolute value of a is greater than the absolute
value of b. Immediately we need to consider whether different sets of values for
a and b would yield different answers.
Since the question deals with absolute value and inequalities, it is wise to select
values to cover multiple bases. That is, choose sets of values to take into account
different combinations of positive and negative, fraction and integer, for example.
Let's first assume that a and b are positive integers. Let a equal 4 and b equal 2,
since the absolute value of a must be greater than that of b. If we plug these
values into the inequality, we get 3/8 on the left and 6 on the right, yielding an
answer of "no" to the question.
Now let's assume that a and b are negative integers. Let a equal -4 and b equal
-2, since the absolute value of a must be greater than that of b. If we plug these
values into the inequality, we get 3/8 on the left and -6 on the right, yielding an
answer of "yes" to the question.
Since statement (1) yields both "yes" and "no" depending on the values chosen
for a and b, it is insufficient.
Statement (2) tells us that a is less than b. Again, we should consider whether
different sets of values for a and b would yield different answers.
Let's assume that a and b are negative integers. Let a equal -4 and b equal -2,
since a must be less than b. If we plug these values into the inequality, we get
3/8 on the left and -6 on the right, yielding an answer of "yes" to the question.
Now let's assume that a is a negative fraction and that b is a positive fraction. Let
a equal -1/2 and b equal 1/5. If we plug these values into the inequality, we get
30/7 on the left and on the right we get -3/10, yielding an answer of "no" to the
Do not forget that if a question does not specify that an unknown is an integer you
CANNOT assume that it is. In fact, you must ask yourself whether the distinction
between integer and fraction makes any difference in the question.
Since statement (2) yields both "yes" and "no" depending on the values chosen

for a and b, it is insufficient.

Now we must consider the information from the statements taken together. From
both statements, we know that the absolute value of a is greater than that of b
and that a is less than b. If a equals -4 and b equals -2, both statements are
satisfied and we can answer "yes" to the question. However, if a equals -1/2 and
b equals 1/5, both statements are also satisfied but we can answer "no" to the
Even pooling the information from both statements, the question can be answered
either "yes" or "no" depending on the values chosen for a and b. The statements
in combination are therefore insufficient.
The correct answer is E: Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient.
For |a| + |b| > |a + b| to be true, a and b must have opposite signs. If a and b
have the same signs (i.e. both positive or both negative), the expressions on
either side of the inequality will be the same. The question is really asking if a and
b have opposite signs.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This tells us that|a| > |b|. This implies nothing about the signs of
a and b.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Since the absolute value of a is always positive, this tells us that
b < 0. Since we don't know the sign of a, we can't answer the question.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: We know the sign of b from statement 2 but statement
1 does not tell us the sign of a. For example, if b = -4, a could be 5 or -5.
The correct answer is E
In order to answer the question, Is
a prime number?, we must first solve for
The key to solving this week's problem is understanding that certain types of
equations have more than one solution.
One such equation type, is an equation that involves absolute value, like the
equation in the first statement. Let's solve for x in statement one.
The first solution to an absolute value equation assumes that the expression
inside the brackets yields a positive result (and therefore the absolute value
brackets do not actually change the sign of this expression).
Notice that in the "positive" version of the absolute
value equation, we simply remove the absolute value
brackets with no change to the expression inside.

The second solution to an absolute value equation assumes that the expression
inside the brackets yields a negative result (and therefore the absolute value
brackets DO change the sign of this expression from negative to positive).
Notice that in the "negative" version of the absolute
value equation, when we remove the absolute value
brackets, we must reverse the sign of all the terms

Thus, according to statement 1, x may be 1 or 9. From this, we know that

must be 1 or 3. Since 1 is not a prime number, but 3 is a prime number, it is
NOT possible to answer the original question using statement one, alone.

Now let's analyze statement two (

) alone. Although it may be tempting
to simply divide both sides of this equation by x, and find that x = 9, this
neglects an important second solution.
We must first realize that statement two is a quadratic equation. Generally,
quadratic equations have two solutions. To see this, let's rewrite this equation in
quadratic form and then factor as follows:
Factoring produces two solutions:
or 9.

. Thus, x can be 0

Thus, according to statement two, x may be 0 or 9. From this, we know that

must be 0 or 3. Since 0 is not a prime number, but 3 is a prime number, it is
NOT possible to answer the original question using statement two, alone.
Now let's analyze both statements together. From statement one, we know that
x must be 1 or 9. From statement two, we know that x must be 0 or 9. Thus,
since both statements must be true, we can deduce that x must be 9.

= 3, which is a prime number. Using both statements, we can

answer the question in the affirmative: Yes,

is a prime number.
Since BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE
is sufficient, the correct answer is C.
The question asks for the average of x and |y|. Taking the absolute value of a
number has no effect if that number is positive; on the other hand, taking the
absolute value of a negative number changes the sign to positive. The most
straightforward way to approach this question is to test positive and negative
values for y.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We know that the sum of x and y is 20. Here are two possible
scenarios, yielding different answers to the question:

y Sum

Average of x and |

10 10 20


25 5



(2) INSUFFICIENT: We know that |x + y| = 20. The same scenarios listed for
statement (1) still apply here. There is more than one possible value for the
average of x and |y|,
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: We still have the same scenarios listed above. Since
there is more than one possible value for the average of x and |y|, both
statements taken together are NOT sufficient.
The correct answer is E.
First, let's simplify the question:

(1) SUFFICIENT: If we plug x = 2y into our simplified question we get the following:
Is 2y2/3y > 2y2? Since 2y2 must be positive we can divide both sides of the
inequality by 2y2 which leaves us with the following: Is 1/3y > 1? If we investigate
this carefully, we find that if y is an nonzero integer, 1/3y is never greater than 1.
Try y = 2 and y = -2, In both cases 1/3y is less than 1.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: Lets plug in values to investigate this statement. According to
this statement, the x and y values we choose must have a positive sum. Lets
choose a set of values that will yield a positive xy and a set of values that will
yield a negative xy.
xy/(x + y) < xy
xy/(x + y) > xy
This not does yield a definitive yes or no answer so statement (2) is not sufficient.
The correct answer is A.
The question can first be rewritten as Is p(pq) > q(pq)?
If pq is positive, we can divide both sides of the inequality by pq and the question
then becomes: Is p > q?
If pq is negative, we can divide both sides of the inequality by pq and change the
direction of the inequality sign and the question becomes: Is p < q?
Since Statement 2 is less complex than Statement 1, begin with Statement 2 and
a BD/ACE grid.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: Knowing that pq < 0 means that the question becomes Is p <
q? We know that p and q have opposite signs, but we dont know which one is
positive and which one is negative so we cant answer the question Is p < q?
(2) INSUFFICIENT: We know nothing about q or its sign.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: From statement (1), we know we are dealing with the
question Is p < q?, and that p and q have opposite signs. Statement (2) tells us
that p is negative, which means that q is positive. Therefore p is in fact less than
The correct answer is C.
We can rephrase the question: "Is m n > 0?"
(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we solve this inequality for m n, we get m n < 2. This
does not answer the question "Is m n > 0?".
(2) SUFFICIENT: If we solve this inequality for m n, we get m n < -2. This
answers the question "Is m n > 0?" with an absolute NO.
The correct answer is B.

Since Statement 2 is less complex than Statement 1, begin with Statement 2 and
a BD/ACE grid.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: We can substitute 2p for q in the inequality in the question:
3p > 22p. This can be simplified to 3p > (22)p or 3p > 4p.
If p > 0, 3p < 4p (for example 32 < 42 and 30.5 < 40.5)
If p < 0, 3p > 4p (for example 3-1 > 4-1)
Since we don't know whether p is positive or negative, we cannot tell whether
3p is greater than 4p.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This tells us nothing about p.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If q > 0, then p is also greater than zero since p = 2q. If p
> 0, then 3p < 4p. The answer to the question is a definite NO.
The correct answer is C.
To begin, list all of the scenarios in which mp would be greater than m. There are
only 2 scenarios in which this would occur.
Scenario 1: m is positive and p is greater than 1 (since a fractional or negative p
will shrink m).
Scenario 2: m is negative and p is less than 1 -- in other words, p can be a positive
fraction, 0 or any negative number. A negative value for p will make the product
positive, 0 will make it 0 and a positive fraction will make a negative m greater).
NOTE: These scenarios could have been derived algebraically by solving the
inequality mp > m:
mp m > 0
m(p 1) > 0
Which means either m > 0 and p > 1 OR m < 0 and p < 1.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This eliminates the second scenario, but doesn't guarantee the
first scenario. If m = 100 and p = .5, then mp = 50, which is NOT greater than m.
On the other hand, if m = 100 and p = 2, then mp = 200, which IS greater than
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This eliminates the first scenario since p is less than 1, but
it doesn't guarantee the second scenario. m has to be negative for this to always
be true. If m = 100 and p = 2, then mp = 200, which IS greater than m. But if m
= 100 and p = .5, then mp = 50, which is NOT greater than m.
(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: Looking at statements (1) and (2) together, we know that
m is positive and that p is less than 1. This contradicts the first and second
scenarios, thereby ensuring that mp will NEVER be greater than m. Thus, both
statements together are sufficient to answer the question. Note that the answer
to the question is "No" -- which is a definite, and therefore sufficient, answer to a
"Yes/No" question in Data Sufficiency.
The correct answer is C.
In order to answer the question, we must compare w and y.
(1) INSUFFICIENT: This provides no information about y.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: This provides no information about w.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: Looking at both statements together, it is possible that
w could be less than y. For example w could be 1.305 and y could be 100. It is
also possible that w could be greater than y. For example, w could be 1.310 and y
could be 1.305. Thus, it is not possible to determine definitively whether w is less
than y.
The correct answer is E.

Let us start be examining the conditions necessary for |a|b > 0. Since |a| cannot
be negative, both |a| and b must be positive. However, since |a| is positive
whether a is negative or positive, the only condition for a is that it must be nonzero.
Hence, the question can be restated in terms of the necessary conditions for it to
be answered "yes":
Do both of the following conditions exist: a is non-zero AND b is
(1) INSUFFICIENT: In order for a = 0, |ab| would have to equal 0 since 0 raised to
any power is always 0. Therefore (1) implies that a is non-zero. However, given
that a is non-zero, b can be anything for |ab| > 0 so we cannot determine the sign
of b.
(2) INSUFFICIENT: If a = 0, |a| = 0, and |a|b = 0 for any b. Hence, a must be nonzero and the first condition (a is not equal to 0) of the restated question is met.
We now need to test whether the second condition is met. (Note: If a had been
zero, we would have been able to conclude right away that (2) is sufficient
because we would answer "no" to the question is |a|b > 0?) Given that a is nonzero, |a| must be positive integer. At first glance, it seems that b must be positive
because a positive integer raised to a negative integer is typically fractional (e.g.,
a-2 = 1/a2). Hence, it appears that b cannot be negative. However, there is a
special case where this is not so:
If |a| = 1, then b could be anything (positive, negative, or zero) since |1|b is always
equal to 1, which is a non-zero integer . In addition, there is also the possibility
that b = 0. If |b| = 0, then |a|0 is always 1, which is a non-zero integer.
Hence, based on (2) alone, we cannot determine whether b is positive and we
cannot answer the question.
An alternative way to analyze this (or to confirm the above) is to create a chart
using simple numbers as follows:
a b
Is |a|b a non-zero integer?
Is |a|b > 0?
1 2
1 -2
2 1
2 0
We can quickly confirm that (2) alone does not provide enough information to
answer the question.
(1) AND (2) INSUFFICIENT: The analysis for (2) shows that (2) is insufficient
because, while we can conclude that a is non-zero, we cannot determine whether
b is positive. (1) also implies that a is non-zero, but does not provide any
information about b other than that it could be anything. Consequently, (1) does
not add any information to (2) regarding b to help answer the question and (1)
and (2) together are still insufficient. (Note: As a quick check, the above chart can
also be used to analyze (1) and (2) together since all of the values in column 1 are
also consistent with (1)).
450<x<550, 350<y<450

Combined 450<X<500 and 350<y<400, we know that 800<x+y<900,but we still

dont know which multiple of 100 is closest to x+y.
The answer is E.
From 1, 30=1*2*3*5, the three digits could be 1/6/5 or 2/3/5. So, the number
could be 651, which is greater than 550. Insufficient.
From 2, sum is 10, three digits only could be 2, 3, and 5.
Combined 1 and 2, we can know that the number must less than 550.
Answer is C
X^4+Y^4=100 ==> x^4<100 => x^2<10 => 3<X<6
Answer is B
Apparently, answer is D
1)+2), we can know that z>0, then, m>3z>0
Together, m+z>0
Answer is C
Please notice that it says "could be true", not "must be true"
I. X=1,Y=1/2,Z=1/3, can fulfill X > Y > Z and X > Y^2 > Z^4
II. Z=1/2,Y=1/3,X=1/4, can fulfill Z > Y > X and X > Y^2 > Z^4
III.X=1,Z=1/2,Y=1/3, can fulfill X > Z > Y and X > Y^2 > Z^4
Answer is E
Since if 1) x <8/9 2) Y <1/8
x+y could be >1, =1 or <1.
E is right.
For 1, x<0, x+|x|=0
For 2, y<1, noticed that y is an integer, y only can be 0
Answer is D
x-y+1-(x+y-1)=2-2y, we just need to know the situation of y.
From statement 2, we know that y<0, so, 2-2y>0
Answer is B
1. w>-2, insufficient.
2. w>1 or w<-1, insufficient.
1+2, W>1 or -2<w<-1, still insufficient.
Answer is E
From 1, n+1>0, n>-1. n is an integer, so, n>=0
From 2, np>0.
Combined 1 and 2, p>0
Answer is C

1). 3.5<x+y<4.5
2). 0.5<x-y<1.5
Combined 1 and 2, 4<2x<6=>2<x<3. We know that x is not an integer, then, we
cannot determine the specify value of x.
Answer is E

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